Tag Archives: dems

The Census Myopia

Wow, cannot believe the number of hits on the blog yesterday, well over 500 and the majority were on the LtCol  Scheller post. I want to thank everyone who made comments.. I really enjoy getting comments on posts and yours yesterday were on the mark! As I I am sure you have heard by now he was relieved of his duties as the CO of the Advance Infantry Training Bn, School of Infantry (East), Camp Lejeune, NC at 1430 that very day. The reason given was lack of confidence, which has become the standard cause since the Obama admisntration. 

As a LtCol, he is guaranteed 25 or26 years (can’t remember which) service under DOPMA , unless he is court martialed and kicked out. Of course, there are a variety of other lesser punishments the heavies could dish out. From the comments he made after being relieved, it appears he may just resign his commission and get out on his own. Of course that would be without retirement. Personally, I would stay in the remaining three years doing whatever shit job they decided to give me, then retire. But that’s his decision. I do hope we are able to follow the case and find out what happens.

On to something new this morning, another great article from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Greg is a historian and does so much research on his comments. This one is loaded with thought provoking knowledge, most of which were new to me. Enjoy and once again, pray for our nation.

By: G. Maresca

The nation’s Founders recognized that a government of the people, by the people and for the people needed a consistent census. That is why every ten years a census is required by the Constitution.

The custodian of the national census are its numbers, but its progeny has always been – politics.

The census boils down to Congressional representation, which in turn, makes the political stakes and the scramble for federal monies paramount.

The nation’s overall population increased only 7% from 2010 – the second slowest ever – aided by a plunging national birth rate. The Hispanic population grew by 12 million to 62 million. Black America grew at two million to 46.9 million. The Asian population was up slightly, while Native American and Alaska Natives stayed about the same.

Most are moving South and West with the majority fleeing the Northeast with the mid-Atlantic states having lost 30.5% of their seats in the House of Representatives since 1950, while Florida has more than tripled.

Such a population shift means seven states lost one seat in the House. Pennsylvania, New York, California, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia will all forgo one seat. Rural America got older while half of the nation’s counties lost population. States that warrant more seats include Texas with two and Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Oregon, and Montana with one additional seat.

Republican state legislatures have been tasked with redrawing 187 Congressional districts to 75 for Democrats. With the 2022 midterm elections a little more than a year away, conditions would be primed for Republicans to win the House as they need just five seats.  However, the ten largest cities grew and remain the epicenter of the progressive left making the 2022 midterm no Republican guaranteed win.

What stood out most about the 2020 Census was that for the first time in its longstanding history, the number of white Americans dropped by nine percent and now comprise less than 60% of the nation. The mainstream media played it up hailing it as a “historic demographic milestone.”

California was one state where whites are now in the minority with 34.7%, while Hispanics were the majority with 39.4% of the population. Hawaii and New Mexico are the other two states where whites are in the minority.

Consequently, the nation is becoming more diverse as people claiming a multi-racial identity grew by over 226% with 33.8 million or 10% of the population. Whereas, in 2010, only nine million claimed to be multi-racial.

Apparently, many who identified as white in the past are now claiming otherwise.

Since 2000, the census permits multiple options regarding race or ethnicity. The ways we define minority status are as diverse as the people defining themselves.

Personal preferences don’t seem to matter as much as perception.

Racial identity politics took center stage following the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin. Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was identified as white, provoking allegations that he racially profiled Martin, who was black. When it was revealed that Zimmerman’s mother is Latino and his father white, he was reclassified as Hispanic and then, white Hispanic.

More Americans are pulling a Sen. Elizabeth Warren who claims she’s 1/32nd Cherokee and thus Native American.

People use their mixed-race background to gain advantage. Many who were half black but passed for white avoided discrimination. Today, some flip the script to claim minority status in order to obtain select college admissions, scholarships, and employment promotions.

The diversifying of America exposes the mythical and fraudulent racist narrative of critical race theorists.

