Tag Archives: Supreme Court

I’m Sick!

Have you ever thought about the idea, what if your mother was not pro-life? I know that is meant to be somewhat of a joke, but think about what is actually going on in our country today. I cannot believe some states are killing babies in the last trimester, some just weeks before they are to be born. Unbelievable. These democratic scum have no morals at all; it’s all about the woman’s right to choose whether to give birth to this “thing” or not,  and that’s exactly how one must think of it — a “thing.” Yet they can’t even define what is a woman. I’m sick over this whole issue.


Criminal from the gate

By: G. Maresca


Of all the columns this space has hosted through the years, abortion has received plenty of ink.


Abortion gnaws at the American conscience because Roe v. Wade that codified this horrific procedure into law was the most egregious decision ever rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court. As a result, 65 million lives have been lost and counting. If leftists were honest, they would admit abortion is unconstitutional and a legal abomination – a result of judicial activism – that must be undone.

The left remains in a tizzy over the continued slaughter of babies and reveres abortion as American as methadone, shoplifting, and welfare. Leftists claim this gruesome procedure is healthcare for women, when they cannot even define what a woman is.

For the left, life begins not at conception but when you vote Democrat.

The war on the baby opened up a second front as the nation experiences a shortage of baby formula. A recent News-Item poll found that the majority believe abortion will return to the states, but most disconcerting was the 19% who did not care either way.

Memo to the left: provided the Supreme Court holds fast and overturns Roe, it will not end their most profane sacrament. Rather, abortion will be in the hands of the states and their elected representatives like many other civil and criminal issues underscoring how all politics is truly local.

The Supreme Court’s unprecedented leak of Justice Alito’s draft would overturn Roe as his opinion is consistent with Constitutional originalism. Whomever leaked the draft wanted and received the backlash we have been witnessing in the hope of coercing the justices to reverse their decision, which is still an option.

Intimidating and threatening members of the Supreme Court at their homes is straight out of a banana republic. Such tactics fail the constitutional order and like abortion itself is un-American. What about the life, liberty, and happiness of the unborn, the most innocent among us?

The vandalism of several Catholic churches and pro-life centers nationwide occurred ironically during Mother’s Day weekend. They underscore how the Catholic Church has stood steadfast in defending the unborn. Anti-Catholicism is alive and well in 21st century America. Leftists are today’s exemplars of the 19th century’s Know Nothing Party.

Commenting on Alito’s opinion, President Biden remarked: “The idea that we’re gonna make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child … goes way overboard.” Biden, in his own jumbled and twisted way, admits that abortion kills a child. Those in cognitive decline tend to speak truths they comprehend.

Abortion is not a “Constitutional right,” but the poisoned fruit of the Sexual Revolution run amok.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called Alito’s opinion a “dark and disturbing day for America,” while trying to codify Roe into federal law. From Schumer this is expected, but from Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr., who has scandalously masqueraded as pro-life right up until he voted for the bill, it was not.

The bill did not pass.

Perhaps, the pro-aborts who made it this far can answer a few questions. The consequences of ending Roe will save more babies, so why is this such a terrible thing? Why are Democrats like Biden and Casey who both claim to be practicing Catholics so driven to defend abortion? Provided most Americans supposedly support abortion, why are you opposed to having each state vote on the issue? How long does God bless a nation that aborts the most innocent among us?

The right to control over our bodies is all the rage – except when it comes to vaccines, wearing masks and promoting adolescent transgenders.

Provided Roe is overturned women would not lose the right to vote, nor will the chains of slavery return. Alito’s spot-on opinion reconditions the Supreme Court to its founding role: an impartial arbiter of the law, rather than an activist judiciary beholden to the left.

 The fight for life in the womb is far from over.

Abortion will remain legal in some form throughout our fruited plain for now. Provided Alito’s opinion holds, however, it is a large step in the direction of life and has leftist ideologues terrified.

I want to throw up! I say take these democratic bastards who are doing this out behind the barn and shoot them! There are Third World countries that don’t even do what we do. We live in a shit hole. God, where are you?



While the news of the day seems to be the 22 generals who have come out from under their rocks and spoke out against King Berger’s changes to my Corps. I’m sick of it. Yeah, I know they had to try diplomacy first and when Berger continued to march, they finally had to say something. Only three spoke out in favor of my “Open Letter to CMC Berger”; which to date has garnered >6,ooo hits and still going strong. The plea now is to write your elected criminals, as most are, and mirror their comments Hmm, I did that several months ago. Now even the liberal; Jim Webb spoke out; I was waiting for that one. It was a good, concise, on the mark article. Maybe some of his liberal friends in Congress will now pay attention since one of their own has spoke out. But I digress as that’s not what this post is about.

