Tag Archives: FL

Love Our Gov!

Ron just keeps on doing what a Governor is supposed to do, That’s work for the people. What a shame it is for the other states that have scumbags as Governor. But you know what? You get what you get with your vote!

WASHINGTON (LifeSiteNews) – President Joe Biden declared Tuesday it is “hateful” to shield schoolchildren from discussions of sexuality and gender that may be beyond their age level, in his latest attack on Florida and its Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential challenger to Biden for the White House.

SB 1834, the Parental Rights in Education bill, would block Florida school districts from discussing sexual orientation or gender identity with elementary school students, and give parents the ability to sue for damages over violations. It is one of multiple bills pending in the Florida legislature that would limit children’s exposure to sensitive sexual topics.

On Tuesday, the White House issued a statement claiming the legislation was “designed to attack LGBTQI+ kids” and would have the effect of “making growing up harder for young people.” It was soon followed by a statement from the president calling SB 1834 “hateful.”

NBC News reports that DeSantis signaled his support for the measure at an event in Miami, calling it “entirely inappropriate” for teachers to tell children things like “Don’t worry, don’t pick your gender yet” or withhold controversial classroom materials from parents.

“Schools need to be teaching kids to read, to write,” the governor said. “They need to teach them science, history. We need more civics and understanding of the U.S. Constitution, what makes our country unique, all those basic stuff. The larger issue with all of this is parents must have a seat at the table when it comes to what’s going on in their schools.”

“I also think one of the things that I think the legislature is getting at is everything should be age-appropriate,” DeSantis added, The Blaze reports. “My goal is to educate kids on the subjects, math, reading, science, all the things that are so important. I don’t want the schools to kind of be a playground for ideological disputes.”

Since taking office, Biden has aggressively courted the LGBT lobby in hiring decisions and executive orders. By contrast, DeSantis has aggressively pursued a litany of conservative priorities, including protections for religious freedom, conscience rights, and the objective reality of biological sex, raising his profile as a potential 2024 contender in the eyes of conservatives.

Rac-nophobia —

— six boats, thirteen Marines, and an attitude

Returned last night from the only Marine reunion I attend — the RACPAC. If you know not of whom I speak, shame on you as you’ve not read “The Book.” If you have but don’t remember, go to chapter 46 and refresh. This one was special as Lt Tim Armstrong USMC was there for the first time, but he is now Col, USMC (Ret). What a joy it was to see Tim again. Anyway, it was, as always, a grand time to see these Marines again; it’s always great joy to see how every one of them turned out, not a dammed liberal among them!!! All very successful in their afterlife, especially the young enlisted  Marines who were not careerists, but chose to take their hard learned knowledge to the civilian world and succeed!

I’ve often asked myself over the years since retirement, especially every September as I fly to Virginia Beach, what did I do to deserve to serve alongside such giants of our Corps. As my coxswain and I were cruising down the Appomattox  River one sunny afternoon, he asked, “Popeye, can you believe the Marine Corps is actually paying us to do this ?” Of course, my reply was, “No Crazy I can’t, but they sure are!”  Having said that, do not dismay as this was a grueling and very demanding eighteen months with no guidance from MCDEC or HQMC, often working under arduous weather conditions and usually six and sometimes seven days a week. And here they are in all their glory.                     Lord, what memories!!






Now to the sad state of affairs of our once great nation. Another good one from my friend Greg; thanks Greg, I love your missives, and so do my followers.

By: G. Maresca

Hooking off the jab

In the sweet science, a skilled pugilist will be able to hook off their jab. The same holds for COVID era politicians and their obsession with vaccine mandates and boosters.

President Biden leads the mandate vaccine charge yet allows tens of thousands to pass through the southern border daily who have not been tested let alone vaccinated.

Initially, “if vaccinated, you are not going to get COVID,” has devolved to “people who got vaccinated remain at risk.” Infections are increasing among the vaccinated as a plethora of evidence highlights how the vaccine’s efficacy is waning.

