Tag Archives: Shoplifting


Welcome to the newest and biggest “Third World Shithole” among the Nations of the world. If this video does not frost your ass I don’t know what will. Unbelievable. There is nothing I can possible add to what you are about to see.

Giant grocery chain fighting to keep stores open as theft, violence has ‘increased exponentially:’ Report | Fox News

Feel safe in your city? Good for you, I do because I go nowhere without something in back. As more and more of the scum freely come across our border it will get worse until someone takes a stand. Who may that be? There is no justice, there never is in a Third World Shithole. Don’t it make ya proud folks?

What slays me is one store guy has the audacity to blame it all on inflation. LOL, that alone is funny.


Welcome to Seattle – “The Emerald City”

Once a great city known as the Gateway to the Pacific. What a great place to live — NOT!

Shoplifting as Usual in Seattle

From the Wall Street Journal

Friday 6 May 2022

Lowe’s employees came to recognize William Piccone by his skinny jeans, distinctive gait and posture—and his prolific shoplifting, police say. Over a 97-day spree last year, he allegedly stole from the same store 27 times, walking away with more than $4,650 in merchandise. Welcome to Seattle, where impunity reigns.

That’s what Ann Davison, Seattle’s newly elected city attorney, is learning as she acts on a voter mandate to restore order. Her office ran the numbers and discovered that 118 individuals were responsible for more than 2,400 crimes in Seattle over the past five years. Her effort to crack down on the worst repeat offenders is facing progressive resistance.

At issue is Ms. Davison’s proposal to exclude prolific criminals from Seattle’s Community Court. In 2019 her predecessor signed an agreement with the Seattle Municipal Court and the Department of Public Defense. Some two dozen classes of misdemeanor cases now go straight to the Community Court, which releases the accused after referring them to support services and sometimes assigning them a life-skills class or community service.

Theft of up to $750 in a single incident in Seattle is a misdemeanor. Other crimes that go express to Community Court include residential trespassing, possession of tools for burglary or auto theft, and property destruction.

The 2019 agreement includes no eligibility restrictions, so those with serious criminal histories qualify. Seattle criminals get four tries in the Community Court before they flunk out. Each can encompass multiple charges. Repeat offenders see the lack of consequences as an invitation to commit more crimes.

Since 2017 Mr. Piccone has been charged in some 60 criminal cases across Washington, and police have referred him for prosecution to the Seattle city attorney 46 times, Ms. Davison’s office says. Twenty-two of his most recent cases were referred to the Seattle Community Court, where he was turned loose, the city attorney’s office says. The King County Prosecuting Attorney, which handles Seattle felonies, has three current cases against Mr. Piccone for organized retail theft and burglary. On a judge’s order Mr. Piccone was released into a halfway house after receiving detox treatment. On April 28, Mr. Piccone missed a hearing after he was arrested on multiple municipal warrants earlier that day.

Mr. Piccone has pleaded not guilty to a second- degree burglary charge and didn’t respond to a message left at a phone number listed for him in police records. His public defender didn’t respond to our inquiry by deadline.

“With regard to Mr. Piccone, court documents show significant mainstream criminal court involvement predating the creation of community court,” said Anita Khandelwal, the director of Department of Public Defense, in a written response to our inquiry.

She continued: “That involvement resulted, at times, in multiple months of incarceration, but it neither ended his involvement with the system nor addressed his unmet needs. Those same documents suggest that Mr. Piccone is experiencing housing instability. Providing him housing is much more likely to promote safety than continued court involvement.”

As Ms. Davison seeks to renegotiate the 2019 agreement, she sits across the table from Ms. Khandelwal and Judge Damon Shadid, a progressive who oversees the Seattle Community Court. On April 27, Ms. Davison told the Seattle Municipal Court that negotiations had reached an impasse. Is it any wonder?

Ms. Davison has now asked the Seattle Municipal Court to intervene. The court said in a statement that it was considering her proposal and would work “to identify how to move forward together and create a prioritized plan for people whose needs and issues are not being addressed, and have not been addressed historically, by our criminal justice system.”

Here’s hoping the court means the victims of crime, not the criminals. But I doubt it!

