Critical Race Theory II

Before I speak of the YouTube video on this post, I’d like to talk briefly about my post a few days ago entitled “A Man vs A Movement.” That particular post went absolutely viral, all over the world. It had 2,240 views in one day, yes, in one twenty-four hour period and is still getting views daily. It set a record for the most views on one day. So, if you haven’t looked at yet, you owe it to yourself to do so. For those of you who did read it, 1,034  of you passed it on to others to read. THANK YOU!

Now to this particular post. Much has been flying around cyberspace about this thing called Critical Race Theory, but how many of you know what it really means and where did this term “Critical Theory” itself come from? Well, I have done some research and I believe this video by Liz Wheeler explains it better than anything I have seen yet. Personally, I watched it twice and picked up some of her comments I had missed the first time. It’s not that long, but definitely a worthwhile watch. Just left click on the link below then click on the link that shows up. Enjoy and let me hear your comments.

Originally posted 2020-10-15 12:41:05.

3 thoughts on “Critical Race Theory II”

  1. I had to do some research on critical race theory to try and get a logical understanding of what this entails. I read many scholarly articles that were not only confusing but did come right out and explain it in reasonable terms. I found an article written by Krystina Skurk which was written on July 20, 2020 which I did enjoy reading. Critical race theory, (CRT), is being pushed on unsuspecting students from K-12. Wow. Kindergarten students being taught CRT. Unbelievable. Students in college are being taught that every power structure including the free market, criminal justice system, the electoral college, were created to oppress them. A key tenet of CRT is that crime is a result of social circumstances and thus relieves criminals of culpability which is a theory that endorsed.A post on a story about stealing from a book in the Madeline series instructs parents to teach, “This is showing a man stealing money, which is wrong…but I don’t like that the book is calling him ‘bad’ just because he is stealing. We live in a world where not everyone has everything they need. And that is also wrong.” This is exactly how many who have been protesting and looting looting across the nation have justified their actions. A person who was protesting in Washington, DC argued that the only reason there is crime in black communities is because the people who live there are poor and if they were given more money, she argued, they would not need to steal. Wonder what she meant by more money? I wonder what the person that wrote this particular post is going to do about correcting all the wrongs in the world? I do not have everything that I need, as I am sure that many do not have everything that they need, and I have accepted that without going about getting things in a way that may harm others. To see the effects of CRT on American society just turn on the news. There you will see protestors calling to defund the police and end capitalism, rioters looting and burning down their own communities, groups of radicals taking over entire city blocks and setting up their own form of government. Such events are a direct result of what these woke activists have been taught by college professors and supported by the medial elite. No pre-existing institution, law, or aspect of American culture is safe from accusations of systemic racism. Anything that is not deemed acceptable to anti-racist ideology must be cancelled. If our education system is in the midst of creating such radicals is there any hope in the future?
    This article can be found at

  2. Jim, the average BLM or Antifa person tossing frozen water bottles probably doesn’t know the long term, malevolent plan hatched by those evil wizards behind the curtain. They’re just out there to raise hell, punish all those “racists”, crap on the po – lice, and let’s not forget burn buildings, smash windows and steal stuff. Oh, how I’d like to get my hands on those behind the curtain! And, well, let’s admit it, maybe wrap my fingers around the scrawny necks of those white college kids running with the crowd with their black umbrellas and $400 custom backpacks.

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