Tag Archives: liberals

Battle of Athens

This is what should have happened on November 3rd, 2020 when it became obvious a certain political party in some misfit states were screwing with our ballot boxes. This is a true story, and may have to be repeated again in this shithole in which we live. We are fast becoming a lawless country ruled by criminals who may never be brought to justice. Keep your powder dry and your canteens full. Perhaps  Mr. Mattis may even get to pull a trigger for the first time in his long military career except at the range. You can bet he won’t be on the side of justice.. Geez, I wish he’d respond to all the truisms I’ve posted about him. 

Copy, paste, sit back, and watch what happens when true Americans get pissed.






Originally posted 2020-12-05 10:31:13.


It is absolutely incomprehensible to me as to how much crime has been going on for so many years and nothing has been done about  it. Have we not become a crime invested third world shit-hole?

The letter below was just recently, like yesterday, sent to the Republican National Committee. It was written by a retired Marine Major General whom I know well having served under him for a short period of time. An exceptional leader of Marines who should have gone further but retirement was his choice,  General Jarvis is no Mattis, Allen, or Kelly, but they were all four star Kool Aid drinkers rapidly promoted up the star ranks by Obama, and by the way, never pulled a trigger except at the range, not so with this author.   

In the General’s own words in his email:

“Attached you will find a paper having the subject above as its title. It was sent to the Republican National Committee a few minutes ago. I am not under the illusion that it will have any real impact; however, I strongly believe in what it says and should be said in the off chance that it will be read and maybe heeded and acted upon.

Please give it wide distribution and encourage others to voice their thoughts to officialdom. It seems quite obvious that what the nation is facing is organized criminal activity, not “there is no evidence of voter fraud.”





Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump.  That was a larger number than his 2016 win. The down ballot voting brought a Red Tidal Wave, sure sign of a win. Not so fast. The corrupt media and equally corrupt political class said that he had lost the election to an aging career politician who has serious ethical problems; shows signs of dementia; had hardly campaigned and when he did, drew crowds numbered in the 20’s as the corrupt media threw softball questions.  Other than his claims, later proven false, that he had a plan to combat the virus, there was no real talk about his policies. Instead, he denied or altered previously stated policies like getting rid of fracking.  Surprisingly, that sold Pennsylvanians. They voted for him. Or did they?

We have the fascinating situation of a Republican candidate losing despite long coat tails and a Democrat candidate who had no coat tails garnering more votes than any presidential candidates in history.

The corrupt media, corrupt Democrats, including corrupt or brain-dead judges, tried to sell the lie that “all is well” and moderate Joe Biden won.

The thinking 70 million plus Americans smell the stench of a stolen election.  They supported and still support President Trump’s efforts to fight the charade. They are either angry or irate at what has followed.

Trump’s lawyers revealed that the Democrat efforts to change mail in voting laws proved quite fruitful in terms of garnering, in some areas, votes totaling 200% or 300% of the registered voters. Then there’s the practice of legally required Republican vote counting observers being prohibited from manning their posts.  There are the usual dead vote and other shenanigans. But most important of all are the vote counting machines run in the dead of night, with no observers, switching votes from Trump to Biden. There are affidavits, sworn under oath and penalty of prison for lying, reporting these misdeeds. Affidavits are real evidence. More are on the way.

The 70 million plus have put up with much these past 5 or so years. For example, no reaction to the sale of 20% of the nation’s uranium.  Then there were the Benghazi parade of lies; the unwarranted FBI investigation of the Trump campaign; the unpunished lies to the FISA Court; the false accusations of Trump collusion with the Russians; and Tony Bobulinski (remember him?), he gave plenty of information concerning the activities of young Biden … no further action.  More corruption came with the, liar – sponsored impeachment of President Trump. And for sheer dereliction of duty we have the great unasked question … what does China expect to get for the $1.5 billion given to Hunter Biden during his illegal Air Force 2 visit to China with his father, a father who denies knowing anything about the family getting that kind of money?

Instead, the 70 million plus are treated to the pleas of Republican senators for President Trump to forget the probable stolen election and concede. Ignored is the fact that the election is not politicians playing politics. We are currently dealing with quite probable, well organized criminal behavior. Not politics. Crime.  Unchallenged, the probable criminal activity will reappear in future elections… better organized, more efficient.  A few election cycles like this and it’s goodbye to the Great American Republic.

