Tag Archives: Carlson

Bunkerville Redux

Hi Gang, so much going on it’s tough to keep up with it all. As you know I watch no TV news programming. However, I received an email from my dear friend, and fellow Marine brother this week. Dave follows the blog and he sent me the name of the news program he watches. I checked it and I like it it too. So if you are interested in a news program that gives a fair and balanced programming, check it out. David even sent me a list of where you can find it depending on your device.

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  • DirecTV Ch. 349
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I have it on my computer and listen to it while I am doing other things, and when they are on a segment that I want to watch, I simply open it.

Okay, on to the swamp and see what these slimy devious creatures are up to, hell, one never knows do we? Anyway, my brother blogger BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!  had a great one out today.  And here is the link, what a lot of info. Please go there and see whatr the swamp is still trying to cover up.

FBI Wray refused to discuss the death of Capitol Cop Sicknick – a repeat of Vince Foster Coverup


Okay something to smile about.



Originally posted 2021-03-04 12:37:49.

FOX Again

LOL, in case any of you are experiencing withdraw symptoms from trying to dump FOX after their poor handling of the election and their hiring of more lefty’s who seem to be suffering from stupidity , arrogance, and ego manifestations, I found you some help, A friend of mine runs a blog entitled; “Bunkerville | God, Guns, and Comrades!” Yeah I know, neat title, huh? To quote who they are:  Bunkerville is a safe haven for all to join and speak of the trying times of our Republic.  Comrades, we the people can find in these pages a place to voice opinions on today’s most critical challenges.

I have followed him for quite a while, I enjoy the sprinkling of humor now and then. You might want to check the site out. In fact, click on the following and it will take you to great post made today.

Fox News – How to beat the Fox blues and overcome withdrawal

Personally, I refuse to give up on Tucker, he’s my kind of guy. Hannity is okay, but tends to go overboard and is tad strong for my liking. Compare Tucker with near-do-wells like Wallace, Doocy, the Panda, or Vittert is like comparing  an intellect with a box of hammers. You decide whish is which. LOL

Originally posted 2020-11-17 13:50:05.

Fair and Balanced Redux

There has been much traffic on the net reference FOX News and their handling of the election night results. One example was their refusal to call my state (FL) but called AZ with way less votes counted. Many stated they were leaving FOX for other cable news networks e.g., Newsmax.  I agree there are some real scumbags on FOX, and they do seem to be moving to the left since the Murdoch sons took over. I mean we’ve always known about the little guy with a like complex, Wallace, and of course the scum sucker, Cavuto

There are; however; some bright spots on FOX, specifically Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. I used to watch Tucker’s nightly spot, but for some reason when we moved to FL we changed our nightly schedule and I wasn’t able to fit him in and didn’t even think about taping for later. I do see him once and a while on You Tube, but it’s usually days later. Here is one I just watched this morning.

After watching this one it reminded how me how much I miss him and will set it up to tape him to watch the next morning. This folks is a MUST WATCH episode.  It’s a full show, so get a cup of coffee, sit back, turn on your volume, and watch. I don’t know how long the Murdoch boys will put up with Tucker for he sure lays it all out and if you listen closely, he even slams Cavuto for cutting away from the press secretary’s news conference. Sometimes, it’s tough to decide what side of the aisle he is on, but he is damn sure on the side of America and Democracy!

Originally posted 2020-11-14 10:04:13.

The Rise of Rage

You should know by now I don’t watch any news programs, even FOX, Thanks to my Mother I have nice blood pressure and I intend to keep it that way especially considering my age. But I get lots of emails, hundreds of them a day to be exact. I look at them and some I try to read them all, but it’s tough. It depends on how much time I have and who it is from. So, I do get news items daily from folks, and I have some news outlets I go to on the web.. This one I received today and it is a Youtube by the one personality I have found myself watching from time to time – Tucker Carlson. I like his style, love his facial expressions when he is driving home a point. Anyway, I watched this and was so impressed with his main message I decided to share it. Perhaps if you religiously watch him you’ve see it. If so, watch it again, he has a very powerful message for all of us.

His message? Speak up, don’t take it anymore, you have absolutely nothing for which to apologize. Mine? Get pissed! Do something! Take control of your life and your rights!

Originally posted 2020-09-14 14:44:34.

Which Border?

You all know I watch no news, nor do I listen to podcasts. However I get lots of emails from relatives, friends, and Marines Brothers wanting me to see something, all of which usually raises my blood pressure. As a result when I see the title of what they want me to watch, I normally simply delete it. Sorry folks, but I am 81 years old and have been blessed, until the past year, with low blood pressure, and I’d like to keep it that way.

However, I received something this morning as I was waiting for the market to open and I clicked on it. DAMNIT, should have known better. I used to watch Tucker on FOX, but even stopped that as well. The link below will take you to a Tucker episode and if it doesn’t boil your blood I don’t know what will. He includes all the issues about border security., and trust me there are many. How in God’s name can someone with a brain in their head instead of up their ass not understand what is going on here. No one, and I mean that all inclusive is saying anything about this, even that RINO Mitch McConnell the GOP fellow from KY, For the love of God, what have we become?

It’s long, but I had time while waiting for the NYSE to open to see how much money I was going to lose today. So, I listened to all 15″ of it and what an eye opener. I sincerely believe this issue is the MOST important of all the things Biden is doing to our country. GEEZ. You don’t have to watch it all, but please listen to some of it. Talk about Democratic hypocrisy!!!!! How long can we allow this to happen until it’s too late, if not already?

I’m sorry but I had difficulty pasting a good link to it, so you will have to copy and paste into your browser.
