Tag Archives: Greg Maresca

Jumping the Stimulus Turnstile

Another very informative article from my good friend and strong contributor to the blog, Greg Maresca. To add to his great discussion, let me remind everyone that consumer spending makes up 70% of our country’s GDP. There many other ways to stimulate the economy and increase consumer spending at the same time i.e., tax cuts, which do not increase the deficit, but always bring in more revenue. Remember Reagan and his “Trickle Down Economics”?




By: G. Maresca

The COVID stimulus train has added another $1.9 trillion to its ever-growing caboose. Uncle Sam is running the nation’s treasury like a Parker Brothers’ board game. Through continuous stimulus spending, Congress, who controls the nation’s purse strings, has dismissed the burgeoning federal deficit outright.

The numbers throughout this COVID cash craze are astonishing: In just 16 months, the Federal Reserve has pumped over $9 trillion into the economy. According to Forbes, last June the U.S. accumulated more debt than in the 200-plus years from America’s founding in 1776 through 1979.

The stimulus bills have provided temporary relief but are toxic over the long-term. Nearly half of the unemployed will be paid more to stay home, while keeping unemployment artificially higher which will result in calls for more stimulus.

Economic incentives matter but handouts?

History will look back on this COVID era with disbelief that so many were bamboozled into believing that freebees were a good idea or even sustainable.

There is no real stimulus. Such semantics masks (pun intended) what is happening to the economy that resembles a Bowery wino. Government giveaways and money-printing have their inevitable effects. Stimulus checks will not grow the economy, but it will stimulate the federal debt and cause inflation.

Chetan Ahya, chief economist at Morgan Stanley, “The driving forces of inflation are already aligned, and a regime shift is underway.” Perhaps forgotten is that inflation is the most universal tax of all.

Bestowing money on those who work is scandalous because it steals from their children and grandchildren. Such fiscal policy only grows government and restricts liberty, while handcuffing small businesses – the economy’s driving force. Future generations will face burdensome taxation and cut services thanks to this intergenerational redistribution of wealth.

Stimulus spending has resulted in a higher national debt percentage of GDP than at the end of WWII and both political parties are to blame. They seem to believe that zero interest rates will last forever.

Politicians have not missed a paycheck, nor have they read the 5,600 pages of latest bill that is the handiwork of an army of aides acting on behalf of lobbyists and interest groups.

Some highlights have $750 million for border walls in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Oman and Tunisia. Apparently, the only country that Congress feels should have open orders is our own. Other pork chops include $1.3 billion for the Egyptian military, $130 million for Nepal; $135 million for Burma, $34 million and $85 million for Cambodia, and $231 million to pay down the national debt of Sudan, where apparently Sudan’s debt matters more than our own.

Ten million has been allocated for gender programs in Pakistan. Rather than cash, we should send the Pakistanis the annual army of leftist gender studies graduates. Don’t forget $600 to non-American citizens and the $40 million to the closed Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. In an insult to fiscally responsible states, $350 billion is allotted to bail out states like New York and Illinois, who run yearly deficits.

For all their self-aggrandizing rhetoric about helping those in need with additional stimulus spending, the reality is that both parties are helping themselves to excess at the expense of future Americans.

Considering what has taken place over the course of less than a year, it begs the question: Will there ever be a time when politicians won’t be “stimulating” the economy? Tax, spend, regulate, then “stimulate,” which is just another synonym for more spending.

You cannot spend yourself into prosperity.

If history tells us anything the forgotten 1920-21 economic crisis taught that sometimes the best stimulus is none at all.

Rather than expanding government, a true fiscal “stimulus” initiative would promote and support the private sector. One of the best ways of doing that would be to reduce the regulatory and tax burden on U.S. corporations and small businesses.

Paying customers are the best stimulus for any enterprise, while allowing them to keep more of the money they earn would also underscore that it is their money, not Uncle Sam’s.

Instead of forcing businesses and schools to close, while restricting our civil liberties and bribing the masses through federal handouts, open up the economy, tax less and invest our taxes into America.

Watch inflation, it’s like Murphy, always waiting for a misstep, which Trader Joe will certainly provide..



Originally posted 2021-01-30 10:50:45.

Christmas in July

A couple making $149,999 a year with one child between six and seventeen gets $250/month?  And the rationale is it will reduce child poverty — really? Folks doing simple arithmetic of 39 million households getting the lowest of $250/month come to $9,750,000,000. Count the zeros, that’s 9.75 billion dollars a month, paid for by. . . . . .? And it lasts through till the end of the year.

Question,  is a child of a couple who make just short of $150,000  living in poverty?  Really? Oh well, surely the government would know; I mean their our leaders, right?

By: G. Maresca

Congressional Democrats approved an expanded version of the Child Tax Credit that was part of the American Rescue Plan and did so without bipartisan support.

On July 15th, the IRS began depositing $300 a month for every child under six and $250 for each child up to 17. This latest round of monthly cash infusion from Washington is for parents making under $75,000 per year, and for those parents filing jointly who earn less than $150,000 per year. Nearly, 39 million households, covering 88% of American children will receive the monthly outlays, according to USA Today.