Since America’s white population shrank, so should the number of scapegoats and excuses. It won’t because whites are just too convenient of a piñata for the culture’s ills. Contemporary society thrives on victimhood, so culprits like white, straight, conservative, Christians will remain in demand to populate the lion’s den of leftist angst.

Once upon a time in American immigration policy, both my grandfathers were considered non-white because they were Italian. The same held true for the Irish and the Jews. Perhaps somewhere in the future one’s racial makeup will be an afterthought as Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will become a reality.

Genetics says skin color is all about melanin levels.

When will society finally agree?

Postscript: Back when the census was being conducted, I had two neighbors who were working for the bureau conducting the door to door interviews. Talking to one, I asked who all he was counting, he said, “Everyone.” To which I queried, “You mean everyone in the household regardless of citizenship.?” He said yes. When I asked why, he replied that it means more money for our county. Later I asked the other neighbor and he said that was illegal and he should not be counting everyone in the household, especially of they are illegal immigrants. So, the takeaway is, how much faith can we place on the results of the national census. 

In the interest of full disclosure, the first neighbor was a die hard liberal (he’s since moved), and the second is as far right as me, and brutally honest.

What Lessons?

Good Day Friends, Brothers and Sisters.

I have been out of comms for nearly a month. Left on 27 July for a trip up the East Coast in the RV to visit friends, brothers, and family and returned this past Monday.  But then you don’t need to hear all about that. What I did do of import was remove myself from eveything newsworthy.  China could have nuked LA and I would have been oblivious. I sent out an email asking to hold all emails; sadly, some of you did not do that. I answered no emails, simply deleted them without reading them. I did not want to know what was going on in this once great nation, nor what that incompetent jerk living in our white house was up to. No emails, no internet, and no TV. What joy that was. Oh I did hear rumblings about things like Afghanistan, but could have cared less. I mean, let’s face it, I knew anything that administration would attempt would be a disaster since no one there has a lick of sense and any one in the military wearing a star and many wearing eagles are incompetent as well. 

So now I am back, but remain aloof of the goings on in the sandbox. At my age and station in life, I really could care less. It has become somewhat fun watching what “they” do.  American’s, in general are stupid, absolutely stupid! I read this a.m. where “his” approval rating is down to 44%. Which tells me 44% of our population are absolute imbeciles.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know Nancy and I have returned and I will try and keep the blog going, but mind you it might be about things other than that idiot in the WH.  I did run across this one and thought I’d share it with you. Just another example of how stupid we are.

Semper Fi; Jim


CIA Chief of Station, Saigon, Thomas Polgar, April 1975



Postscript: Paragraph 5 says it all

Fashionable Racism

We are fast becoming a divided nation based solely on  skin color and gender, and Lightfoot and her spouse are the flag bearers.

Aren’t they a cute couple? Gee whiz. Their both uglier than ten bags of dead chickens a**holes. A match made in heaven. LOL Chicago, I have no sympathy or empathy for anyone in that city. You get what you elect. So suck it baby. She is reopening the city, so the criminals can get back out in the streets and pick up where they left off  killing one another. Why somone  would live in the city is beyond me. LOL

Another good one from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Spot on as usual. Thanks Greg, keep em’ coming sir!

We have gone from social distancing to racial distancing, courtesy of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is a proud black lesbian and recently declared, “I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews only with journalists of color.”

The justification for this blatantly racist tort is that white reporters simply cannot walk a mile in her shoes, so they must be shunned. The historic Supreme Court justices who decided Brown v. Board of Education would not be amused.

Lightfoot lamented about “institutionalized racism” throughout the media and suggested that any negative coverage she receives in office is the result of “racial and implicit bias.” Like the racists of the Jim Crow South, Lightfoot ranks reporters by their skin color. Lightfoot’s discriminatory interview policy is a slight to all Chicagoans. Lightfoot advocates what sociologists define as “reverse racial segregation,” which is just as hateful and abhorrent as Jim Crow.

