Tag Archives: House

Michael on America

I know not when this video was made, but from some of the dates he uses, I suspect it may a be a year or two old, HOWEVER, it applies even more so today then it did when he made it. What is amazing is that he even made it! I am sure he is not held in high esteem by his fellow Hollywood elites. Anyway, sit back, watch, listen, and learn. Oh, and also enjoy one of my favorite actors.

Anybody figured out what he “thinks” the answer might be? I don’t know but by the way he ends it, he may be thinking third party. Personally, I am of the same belief. I know it would be a tough row to hoe, but it could be done. I believe it with all my heart and soul with God’s help. Have faith brothers and sisters! Have faith

Originally posted 2021-02-26 10:24:27.

It’s Time Has Come!

Yes, it is time we as Americans take back our country from the rich, greedy, power hungry, self centered, narcissistic horde who have lost touch with us, the real Americans. They believe they know better than the average American what is best for our once beloved and proud country. This issue should be the number one topic for the next election. This should have been a question at the Democrap Clown Hours (aka debates). It must be a referendum to be voted on by us and not left for “them” to decide!!

Please like if you agree and leave me some comments as I’d like to know your thoughts on the issue. This video is a classic, and the best I have ever heard on the issue. Speak up and be part of the movement or shut up and remain a lamb.


Originally posted 2020-03-01 08:24:28.

Our New Speaker Speaks

You may not have had the time to listen to his remarks before the entire House today,  I did. I was impressed to hear where he is going to lead that broken legislature. I liked his priorities. I am posting it in full on here so you won’t have to listen to the MSM tonight give you only the sound bites that THEY decide you should hear. Listen to it all, and make your own decision instead of hearing what Lester Holts and company want you to hear.

Is There Hope?

I seriously  doubt it, The silent majority remains, as always, silent. Perhaps it will wake up some day, but will it be too late?  While it is encouraging to hear a young person speak the truth, but the fact she received no acknowledgement from classmates says it all. Refreshing, honest, well said, sad but oh so true. Enjoy

At Harvard there are 12 ‘Houses’, and this senior, Julie Hartman, Harvard Class of 2022, was chosen by the Headmaster of her House to give a commencement speech — each House Headmaster chooses someone to give a speech. Julie delivered this address on May 3, 2022, at the Harvard Chapel.

When she finished, she received no applause or recognition of appreciation.

The silence was deafening!  But her words were refreshing and prescient…and gave me hope that the values this country stands for have not entirely vanished.  You may click on the link below to hear this address in its entirety.


Today’s Potpourri by Choice

Wow, there is so much “stuff” going on in our world today, most of which is taking us away from the important items that we Americans  really care about, or perhaps I should reword that and say that I as an American really worry about. e.g., immigration, inflation, election credibility, demise of our 911 Force, lies and treachery by all our elected officials, especially in the intelligence community, and so much more.

I make no apologies for my not worrying at all about Ukraine vs Russia. Let them slug it out and may the best and strongest win. I am concerned more about China than Russia, but that’s just me.

Much of the BS going on I cannot do a damn thing about, so at my age and station in life, I simply ignore it, albeit I will say some of it does bother me. For example:


Or what about the criminals of criminals, Bill and Hillary, having to pay fines that amount to squat considering how much they squandered, But then they are the Clinton’s

FEC fines DNC and Clinton for Trump dossier hoax

What about Trump? Is he back on the attack? Wayne Root thinks so.

WAYNE ROOT: I Just Returned from Mar-a-Lago…and I Have Bad News for Democrats, America Haters and the Media: “TRUMP IS BACK!”

Oh, let’s not forget about our one-time mighty military force. What happened to it?

Read the Article ›

Finally, you hear the MSM pundits talk about our national debt and pontificate how it may be paid off someday. Have you any idea exactly what that big number equates to per American taxpayer? How about $242,500.00. Got that much hanging around in you bank accounts to help pay that off? Do any of you believe our current national debt  will ever be paid off? If you do, you my friend, are smoking some strong stuff. As an Economist, I side with  the group that laughs at that question and says no only no, buy “Hell no, it’s impossible; it will never be paid off even in your great, great grandchild’s lifetime.” Check out this website, browse around, it is filled with interesting data; go to it often and watch how it changes.


Other than that. all is going  swimmingly well in the deep bowels of Washington, D.C.

PS. Today laws are made not for justice, but for justification.

Have a great day! Sgt B