Tag Archives: slavery

Black History Month

Truer words were never spoken. Parents be aware of of what your child is learning in school; ask questions of them. I remember being stationed at Fort Bragg with the Army. This was in the early 70’s and Fayetteville, NC was still somewhat of a segregated town even then. My son went to a school out in town. We were at the dinner table talking about the kids learned that day in school. My son started talking about the “War of Northern Aggression.” Needless to say, he and I had a talk.  Our children today are fed so much BS by left-wing progressives hell bent on spewing their own demented personal; beliefs. Look at you child’s text books, homework, required papers, etc. parents need to really ask questions and get them talking.  You may be shocked regardless of what grade they are in.

By Larry Elder


When will Black History Month be … history?

Apart from the bizarre notion that educators should set aside one month to salute the historical achievements of one race apart from and above the historical achievements of other races, Black History Month appears to omit a lot of Black history.

About slavery, do our mostly left-wing educators teach that slavery was not unique to America and is as old as humankind? As economist and author Thomas Sowell says: “More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than Blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after Blacks were freed in the United States.”

Are students taught that “race-based preferences,” sometimes called “affirmative action,” were opposed by several civil rights leaders? While National Urban League Executive Director Whitney Young supported a type of “Marshall Plan” for a period of 10 years to make up for historical discrimination, his board of directors refused to endorse the plan. In rejecting it, the president of the Urban League in Pittsburgh said the public would ask, “What in blazes are these guys up to? They tell us for years that we must buy (nondiscrimination) and then they say, ‘It isn’t what we want.’”

Do our left-wing educators, during Black History Month, note that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s celebrated New Deal actually “hurt” Blacks? According to Cato Institute’s Jim Powell, Blacks lost as many as 500,000 jobs as a result of anti-competitive, job-killing regulations of the New Deal. Powell writes: “The minimum wage regulations made it illegal for employers to hire people who weren’t worth the minimum because they lacked skills. As a result, some 500,000 blacks, particularly in the South, were estimated to have lost their jobs.”

Are students taught that gun control began as a means to deny free Blacks the right to own guns? In ruling that Blacks were chattel property in the Dred Scott case, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney warned that ruling otherwise would mean that Blacks could legally own guns. If Blacks were “entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens,” said Taney, “it would give persons of the Negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one state of the union, the right … to keep and carry arms wherever they went … endangering the peace and safety of the state.”

Are students taught that generations of civil rights leaders opposed illegal immigration and raised questions about legal immigration? After the Civil War, Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass implored employers to hire Blacks over new immigrants. Twenty-five years later, Booker T. Washington pleaded with Southern industrialists to hire Blacks over new immigrants: “One third of the population of the South is of the Negro race. … To those of the white race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth and strange tongue and habits for the prosperity of the South: Cast down your bucket where you are. Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know, whose fidelity and love you have tested in days when to have proved treacherous meant the ruin of your fireside.”

About illegal immigration, Coretta Scott King signed a letter urging Congress to retain harsh sanctions against employers who knowingly hire illegal workers. The letter said: “We are concerned … that … the elimination of employer sanctions will cause another problem — the revival of the pre-1986 discrimination against black and brown U.S. and documented workers, in favor of cheap labor — the undocumented workers.”

These are just a few historical and inconvenient notes left on the cutting room floor during Black History Month.

Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host. His latest book, “The New Trump Standard,” is available in paperback from Amazon.com and for Nook, Kindle, iBook’s and GooglePlay. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit www.LarryElder.com. Follow Larry on Twitter @LarryElder.

Copyright 2021 LAURENCE A. ELDER

POSTCRIPT: Some of you may have seen the live interview where Morgan Freeman said the following. It is true, I personally saw the interview:

“Black history month needs to go away. How would you like it if we dedicate one month out of the year as white history month?  American history is our history.  So I’ll ask you to stop calling me a black man and I’ll stop calling you a white man.  The issue of race only exists because we talk about it.  Let it go and die in the past so we can build a future where we aren’t black/white.  We are fellow humans.”

Amen. He’s also a great actor. 


Originally posted 2021-02-23 12:15:30.

Children For Sale!

I have GOT to see this movie! Have you? If so, let me see your comments. This article was sent to by a Marine brother this morning. It’s from the “American Thinker.”

If you would prefer to read the article at the website, copy and paste this URL into your browser. But I would really like to see your comments. I read many of the readers’ comment at the website. You may want to as well.



God’s Children Are Not for Sale: Why the Left Hates Sound of Freedom


I recently went to see the movie Sound of Freedom. It was the first time I had gone to a movie theater since before Covid and it was well worth the wait for such a superb and important film. I was curious about a number of things including whether, in the midst of a heatwave (and rumors that AMC Theaters were sabotaging the air-conditioning in theaters showing the film), the theater would be air-conditioned and why the left has been so distraught over a movie about child sex trafficking – a seemingly nonpartisan issue about which all people of good conscience should be concerned.

I am happy to report that the theater, in West Nyack, NY, was air-conditioned and comfortable. I’m also happy to report that other than the first two rows, every seat was occupied. In fact, when I went to purchase the ticket, the 6:30pm and 7:30pm showings were completely sold out other than the first two rows, so I attended a 9:15pm showing.

And leftists won’t be pleased to hear that the composition of the audience was “representative” of the country’s demographics, i.e., it was quite diverse. In fact, the vast majority of the audience was Hispanic (my guess with the amount of Spanish I heard is first generation), Black, and much of the audience was likely 30 and under, although there were definitely people a bit older as well (I spotted only one white man who appeared to be older than 50). These are people the left thinks they own.