Democrats maintain the payments will reduce child poverty, as if the absence of money were the problem. Democrats have thrown trillions at poverty starting with Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” which is nothing short of Jim Crow 2.0.  and on its fourth generation of undermining the family. Cash helps but rarely addresses the underlying issues that money cannot solve.

This roguish cycle of government dependence is renewed by each subsequent generation of welfare recipients who teach their children, probably from a multitude of fathers, that they are entitled to the fruits of somebody else’s labor. Every welfare program must be tied to positive behaviors with a time limit on benefits. It should not be a lifetime annuity.

Replacing the father with government has done tremendous harm to women and children. Nearly 90% of incarcerated males grew up in fatherless homes. Contrary to the Left’s ridicule of American patriarchy, the problem is not that we have too much of it but not enough.

This so-called stimulus spending is an investment in buying future votes all in the name of compassion. Taking from those who work in order to provide for those who don’t to buy their votes is ideological theft. Democrats have made vote buying an art, while making voting more haphazard by not requiring ID – all to their benefit.

Such shenanigans are an integral part of keeping Democrats permanently in power. Provided Democrats can maintain their slight edge in the House of Representatives and retain Vice President Harris’s tiebreaker vote in the Senate in 2022, these apparatchiks will not only remain in power but solidify it.

If you believe monthly free cash will end poverty, your perception of human nature is wanting. A prime symptom of leftist derangement syndrome is believing poverty is solely based upon the lack of cash. Poverty is rooted in a plethora of issues that largesse ignores but certainly reinforces. Democrats have always been more fixated on symptoms than causes.

This cash infusion will not move the poverty level one percent because tax credits are not factored into the poverty rate. The same holds true for food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8, and earned income tax credits that total into the hundreds of billions annually – none of it counts.

The Leftist tradition of not holding anyone accountable for their contribution to their circumstance’s reigns. When bad behavior involves guns, the gun is at fault, not the humans who use them. When those who created their circumstances fail, it is society’s fault. This results in a one size fits all bureaucratic government program that only contributes to the nation’s decline.

Ian Smith, the New Jersey gym owner who refused to close his gym during the pandemic, summed it up this way: “Everything the government is doing right now is designed to make you fat, weak, stupid, depressed, lazy, and reliant on crumbs they wipe off their plates. Health replaced by pharmaceuticals. Education replaced by programming. Hard work replaced by handouts. These people hate you.”

Once acquainted with systematic direct deposits from everyone’s favorite Washington Uncle, less and less people will oppose them. One of the malevolent attributes of socialism is how it takes advantage of people by claiming to help them.

Democrats have always needed a dependent class to maintain their relevancy and hold on power. These longstanding attributes are now devolving into a dependent country.

The Child Tax Credit deposits are to expire at the end of the year, but Biden is hoping to extend them until 2025, the next presidential election. How is that for political expediency?

Sporting aviator sunglasses, Biden is Santa Claus, and every day is Christmas in America.

What’s not to like?


A Solid Right “Cross”

I am going to ignore all the Biden FUPAH’S over the past few days because I choose to not report any more of that buffoons’ antics. I’m sure your internet is full, as is mine, of all his missteps. He’s simply lost in the world of euphorbia as he “thinks” he is the leader of the free world. Ha! That in itself is a joke; how can a puppet be a leader when it can’t move its own mouth?

Anyway, another good one from Greg takes priority over puppets.

By: G. Maresca

The brief video of Byron Cross speaking against a proposed transgender elementary school policy last month at a Loudoun County, Virginia school board public hearing was a shot over the leftist bow.

The proposed policy: “Staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record.”

Cross, a physical education teacher in the Loudoun school district stated: “It is not my intention to hurt anyone, but there are certain truths we must face when ready,” he continued. “I love all of my students, but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion, it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God.”

Natural law and biology are on Cross’s side. Various white paper studies say 75 to 90% of children struggling with gender dysphoria return to their natural gender by puberty. Moreover, it is the adults who support their dysphoria that are another hurdle for the child to revert back to their true gender.

What the left fails to understand is that resistance to the transgender movement is not about hate or phobia, it is about getting help for those in need. Much of this undertaking is indoctrination rather than dysphoria. America is a center-right nation, not the leftist daydreams of AOC and the squad.

Common sense, where art thou?

For speaking out as a private citizen the school district suspended Cross. It was their way of demonstrating to other teachers what will happen provided they dare question future board proposals. This is what now happens in the land of the free and the home of the brave when one courageously possesses the honesty and humility to cross the woke cancel culture.

Fear and intimidation are useful tools to silence those who disagree. Make no mistake our very freedoms lie in the balance. Such tyrannical behavior by publicly elected officials should result in their immediate recall. Anyone involved in Cross’s suspension has no place in office as they do not respect or value the 1st Amendment.

Leftist ideology cannot exist in truth because it is a lie. Throughout history, it has led to ample agony, anguish and death. Once upon a time in America, the national media worked to expose the left’s lies.

Today, they are willing participants.