Once again, my friend and Marine brother hits the mark concerning this scumbag we all love to hate – Hunter Biden, and of course his beloved father. Both of whom are criminals and deserve to be in jail serving life. I fear once again that nothing, absolutely nothing will come about from the newest and greatest investigation. It’s a laugh. Our justice system is a system catered to the guilty, not you and me.

How about the latest nomination for the Supreme Court who was unable to define a woman when questioned by a Congresswoman.

I’m amazed that the infamous NYT is still publishing a newspaper. Who the hell buys it, do you? I love Greg’s comment about “All the news that fits.” LOL And how about Twitter and  Facebook? Does anyone still have accounts with those communist, socialist social medias? I do have a FB page where I only go to in order to add my posts; I’m amazed they have yet to censor me. And I sure as hell do not have a Twitter account, albeit they “think” I do as I get emails from them, which I reply to telling them where to go. In sum we are feed nothing but BS from the media, including the social media. I love Greg’s closing comment about the comparisons between Russia’s and our medias. Read and enjoy if you can.

Hunter’s Pandora’s Laptop

By: G. Maresca

The New York Times’ time-honored maxim: “All the news that is fit to print” finally conceded that Hunter Biden’s laptop’s emails are newsworthy as first reported by the New York Post in October 2020 – 16 months after the presidential election.

The conservative New York Post founded by Alexander Hamilton deserved a Pulitzer but will never see it.

The Times has relished their bloated reputation for decades while perfecting the art of falsehood and being left-wing. Some 90 years ago, their Moscow correspondent was Walter Duranty. While Stalin was executing his political opponents and starving millions of Ukrainians, Duranty’s dispatches rendered Stalin’s homeland a worker’s paradise. Duranty was double-dipping collecting from the Times and Stalin, who bribed him with money, booze, drugs, and prostitutes while being awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1932.

Sounds like Duranty was Hunter Biden’s prototype.

When it was finally revealed that Duranty had lied, the Times refused to surrender the Pulitzer.

In Laurel Leff’s 2005 book: “Buried by The Times,” during World War II “the paper of record” suppressed news of Nazi atrocities against Jews because publisher Arthur Sulzberger was a Jewish assimilationist. The paper referred to the Jews as “refugees” to assuage how the Nazis were targeting a pogrom of European Jewry.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is nearly a year and a half provided you consider the Times an arbiter of truth. The Times must believe Biden is toast giving the paper nearly three years to bolster the next Democrat nominee.

If that wasn’t enough and despite no evidence, 50 government sleuths claimed that Hunter’s laptop was part of a Russian disinformation plot published in a Times op-ed piece. What remains unanswered is do these fabulous 50 maintain their employment and security clearances? You bet your bippy nothing will happen to these scum.

All the Times offered was an unconvincing admission buried deep inside their broadsheet. The Times did not just conceal the facts about Hunter Biden’s illicit dealings and his father’s 10% kickback, they bungled, beat, and buried the story with Jimmy Hoffa.

Hunter’s emails underscored how he was profiting from his father’s connections including being a board member of a Ukrainian gas company. According to the Wall Street Journal, Biden’s former business partner admitted the laptop’s contents had Biden profiting from a Shanghai company directly tied to the Chinese communists.

The Times was living their true creed: “All the news that fits – their agenda.” Twitter jumped on the suppression train by censoring their New York Post account, while Facebook algorithmically did their leftist duty in killing the story as Hunter’s laptop conveniently met the journalistic abyss on the cusp of Election Day. Censorship and abject lying are the core tenets of the left’s strategy, as there is no substance to their socialist agenda.

Rather than investigate, the mainstream media dismissed it or claimed Hunter Biden’s debauched escapades were fake news – case closed – until now.

A post-election survey of Biden voters said 10% would not have voted for him provided they aware of the illicit dealings of his son. Imagine what the Times would publish provided one of Donald Trump’s sons had impregnated a stripper like Hunter? How many articles about Joe’s grand baby in Arkansas have you read?

The news’ profession is infiltrated with plenty of bias editors who have no issue about using deliberate omission as suppression. News and its ensuing opinion pieces are affected as much by what is omitted as by what is covered. This column is just one example. And provided it disappears for a week or two, you know the deal.