White or not, successful mayors do not blame the messengers.

So much for Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society where race is nonessential to being an American. Where has King’s legacy gone when such loathing, bigotry and prejudice has never been condemned by any civil rights groups and in particular, Black Lives Matter?

The woke media’s continued silence only sanctions this obnoxious behavior throughout the Democrat Party just like the Jim Crow days proving just how cyclical history can be.

Never mind Chicago’s soaring crime and record murder rates, failing public schools, and hurting downtown. When a city has as many shootings as Chicago and its mayor worries more about the skin tone of reporters – the electorate suffers. Then again, what do you expect from a city where their cemeteries double as voting venues. Lightfoot is re-segregating our nation’s third largest city and using “racial and implicit bias” as the excuse to deflect from her own inadequacies, failed policies and feckless governance.

The underlying crux of the problem has been just too many white guys milling around asking questions.

Who knew?

Such pungent wokeism and cancel culture masquerading as progress and equality rather than grievance and retribution must send a thrill up the leg of progressive leftists everywhere.

Race is the perfect divergence for a politician of color like Lightfoot. Apparently unbeknownst to Lightfoot is that her blatant hypocrisy serves as additional ammunition for bigots. One cannot demand equality when one openly discriminates. Lightfoot is another exemplar in a long line of Democrat mayors who are incapable of dealing with the daunting challenges of their cities that have suffered through decades of gross mismanagement.

Placing judgment and exclusion based purely on someone’s skin tone and not their merit was the foundation for the Civil Rights Act that protects against discrimination where standards are applied uniformly regardless of race.

Lightfoot’s defiance distinguishes equality from equity that runs counter to the protections guaranteed in our Constitution. Where is the U.S. Justice Department’s investigation?

The Left has hijacked Civil Rights into fashioning certain identifiable groups as permanent victims and protected classes of people who are excused from life’s responsibilities and virtues.

The Left, led by President Biden, would rather bemoan relentlessly about white criminals in Tulsa a century ago rather than where the problem truly lies with present-day black criminals – political expediency at its best. In an irony for the ages, black residents of Tulsa 100 years ago would be astonished to learn that it is no longer racist white criminals to be feared, but their own kind who are the biggest perpetrators of crime and chaos within their neighborhoods.

All degrees of the woke race agenda and its offspring – the cancel culture – are anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-male, and no functioning society can survive such a fundamental and corrupted transformation.

Since Lightfoot is gay, black, and female, she is not to be questioned, criticized, or best – recalled. No national figure in this second decade of this 21st century will dare to call out such obvious and blatant racist bigotry. Moreover, there are no Chicago candidates of better quality than Lightfoot, so the slide of the nation’s third largest metropolis will only accelerate.

Led by the political left, America is again dividing itself by race and roaming toward a perilous cliff.

Yes folks and that cliff is huge and long!


Making America 1979 Again

Good Morning Gang, it’s Saturday, the day before the traditional Memorial Day, initially referred to as Decorations Day by MajGen Logan after the Civil War. Personally, I celebrate on the traditional Day, 30 May. So, I will lower my flag tomorrow morning and raise it back up at noon. Changing the day so federal workers could get another day off with pay didn’t impress me since my experience with those snakes in the grass (in the Corps, we called them “Sand Crabs”) has been  most don’t earn a day’s pay anyway. But then that’s my personal opinion and preference.

So what are the swamp creatures up to as they begin their long weekend cook out? Well, the big talking point this week has been inflation. What is that? Well simply, it is the rising cost of goods and services.  There is cost-push inflation where the cost of goods is caused by a rise in the cost of production e.g., gas. Then there is demand-pull inflation where the rise in prices is caused by an increasing demand and firms push up prices due to the shortage of goods e.g., toilet paper. LOL.

The swamp doesn’t fear inflation, just like Peanut Jimmy didn’t in the 70s, but beware folks, the signs are there, they are just being ignored.