It is more than time for the Republican Party to honor the opinions of its long-suffering supporters.  We know that saying “there is no evidence of election fraud” is, to be kind, wrong.  To look at what has happened and consider it business as usual is insane. It makes one wonder, “what are they trying to hide?” Finally, it is more than time for the Republican Party to assist the president by speaking out against lies, fraud and illegalities. Republicans must fight for a thorough criminal investigation conducted by trustworthy professionals who have no political ties. If that does not happen, Republicans will get run over by “Progressives” using any means available, legal or not, to change America into another socialist sewer featuring big government trampling on the rights once given to American citizens by God and the Constitution.

Finally, the election system must be completely overhauled. Now.

J.D. Lynch

Major General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret)

Originally posted 2020-11-28 10:44:51.

A Time to Heel

Another great article from my friend Greg.

By: G. Maresca

Joe Biden’s “time for healing” and “stop treating our opponents as our enemies” speech was anything but Lincolnesque as the most divisive, volatile election since the Civil War has put many in doubt.

One teacher’s union has already demanded that Biden oppose any charter school expansion, while putting an end to school choice for Washington D.C.’s low-income families.  This is the same city that Biden won 93 percent of the vote.  With such gaudy numbers, Democrats must believe that everyone is as easily manipulated.

Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain is a former lobbyist for Silicon Valley titans Google, Facebook and Twitter, so forget about restricting their monopoly of social media censorship.

For at least two generations, Democrats have amplified how politics is not about compromise, but unadulterated power.  Any opposition is accused of being racist, homophobic, and xenophobic bigots, who must be subdued by any means in a nation where once Judeo-Christian principles governed our hearts and minds.

Turning a jaundiced eye toward Biden’s platitudes after tens of millions of Americans remained convinced the election was stolen isn’t difficult.  Biden’s plea is political virtue-signaling in the first-degree. Leftists in government, media, sports, big-tech, and entertainment continue to wage a relentless smear campaign against Trump and those who voted for him.

Democrats arrogantly called themselves the “resistance” saying Trump was an “illegitimate” president before he was even sworn in.  So, after four years of character assassination, anti-Trump hysteria and impeachment, race baiting, rioting, looting, and arson Democrats now want healing.

In Biden, speak healing is code for tax dollars that will subsidize abortions, mask and vaccination mandates, open borders, Green New Deal, reparations, and tax increases.  Such actions will only exacerbate conflict and constitutional disputes.

Healing should include exposing any election fraud, no?

Reconciling will occur when the unbridled slaughter of the unborn ends, and when the Little Sisters of the Poor and every other faith group’s conscience is protected.

With healing comes truth and transparency.

How did Biden retail his influence as vice president to the Chinese, Russians and Ukrainians?  What about the police and business owners who were killed, injured and looted?   Are the blacks who supported Trump still black?  Are the nearly 74,000,000 voters for Trump still “systemic” racists?  What about AOC’s call for persecution of them?   What about Biden’s silence on the Gen. Flynn cabal, the Mueller decapitation, and the Steele dossier, knowing they were all a pack of lies?  The left has not only opposed Trump’s policies; they have opposed his very existence.  And now after such debauchery, they insist on singing a chorus of kumbaya’s?

Provided Biden is serious, he will get plenty of flak from his own party. And don’t forget Kamala Harris beacons a heartbeat away.

The healing Biden desires only happens after amputations.

Healing and unity for Democrats is a one-way street and only applies when they are in control, which is why the runoff senate race in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021 is pivotal.  Provided the GOP is victorious, Biden will have no choice but to govern from the center at least for the first two years of his administration.  That is provided the political mooring of Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, refuse to stand fast.

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” Biden like Obama will soon occupy the same White House as James Madison, the owner of that quote and father of our Constitution.  Obama and Biden never knew him, but Madison clearly knew them and those like them.

Unifying the country by a career politician like Biden is wishful at best.  If Washington D.C. is the swamp, then the 78-year-old Biden is its version of the swamp fox.