When will the IRS investigate the Biden’s dealings? Indictments would open a Pandora’s box exposing Biden as the corrupt, incompetent lifetime politico he is. Biden is compromised, while his son possesses no shame after being captured on video snorting cocaine naked with a prostitute.

The complicit media was promoting false narratives to take down a sitting president, in Donald Trump, is the biggest story.

Corrupt politicians and their mainstream media cohorts are the rust corroding our liberties. The difference between the state media in Russia and what passes for news in the U.S. is the eight-hour time difference between the two nations.

If these stories don’t grow legs, the nation’s fourth estate is failing everyone.

I just have to post the following pictures about how far our military has gone in order to “positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.” –  both from our combat ready Air Farce.

Oh, and don’t forget about our Corps’ endeavor to impact the goals as well.

Isn’t this a great country or what? 

Biden’s Briar Patch

What is going on in the swamp these days? There is always so much going on among the creatures, tis hard to stay tuned up. Recv’d this missive from my good friend, fellow Marine Brother, Greg, this a.m. Biden just cannot stay out of trouble. To quote a famous Philosopher, “Stupid is what stupid is.” Why do so many of his remarks, promises, and decisions come back to bite him in the backside? Well, this one surely will. Stay tuned.

By: G. Maresca

With Republicans poised to win back the Senate after the November midterm election, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who is the court’s second-longest serving member, announced his retirement at the end of the court’s term this summer.

Biden promised during the 2020 South Carolina primary that provided he was elected his first appointment to the nation’s highest court would be a Black woman. Biden prefers identity politics taking precedent over qualifications.

Perhaps Biden is trying to make up for the fact that when George W. Bush nominated Janice Rogers Brown, a black woman for the U.S. Court of Appeals, she was opposed and filibustered by Sen. Biden. Brown was eventually confirmed and then nominated by Bush for the Supreme Court but replaced by Samuel Alito due to Biden’s opposition. In 1987, Biden bashed renowned judge Robert Bork, a Ronald Reagan Supreme Court nominee, so maliciously that he transformed Bork’s name into a verb.

Biden weaves a long and sordid tale with Supreme Court nominees, so don’t be fooled by this latest “first” just ask Janice Rogers Brown.

Biden’s appointment record speaks volumes with Kamala Harris as Vice President and Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy – pure ideological selections. Biden’s first year has been a disaster yet, he continues along the same path as he kowtows to the extreme elements of his party. By announcing his intention to only consider black women, Biden insults his nominee, the court and nation.

Biden did his nominee a disfavor and thus put her judicial qualifications in question for the remainder of her career. The search will be limited to roughly 2% of the national lawyer consortium, which narrows the pool tremendously, while handcuffing the best candidates.

Biden’s nominee will not change the court’s balance of power but it will make it much younger.

The nation deserves a robust debate about the nominee, whether Black, Hispanic White, Asian, man, or woman. Diversity does not afford one to accurately read the law better. The increasing acceptance that gender and race, rather than individual merit, is the most important characteristic no matter how well-intended, should raise fervent alarm.

Even if the nominee was the best, she is denigrated by being chosen for race and gender rather than capabilities and credentials. She will certainly not get the disgraceful grilling that Kavanaugh received at his nomination hearing. Nor will she be asked why does any accomplished Black woman stoop to being played as a political pawn?

Biden was reminded that nominating Diana Ross to the Supremes happened a long time ago and he should select Kamala Harris already a torchbearer as the first woman who was Jamaican and Indian to become a Black woman.  Oh yeah, do that Biden, good choice. Wait, stop, watch this short video.

Replacing Harris with a competent vice president would enhance Biden’s ticket should he run again, or who can lead the ticket if he is unable.  

Biden said he will miss Breyer, as he is especially fond of his chocolate ice cream. Wait, stop, sorry to interrupt again, but watch this short clip of our clear thinking president

Naturally, any criticism of Biden’s pick will be treated as racist and misogynistic.

Once upon a time in America, Martin Luther King’s dream had relevance: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Many who observe King’s legacy embrace racism and sexism and fool no one.

Rather, they threaten and intimidate.

Biden treats the Constitution as a mere suggestion rather than the nation’s foundational law while failing to live up to his oath to faithfully uphold it.

Democrats run government by quota, rather than merit. Meritocracy is dead as race, gender, religion or lack thereof, is what characterizes contemporary America and not for the better.

This fall, the Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding race discrimination in admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. Biden’s nominee, who gained her seat by race and gender, will now adjudicate such cases.

Breyer’s last line of his resignation letter reads: “Throughout, I have been aware of the great honor of participating as a judge in the effort to maintain our Constitution and the rule of law.”

