Tag Archives: GOP

Voter Fraud – Already Started.

Received a notice card in the mail telling me my mail-in ballot would be sent to me twenty-five days prior to the election. Hmm, when I applied for my driver's license here in FL I must had applied for a mail-in ballot. Whoops, that "ain't" going to happen. I want to be damn sure my vote is counted, so I called and changed it to in-person voting. Folks, the fraud has already started, I fear this will be the worst election for fraud in our country's history. I fear it will be worse than some of the third world shit holes' elections. These liberal thugs ARE NOT going to allow the linchpin of democracy to play out legally. They simply cannot allow Trump to have four more years.

Pennsylvania: Mailed-In Military Votes for Donald Trump ‘Were Discarded,’ FBI Says

Federal authorities are investigating “discarded” mailed-in ballots in a key Pennsylvania county that swung to President Trump in 2016.

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis contacted the FBI related to “potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a news release.

The FBI, working with Pennsylvania State Police, has been conducting interviews and reviewing physical evidence since Monday in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton.

“At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot,” the DOJ said.

“All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.” Is this a surprise to anyone?

The DOJ said the inquiry “remains ongoing.”

The Citizens’ Voice reported County Manager David Pedri said the county “identified an issue and reported it to the authorities.”

“We are confident that it will be successfully resolved so it will not have an impact on the integrity of the election process,” Salavantis told the paper. And if you believe this you know the saying< I have a bridge. . . . . ‘”

In 2016, Trump won Luzerne County 57.9 percent to 38.6 percent, according to published results.

In 2012, President Obama won the county 51.5 percent to 46.7 percent, the county reported.

Absentee ballots have not been mailed out to general voters yet. Pedri said that should happen the first week of October.

The Postal Service is investigating after three trays of mail, which included mailed-in ballots, were found thrown in a ditch in rural Wisconsin.

The mail was found “near the intersection of highways 96 and CB, near the Appleton International Airport” and was turned over to the postal service.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service immediately began investigating and we reserve further comment on this matter until that is complete,” USPS spokesman Bob Sheehan said.

The post office did not disclose how many ballots were discarded in that instance.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.

Originally posted 2020-09-25 09:42:58.

The New “Protestors”

Another great post on Andy’s  blog: “Colonel of Truth.” A friend and fellow Marine has a way with words. The New Protestors!

Copy and paste


Originally posted 2020-09-22 10:56:57.

The End is Coming

Folks, I am really tired , fed up, disgusted, ravaged, and fearful of what is going on in our once great Nation. If you are still not a believer of what is about to happen on 3 November, you are wasting your time on my blog. I cannot believe in my own mind what is about to happen. The evidence is their all one must do is research the facts and GET READY. I AM CONVINCED beyond any shadow of doubt that we are in for hell.
Every American, Dem and GOP must understand the current Democratic party is not the party of JFK, LBJ, and Jimmy Carter. I personally believe all three of them would denounce the current party and its goals. So it is wrong to even refer to today’s party as The Democratic Party. They are Marxists . . . . period!
Read , learn, and comment if you agree or disagree with any6thing said herein

Retired CIA officer sends dire warning to America: The Left’s Marxist revolution isn’t concerned about who wins the November election

While most Americans continue to struggle against shutdown Democrats who continue to keep portions of their state’s economies shut down months after telling their citizens they just needed a few weeks to ‘bend the curve’ of the COVID pandemic, they are oblivious to what’s coming in just a few short weeks.

Many of these same Americans have seen the rioting, the looting, the attacks against our police, the continued assaults against Trump supporters, and the endless violence that has torn the soul out of many of our cities.

They don’t like what they’re seeing. But they don’t really understand what they’re seeing: The beginning of a revolution that will proceed regardless of who wins the November election.

Translated, that means if you’re someone who thinks we’ve got to put Democrats and Joe Biden in office in order to ‘get the rioting to stop,’ think again. 

Retired CIA officer Sam Faddis, who spent decades undercover working in the Middle East and South Asia — and who has seen such revolutions unfold — writes in a column published by Revolver News that what’s happening across our country is nothing new. It’s a script that’s been used over and over again by Marxists, Leninists and Communists to gain power since the violent creation of the Soviet Union in the ashes of World War I.

And what’s more, many of the anarchist “foot soldiers” — the Antifa and Black Lives Matter types who think they really are fighting ‘fascism’ and believe they’ll wind up with a ‘more fair and equitable world’ if the win — will realize too late they were patsies.

“They discovered far too late that at the heart of the movement in which they were caught up were hard men with very different ideas about the future,” Faddis writes, adding: “We cannot afford to repeat this naivety.” (Related: Nancy Pelosi declares all Republicans to be “domestic enemies of the state.”)

He explains: 

We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States. 

Refuse Fascism is one of the primary umbrella organizations supporting Antifa demonstrations nationwide. Refuse Fascism is a creation of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the United States.  If you watch footage of the chaos in our streets, you will quickly see signs linked to both groups.

Faddis notes that the leader of the so-called RevComs is Bob Avakian, a lifelong Commie who, along with other hard-Left groups, formed “Refuse Fascism” in 2016. The CIA vet says Avakian has been open about his objectives.

“Let’s get down to basics. We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is just bulls**t,” he recently said.

Understand, then, that Avakian and those like him who are leading and funding (yes, George Soros is involved, but so, too, are other billionaires like Tom Steyer and former Fox News child James Murdoch) do not want “peaceful protests” to rule the day. They want to overthrow our founding system of capitalism and small ‘r’ republicanism, which means replacing our Constitution with something more akin to Cuba or, at best, China.

“The New Socialist Republic in North America is…a form of dictatorship – the dictatorship of the proletariat,” says the RevCom website. 

Get it now?

“The groups sponsoring the 2020 rioters are hostile to the United States of America as it currently exists. They have long since made common cause with some of our most dangerous enemies. Now, what they want is not reform. Phrases like ‘Black Lives Matter’ are a deliberate obfuscation, a time-honored tactic of radical left groups, used to make themselves and their goals seem less threatening,” Faddis warns. 

He says if President Trump wins, his victory will be declared illegitimate and the mob will continue its assault on our institutions and our security and freedom. If Joe Biden wins, they will look at him as their puppet and accelerate the revolution; if he refuses to go along, he will be discarded as well.

“This is not about reform. It is about revolution, and revolutions don’t care about elections,” Faddis concludes.

Sources include:



Originally posted 2020-09-19 12:02:06.

The Coming Coup?

I took a few days off for the weekend, did not want to deal with the swamp or any of the other left-brain dead stuff we have to deal with on a daily basis. However, several things came across my computer that I just can’t let pass without sharing with civilized people, like you. The following is scary as hell, and while one may think I am a conspiracy nut, I think not. Folks, it is coming, trust me. The liberals are doing everything they can to take control of this once great land. Beware, it is coming. It is all about POWER and CONTROL.

I personally believe there is NO WAY the left will allow Trump to have a second term. 

The Coming Coup?

Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes.

BY: Michael Anton

September 4, 2020


As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup.

You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.

It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at.

Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.” All this enthused Joe Biden, who threw subtlety to the winds.

The former United States Senator (for 26 years) and Vice President (for eight) has not once, not twice, but thrice confidently asserted that the military will “escort [Trump] from the White House with great dispatch” should the president refuse to leave. Another former Vice President, Al Gore, publicly agreed.

One might dismiss such comments as the ravings of a dementia patient and a has-been who never got over his own electoral loss. But before you do, consider also this. Over the summer a story was deliberately leaked to the press of a meeting at which 100 Democratic grandees, anti-Trump former Republicans, and other ruling class apparatchiks got together (on George Soros’s dime) to “game out” various outcomes of the 2020 election.

One such outcome was a clear Trump win. In that eventuality, former Bill Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, playing Biden, refused to concede, pressured states that Trump won to send Democrats to the formal Electoral College vote, and trusted that the military would take care of the rest. The leaked report from the exercise darkly concluded that “technocratic solutions, courts, and reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here,” promising that what would follow the November election would be “a street fight, not a legal battle.”

Two more data points (among several that could be provided). Over the summer, two former Army officers, both prominent in the Democrat-aligned “national security” think tank world, wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in which they urged him to deploy the 82nd Airborne Division to drag President Trump from the Oval Office at precisely 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.

About a month later, Hillary Clinton declared publicly that Joe Biden should not concede the election “under any circumstances.” The old English major in me interprets the word “any” to mean “no,” “none,” “nada,” “niente,” “zero,” “zilch” “bupkis”…you get the idea.

This doesn’t sound like the rhetoric of a political party confident it will win an upcoming election. The Cover-Up in Plain Sight. These items are, to repeat, merely a short but representative list of what Byron York recently labeled “coup porn.” York seems to think this is just harmless fantasizing on the part of the ruling class and its Democratic servants. For some of them, no doubt that’s true. But for all of them?

