Tag Archives: birth

Shame On Minnesota

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Greg, but this one was well worth the wait. What a sad state of affairs. This country has stooped so low that I can believe how immoral we have become.  If I lived in MN I would get the hell out of that state so my taxes did not pay for such travesties. Think about this for a second if you will.. Some sleaze bag of a  woman, yes I said “woman,” decides at the last minute that she does not want to raise a boy. She wants a girl, so she has it killed. Or suppose she breaks up with her boyfriend (the father) and doesn’t want the baby anymore. Easy, just go to an abortion mill and have it removed and tossed in the trash. That. my friends , is the state of our society. God help us for we know not what we do.

Another Glass Ceiling  Shattered                                                                             By: Greg Maresca

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with their 2022 Dobbs decision and gave the States’ the power to determine their abortion laws, Minnesota wasted no time in enshrining abortion up until birth in their constitution.  Moreover, Minnesota is one of 17 states where tax dollars fund nearly half of their abortions.

This made Minnesota, a haven for abortion providers, a seamless venue for the first ever visit by a sitting vice president to tour an abortion mill.  Planned Parenthood in St. Paul hosted Vice President Kamala Harris in what the mainstream media celebrated as another historic first for Harris and the nation.

Is there no road too low when celebrating firsts – an abortion mill? Harris goes to where the slaughtering of innocent lambs occurs, and we highlight this as some heroic act worthy of a “first.”

Harris’ “national tour” is about touting the Biden administration’s commitment to abortion in the upcoming November election.  The Biden-Harris re-election campaign is advocating that abortion be codified into federal law by Congress.  Democrats want to normalize abortion as if it is just another procedure as if you were having your teeth cleaned.

Harris was direct in berating pro-lifers everywhere wailing, “How dare these elected leaders believe they are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women what is in their best interest.  In this environment, these attacks against an individual’s right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old immoral.”

Here is a Black woman who supports the killing of the most innocent among us preaching on what is immoral.  As Don King would say, “Only in America.” Perhaps Harris is unaware that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to rid the country of Black folks.

Planned Parenthood stands in direct contrast to the compassionate support found at the many unheralded pregnancy resource centers that help not only during a mother’s pregnancy but after their child is born.

Harris claimed that “right now in our country we are facing a very serious health crisis” that is “affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are frankly silently suffering.”

Abortion has nothing to do with healthcare or any other zeitgeist euphemism the left uses to put a baby to death.  Harris wouldn’t dare say “women” are facing a serious health crisis because in her world, men can also become pregnant.

Calling abortion “health care” but certainly not for a baby only underscores Harris’s ignorance. Babies are not diseases. They are separate human beings who possess a soul and a God-given right to be born.

Harris shows up at the border of the womb, where 65,000,000 were denied entry into America thanks to abortion. Harris has the time to go to an abortion mill, but not our overrun Southern border.

Infanticide energizes Democrats. Abortion is the only issue the Democrats campaign on because all their other policies are a total disaster as they desperately want to retain the reins of power.

Every abortion targets the most vulnerable and innocent among us resulting in death. An extreme abortion procedure is a classic oxymoron. To possess such a variety of methods to kill someone is indeed the work of a sick society driven by evil.  To call abortion medical science denies the very nature of what it is to be a physician.

Most abortions are the last vestige of birth control and not because the mother’s life is in danger. Democrats have succeeded into turning “reproductive health” and “abortion” into synonyms.

Reproducing adds life, abortion brings death.

Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia and the Pro-Life Chair of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops wrote: “I am distressed to learn that the vice president is visiting an abortion clinic when there are so many agencies and organizations who are at the service of life that she could visit.”

I am sure the bishop’s courageous communique inspired many to action.

I have read stronger statements on a pack of cigarettes.

Best of all, your ballot for the Biden/Harris ticket in November keeps Harris a heartbeat away from yet another first.

In woke America, we have the first of everything and the best of nothing.

Yes, there have been so many “firsts” from the Biden horde of incompetents that I’ve lost count, and really don’t want to remember anything about them because none of them were good for America.  The entire regime can rest in hell as far as I am concerned, and I am praying that will happen in November. What say you?