I did not spot one QAnon-supporting, white supremacist or MAGA-touting Republican. At $16 for a ticket, I found the demographics interesting, although once the movie began and I realized it took place almost entirely in Central America with all of the children being trafficked from those countries, it made sense. And despite the diversity of the audience, people laughed in unison at the one or two appropriate places (it was not a fun or funny movie) and clapped appropriately including when a pedophile was arrested and at the end of the movie.

As to why the left has done everything in its power to sabotage the movie, including Disney Studios reportedly shelving it for five years, there is absolutely nothing whatsoever political in Sound of Freedom, a mostly (the film-makers did take some artistic license) true story of child sex-trafficking. I watched the film looking for scenes, statements, or anything else that could have been deemed offensive to someone on the left and couldn’t find one. In fact, there was nothing at all patriotic about the film including not one American flag — which we know offends the left — nor was there any criticism of Democrats’ or the Biden administration’s immigration failures.

This has led me to conclude three things about why the left hates the movie. The first point is obvious: one of Biden’s first moves upon entering office was to open our southern border, which has resulted in far greater numbers of children who are being trafficked for sex and slavery. Several months ago, whistleblowers appeared before Congress to testify about Biden acting as a “middleman” in a multi-billion-dollar child trafficking operation. And Tim Ballard, the DHS agent whom the story was about and who started Operation Underground Railroad in order to save children from this terrible atrocity, and Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Ballard, have spoken extensively  on the topic.

While Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and the complicit mainstream media have been lying to Americans about our border remaining secure, the numbers, videos, and individual stories tell the truth. And that’s the problem; Sound of Freedom tells a story that the left doesn’t want you, average American citizen, to hear.

The problem with sabotaging such an important story is that there are young lives at stake, and they need our help. Child trafficking is a huge industry and people of good moral conscience need to act in order to save them. At the end of the film the following statements appear just before the credits:

Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar-a-year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the largest consumers of child sex.

There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history – including when slavery was legal.

Millions of these slaves are children.

It’s very easy to put one’s head in the sand and ignore the painful realities that evil exists in our world. Or as someone in the film notes, “It’s too ugly for polite conversation.” Sound of Freedom doesn’t allow for ostriches to sit back and ignore these children. Which is tragically ironic since liberals claim to care so much about certain children (i.e. media lies about innocent Palestinian children murdered at the hands of Nazi-like Israelis) while ignoring the plight of those pouring across the border from Latin America and simultaneously indoctrinating America’s children into a world of drag queens and transgenderism. No wonder the left doesn’t want Americans to become aware of how pervasive the problem is lest Biden (the guy who exhibits pedophilia tendencies of his own) be forced to act.

During the credits, Caviezel spends about two minutes talking to the audience making an appeal to everyone to tell the story and help market the movie sharing the unimaginable roadblocks to getting the film released and stating:

We don’t have big studio money to market this movie, but we have you. And the baton has now been passed to you. You are the storytellers that can get people to come see this film in theaters. Sound of Freedom is a hero’s tale but I’m not talking about the character I play. It’s the heroic brother and sister in this film that work to save each other. They are the true heroes. The most powerful person in this world is the storyteller. Together, we have a chance to make these two kids and the countless children that they represent, the most powerful people in the world by telling the story in a way that only the cinema can do. For a couple of months while Sound of Freedom is in theaters these kids can be more powerful than the cartel kingpins or presidents or congressmen or even tech billionaires. We believe this movie has the power to be a huge step forward toward ending child trafficking. But it will only have that effect if millions of people see it.”

He then put up a QR code to scan in order to help Angel Studios “pay it forward” by purchasing a ticket for someone else. For those interested in making a donation for others to see the film, you can go to Pay it Forward for Sound of Freedom | Angel Studios. As of this writing there were well over five million tickets sold (they had a goal of two million).

Which brings me to my second conclusion: the left hates straight, white, male heroes. And while the children are the real heroes in this story, Caviezel fits that bill, his powerful presence portraying Ballard is felt throughout the film’s entirety and Ballard’s work in saving children is truly heroic. The left can’t stand that; hence why movies featuring superheroes and Disney princesses are being remade with Black, gay and nonbinary representations, while every movie with a straight, White, male hero is attacked as a QAnon-, MAGA-, white supremacist-supporter or a right-wing conspiracy theorist.

Notwithstanding these attacks, Sound of Freedom is doing quite well at the box office as is often the case with a well-made film telling an important story. American Sniper starring Bradley Cooper, 13 Hours about Benghazi, and Top Gun Maverick featuring Tom Cruise back in his patriotic role all come to mind as movies the left panned, but Americans loved.

Finally, the left hates religion, likely because it instills morals which often lead people to do the right thing. Sound of Freedom is not a religious movie, but there are a few references to God that I’m sure annoyed atheistic leftists who are anything but morally driven to do the right thing. At one point one of the characters was explaining why he helps save children and he stated, “When God tells you what to do you cannot hesitate.” I venture a guess that most people on the left don’t hear God let alone have Him guide them throughout their lives or they wouldn’t support puberty blockers, castration, and mastectomies for children, abortion on demand up to delivery, and the legalization of cannabis and other toxic drugs for instance.

But thankfully many good people do in fact follow their conscience and recognize evil and those people are going to see this movie, are encouraging others to do so, and are hoping to help all of God’s children hear the sound of freedom. And as Ballard’s character says at the end of the film, Amen.


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