Tag Archives: Gender dysphoria

Orwellian America

I somehow knew my Marine brother, Greg, would eventually write something about this insane event overtaking our country.  This is so unbelievable, it defies even trying to explain it using Webster’s words. With that, I’ll let Greg talk about it.



A transgressive disaster                                                   By: G. Maresca

The older I get, my hearing and vision isn’t necessarily the problem; rather, it is believing what I hear and see. To wit: the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act” voted on last week in The House of Representatives.

The bill’s resolve is to amend Title IX’s legislation regarding women’s athletics where “sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” The bill says plenty about the polarization and politicization of transgenderism that is symbolic of today’s devolving culture where an addendum is desperately needed.

Predictably, the vote went strictly along party lines with all Republicans supporting it, while every Democrat voted against it. Given the bill’s necessity in Orwellian America, I couldn’t help but think of one particular episode in the highly acclaimed 2010 HBO series The Pacific that chronicled  the Marine Corps’ numerous island-hopping campaigns during World War II.

The scene upfolds as Marine Eugene Sledge boards an amtrak in the darkened bowels of a navy warship. As the hatch opens to unleash the tracks from their bay, the light is blinding. Within minutes, Sledge and his fellow Marines hit the beaches at Peleliu under extreme fire. Only one percent of those survivors are still with us. I often wonder how they would feel about how their grandchildren are so divided over legislation to protect girls from competing, sharing locker rooms and showers with boys who think they are girls.

What is lost on Democrats is that Title IX was meant to correct sex discrimination, not enforce it.

Are Democrats simply blind loyalists to a deeply flawed political ideology or cowards unable to stand for what they truly believe is right? Or is it that they no longer believe that boys in athletics have innate advantages over girls? Instead, they view the transgendered as victims rather than suffering mentally.

Cue Rod Serling, another decorated World War II veteran, and his notorious Twilight Zone theme. Even Serling’s boundless capacity to write creative futuristic fiction would have an issue with such insanity in 2023 America.

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke truth to power saying, “There’s a reason why there’s men and women’s sports. . . it’s about fairness.” Florida Republican Greg Steube, one of the bill’s sponsors, added that Congress first passed Title IX “to enable women to have an equal playing field in athletics.”

Women have spent decades fighting for equal opportunities and Title IX ensured they had a level playing field. Allowing men to compete against them is its antithesis. Men’s and women’s sports exist due to fairness.  Recall in 2017, a U-15 boys soccer team from Texas beat the world champion USA women’s team 5-2 in a “practice” game.

Seemingly dismissed is how girls are not clamoring to compete against boys. MMA fighter Jack Shields has challenged any gender-confused woman to a bout. Guess how many have accepted?


Such politically driven ideology deprives girls of opportunities as gender is consciously divorced from one’s biological sex. Girls should not be forced to compete against boys in sports. No issue underscores the leftist agenda more than transgenderism that places the desires of the few above the many. Who could possibly be happy with such circumstances and for what reasons? There is nothing woke or progressive in rolling back women’s rights and protections.

The deconstruction of traditional male and female roles has led to confusion that is the impetus for falling birth rates to the decay of the nuclear family.

This legislation puts the rule of law where one cannot change their biological sex at will.  Such insanity begs the question if changing one’s sex is acceptable, what about changing one’s race?

Where are the pink hats of the feminists? They should be justifiably up in arms, but nary a word unless it is anything pro-abortion.  One would hope that all women affected by this ongoing issue would vote accordingly.

However, in today’s Orwellian America that may be too much to ask.

For those who oppose such common sense, the Senate revealed they will not debate it, while President Biden has said provided the bill ever did make it to his desk, he would veto it.

As such, this insanity continues.

Isn’t it amazing the vote went exactly along party lines? I wonder if any those Dems who voted against the bill have any young daughters playing women’s sports, and if there are some, have they told their daughters  how he/she voted? I doubt it. I am really have a tough time with this issue. I simply cannot believe how someone with half a brain could be in favor of this travesty, but then there are lots of things the Dems do and say that defies my understanding.

