Tag Archives: chna flu

Vaccinate or Not

Thank you all, or the comments on my return, didn’t know I’d be missed that much.  Switching subjects for today. Friend sent me this and I listened to it and was intrigued. There is so much BS flying around the electronic world about everything from soup to nuts., and everyone is an expert. This guy; however, hit the nail with me. Let me know what you think.  His comments.

This below video is currently being censored and was taken down from YouTube. People posted it on Facebook and an hour later it is taken down. Why don’t we investigate and agree or refute as necessary?  

   I understand censorship and actually loaded this video on to my desktop. You will find the science and data varies from what the CDC and the WHO are allowed on these platforms.

My question is why don’t they want us to know the opposing views and investigate the science and data to find out the truth.

Don’t have to sign up for Dropbox to view. 



In the intertest of full disclosure, my bride and I have both been vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine.