Tag Archives: blue vs red

Fair and Balanced Redux

There has been much traffic on the net reference FOX News and their handling of the election night results. One example was their refusal to call my state (FL) but called AZ with way less votes counted. Many stated they were leaving FOX for other cable news networks e.g., Newsmax.  I agree there are some real scumbags on FOX, and they do seem to be moving to the left since the Murdoch sons took over. I mean we’ve always known about the little guy with a like complex, Wallace, and of course the scum sucker, Cavuto

There are; however; some bright spots on FOX, specifically Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. I used to watch Tucker’s nightly spot, but for some reason when we moved to FL we changed our nightly schedule and I wasn’t able to fit him in and didn’t even think about taping for later. I do see him once and a while on You Tube, but it’s usually days later. Here is one I just watched this morning.

After watching this one it reminded how me how much I miss him and will set it up to tape him to watch the next morning. This folks is a MUST WATCH episode.  It’s a full show, so get a cup of coffee, sit back, turn on your volume, and watch. I don’t know how long the Murdoch boys will put up with Tucker for he sure lays it all out and if you listen closely, he even slams Cavuto for cutting away from the press secretary’s news conference. Sometimes, it’s tough to decide what side of the aisle he is on, but he is damn sure on the side of America and Democracy!

Originally posted 2020-11-14 10:04:13.

Love Our Gov!

Ron just keeps on doing what a Governor is supposed to do, That’s work for the people. What a shame it is for the other states that have scumbags as Governor. But you know what? You get what you get with your vote!

WASHINGTON (LifeSiteNews) – President Joe Biden declared Tuesday it is “hateful” to shield schoolchildren from discussions of sexuality and gender that may be beyond their age level, in his latest attack on Florida and its Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential challenger to Biden for the White House.

SB 1834, the Parental Rights in Education bill, would block Florida school districts from discussing sexual orientation or gender identity with elementary school students, and give parents the ability to sue for damages over violations. It is one of multiple bills pending in the Florida legislature that would limit children’s exposure to sensitive sexual topics.

On Tuesday, the White House issued a statement claiming the legislation was “designed to attack LGBTQI+ kids” and would have the effect of “making growing up harder for young people.” It was soon followed by a statement from the president calling SB 1834 “hateful.”

NBC News reports that DeSantis signaled his support for the measure at an event in Miami, calling it “entirely inappropriate” for teachers to tell children things like “Don’t worry, don’t pick your gender yet” or withhold controversial classroom materials from parents.

“Schools need to be teaching kids to read, to write,” the governor said. “They need to teach them science, history. We need more civics and understanding of the U.S. Constitution, what makes our country unique, all those basic stuff. The larger issue with all of this is parents must have a seat at the table when it comes to what’s going on in their schools.”

“I also think one of the things that I think the legislature is getting at is everything should be age-appropriate,” DeSantis added, The Blaze reports. “My goal is to educate kids on the subjects, math, reading, science, all the things that are so important. I don’t want the schools to kind of be a playground for ideological disputes.”

Since taking office, Biden has aggressively courted the LGBT lobby in hiring decisions and executive orders. By contrast, DeSantis has aggressively pursued a litany of conservative priorities, including protections for religious freedom, conscience rights, and the objective reality of biological sex, raising his profile as a potential 2024 contender in the eyes of conservatives.

A Star-Spangled Misfire

I have been remiss from posting any gobbly gook from the swamp creatures of late, but with good reason. We just returned from a weekend in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to witness our granddaughter graduating from the University. WOW.  Impressive is an  understatement! I’m sure some of you attended a university as large and impressive, as Alabama, but I had not. I was awestruck. At my granddaughter’s suggestion, I even had a “Yellow Hammer,” actually I had three, and I might add suffered the entire next day. LOL

But then I digress. Great article from my favorite presenter. Although growing up only 30 miles from D.C., and having been stationed there for two years, I must admit I really did not know much of  its history. Oh I knew it it was not a state, but beyond that I have to claim ignorance. Just in case you fall into the same category, please copy and paste the link below for a very good explanation of D.C. and why it is not a state from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 


Then read Greg’s excellent article about Biden’s attempt to simply expect Congress to make it a state.

By Greg Maresca

In May 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama announced during a campaign stop that he had been to 57 states. Such an embarrassing blunder was glazed over like a Crispy Cream donut. In retrospect, it was perhaps a Freudian slip. Provided Democrats get their way, they will get closer to 57 by adding Washington D.C. as the 51st state with Puerto Rico waiting on deck.

As president, Obama must regret not going for broke with the whole socialist agenda when he had the chance. President Biden has certainly wasted no time in picking up the slack in his first 100-days in office.

Provided you need to be reminded: elections have consequences.

In Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers created a special federal district for the sole purpose of not being a state. Writing in The Federalist No. 43, James Madison clarified that without a separate federal district, the federal government “might be insulted and its proceedings be interrupted with impunity.” It is obvious the Founders did not want to subject the federal government to the sway of any state government.

Moreover, D.C. statehood would violate the intent that states have substantial land mass. Aside from the original 13 states, no state was smaller than 30,000 square miles until Hawaii entered the union in 1959. However, with a total of 137 islands and over 10,000 square miles, Washington D.C. does not even come close.

If that’s not enough, the 23rd Amendment enfranchised D.C. residents in presidential elections with three Electoral College votes, tenured its venue and size, designating it as the “seat of Government.” The amendment established that the only way to repeal a constitutional amendment is with another amendment.

It was no oversight that the nation’s capital is not a state, but rather an exclusive territory under the absolute authority of Congress, where elected representatives and senators from every state in the union could meet on neutral ground to conduct the nation’s business.

The nation understands D.C.’s unique constitutional status. A 2020 Gallup poll said 64% of Americans opposed DC statehood vs. just 29% in favor. Sorted by party and region, there were “no major subgroups of Americans voice support for DC statehood.”

If the city’s denizens do not appreciate their longstanding historical significance, they can always vote with their feet and move. This legislation symbolically labeled H.R. 51 would turn the District into exactly what the Founders rebuffed.

In a dichotomy of the times, Democrats desire to localize what the Constitution explicitly has federalized, while at the same time trying to federalize everything else. The statehood push is ultimately a power play for Democrats who want to turn D.C. into a city-state as the deep blue District will guarantee them two seats in the Senate changing the chamber’s partisan composition in their favor. With the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee wanting to pack the Supreme Court, adding two additional Senators via D.C. is a Democrat two-fer.

Democrats’ carry-on like this because they know Republicans will not put up a fight. Here is yet another version of Democrat unity and healing where the end goal is a one-party totalitarian centralized state.

This legislation is nothing but a power grab in the first-degree. If it were truly about statehood and the fabricated mantra of “taxation without representation,” Democrats would introduce legislation for D.C. to become part of Maryland from which it was initially ceded. But that doesn’t work as it would not obtain the desired two additional Senate seats.

Without missing an opportunity to race bait, New York Democrat Rep. Mondaire Jones, called arguments against D.C. statehood “racist trash.” Naturally, if you oppose D.C. statehood on any level be it Constitutional, historical, you name it; you are to be smeared as a racist because a majority of its residents are black.

With the Senate filibuster requiring 60 senators to advance any legislation, the odds of D.C. statehood are formidable. Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he will not support the legislation or efforts to eliminate the filibuster. “If Congress wants to make D.C. a state, it should propose a constitutional amendment,” Manchin suggested.

Manchin is one Democrat who actually gets it.

Perhaps more will join him.

What  did surprise me was the  29%  who were in favor of making it a state. I wonder how many of those were ignorant, as I, about its history?