George Orwell published “1984” in 1949, a year later on January 21, 1950 he succumbed to Tuberculosis. I wonder what his thoughts would be on today’s Orwellian America. I’ve not read “1984”, but I think I might, but hell, why do so, I’m living it..

A Solid Right “Cross”

I am going to ignore all the Biden FUPAH’S over the past few days because I choose to not report any more of that buffoons’ antics. I’m sure your internet is full, as is mine, of all his missteps. He’s simply lost in the world of euphorbia as he “thinks” he is the leader of the free world. Ha! That in itself is a joke; how can a puppet be a leader when it can’t move its own mouth?

Anyway, another good one from Greg takes priority over puppets.

By: G. Maresca

The brief video of Byron Cross speaking against a proposed transgender elementary school policy last month at a Loudoun County, Virginia school board public hearing was a shot over the leftist bow.

The proposed policy: “Staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record.”

Cross, a physical education teacher in the Loudoun school district stated: “It is not my intention to hurt anyone, but there are certain truths we must face when ready,” he continued. “I love all of my students, but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion, it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God.”

Natural law and biology are on Cross’s side. Various white paper studies say 75 to 90% of children struggling with gender dysphoria return to their natural gender by puberty. Moreover, it is the adults who support their dysphoria that are another hurdle for the child to revert back to their true gender.

What the left fails to understand is that resistance to the transgender movement is not about hate or phobia, it is about getting help for those in need. Much of this undertaking is indoctrination rather than dysphoria. America is a center-right nation, not the leftist daydreams of AOC and the squad.

Common sense, where art thou?

For speaking out as a private citizen the school district suspended Cross. It was their way of demonstrating to other teachers what will happen provided they dare question future board proposals. This is what now happens in the land of the free and the home of the brave when one courageously possesses the honesty and humility to cross the woke cancel culture.

Fear and intimidation are useful tools to silence those who disagree. Make no mistake our very freedoms lie in the balance. Such tyrannical behavior by publicly elected officials should result in their immediate recall. Anyone involved in Cross’s suspension has no place in office as they do not respect or value the 1st Amendment.

Leftist ideology cannot exist in truth because it is a lie. Throughout history, it has led to ample agony, anguish and death. Once upon a time in America, the national media worked to expose the left’s lies.

Today, they are willing participants.

 A Virginia court rightfully reinstated Cross who spoke as a private citizen making his suspension unconstitutional. The Alliance Defending Freedom, who represented Cross, saluted the decision: “Educators are just like everybody else – they have ideas and opinions that they should be free to express.”

Despite the outcome, the obvious threat to those who resist remains clear.

President Biden omitted recalling the incredible bravery exhibited on the anniversary of D-Day this past June 6th, but he didn’t forget transgenders saying: “To transgender Americans across the country — especially the young people who are so brave — I want you to know your President has your back.”

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro juxtaposed the stark difference saying: “Bravery circa 1944: young men charging from the choppy seas of the English Channel onto the corpse-strewn beaches of Normandy, hellfire raining down upon them, to liberate a continent. Bravery circa 2021: young men identifying as women, and vice versa.”

It was encouraging to see a God-fearing man like Cross stand up for truth and common decency, while entrenched in the belly of the beast. Cross refuses to surrender public education to the left. Hope is alive and can be found among fearless Christian conservatives who speak up and take a stand.

One stands up and then the next and it builds.

Pendulums always swing back.

But just how far remains to be seen.

Irish philosopher Edmund Burke said nobody made a greater mistake than doing nothing because they could do only a little. If we all do what we can, we can restore our nation where mutual courtesy, shared decency, and common sense become common once again.

Well, there you have it folks as far as the swamp goes for the day. I’m sure there’s more, but there is always so much I just cannot force myself to fill the pages. Thank goodness, someone had common sense and reinstated him; bet that relationship is going well. I would love to be in his shoes. Ha!