I’m not so sure. In his famously exhaustive discussion of conspiracies, Machiavelli goes out of his way to emphasize the indispensability of “operational security”—i.e., silence—to success.

The first rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy. The second rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy.

So why are the Democrats—publicly—talking about the conspiracy? Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a conspiracy. They need to plant the idea in the public mind, now, that their unlawful and illegitimate removal of President Trump from office will somehow be his fault. Never mind the pesky detail that the president would refuse to leave only if he were convinced he legitimately won. Remember: Biden should not concede under any circumstances.

The second part of the plan is either to produce enough harvested ballots—lawfully or not—to tip close states, or else dispute the results in close states and insist, no matter what the tally says, that Biden won them.

The worst-case scenario (for the country, but not for the ruling class) would be results in a handful of states that are so ambiguous and hotly disputed that no one can rightly say who won. Of course, that will not stop the Democrats from insisting that they won.

The public preparation for that has also already begun: streams of stories and social media posts “explaining” how, while on election night it might look as if Trump won, close states will tip to Biden as all the mail-in ballots are “counted.”

The third piece is to get the vast and loud Dem-Left propaganda machine ready for war. That leaked report exhorted Democrats to identify “key influencers in the media and among local activists who can affect political perceptions and mobilize political action…[who could] establish pre-commitments to playing a constructive role in event of a contested election.” I.e., in blaring from every rooftop that “Trump lost.

At this point, it’s safe to assume that unless Trump wins in a blowout that can’t be overcome by cheating and/or denied via the ruling class’s massive propaganda operation, that’s exactly what every Democratic politician and media organ will shout. Stop the Presses What then?

The Podesta assumption is that the military will side with the Dems.

There are reasons to fear they might. The Obama administration spent a great deal of political capital purging the officer corps of anyone not down with the program and promoting only those who are. Still and all, determining the outcome of an election would be the most open political interference possible from our allegedly apolitical military, and it’s plausible that the brass won’t want to make its quiet support of the ruling class agenda that overt. The aforementioned Chairman has already stated that the military will play “no role” in the outcome of the election. That’s probably not a feint, but one wonders if it will hold given the obvious attempt to influence military thinking by people like Jeffrey Goldberg in his recent Atlantic essay.

Can the Dems rely on the Secret Service to drag Trump out? I have my doubts on this one. I’ve seen the Service up close; it really is (or strongly appears to be) apolitical. It has a job to do: protect the president, whoever that is. Officers take that job very seriously. If they don’t believe Trump lost, I don’t think they can be counted on to oust him. On the other hand, were they to believe he did lose and was refusing to leave—a scenario I find impossible to imagine but the Democrats insist is just around the corner—it’s possible the Service might act.

Barring all that, what’s left? Remember that phrase from the Dem war game: “street fight.” In other words, a repeat of this summer, only much, much bigger. Crank the propaganda to ear-drum shattering decibels and fill the streets of every major city with “protesters.” Shut down the country and allow only one message to be heard: “Trump must go.” I.e., what’s come to be known as a “color revolution,” the exact same playbook the American deep state runs in other countries whose leadership they don’t like and is currently running in Belarus.

Oust a leader—even an elected one—through agitation and call it “democracy.” The events of the last few months may be interpreted as an attempted color revolution that failed to gain enough steam, or as a trial run for the fall. Is the Trump Administration prepared? Here’s one thing they could do: play their own “war game” scenario so as to game out possibilities and minimize surprises. They should also be talking to people inside and outside of government whom they absolutely trust to get a clearer sense of who on the inside won’t go along with a coup and who might. They also need to set up or shore up—now—communication channels that don’t rely on the media or Big Tech.

Once the ruling class gives word that the narrative is “Trump lost,” all the president’s social media accounts will be suspended. The T.V. channels, with the likely exception of Fox News, will refuse to cover anything he says. Count on it. He’s going to need a way to talk to the American people and he has to find the means, now.

For the rest of us, the most important thing we can do is raise awareness. If there is a conspiracy to remove President Trump from office even if he wins, they’re telling you about it precisely to get you ready for it, so that when it happens you won’t think it was a conspiracy; you’ll blame the president. Don’t be fooled.

Michael Anton is a lecturer and research fellow at Hillsdale College’s Washington, D.C. campus, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a former national security official in the Trump administration. He is the author of The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return.

Email Link  https://conta.cc/327DV9X

Remember, many of today’s generals and admirals running the military grew up guzzling Kool Aid by the gallons. Personally there are very few I would trust with my dirty socks. So, watch out folks.

Originally posted 2020-09-08 16:27:54.