Leftism in Today’s USMC

Received this in an email from a highly respected retired Marine Colonel friend of mine. They are his words, not mine, but I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment.

“I wonder how much longer this Marine will be tolerated by the present “leadership.” When they see he is an attorney maybe they will be careful as to how to shut him up. What’s going on is very difficult to believe.”

From an opinion piece in Newsweek, Saturday 20 March 2021

In the Marine Corps, we don’t have quotas, but we do have goals. And Marines accomplish goals,” my officer-in-charge told me and a few other brand-new second lieutenants, each of us assigned to temporary recruiting duty while awaiting orders to Quantico. The captain then told us we had to sign up a certain number of college-enrolled racial minorities and females. No need to be too strict on physical fitness or academics, he said. Just bring them in.

That was in 2009. Discrimination of this sort has been an ingrained yet lamentable part of the military’s recruitment, retention and promotion practices for many years. But my fellow officers and I couldn’t have imagined that, 12 years later, our disagreement with these policies would get us labeled “racist,” “sexist,” “bigoted” or “extremists” worthy of “eradication” and “elimination” from the USMC. Yet the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps said as much in his February 22 “core values” memo.

I’m now a major in the Marine Corps Reserve and a member of a formerly all-male infantry battalion.* This past weekend we had our monthly drill period. A few days before drill, the command told us that all scheduled training on Sunday morning was canceled and replaced with a “stand-down to address extremism in the ranks.”

It was left-wing political programming, as direct as it sounds.

We were instructed that there is a Taliban-like threat in the United States called “domestic terrorism.” These terrorists are characterized in part by “anti-government,” “anti-authority” or “abortion-related” extremism and various “supremacist” ideas. None of these terms are defined. The Marine Corps entrusts the government’s HR department to figure that out.

Reporting requirements are key. Do you suspect someone supports an “extremist ideology?” Alert the chain of command. Have you heard a Marine express “contempt toward officials?” Notify the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Don’t handle anything on your own. Just rat them out. After all, “service is a privilege” and it’d be a shame to lose that privilege for failing to do your part to stamp out “extremists.” One PowerPoint slide posed this imperative in stark terms: “Do you want to be a Marine or do you want to be part of an organization that sows disunity and hate. You cannot have divided loyalties.”

Where did all this come from? Soft liberalism has taken root in the military over several decades. These alarming trends are already well documented in James Hasson’s book Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America’s Military. But in the wake of President Joe Biden’s election—and more precipitously since the January 6 “insurrection”—bureaucratic progressivism has hardened into iron-fisted wokeism.

January 6 provided the pretext that the government, media and Democratic Party needed to drum up paranoia about white-nationalist domestic terrorism. A month later, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo to all Pentagon leadership laying the groundwork for my unit’s Sunday morning indoctrination.

In his memo, Austin announced that the Department of Defense “will not tolerate…actions associated with extremist or dissident ideologies” and ordered all 1.4 million personnel to receive “extremism” training. And he promised it was just the beginning: the “stand-down is just the first initiative of what I believe must be a concerted effort to…eliminate the corrosive effects that extremist ideology and conduct have on the workforce.”

Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker followed with his own memo. He announced the objective for the entire Navy Department: nothing short of “eradicating extremism.” How? By rooting out “actions that betray our oaths” like promoting “ideology” or “doctrine” that challenges the “gender identity and sexual orientation” agenda or advancing efforts that allegedly “deprive individuals of their civil rights.”

In other words, advocating for the Biblical view of sex and marriage in law and policy is, according to today’s armed forces, tantamount to oath betrayal.

Then came the Marine Corps’ turn to mouth the right things about “extremism.” In late February, the highest-ranking enlisted Marine issued a memo to all hands condemning our institutional failure to “completely eliminate,” “eradicate,” and “conquer” all “racists, bigots, homophobes, and bullies.” Those people “are not welcome” in the military. “It is impossible,” the memo says, “to be both a good Marine and be any one of those things at the same time.” Again, specifics of “those things” are undefined. The author of the memo and the four-star Commandant leave that to the military’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force.

Finally, on March 5, the Marine Corps released an official directive: no later than April 2, all “commanders and supervisors at all levels will conduct and document a leadership stand-down in order to address issues of extremism in the ranks.” The commandant included a video with the directive, saying, “We must continuously strive to eliminate any division in our ranks.”

We all know what that means: any dissension on any issue that Biden-appointed top brass says is racist, sexist or homophobic will not be tolerated.

There is no doubt as to where all this is headed. The Pentagon’s swift and coordinated “smiting” of Tucker Carlson, who had the gall to “diss” the idea of sending pregnant women to war—an obviously absurd idea to all but the most politically correct officers grasping for a promotion—makes it very clear.

How did we get here? The truth is that today’s military is running on the fumes of our vastly superior forefathers and the ever-shrinking proportion of each branch that still does truly heroic work and accomplishes truly extraordinary feats. The rest is a bloated military-industrial complex given over to Fortune 500-style corporate progressivism.

And if it’s bad in the Marine Corps, imagine how much worse it is in the other services.

America’s enemies are laughing at us. Frankly, we deserve it. But it doesn’t need to be this way. To get back on top, our military must reject “extremism” training, reverse all the progressive policies enacted over the past several years, return to a true meritocracy and focus exclusively on the only thing that matters: winning wars.

We need a military fit for real warriors—not the social justice kind.

Aaron Reitz is a Major in the USMC Reserve, an Afghanistan War veteran and the Texas Deputy Attorney General for Legal Strategy.

* I prepared this article off-duty and in my personal capacity. The views I express here are solely mine and do not reflect those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy or the Office of the Attorney General of Texas.

For the life of me I cannot understand how a dedicated hard charging Marine, Enlisted or Officer could stay in a Marine Corps such as this?