By: G. Maresca

You do not have to be a scholar with a dollar to notice how prices are increasing. The Consumer Price Index that measures costs for goods and services increased 4.2% in April. Gas jumped 9%, while housing prices rose 17%.

The Powerball Lottery jackpot is now a tank of gas, a bag of groceries and a sheet of plywood.

A late seventies ambiance has returned with the cyber-attack on the Colonial pipeline cyber-attack and its resulting gas lines. Add to it emboldened Iranian Ayatollahs in a cooking Middle East; an increasing U.S. crime rate; a refugee crisis at the southern border, and a simmering Cold War II. The recent visit Joe and Jill Biden had with Jimmy and Roslyn Carter makes it official that the torch has been finally passed. Their photo op, if you have not seen it, is one for Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

The Carter’s even gifted to Hunter Biden their home-brewing recipe to Billy Beer.

It is time travel Democrat style and for those 41 and younger, welcome to 1979.

At least back then the music was better, and you didn’t need a second mortgage to attend a major league baseball game. Kids went to school and actually played outside, and mask wearing was strictly for Halloween.

It was also in the summer of ‘79 that Carter gave his infamous “malaise speech” about “the erosion of our confidence.” Today, Biden successfully dismantles the myth of white privilege and primacy every time he comes in contact with a microphone.

The Labor Department’s latest jobs report had employers adding only one-quarter of an anticipated one million jobs, while unemployment claims actually increased. Many are choosing not to work since being paid to stay home is now an option. Such a major disincentive to work is unprecedented and brings with it the predictable consequence of labor’s availability. With jobs plentiful combined with escalating unemployment benefits only serves to grease the rails for socialism.

Former Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton and former head of the National Economic Council for Barack Obama, Larry Summers spoke truth to power when he warned against too much stimulus.

There is no true stimulus, only irrational leftist reasoning that justifies increased deficit spending that is endorsed by bogus good intentions that leads down a path to fiscal ruin.

No one on either side of the aisle gave Summer’s reasoning a second thought.

Biden and his Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen actually claimed, “there is no significant inflation.” Record-low interest rates coupled with a rise in prices is what happens when central banks have a surplus of money that outstrips demand. As we stifle the supply side with handouts, while printing dollars by the trillions the result is Inflation. Prudent advice to any weather forecaster is to look out the window first. Perhaps this dynamic economic duo needs to go grocery shopping and fill the gas tank before making their next inflation forecast.

In a recent press conference, Vice President Kamala Harris ignored a question about inflation with her infamous laughing crackle as she quickly walked away. Perhaps she was on her way to the southern border?

The fear of inflation is why the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield is up 80%, and the 5-year U.S. Treasury yield is up 123%.  Spending and printing comes with consequences as you cannot print your way to prosperity.

Perhaps Biden should consider surrounding the White House with an orchard since he and his economic team believe money grows on trees. The only problem would be when Biden ends up chopping down all the trees for the paper to print even more money.

When the Federal Reserve finally admits that there is too much inflation, interest rates will rise and polarize the economy followed by a toxic bout of stagflation. Such economic malaise hurts the same people that the spend and tax Biden Democrats say they want to help.

Moreover, any stock market gains will be deceiving thanks to inflation where any capital gains taxes will be a direct result of the dollar’s decline.

In 1979, the Carter coast-to-coast malaise paved the way for Ronald Reagan’s conservative reform.

History would do well to not only rhyme but repeat itself.


Happy Memorial Day everyone. While cooking steaks, burgers, dogs, and drinking your favorite libation, please remember the nearly 1.1 million Americans who gave their lives  so we could celebrate this day! And remember to lower you flag to half mast on which ever day you traditionally celebrate and raise it back to full staff at noon.. Semper Fi, Jim



Hidden in Plain Sight

Well, it’s Saturday and we wonder what the scum swamp creatures are up to? There’s not telling, nothing surprises me any more. Just read where the VP is not very well liked throughout the nation among both parties. Well, that’s no surprise since she only got 3% of the votes in the Dem primary amongst all those other duds.  

