Tag Archives: CDC

Indoctrinated to be inoculated

Sorry for the lack of posting lately, been busy, too busy for a man my age. LOL The fact is my computer was in the shop for a much-needed health checkup. All’s well now and am back. While there is so much going on in the new world order and in our beloved country, I find today’s post to be of import to many.  To be upfront and honest, as I always try to be, I had my first vaccine shot (Pfizer and Moderna type) two weeks ago with no side effects at all, and will get my second in two weeks. So, the decision is all yours. Good luck!

Meanwhile our move towards a Socialist third world sh*t hole continues at a fast pace supported by the MSM, the rich and famous, and everyone else who stands to benefit from such a move. Of course, you and I do not stand a chance of gaining anything from it. I see in my area gasoline has already risen $0.40 per gallon.  My uneducated guess is it will cross the $3.00 mark before summer is out.

Meanwhile, I await my $1,200 stimulus check to arrive, and must decide what I shall do with it. Any suggestions?  Have you read what is included in the  trillion dollar stimulus package? I suggest you do so. I had to actually search for something that had anything to do with COVID. And how about the nine GOP senators who crossed the aisle and voted to impeach {President Trump? I wonder what their constituents think about that? Oh well, have a great day and it’s good to be back! Semper Fi Devil Dogs!

By: Greg Maresca


Most COVID-19 cases have had mild symptoms and despite an average mortality rate north of 75 years and a 99.6% survival level, vaccination is a must.  The virus’ ability to infect political tyrants more concerned with their “great reset” than Constitutional rights continues to metastasize.

The hype and fear campaign continues unabated despite a thousand-fold risk difference between young and old.  To “flatten the curve,” lockdowns, masks and social distancing went vogue and those who stray are shamed and ridiculed.

None of this is a panacea.

Neither is a vaccine.

A Gallup poll says 40% are unwilling to vaccinate and unlikely to change their minds. A Kaiser Family Foundation report said nearly one-third of hospital staff “would not get vaccinated.” Over half of the members of New York’s Uniformed Firefighters Association would also refuse.

The reasons are legion with unknown side effects, genome manipulation, and high-tech chip branding leading the charge. The British government warned pregnant women not to vaccinate because there is “no or limited data on the effects to the child and to fertility.”  The CDC agrees, “… only limited data are available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines administered during pregnancy.”  Are long-term infertility issues in a Western world with already declining birthrates just another function of the great reset?

Other reports say the Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines could cause blood clots, brain inflammation and heart attacks and its effects on compromised immune systems remain suspect.  Despite a plethora of concerns, the vaccine received “emergency authorization” from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Even smokers still have the right to smoke despite the known dangers. What is the real motivation for attempting to vaccinate millions of healthy people?

No need to fear because the vaccine success rate increased from 80% to 95% after the numbers were run by Dominion and any chip implant will be a Spicy Nacho Dorito.

Sarcasm aside, concerns about the vaccine’s safety and ethics are understandable considering its unprecedented development and distribution that normally would take years. Were cells from aborted babies used in its development and what procedures were circumvented to get it to the market so quickly?

The practice of medicine has been lobbied with Uncle Sam governing nearly two-thirds of healthcare.  It is evident that since COVID began, a simple, cost-effective solution would never be allowed.  When science is politicized, we all lose as the medical malpractice of the pandemic will continue, especially when the only medical opinion permitted is Uncle Sam’s.

The Great Barrington Declaration, that can be found online, has been signed by over 55,000 medical and public health scientists.  They have affirmed that due to the relatively mild hazard of COVID-19 to the vast majority, “those who are at minimal risk” should be permitted “to live their lives normally [and] build up (herd) immunity to the virus.”

Research Dr. Michael Yeadon with over 30 years with Pfizer said in LifeSite news: “There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.”

Yeadon underscored 30 to 40% had T-cell immunity prior to the virus, and with nearly 30% having already been infected means we have reached the 65 to 72% level of herd immunity and that “the pandemic is effectively over.”

Dr. Joseph Meaney, president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center said since long-term effects remain unknown due to the lack of extended testing, coercion to vaccinate is “ethically unacceptable.”