That should be priority one.

Sadly, it is anything but.

Ice Cream anyone?


Supreme Strikeout

Good day Folks. Before I talk about today’s post allow me to admit to a gross screwup. I posted earlier in the week an oath I believed  was the commissioning oath at USMA. However, had I done my due diligence, I would have discovered it was the Oath of Admissions given to newly joined cadets. Therefore, I removed it. I apologize profusely as I should have done my research as I always do, but failed to this time. I shall not do so again. That is my literary  responsibility.

However, even though it was their admissions oath, I still take exception to its wording. It is very telling about what the USMA plans to teach these young sponges.  If you goggle it and listen to it carefully, I suspect you will find it “strange” to whom they are pledging allegiance.

Now to the post. Once again Greg comes through with a barn burner. Makes me wonder why we even have a Supreme Court if they cannot answer the mail in a manner that solves the issues instead of leaving them open to further interpretation and litigation. Roberts has always been and continues to be a weak Justice in my book. He was appointed by the young Bush.

By Greg Maresca

Supreme Court decisions are national news but a 9-0 decision in today’s world of partisan politics is an anomaly. Fulton v. City of Philadelphia was based on discrimination of the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution’s First Amendment and although unanimous, religious liberty still hangs in the balance.

In 2018, despite a critical need for foster families, the city of Philadelphia prohibited Catholic Social Services (CSS) from providing foster care. CSS had been at it for over two centuries long before fostering was a government service. Holding fast to Catholic moral teaching, CSS excluded gay couples from participating. Moreover, CSS will not place children with unmarried heterosexual couples either.

The kicker is no gay couple has ever asked CSS for foster service because 27 other organizations throughout Philadelphia already do. As other Philadelphia foster care Christian ministries surrendered to the city’s demands, CSS chose to fight claiming their First Amendment rights were violated.

CSS lost at the Third Circuit but were vindicated last month by the Supreme Court.  All nine justices agreed Philadelphia violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote CSS’s work is not “public accommodation,” since “certification as a foster parent . . . is not readily accessible to the public.” Philadelphia’s fault was not in excluding a ministry that follows biblical morality, but not considering it to be “public accommodation.”

Herein lies the crux of the issue.

Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch panned the vulnerability of Robert’s words since it fails to answer the greater question of religious liberty protections for Christian ministries. All three justices are constitutional originalists.

Roberts has routinely sought unanimous consent while deciding on specifics and diluting principle. Such jurisprudence only guarantees future litigation. Roberts is so bound to legal precedent that writing clearly on Constitutional matters is nearly impossible. His fear of originalist context would rule Dred Scott as still relevant.

This is what morally confused thinking produces.

There is much to be said for distinct moral clarity when laws are written and adjudicated.

The powers that be are too willing to compromise on principle to make it appear fair to both sides. Eventually, there will be no principles left worth defending.

Roberts is arguably one of the weakest chief justices in the court’s history.

The unanimous ruling has little significance, as Alito wrote, “This decision might as well be written on the dissolving paper sold in magic shops. The City has been adamant about pressuring CSS to give in, and if the City wants to get around today’s decision, it can simply eliminate the never-used exemption power. The Court has emitted a wisp of a decision that leaves religious liberty in a confused and vulnerable state.” In its future dealings in foster contracts, Alito asks, “What if it simply deletes the exemption clause? Voilà,” Alito writes, “today’s decision will vanish, and the parties will be back where they started.”

The Court has once again struck a glancing blow for religious liberty rather than establishing a rock-solid precedent.

Just last week the court refused to hear Arlene’s Flowers, Inc. vs. Washington, another case where fighting for one’s religious liberty ends without justice while damaging one’s livelihood. Colorado baker Jack Phillips is still a target after he won his Supreme Court case and the Little Sisters of the Poor have had to make two court appearances.

Given the left’s enmity to religious liberty, the nation is in desperate need of a Supreme Court that must boldly defend it.

How pathetic that any of these cases had to petition the Supreme Court, let alone make a trip to court at all.  Throughout this litigation, the charitable works of CSS were partially derailed hurting the very people the leftists in Philadelphia claim to care about.

How many times does the Supreme Court have to decide in favor of the religious before the harassment ends?

The Supreme Court whiffed a grand opportunity to protect religious liberty more convincingly.

Here’s hoping they will not miss the next one because there will be a next one.

Such proceedings only underscore how our ultimate trust lies not with the Supreme Court, the Congress, or who sits in the Oval Office, but in Divine Providence.