Anyway, I digress and as you know I have chosen to not post any more about Joe and the “other” ones. 

Today’s post is another from my good friend and frequent contributor Greg. Thank you sir.

By: G. Maresca

Jimmy Carter is a retired peanut farmer and among historians is arguably one of the nation’s most maligned chief executives.  Current White House occupant Joe Biden has a trillion-plus-dollar “infrastructure bill” with only peanuts set aside for actual infrastructure that has the potential to change the relationship between government and the economy.

Democrats, beginning with FDR and the New Deal, refer to “infrastructure spending” as if it’s the magic elixir that will solve all of the nation’s fiscal and economic trials.

Back during the Carter years, we had gas lines, but they were not the result of a disabling cyberattack that occurred with the Colonial pipeline that was felt nearly instantaneously.  The circumstances may have been different, but the results were equally as devastating.

Owning a piece of the pipeline attack is the politically charged FBI and CIA and a socially woke corporate America that failed to secure and protect such sensitive infrastructure.

This latest manmade disaster only underscores how America’s enemies understand how vulnerable our infrastructure remains.  It is only a matter of time before another strike comes to fruition, but rather than shutting down a regional pipeline, how about hacking in and disabling the nation’s electric power grid?  Try going without electricity for a week and given the dated nature and vulnerability of our grid, the possibilities are not unthinkable.

One of the key ingredients why infrastructure gets neglected, or in many cases ignored, is that there remains little to no political pay-off to upgrading airports, repairing potholes or replacing bridges.  Juxtapose that to spending the same money building community centers, creating rails to trails and upgrading public swimming pools.  Such ribbon-cutting events provide politicians with plenty of favorable and free publicity. Nobody holds ribbon-cutting ceremonies for upgrading and securing computer software, milling roadways, and replacing sewer lines.

The threat of the power grid crashing like it did in Texas over the winter is quite real, but preventable.  Most, however, have no idea the severity of vulnerability under which we live.

The Task Force on National and Homeland Security is comprised of citizens, engineers, and field experts concerned about the vulnerability of our critical infrastructures.  It is an official Congressional Advisory Board that receives no federal funding and operates exclusively on donations. They have reported to Congress on several occasions that in the event of an Electro Magnetic Pulse attack, 70- 90% of Americans could be dead within a year.

And you thought COVID-19 was bad.

Minor negligence has a way of resulting in major consequences. As our country’s infrastructure continues to age — something America takes for granted — we will see more foundational systematic breakdowns.  Being attentive to our country’s infrastructure by advocating for its continued improvement is critical when it comes to working toward the common good and is everyone’s responsibility.

Why does it take several years to replace a bridge, when the Empire State Building was constructed in two years and during the Great Depression?  It is little wonder that Americans have lost faith in government institutions.

Government-funded projects often fail to live up to their lofty intent.  The problem is not that tax dollars are not being spent, but rather the money is being allocated and managed so poorly.  While it may sound costly, building resilient infrastructure will save plenty of money over the long term as it invests in the future.

Allow state and local governments to raise and spend money for their own projects making the case for what they really need, while freeing them from the tedious strings that always come attached to federal subsidies.

Infrastructure, like anything else in the physical world deteriorates and needs not only to be maintained, but at times, upgraded and improved.  It is important that elected officials understand public works are not just a short-term inducement or a vehicle for politically driven job creation.  The goal should be to create the best and broadest necessary infrastructure for the most responsible price.

Transforming and securing our national infrastructure is the best kind of financial stimulus since it supports all economic avenues.  There is no reason why we cannot build a better and smarter future for our children’s and grandchildren’s generation.

The nation’s subsistence depends on it.

Do some due diligence and you will be utterly shocked at how little money in that bill is actually going to fix our infrastructure. I did. WOW! How do you spell immigrants?