The resolve that vaccination is somehow a social responsibility is not a self-evident truth.  No matter how noble, it is limited.  As immunity builds, the risk of infection drops.  Herd immunity certainly fits as we stampede into hysteria too easily. The ends do not justify immoral or unethical means.

A dishonest press and rampant censorship by social media regarding the inexpensive, safe and effective therapies like ivermectin, colchicine, fluvoxamine and hydroxychloroquine could have prevented many from dying.

The cure should never be more invasive than the disease.

When a vaccine to protect us from Leftism is developed, I will consider.



Originally posted 2021-02-18 13:32:31.

Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News?

I know, just another M.D. giving an opinion. However, his opinion seems to me to have a little more information that any the other bone crushers I read. Does he make sense to you, or is it just me being fed up with all the BS from the MSM? Everyone is playing games with this pandemic, riots, allegations, name calling, etc. SICK of it ——-  PERIOD!

By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

October 12, 2020

COVID cases are on the rise, or so we are told daily by a hysterical media. Newspaper headlines scream panic as this recent USAToday article proclaimed, “COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states – 9 months into the pandemic: We are overwhelmed.”

It’s the American people that are overwhelmed. Nine months into masks and lockdowns, with a presidential election just weeks away, facing a daily barrage of doom and gloom from the media. Are cases really on the rise or are these simply positive tests?

The above article, one of many warns, “A startling nine states setting ominous, seven-day records for infections.” 39 states reported more cases in the last week than they had in the week before.

What exactly is a “case”? The USAToday article doesn’t say. Neither do other articles or cable news doctors and other “experts.” Is a “case” simply a positive test?

The CDC answers this question with a “case definition.” A case is not just a positive test. Instead what is needed is, “Presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence.” Notice the AND, meaning not simply a positive test.

Yet what the media trumpets as “surging cases” are only positive tests. There is no discussion of whether or not any of the individuals with positive tests are showing symptoms or are actually sick with the Chinese flu. Or if they are contagious and needing to be quarantined.

As an analogy, suppose we routinely checked peoples’ blood sugar or blood pressure and called any single high reading as diabetes or hypertension. Imagine testing everyone’s blood sugar after lunch, when it naturally rises, and calling anyone with a reading over 140 a diabetic. We would have a surge in diabetes, yet the vast majority of these individuals are not actually diabetic.

The COVID PCR test is quite sensitive, amplifying any viral particles found in the nose, whether dead or alive, repeatedly until the test is positive. Most of these positive “cases” are neither contagious or symptomatic, as even the New York Times acknowledged.

The more people we test, the more positive tests will result. Nancy Pelosi called for “testing, testing, testing” and that is exactly what we now have. The U.S. is currently performing over a million tests per day, with just under 5 percent coming back positive.

The U.S. is performing 2.87 daily tests per thousand people, far more than most countries. For comparison, Canada is a third lower at 2.09 tests per thousand, France 1.9, Germany 1.87, Australia 1.21, and India 0.82.

More tests mean more positive results, but not necessarily cases of COVID. For example, the U.S. performing 2.87 tests per thousand people compared with Mexico performing 0.08 tests per thousand will yield dramatically different results, showing the U.S. “surging” in cases as the media describes.

This then fuels the false narrative that the U.S. has so many cases of COVID due to the orange man’s ineptitude rather than the orange man ramping up testing, as everyone called for, to a level unmatched by any major country.

Hospitalizations, a measure of disease severity, have been steadily declining since March, with a small bump in mid-summer. They’ve gone from a high of over 3,000 hospitalizations per week last spring, to less than 700 per week now, according to the CDC.

Fears of a surge early last spring lead to only the sickest patients being admitted to the hospital at that time. There are no such concerns now and those hospitalized presently are not as sick, receiving hospital care much earlier in their illness. President Trump’s recent hospitalization with only mild symptoms is an example.

Yet these so-called case surges, in actuality only positive tests, are driving societal policy decisions. New York City is shutting down nine neighborhoods based on a positive test rate of over 3 percent for seven straight days. Yet the country as a whole has a higher test positive rate of 4.9 percent currently.