I agree with my friend’s comments in that I also wonder how the leftist leaders in our once great Corps will handle this Major. Bravo Zulu for him speaking out. Get em’ Major.

Originally posted 2021-03-20 16:25:07.

14 thoughts on “Leftism in Today’s USMC”

  1. The Major needs to be promoted to CMC so he can clear out the leftys and other swamp dwellers from the pentagon with a Louisville Slugger. As you know Colonel, someone a few years ago did exactly that. The last Warrior Commandant.

  2. This is just disgusting. I met with a retired officer, working at a MarFor HQ several days ago. He informed me of the “stand down” and its agenda. He and many other Marines, active, reservist, and former, are all quite dismayed. We should be very, very concerned about the absolute weakness and warfighting spirit — across the services as this leftist, Godless, ideology permeates the military.

    Unfortunately for our republic, if history is a reference, we’ve been running the show for around 300 years since the decline of the British Empire. Rome lasted about the same length of time. Make no mistake: what’s happening is an assault on western civilization with foreign actors (money and influence) and domestic actors (Silicon Valley – Big IT) bent on destroying this nation. May God have mercy on us.

  3. I am appalled at this situation!! I wish I could fix it!! I would start by bringing a large rope to the household of Barrack Obama…I think that is where all of this is coming from!! He started tearing down our military back in 2008, after he first arrived..and he is now behind the scenes with new planted Biden associates helping to destroy our military from the inside! All of this ‘extremists’ shit is bullshit! Obama helped to dishonor our Miliary Code of Honor! His racial crap is still at work..!
    Somehow..don’t quit believeing! God will help us remove these corrupt dirty assholes! We must keep the faith…! Your old Army veteran..Jack Moore

  4. Will the libtards cry racism when a Russian or Chinese bullet rips through a transgender the same as it would a straight male of any color? This crap is so unbeleivable it makes me sick. As my father says, “well I wasn’t racist but I’m leaning towards it now”. Can’t blame him. Semper Fidelis.

  5. F it, let the pussy cry babies have it their way, we’ll see how that works for them when rounds start coming down range. Absolutely disgusting.

  6. Apparently, all the brainwashing in public schools over the past forty years hasn’t worked out all that well, so it has become necessary to “ferret out” everyone who doesn’t agree with communist/progressive ideology, label them extremist, sexist, racist [fill in the blank]-phobes, and cashier them from the ranks of the military. I wonder if understanding tranny-ism is now part of the civil service examination, too.

    When I first enlisted, I was required to state whether I was a member of the John Birch Society or the Communist Party. I didn’t even know what the John Birch Society was. Now of course, if you’re NOT a member of the Communist Party, you have to get a waiver for enlistment.

    Recently, SecDef Austin made a public announcement to the North Koreans that went something like this … “Oh yeah? Well, we can go to war with you tonight.” Utterly childish thing to say … but it did cause much levity at the North Korean officers club. They’re waiting for our Tranny Brigade to show up.

    Great article. Will anyone listen to this reserve officer? Nah. This country is nose-down and as with every “one point landing,” the end won’t be pretty.

    PS. I’m an extremist and I approved this message.

  7. Colonel, I think the Major is brave and true. He should take heart, and not worry. God blesses truth with Grace to those who hold to it. Man judges in vain. He is on the right side of the equation. Chuck sends

  8. If this country is attacked, it looks like we will have to rely on the rednecks and hillbillies to defend us. God help our military men because our government won’t.

  9. Colonel.
    I knew the SgtMaj of the Marine Corps when we were on the Drill Field at Parris Island together an then again at FASTCompany. If only he had to follow these directives back then he would have been long gone. He cut corners as a DI and hazed his recruits whenever the Regimental Inspectors weren’t around. He was worse at FASTCompany. Where hazing and demoralizing his troops was the norm for him. This guys had no morals or leadership standards other than those that got him what he wanted and where he wanted to go. I had no respect for him then or Now.
    I don’t know what I would do if I was still in the Corps today. Would I get out or stay in? Would I speak up or stay quiet? Knowing me I would speak up and they would end up kicking me out of the Corps. Our Corps has started down a long dark path.


  10. He’s not wrong. We were told by the Eastern Recruiting AC/S that it was mission to help the ERR meet its goals. I was an OSO 2009 to 2011. Seven other OSOs and I (All caucasian) were all replaced a year short of a full tour in order to facilitate “diversity” recruiting. Coincidentally by non Caucasian Marines. The Marines that replaced us were outstanding Marines; it wasn’t their fault. I went to District. The “diverse” OSOs struggled as much as their Caucasian counterparts to meet the Diversity mission. Almost 2 years later, I replaced the guy who replaced me due to his legal issues. The ERR CG, 3star Naval Academy graduate, she told Eastern Recruiting Region OSOs in 2011 that if an OSO didn’t meet the “diversity” goal, it was mission not accomplished regardless if numbers were made.

  11. Questioning the legitimacy of the 2017 election for 3 years was OK but not the 2021.election… Questioning equity is not OK. Supporting equality, color blindness, etc is now extremism. Judging people by the “content of their character not the color of their skin” is no longer OK. Refusing to support Black Lives Matter’s communist racist agenda and anti-American and anti-family rhetoric is now extremism. Refusing to obey the leftist oligarchy (big govt, big business, big tech, Wall Street) is extremism. So is support of the 1st and 2nd amendments.

    Let me remind everyone that the same president who is allowing children who are separated from their parents to be housed in horrible conditions on the Mexico border, is the same president who has not yet met or seen pictures of the 2 year old daughter his own son, Hunter, fathered with a stripper and refused to acknowledge paternity.

    That’s called progressivism… a euphemism for soulless totalitarian communism.

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