Good bye Melania

and may God bless you and keep you safe. Safe from all the scum sucking leeches who have damned you. You may have difficulty finding this You Tube video on the internet. The MSM and the kings of the internet don’t want you too. I listened to it twice. What a wonderful human being she is to give this speech and keep it positive. No First lady in the history of our nation (that I know of) has ever been treated like she was for four plus years.  As beautiful of a First Lady she was, never to appear on the cover of any woman’s magazine that I know of has to be the worst slap in the face this country could ever dish out. To put up with the fourth estate’s constant haranguing her and her family, yet give a speech like this says volumes about her character. Unlike the previous first lady (no caps) who made continuous cruel comments about Melania.  Surely you know of whom I speak. God bless you Melania. You did not deserve the crass treatment you and your lovely family experienced for four years. You may be gone, but certainly not ever forgotten!

                                                     Folks, this is CLASS!

Originally posted 2021-01-22 16:52:18.

8 thoughts on “Good bye Melania”

  1. I am an 88 year old Marine (Ret) who served 25 years, seven of which were spent in HMX-1 as a Presidential Helicopter Pilot. It was the best time of my life, flyinf four Preidents, VP’s and Foreign Heds of State. I share the respect and admiration of Mrs.Trump as others hve commented. May she forever enjoy the love and respect of our Nation as I and my faily do.
    God Bless her and her Family.

  2. Absolutely disgusting treatment of Melania by her detractors, she is so deserving of our love and respect. The Trump family has earned it.

  3. A beautiful and very classy lady who genuinely loved America and Americans because of her personal journey to citizenship. Criticized from the moment her husband announced and verbally defiled or ignored in the MSM for everything she did. Yet she continued to define her position as First Lady with grace, charm and compassion. God bless you MELANIA TRUMP!

  4. Agree fully… Elegance and class and she doesn’t have an adams apple like Mike obama, or that witch look of nasty hillary. Long live the Trump family and God bless them, they are true patriots. Semper Fi

  5. Much Respect to FLOTUS Melania Trump, and the grace she displayed.

  6. A true lady indeed. She speaks 5 languages. Yet the left spews vitriol and filth that I wouldn’t even repeat here when they speak of her. The whole Trump family is well raised, intelligent and classy. Can’t say the same for our new president. I will miss her almost as much as I miss The Donald. He was a dynamo and a doer. Best president we ever had and he had to work twice as hard under constant attack. And sadly I don’t believe the attacks will end with our new fascist regime in place.

  7. A truly heartfelt speech and so eloquently spoken from the bottom of her heart. I am sure that there will be those who will degrade the video but that only stands to show their ignorance about the good things in life.

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