Our fundamental divisions concentrate on a demise of traditional, moral values.  They are essentially spiritual schisms which evolve from our relationship, or lack thereof, with God.  However, divided we used to be by political ideology, the nation always historically managed to circle the wagons around our shared Judeo-Christian roots, where its foundational virtues and conventions were passed down from generation to generation.

Authentic healing will only come through the grace of Divine Providence, not ersatz political bipartisanship.

Postscript. News is out about Mr. Mattis’ association with an organization not too friendly to the current US policy towards rogue nations. So what’s new with this fellow who says he is a Marine, but thousands of real Marines have disowned this skunk of a general (small caps for him). I find it astonishing that my post entitled “An Open Letter to Mr. Mattis” was posted on 9 June and to this very day it still gets views, EVERY DAY e.g. four today. That post has literally gone viral all over the world; keep it going. I would be willing to bet money he gets some kind of a posting from biden (small caps again).

Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoying family and friends. Stay well and stay safe. Semper Fi; Jim

Originally posted 2020-11-26 10:52:29.

Need Some Help Folks

Okay, as I’m sure you are as well, I am sick over all this election trouble, but knew it was coming. The Dems have had four years to ensure what happened to Clinton would not happen to him. So while we wait for all the legal battles I need some help.

I am a die hard right wing conservative through and through. So, what are we supposed to do now?

I reckon we are supposed to take a clue from that other side and should be rioting,  breaking windows, burning down buildings,  looting the stores in our area, and maybe even shooting at policemen and burning their cars?

Personally, I favor Bass Pro Shops or Home Depots. My wife says she favors Bed, Bath, & Beyond. What about food and beverages? We’ll bring a cheese and cracker tray. I’m wondering about the dress code, are dungarees okay or something a little less formal; maybe western? Actually, since we are in Florida, I favor shorts and an UA T.

We need an organizer and of course, some one to fund the operations and transportation; I seriously doubt if George Soros would finance this one; he’s probably short on funds by now.

We need some lists. I have so many questions since I’ve never done anything like this before. Maybe some of the Dems on here can help us. Oh, I forgot, I don’t think we have any of them on here except this Daniel fellow, but he is so stupid he wouldn’t know how to find his butt with both hands, about as ignorant as a box of hammers.

Perhaps some of you could contact folks in MI, PA, WI, CA, OR, WA, or NV and ask for their suggestions. But then they may be too busy carting in more mail-in ballots.

Anyway, lets try and get some answers from someone. Biden , the puppet, wouldn’t know since he hasn’t figured out where he is, or if they have even let him out of his basement yet.

I have decided I need we new name for what is supposed to be the Democratic Party or DNC as some call it. I wonder what Carter thinks about his party, of JFK, or even LBJ? Me think LNC as in Liberal National Committee, or maybe the Scum Sucking Party, or the American Communist Party? Any suggestion?

I refuse to take my Trump signs down from my yard or stop wearing my red MAGA hat. So in a year or so when everything turns to dodo, I can smile and proudly say, not my fault!

Originally posted 2020-11-07 13:35:51.

Sad Time for the Corps

I know you are probably expecting something from me concerning tomorrow. Well, what can I say except if you have not yet cast your ballot, get off your duff and go do it now! Tomorrow will be as we heard once before about a day living in infamy. Remember Martha and Vandellas’ “Dancing in the Streets”? Well, tomorrow there will be a new version called “Rioting in the Streets” Is your powder dry and your canteens full? In any event, it appears it will be a long night.

However, I digress as I have something very disturbing to post today that should be of interest to every Marine  on here, and even to members of the other services as well. It’s another from  Col Andy  that everyone needs to read so I shall not steal his thunder. It’s short, horrifying, and to the point. I have done the Marines a favor that took me a long time to complete. Once you click on the URL he has in his post, click on the one I have inserted in here. I have copied and pasted every Marine on the list thus saving you from having to go down the entire list looking for our “brothers” who have gone to the dark side. I wish I could say enjoy, but I cannot.

Thank you Andy!

May have to copy and paste in browser.



Go to this link for a list of the Marines and my comments. Click below and a Word.doc will show, click on it, save, and open it. Trust me, it’s clean.

Biden Supporters

Originally posted 2020-11-02 11:51:25.