Booked and Cooked – Not So Fast

Go Morning Folks, here we are on a Monday; took the weekend off to relax and take in some TV. Meanwhile the swamp creatures were hard at work doing what they do best e.g.,  create anger, divisiveness, hate, tell lies,  and BS gullible Americans.  And of course puppet Joey continues to react to his string puller –  Obummer.  Anyway, here is another good one from my friend Greg. If you looked at the “Shopping – California Style” post and then read this one, it becomes obvious that sooner rather than later that style of shopping will be prevalent throughout our Third World shit hole, once referred to as United States of America.  Just walk into a store pick out what you need (or just want) and walkout.  I mean isn’t that the ultimate goal of defunding the police?

In the mid-1980s, it was perhaps the nation’s most anticipated civil service exam. After a series of layoffs, retirements (my Dad being one of them) and a hiring freeze courtesy of the late ‘70s malaise, the NYPD was looking to replenish their diminished ranks.

Despite a sweeping crack cocaine epidemic and a record number of homicides, there were many more applicants than openings. Aspiring candidates hailed from not only the city’s five boroughs, but throughout the country. Having taken the test on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, it was quickly evident that the test site, Seward Park High School, was for those from outside the city. And we were there in droves, classroom upon classroom.

Today, the NYPD is shedding officers like a Siberian Huskey in late June.

Last year, over 5,300 either retired or quit, a 75% increase from the year before – 15% of the total department. Nearly 1,000 officers have left in the first half of 2021.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The Philadelphia Police Department has 268 vacancies, and are expecting plenty more.” The New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association said their state is also facing a recruiting crisis as they usually receive up to 20,000 applications – this year only 2,023 qualified applicants applied.

As the summer policing season heats up nationally, the stories of how police departments are dwindling are legion. Recently, a Portland, Oregon volunteer rapid response police unit resigned en masse. Many city halls are seemingly defunding their police through attrition.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said police officers suffered 295 on-duty deaths in 2020 – the most ever since they started keeping records in 1786. When a city is not supporting their police, the working conditions become nearly impossible. When police stand-down, criminals step-up proving that criminality abhors a vacuum.

When you vilify every police officer for another’s poor decision, who wants the job? The “defunding the police” crusade and the endless negative media coverage of law enforcement has made anti-police sentiment mainstream. Such overt posturing has only fueled a police shortage nationwide. Provided a cop killed Hitler, the national media would mourn the loss of a promising Austrian artist and vegetarian.

This anti-cop virus has become a pandemic in high-crime neighborhoods that are in most need of policing. It remains a deterrent for police to act and most of all, it is a disincentive to remain on the job.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) prefers community watches, preferably Omega, Tag Heuer and Rolexes. Atlanta City Councilman Antonio Brown, a defund the police disciple, had his Mercedes stolen and it took police over an hour to respond. The BLM communities that support defunding deserve a year of no policing.

This universal defund movement is a logical incoherence with French Revolution overtones that underscores how critical the Second Amendment is as a constitutional right.

How far left will the anti-cop pendulum swing and disincentivize good people from pursuing a career in law enforcement and what will be the long-term damage to our communities?

Once upon a time in America, the police were to be respected. You cannot expect law and order when you malign its enforcement, while at the same time failing to hold certain groups responsible for their criminality. We demoralize police by treating criminals like victims and cops like criminals.

Apparently, nothing justifies deadly force. That’s what future victims hear, and it will only encourage more recklessness. The left beatifies as paragons of humanity those who resist arrest. For those who disagree with this woke ideology: fear and intimidation and perhaps loss of their job.

Feckless leadership that ended quality of life “broken-windows” policing, imposed no-bail laws, disbanded street-crime units, while adopting policies to empty prisons. Catch and release may work while fishing, but it is a lousy way to police a community.

The protagonists of the defund movement reside in communities where crime is not much of an issue. To people living in crime-ridden neighborhoods, having an effective police department is a crucial part of daily life.

Make no mistake our freedoms are in jeopardy as the facts are difficult to ignore. We must respect the law and those who work to enforce it because any war on policing puts everyone at risk.

No exceptions!

Okay, what’s say we go shopping this week, California Style? LOL. Of course I jest, but you just watch, so many companies have made rules about non interference, under the guise of protecting their employees. When they do that, the invitation is out, “Come and get what you want or need.  Hell  hire us old farts, arm us, and we will lower your shoplifting stats immediately! What say you guys?