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Life Has No Meaning Any More

If anyone doesn’t think or believe we have become a third world sh*thole they are living under a rock. How can we ask for God’s help to re-right our once beloved country when we have killed millions of His unborn children, and continue to do so daily?

As for the mass shootings, I don’t have the full answer, but a step in the right direction might be for the federal government to outlaw the production and sale of todays video games that are all about shooting humans. For those parents who allow their young children to play those games, do not be surprised if he/she grows up to be a disoriented, disconnected human being who has no feelings for the value of  human life. You are the sick ones . My children were born and raised before those awful games were available, but you can bet your sweet bippee had they been around they would not have been allowed in my house. SICK, absolutely SICK!

Have you listened to the music your children are playing their ears phones? I doubt it. We are a country of no morals, no conscience, and surely no empathy for one another or the sanctity of life.

The part of Greg’s article in red is mine not his.


Anesthetized America

By: G. Maresca

It was nearly halfway through the class I facilitate on violence prevention that the massacre in Uvalde, Texas finally came up. I was beginning to wonder if the subject would ever be broached as we simply had picked up where we had left off from the previous class.

It was quite telling.

America has been anesthetized over the past generation to the cancer of mass shootings. And as much as the media wants to turn it into a racial issue, they can’t overcome the facts that the latest shooter was Latino, the Brooklyn subway gunman, Black and the Buffalo triggerman, White.

The insight these incarcerated men had went far beyond any critical media talking points. The group consists of long-term guys who, despite their predicament, have a sober understanding of the issues. On “gun free zones” they collectively viewed it as just another soft target begging for trouble. In jest, it was suggested that those who favor such things need to post a sign saying so in front of their homes.

The class is well acquainted with the nonstop howling about gun control and how it provides a perfect excuse to cloak the failures in recognizing and dealing with society’s real and mounting social problems. Anyone who believes more gun legislation will end mass shootings refuses to see the big picture. Ban guns yet the evil remains, and so do the guns but in the hands of society’s villains.

We have a crisis of fatherless homes more than a crisis of too many guns. We have too many enraged and directionless young men, where the root of the problem lies in the breakdown of the nuclear family and a depravity of traditional morals and values.

Most of the men in my charge come from such homes.

More anti-gun laws will not end mass shootings, nor heal these deep-seated social problems. Advocating for “action, any kind of action,” as Barack Obama suggested will not solve the problems that penetrate the American soul.

Author James Howard Kunstler summarized: “This is exactly what you get in a culture where anything goes, and nothing matters.” Many young men are living in what Kunstler describes as an “abyss of missing social relations” with “no communities, no fathers, no mentors, no initiations into personal responsibility, no daily organizing principles, no instruction in useful trades, no productive activities, no opportunities for love and affection, and no way out.”

Then we pile on social media for peer-pressure, and conceit, while remaining reluctant to report any fringe behavior for fear of reprisals.

When I was questioned by the group, I suggested the root of the problem lies in a Supreme Court decision made nearly 50-years ago: Roe v. Wade. The group seemed incredulous, at first.

Our culture does not value the sacredness of human life in its most innocent form – in a mother’s womb and yet we wonder why things are imploding. When I questioned them on how many lives abortion has claimed in its “legalized right” of a 49-year run, the highest guess was one million – 64-million souls short.

Is this not mass murder?

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Chicago experienced its most violent holiday in five years with 10 killed, and 42 wounded despite increased policing. Other than the members of my class, few will mention this or the carnage going on daily throughout the Black community. The Left could care less about Blacks killing Blacks as long as it is kept in their neighborhood.

Leftists refuse to acknowledge most murders are committed by Black and Latino gangbangers, not by White dues-paying members of the NRA, the ones Obama dismissed as “clinging to their guns and their religion.”

Banishing God and prayer from the public square, abortion, broken families, a war on morality, ubiquitous pornography, violent video games, movies, and music has nothing to do with gun violence. To suggest otherwise, gets you not only cancelled but assigned your share of the blame.

Firearms are not the problem. In the hands of heroes, they are often the only solution.

The exceptionally violent are a small percentage, but those who believe that life from conception to natural death is equally sacred remains just as small.

And that is the true tragedy.

Way to go Chicago, another great weekend huh? Ain’t it great that you have the tightest gun laws of any city in the U.S. How’s that working out for you?

