Tag Archives: bills

Michael on America

I know not when this video was made, but from some of the dates he uses, I suspect it may a be a year or two old, HOWEVER, it applies even more so today then it did when he made it. What is amazing is that he even made it! I am sure he is not held in high esteem by his fellow Hollywood elites. Anyway, sit back, watch, listen, and learn. Oh, and also enjoy one of my favorite actors.

Anybody figured out what he “thinks” the answer might be? I don’t know but by the way he ends it, he may be thinking third party. Personally, I am of the same belief. I know it would be a tough row to hoe, but it could be done. I believe it with all my heart and soul with God’s help. Have faith brothers and sisters! Have faith

Originally posted 2021-02-26 10:24:27.

Absolutely Criminal

Still on the road traveling. Currently in NC visiting grandson and great grandson, but got this from a fellow Marine and just had to get it out. If you had any idea that our Govt was being run by honest, trustworthy, dedicated supporters of freedom, you live under a rock and are a blind fool. 

The video reveals the truth about how things are done under the Biden regime. I wish the congresswoman would not have taken so long to say what she had to say, but it is worth watching some of it, then shut her off, she rambles on far too long. But the message needed to get out.