There is no mention of how many New Yorkers are actually sick or hospitalized, simply positive tests as New York is following Nancy Pelosi’s recommendation of “testing, testing, testing.” In fact, back in July, New York had likely achieved herd immunity based on getting hit hard early in the course of the pandemic. Yet for inexplicable reasons New York is closing down again.

In my state of Colorado, Governor Jared Polis extended the mask mandate for another 30 days due to “a rise in hospitalizations” for the Chinese virus. This extension conveniently goes just past the election.

As Coloradans have been wearing masks for months, it begs the question of whether masks are doing anything if hospitalizations are increasing. Unknown is whether patients are being hospitalized earlier in the disease course given excess hospital capacity compared to last spring.

Colorado reports only a third of critical care ventilators in use, hardly a shortage, and unknown how many of those ventilators are for COVID patients versus the myriad of other conditions requiring ventilator support.

Many schools and businesses remain closed based on positive test numbers. The personal and societal costs mount as many states and cities prefer to keep draconian shut down orders in place long after they have served their purpose of “flattening the curve”.

How many cancer screenings, vaccinations, and other preventative care measures has been delayed over lockdowns, with consequences of undetected disease becoming manifest in years ahead?

Death counts were the metric of choice last April, a constant ticker on cable news shows. Now it’s cases, with no context between positive tests and actual cases. Democrats then blame Trump for not having a “national plan” allowing the virus to remain “out of control.”

The only plan is to make Americans miserable ahead of the election, hoping that voters choose a new leader, one whose COVID plan is virtually identical to the existing president’s plan.

What’s shameful is that the media, ignorant or uninterested in the facts, deliberately presents a false equivalence between positive tests and cases, all to push a gloom and doom narrative to influence the upcoming election.

President Trump was right when he said, after returning from Walter Reed to the White House, “Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it.” “We’re going back, we’re going back to work. We’re going to be out front. … Don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out there, be careful.”

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, Rasmussen Reports, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitterParler, and QuodVerum.

My answer to the Doctor’s question is an emphatic YES!!!! Anything to keep this this going until after 3 November, Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Originally posted 2020-10-13 10:30:59.

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

We, as normal Americans, are too stupid to have any opinions or to think for ourselves — so believe our elected officials, especially those from the entire administration, even some of our GOP RINOS. But I sincerely believe their day is coming with each passing month until doomsday in November. God, help us to be able to sustain sanity until then. A very well written piece from the WSJ

From the Wall Street Journal


By Gerard Baker

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

As terrified passengers stumbled from the train at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn last week, it was noticeable how many of them were complying with the mandate that to enjoy the privilege of venturing into the underground abyss known as the New York City Subway system, you must be wearing a face covering.

There they were, desperately fleeing a gunman or bravely helping rescue injured passengers, but still dutifully playing their part in the absurdist theatre of pandemic regulations scripted and directed for us by our little overlords.

Those flimsy pieces of fabric might have offered some minimal protection from the noxious fumes of the smoke bombs that Frank James allegedly set off in that subway car. But they were never going to be a match for the bullets fired from the 9mm semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene. Many innocents were wounded, and it is something of an Easter miracle that no one was killed. For the millions of people who have dared to ride the city’s subway this year, the greatest danger to life isn’t some escaped molecule of a virus of rapidly diminishing potency. That exiguous risk is dwarfed by the combined threat of being pushed in front of an oncoming train, stabbed, hit in the head by a psycho with a hammer, robbed at gunpoint or being sexually assaulted. The number of robberies on the subway so far in 2022 is up 72% from the same period in 2021. There is no easily discover-able record of how many maskless riders have been struck down this year by Covid.

It’s hard to think of a tableau that better captures the disordered priorities of our governing classes than that scene in Brooklyn.

The politicians and bureaucrats who run almost all major cities, many states and the federal executive branch seem to care more about preserving the symbol of their authority that mask mandates represent than about the actual physical safety of citizens. In their warped ideology, crime is the result of material deprivation, prejudice and wicked police officers. The real need for enforcement is shown by those tempted to show their faces in public.