PS, How about the latest news about  NASCAR’s woke moves? Never was a NASCAR enthusiast, so I don’t have to worry about it. But I’ll bet there are lot of enthusiasts who giving the organization a second thought.

I’m Sick!

Have you ever thought about the idea, what if your mother was not pro-life? I know that is meant to be somewhat of a joke, but think about what is actually going on in our country today. I cannot believe some states are killing babies in the last trimester, some just weeks before they are to be born. Unbelievable. These democratic scum have no morals at all; it’s all about the woman’s right to choose whether to give birth to this “thing” or not,  and that’s exactly how one must think of it — a “thing.” Yet they can’t even define what is a woman. I’m sick over this whole issue.


Criminal from the gate

By: G. Maresca


Of all the columns this space has hosted through the years, abortion has received plenty of ink.


Abortion gnaws at the American conscience because Roe v. Wade that codified this horrific procedure into law was the most egregious decision ever rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court. As a result, 65 million lives have been lost and counting. If leftists were honest, they would admit abortion is unconstitutional and a legal abomination – a result of judicial activism – that must be undone.

The left remains in a tizzy over the continued slaughter of babies and reveres abortion as American as methadone, shoplifting, and welfare. Leftists claim this gruesome procedure is healthcare for women, when they cannot even define what a woman is.

For the left, life begins not at conception but when you vote Democrat.

The war on the baby opened up a second front as the nation experiences a shortage of baby formula. A recent News-Item poll found that the majority believe abortion will return to the states, but most disconcerting was the 19% who did not care either way.

Memo to the left: provided the Supreme Court holds fast and overturns Roe, it will not end their most profane sacrament. Rather, abortion will be in the hands of the states and their elected representatives like many other civil and criminal issues underscoring how all politics is truly local.

The Supreme Court’s unprecedented leak of Justice Alito’s draft would overturn Roe as his opinion is consistent with Constitutional originalism. Whomever leaked the draft wanted and received the backlash we have been witnessing in the hope of coercing the justices to reverse their decision, which is still an option.

Intimidating and threatening members of the Supreme Court at their homes is straight out of a banana republic. Such tactics fail the constitutional order and like abortion itself is un-American. What about the life, liberty, and happiness of the unborn, the most innocent among us?

The vandalism of several Catholic churches and pro-life centers nationwide occurred ironically during Mother’s Day weekend. They underscore how the Catholic Church has stood steadfast in defending the unborn. Anti-Catholicism is alive and well in 21st century America. Leftists are today’s exemplars of the 19th century’s Know Nothing Party.

Commenting on Alito’s opinion, President Biden remarked: “The idea that we’re gonna make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child … goes way overboard.” Biden, in his own jumbled and twisted way, admits that abortion kills a child. Those in cognitive decline tend to speak truths they comprehend.

Abortion is not a “Constitutional right,” but the poisoned fruit of the Sexual Revolution run amok.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called Alito’s opinion a “dark and disturbing day for America,” while trying to codify Roe into federal law. From Schumer this is expected, but from Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr., who has scandalously masqueraded as pro-life right up until he voted for the bill, it was not.

The bill did not pass.

Perhaps, the pro-aborts who made it this far can answer a few questions. The consequences of ending Roe will save more babies, so why is this such a terrible thing? Why are Democrats like Biden and Casey who both claim to be practicing Catholics so driven to defend abortion? Provided most Americans supposedly support abortion, why are you opposed to having each state vote on the issue? How long does God bless a nation that aborts the most innocent among us?

The right to control over our bodies is all the rage – except when it comes to vaccines, wearing masks and promoting adolescent transgenders.

Provided Roe is overturned women would not lose the right to vote, nor will the chains of slavery return. Alito’s spot-on opinion reconditions the Supreme Court to its founding role: an impartial arbiter of the law, rather than an activist judiciary beholden to the left.

 The fight for life in the womb is far from over.

Abortion will remain legal in some form throughout our fruited plain for now. Provided Alito’s opinion holds, however, it is a large step in the direction of life and has leftist ideologues terrified.

I want to throw up! I say take these democratic bastards who are doing this out behind the barn and shoot them! There are Third World countries that don’t even do what we do. We live in a shit hole. God, where are you?