 A Virginia court rightfully reinstated Cross who spoke as a private citizen making his suspension unconstitutional. The Alliance Defending Freedom, who represented Cross, saluted the decision: “Educators are just like everybody else – they have ideas and opinions that they should be free to express.”

Despite the outcome, the obvious threat to those who resist remains clear.

President Biden omitted recalling the incredible bravery exhibited on the anniversary of D-Day this past June 6th, but he didn’t forget transgenders saying: “To transgender Americans across the country — especially the young people who are so brave — I want you to know your President has your back.”

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro juxtaposed the stark difference saying: “Bravery circa 1944: young men charging from the choppy seas of the English Channel onto the corpse-strewn beaches of Normandy, hellfire raining down upon them, to liberate a continent. Bravery circa 2021: young men identifying as women, and vice versa.”

It was encouraging to see a God-fearing man like Cross stand up for truth and common decency, while entrenched in the belly of the beast. Cross refuses to surrender public education to the left. Hope is alive and can be found among fearless Christian conservatives who speak up and take a stand.

One stands up and then the next and it builds.

Pendulums always swing back.

But just how far remains to be seen.

Irish philosopher Edmund Burke said nobody made a greater mistake than doing nothing because they could do only a little. If we all do what we can, we can restore our nation where mutual courtesy, shared decency, and common sense become common once again.

Well, there you have it folks as far as the swamp goes for the day. I’m sure there’s more, but there is always so much I just cannot force myself to fill the pages. Thank goodness, someone had common sense and reinstated him; bet that relationship is going well. I would love to be in his shoes. Ha!

COVID’s Baby Bust

Another informative and interesting article from one of my favorite contributors, Mr. Greg Maresca. He raises some interesting statistics not often talked about. Thank you sir!

By: G. Maresca

As we observe the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization’s proclaimed COVID-19 pandemic, one gratuitous prediction failed to materialize.

The combined effects of quarantines and lockdowns were supposed to result in a pandemic baby boom. The boom fizzled out quicker than wearing your mask while showering. As a result, the Brookings Institution reported the nation will experience an 8% decline or 300,000 fewer births.

The baby bust’s prevailing wave will wash over a generation and will have a greater effect on the future than the pandemic that spawned it.

Makes you wonder what else the “experts” got wrong throughout a pandemic that has yet to break the top 20 with the Swine Flu of 2009-2010 ranked 18th, according to LiveScience.com.

The reasons are as plentiful as disposable masks. School closures and public-gathering restrictions along with parents dealing with the stress of coalescing work and supervising their children, who no longer attend school five days a week, has taken its toll. The  Institute reports 34% of women want to delay pregnancy, while a study from the IZA Institute of Labor Economics is predicting a double-digit drop in births this year.

According to a New York Times editorial, “Add these missing births to the country’s decade-long downward trend in annual births and we can expect consequential changes to our economy and society in the years to come.”

University of Southern California demographer Dowell Myers told CBS, America’s shrinking fertility rate is an economic crisis. For generations, the media and academia claimed overpopulation was wreaking havoc with the planet, taking the same line of reasoning as Ebenezer Scrooge who griped about reducing “the surplus population.”

Provided there are no people, what exactly is the planet being saved for?

Paul Ehrlich’s “The “Population Bomb” in 1970 wrongly predicted that “Sometime in the next 15 years, the end will come … an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity.” What did occur, however, was the Western world declared war on fertility and birth rates dropped below replacement.

Demographics have always been the canary in the coal mine. Low birth rates have historically resulted in a loss of population, less ingenuity and economic stagnation as the economy is fundamentally linked to the birth rate. Studies show that for every 1% increase in the unemployment rate is directly linked to a 1% drop in the birth rate. According to a study by the Federal Reserve in 2016, the decrease in fertility rates throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s was the largest factor for declining economic growth after 1980.

If the birth rate is higher than the replacement rate, a nation survives. If the birth rate is below the replacement rate, a nation is dying. The consequences of abortion, contraception, and disdain for the natural law coupled with an aging society has produced a cultural and demographic quagmire with no end in sight.

When the old outnumber the young, who will pay for Social Security and Medicare since existing workers fund those collecting? Moreover, there will be fewer in the work force to pay taxes and keep our economy growing among an aging population.

Throughout the West, governments have tried to increase birth rates through economic incentives like tax credits, paid childcare, and paid parental leave for not just the mother, but father, too. All have been met with little effect as the overall birthrate continues to decline.

Historically, we have solved many of our economic problems that derive from fewer births through immigration – a political football that politicians continue to fumble. One country can increase its demographics with immigration, but globally it remains a zero-sum game.

One of the most interesting and ironic statistics involving birth rates was the one developed country with twice the birthrate of the U.S.: Israel.

Obligation and sacrifice are both four letter words, and byproducts of our loss of religiosity. Many non-religious westerners care little about tradition and history.

Birth rates that have been precipitously dropping for two generations are now below replacement and not expected to increase. The West, having disregarded much of its Judeo-Christian footing, is not interested in reproducing itself as the command to be “fruitful and multiply” has been dismissed along with God who commands it.

Our country no longer recognizes Judeo-Christian values. God helps us.