Masks are only an example. It’s hard to recall a time in recent American history when there has been such a monumental mismatch between the priorities of the people who govern us and the needs of the people. On issue after issue—crime, inflation, immigration— we have leaders so entrenched in their ideological priors that they seem incapable of, even uninterested in, addressing the actual challenges faced by hard-pressed Americans. Joe Biden was at it again last week with inflation. It has been clear for a long time that the return of this old horror is the largest threat to living standards and economic stability. But acknowledging that would have required the Democrats to abandon their ideological goals of ever-higher spending and forced them to reorder their governing priorities. So they didn’t.

Now, unable to dismiss it anymore, they have offered not a serious set of policies to relieve inflationary stresses, but a series of public-relations gimmicks that will have virtually no alleviating impact. Lifting the summertime ban on blended ethanol fuel will be about as effective in addressing higher energy costs as publicly shaming greedy corporations or blaming Vladimir Putin.

On immigration, the administration instinctively reflects a progressive mindset that regards border control as racist. It spent the better part of a year undoing the immigration restrictions imposed by its predecessor. As the inevitable border surge swelled, it feigned some concern. Now, as apprehensions of aliens in border areas reach their highest level in 22 years, what is its response? The repeal of Title 42, a measure that had been effective in curbing illegal crossings.

Interestingly, as the pandemic rationale for that measure is no longer deemed operative, the administration insists elsewhere that the emergency continues when it suits it. So, even as the nation yearns to return to normality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week announced another extension, for 15 days, of the federal mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation. It had been scheduled to end this Monday at long last. (And on Monday a judge in Tampa, Fla., held that the mandate exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority.)

On it goes. from needless bailouts for student loans to a fixation on sacrificing energy capacity in pursuit of long-term climate goals, Democrats display an unerring focus on aims Americans don’t see as pressing—or even necessary.

Obdurate insistence in the face of evidence of both rising unpopularity and accumulating failure is a common political flaw. No leader willingly acknowledges the irrelevancy of his policies. but it seems to be especially embedded in the modern progressive philosophy that the rulers know best; that they, by dint of their scientific expertise and moral superiority better understand our true needs.

Like all such authoritarian conceits, it doesn’t survive long in a democratic environment. That helps explain why leftists are so panicked at the thought of losing control over information, why they feel so threatened at the thought that a communications channel such as Twitter might fall out of their hands. Anything that challenges their right to go on pursuing their priorities is “disinformation.”

But it won’t take the intervention of a rogue billionaire to restore democratic equilibrium. A popular reckoning is coming.

November 8th 2022 is the Democrat’s  D-day. Get ready Americans!


Vax or No Vax?

With all the questions being asked, but no answers proffered, one has to wonder who is telling the truth, or perhaps it should be is anyone telling the truth. Personally, I do not believe his Highness Fauci, and haven’t from the very beginning.. His crutch is “science.” Wants us to believe him because it’s science and too complicated for us normal folk to understand so we are supposed to trust him.  Well, watch this short video where Rep Jim Jordan (R OH) asks some important  questions and listen to the answers, then you decide.

Is Fauci full of it or what? I took the VAX; have not taken the booster and do not intend to.  My choice.


Before you leave I have another short video for youy to watch. Let’s just call it a typical night out with the boys in LA County. Enjoy.

Wasn’t that fun? Just another night in a lawless third word shithole!


Vaccinate or Not

Thank you all, or the comments on my return, didn’t know I’d be missed that much.  Switching subjects for today. Friend sent me this and I listened to it and was intrigued. There is so much BS flying around the electronic world about everything from soup to nuts., and everyone is an expert. This guy; however, hit the nail with me. Let me know what you think.  His comments.

This below video is currently being censored and was taken down from YouTube. People posted it on Facebook and an hour later it is taken down. Why don’t we investigate and agree or refute as necessary?  

   I understand censorship and actually loaded this video on to my desktop. You will find the science and data varies from what the CDC and the WHO are allowed on these platforms.

My question is why don’t they want us to know the opposing views and investigate the science and data to find out the truth.

Don’t have to sign up for Dropbox to view. 



In the intertest of full disclosure, my bride and I have both been vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine.