Tag Archives: Politics

Black Lives Matter “Too”

Another must read gem from Greg Maresca

Sign of the times

By: G. Maresca

The political signage has sprouted among the inescapable roofing, paving, and real estate placards, as November’s election count down is underway.  On my daily jaunt, there was even one “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) sign among them nearly equaling the support for Joe Biden in a neighborhood as ethnically diverse as the Augusta National Golf Club.

Unlike the two Biden signs, the BLM one is sequestered away from the road and practically hidden from view.  The sign situated just off their manicured lawn and in the shadow of their well-upholstered Wayne Manor facade, appears to be a first-degree case of virtue signaling serving as free publicity for the Pied Pipers of Marxism.

What’s in a name?

Shakespeare’s Juliet may have believed, a rose by any other name is still a rose, but it was the Romans trusted “nomen est omen” — a name is a destiny because names, do in fact, matter.  If BLM had instead labeled themselves, Black Lives Matter, Too, perhaps they would have had a more benevolent welcoming.

BLM sounds like a social justice crusade for blacks, but they actually represent very few.

Perhaps the folks with the signage and those in professional sports fail to realize how BLM has hijacked George Floyd’s death in order to stage a second and perverted sexual revolution.

BLM was founded by a trio of Marxist lesbians whose online manifesto: “What We Believe,” seeks to “disrupt” the “Western-prescribed” family (traditional mother and father), who have emancipated themselves from “heteronormative thinking” (anti-heterosexual).  They also demand “reproductive justice” (abortions) and “foster a queer‐affirming network” (pro-gay/transgender) that is the core of their creed to remake America in their image.

When anyone takes a knee or plants a sign, they pay homage to BLM’s anti-Christian credo.

More proof was when BLM activist Sean King tweeted: “All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy.”  Christian churches and statues are desecrated with the BLM campaign as its cover.

Their phrase “Black Lives Matter” emphasizes the duality of convenience.  In one instance, it’s a slogan.  However, when someone tries to extend it to all of humanity it becomes exclusive.

Objecting to painting BLM on the street is unassailable.  BLM’s fanatic platform cannot be questioned because, after all, “black” is in its name.

Bestselling black author Shelby Steele said BLM is a “distraction” from the real issues.  If black lives really mattered, they would be tearing down abortion mills and crack houses instead of statues and burning Bibles.  Likewise, they would address the high murder rate perpetrated by blacks against blacks.  By focusing on police racism, which by every available statistic has been in decline for decades, they reveal their true agenda: nullify the police so that chaos reigns over civic comity without which a unified republic cannot endure.

BLM demands that racism is systemic and that you either support them or you are racist.  The only thing systemic is leftism as BLM completely ignores the greater quantity of crime, deprived education, and fatherless homes infecting black communities.

By claiming to fight bigotry, they not only excuse, but abet it, which is just another form of bigotry.  You cannot simultaneously fight against violence while endorsing it.

Despite such radical ambitions, many folks stop at nothing to coddle and praise BLM.  Such is the consequence of today’s remorseless zero-sum politics.

When BLM supports charter schools and educational vouchers, fights against the tens of thousands of black abortions annually, and promotes that families with both a mother and father are the best chance of a child succeeding in life, their mantra and theatrics is just more divisive and violent political theater.

By displaying BLM signage, you not only sympathize with their cause, but provide license for them to engage in wanton violence and destruction.

Whether they can figure it out or not, but BLM are the heirs of the Jim Crow racists as they continue to mock everything the American nation was founded upon.

What really matters is how and why BLM wars against the Christian values of Western Civilization, and does so by sawing away at the very limb they stand on.


Originally posted 2020-08-21 12:31:48.

Biden’s New Commercial

This is the voice of the National Democratic party??? I’m sure he did not make this one on his own. It had to have had the scum Pelosi’s and Schummer’s input. And folks, this says it all. Very telling. Be sure to spread it around and by all means send to your liberal friends, that is if you have any — I do not! It seems obvious to me who this commercial is directed towards, but you decide. Needs to go viral!

Originally posted 2020-08-03 14:12:12.

Sleepy Joe

Can you imagine Old Joe meeting with Putin? Oh dear, I’d love to see that, but it would mean this fool winning in November and we surely cannot allow that to happen.


I suspect I will be taking a break soon so this may be my last post for a while. Need to get away from it all. The news is so overwhelming for anyone, especially for those of us who have served this once great nation.


Originally posted 2020-06-28 08:18:26.

The Last Word on Mr. Mattis

OK, I took a few days off to catch up on replying to the many comments in hopes of allowing the number of hits to subside, and it appears it has, albeit the aggregate is now over 250,000. So, I wonder what the dissatisfied earthlings are up to now? I did hear from the “Clan of Colonels” finally — maybe I should refer to them as the “Klan of Kernels.” Oh, you don’t know who they are? Well, stay tuned, maybe they’ll raise their uniformed heads after this one. LOL

The following will “probably” be my last post dealing with Mr. Mattis, I need to get some things done at home instead of spending much of my days trying to reply to everyone who saw fit to respond, even the idiots who chose to make  comments having not vetted them first. Don’t know who coined the phrase, but it sure appeared on here a few times; “You can’t fix stupid.”

Anyway, I digress. This last post was actually a comment made by a retired Marine LtCol, whose name will remain anonymous. Maybe some of you read it before I deleted it so I could post it on here without  revealing his name. Of all your comments I thought this one rose to the top,

Sir, I’m sure you are probably reading this and I certainly hope you do not mind me using it as a post for all to read. You nailed it and raised a very important issue many have not considered — including me. It’s an issue with which I cannot imagine anyone finding fault, but I am sure there will be some, they are out there just waiting to attack like junk yard dogs — bless them as they cannot help it, they were trained that way. 

Read and absorb, think of your own family and what you may have been going through these last several years as our society lost it moral compass. 


Seeing a lot of hoopla over General Mattis criticism of President Trump. While it’s certainly his prerogative to criticize whomever he wishes, as it is mine to criticize whomever I wish. So, I’ll play armchair QB and provide a little criticism for General Mattis. General Mattis enjoyed a long and illustrious career in the Marines, as did I. No doubt General Mattis was a distinguished & superb officer. Funny thing about a long military career, you routinely receive evaluations and awards for doing a superb job. Every year you receive a fitness report telling the world how great a job you’ve done, how incredible you are, how much money you saved, how many men you’ve inspirationally led, that you are the next best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter, etc.. etc… After a while you begin to believe all those things, that you are the peanut butter, the bread and the knife that spreads it. And then the Corps tells you your service is no longer required and you then find out, the hard way in some instances, that while you may have been good, there are lots of “good” folks out in the real world doing magnificent things as well.

General Mattis has never been married, never raised children, never started or ran his own business, and now sits on a nice cushy 4-star retirement for the remainder of his life; not begrudging that, he earned it. A man who will never know the anguish or fear of sending a child off to school and worrying if some creepy pedophile (re-re-re-released into society by an even creeper and perverted politician/bureaucrat) will molest them. Or worrying if his child will be accosted by gangs or get involved in gang activity because “soft-on-crime” weak wristed lib-nut bums won’t enforce law and order. Or being the entrepreneur who’s just invested his life’s savings, real skin in the game, everything he owns riding into that restaurant or hardware store only to watch some distorted perverted anarchist or thug take his property, along with his dreams, and perhaps with little chance of recovery. Or that single mom and sole provider for two hungry mouths being informed that her job is gone because the business where she worked just burnt to the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. All a result of weak wristed corrupted politicians who either can’t or won’t enforce law & order and perform their duties and protect (won’t let the police do their job) the people from lawless chaos.

Our constitution provides that our Government’s responsibility (in reality, practically the gov sole responsibility) is exactly that; to provide that safety so “the people” can enjoy those assurances of life, property and liberty necessary for a healthy and prosperous society. And it also provides that should those imperatives be infringed upon by foreign or “domestic” tyranny that the government will do “whatever necessary” to intervene and prevent the disruption of our hard-earned liberties. No Gen Mattis, President Trump is not dividing us, you are obviously confusing him with the previous president who left the White House after we-the-people elected Trump. And Trump, is doing exactly what we-the-people hired him to do.

For the first time in a very long time someone told Gen Mattis that he wasn’t the peanut butter, sliced bread and the knife, that he didn’t make the grade, and he didn’t like that.

Originally posted 2020-06-10 11:05:27.

How the hell did we get here?

Good morning gang. After last night’s Super Tuesday results I imagine everyone is all fired up and ready to go vote for the former Vice President…….NOT!  Some of the Village People have dropped out. We lost the gay guy and the rich guy, but the fake Indian, the befuddled guy, and the communist are still around. I believe the  last two will fight it out to the end. I noted MSNBC (an acquaintance of mine and his bride believe they are the most reliable and non-partisan news show on TV, I know, you can stop laughing now), commented that POTUS is now scared because he may have to debate babbling Joe. Seriously? They’ll have to check Joe for an earphone  as he’ll need someone to keep reminding him where he is and for what job he is running. But, anyway, I digress.

Now to the point of the blog, the document here is long, so I recommend you print it out and read it at your leisure. I guarantee you will learn something. The writer, in my view, has provided a succinct and verifiable history of how our society got to where it is today. Trust me, take the time to read it and absorb what he is saying. Personally, I was so impressed, I had to go back and read it again to make sure I had it all in perspective. He makes a very strong case for when it all started and how it grew to the shithole we are now in. I’d love to hear your comments on the treatise. Right click on his name below and open in new tab or window; it’s a Word Document and it is safe!


Originally posted 2020-03-04 11:30:44.