It’s Time Has Come!

Yes, it is time we as Americans take back our country from the rich, greedy, power hungry, self centered, narcissistic horde who have lost touch with us, the real Americans. They believe they know better than the average American what is best for our once beloved and proud country. This issue should be the number one topic for the next election. This should have been a question at the Democrap Clown Hours (aka debates). It must be a referendum to be voted on by us and not left for “them” to decide!!

Please like if you agree and leave me some comments as I’d like to know your thoughts on the issue. This video is a classic, and the best I have ever heard on the issue. Speak up and be part of the movement or shut up and remain a lamb.


Originally posted 2020-03-01 08:24:28.

6 thoughts on “It’s Time Has Come!”

  1. I agree, Jim. But what I think most people forget is this: we already have term limits. It’s called voting out the rascals and hiring someone else. So, while most Americans talk the talk, hardly any of them walk the walk. They want term limits for everyone else except their own representative, who they vote for election after election … and these career politicians are the scum of the earth. I can provide you a list, but it would be long and use up too much bandwidth. You know who these bastards are as well as I do. Here’s where we are: either the American voter starts doing their job and limit the amount of time their congress-critter spends in office, or we’ll just be stuck in never-never land where members of congress never stop shoving it up our asses. Why? Because a couple of states have already attempted to impose term limitations and the SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional. That’s right. Unconstitutional. It’s the business of the people to turn the rogues out, not the state legislature. I’m not holding my breath, though. Who in their right mind votes for Talib, or Omar, or Waters, or Schiff, or the Senator from Connecticut who said he was a Marine in Vietnam when as close to Vietnam he ever got was the Saigon Restaurant down on 3rd Avenue …???

    Semper Fi

    1. Mustang, while I agree, our society has changed so much, we as the sane people (is that boasting) will never make this happen, we have become a “me” society and as long as that scum sucker gives me what I want (not need) I will keep voting for that bastard even though I’m too stupid to know that he/she is really lining his own pockets and actually not doing nothing but dribbles for me.

  2. Name recognition will always win–it’s like that old black comedy where a black guy named Johnson asked the widow of the deceased Senator Johnson for the left over campaigning posters etc. and since he’d cheated on her she gladly obliged and the anonymous young Johnson was voted in on name alone. Now if fresh blood took stage names to run we may get a John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Sly Stalone elected in place of some of the crap that’s in there!

  3. For all too long our Congress has lost it’s trust of WE THE PEOPLE. To be given the opportunity to serve our Country should never be taken lightly, just as most Veterans have done since the very beginning, putting their lives, honor and fortunes on the line. Now, very few Americans ever are given the chance to be elected unless they have attained great status of wealth and fame. Not being just common folk who really want to make a difference but for love of country, not fame or fortune to do what is right making the appropriate decisions for a just society. For example, immigration, border security, right to life, issues affecting every American citizen. The answer is clear….those who want to become American citizens need to earn this right, it’s not free…terminating a life in the last trimester is never a right, period. Term limits gives WE THE PEOPLE the opportunity to put our Country together again with people who are tired of seeing this Country destroyed within.

  4. Exactly what I’ve been saying for 5 years. The swamp is draining and there’s a drought coming. Semper Fi

  5. Term limits should be imposed. Just like presidential term limits the same should apply to all elected offices for the same premise.

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