For those who were vaccinated but plan to refuse the booster shot will find themselves back at square one because COVID is here to stay, just like any other influenza virus.

Quite the bioweapon China unleashed.

Democrats politicized COVID by refusing to acknowledge that China covered up and lied about the virus. They then used the pandemic as an excuse to lockdown the country and change election rules.

A study from the University of California San Diego highlighted how the vaccine’s effectiveness dropped from 94% in June to 65% in July with a 19-fold increase of those already vaccinated. Israeli data said Pfizer’s vaccine went from a 95% effectiveness to 39% by July. Apparently, Delta is more contagious but less lethal, according to English data and runs at 0.2% ⸻ the same as the seasonal flu. The CDC said those vaccinated who contract COVID have as high a viral load in their nasal passages as those who are unvaccinated.

It is not the unvaccinated that are driving COVID’s mutations.

In February even NPR reported, “vaccines can contribute to virus mutations.”

National Institutes of Health chief Francis Collins’s blog ridiculed a study his agency financed that said by December 2020, at least 100 million Americans were infected – five times the official count.

The pro-vaccine army that permeates government, the pharmaceutical industry and the mainstream media have cross-pollinated into a universal censorship android that prevents any information that conflicts with their narrative and balance sheets. They conveniently ignore the adverse health conditions and deaths resulting from the jab.

Texas is being sued by the Biden administration to protect a woman’s right of choice to an abortion. Yet, when it comes to a woman’s right to choose to vaccinate – forget it. It is only a choice when it can stop a baby’s beating heart.

Cells from an aborted fetus were used to test and produce the vaccine. Biden’s support of abortion only manifests itself in his vaccine mandate.

If this is about saving lives, access to every resource should be a given. The leftist media ignores or simply denies that Hydroxychloroquine has any efficacy in treating COVID when it has. Moreover, natural antibodies are a nonfactor even though studies say they provide greater immunity, both in breadth and duration. For those with immunity, vaccination is unnecessary and potentially grievous. However, there is no money or control in natural immunity underscoring how this is not about health care.

COVID conveniently removes the spotlight from the Afghanistan debacle, while Democrats would love to extend COVID through an unverifiable 2022 midterm mail-in ballot election. Initially, boosters were needed after eight months, then five, and arguably now for just susceptible groups like the elderly. With so many different versions and timelines, it is no wonder what the government and politicians say has no meaning.

Just months ago, Biden said he “would not demand that it be mandatory.” However, in Biden’s recent COVID vaccine mandate address, he flipped-flopped declaring: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”

Since Biden is so impatient, perhaps he should resign.

Patience with Biden’s poor decisions from Afghanistan to the southern border is what is truly “wearing thin.” Apparently, unable to help himself or the nation, Biden compounded the issue by rejecting the Constitution he swore to uphold saying, “This is not about freedom or personal choice.”

Mandates are not only unconstitutional but polarizing and inherently un-American.

Mandates underscore how the left’s default position is always force.

What happened to unifying the country? Biden would rather lay blame while mandating vaccine compliance or lose your livelihood.

If it is your prerogative to jab your way into oblivion, knock yourself out.

The Census Myopia

Wow, cannot believe the number of hits on the blog yesterday, well over 500 and the majority were on the LtCol  Scheller post. I want to thank everyone who made comments.. I really enjoy getting comments on posts and yours yesterday were on the mark! As I I am sure you have heard by now he was relieved of his duties as the CO of the Advance Infantry Training Bn, School of Infantry (East), Camp Lejeune, NC at 1430 that very day. The reason given was lack of confidence, which has become the standard cause since the Obama admisntration. 

As a LtCol, he is guaranteed 25 or26 years (can’t remember which) service under DOPMA , unless he is court martialed and kicked out. Of course, there are a variety of other lesser punishments the heavies could dish out. From the comments he made after being relieved, it appears he may just resign his commission and get out on his own. Of course that would be without retirement. Personally, I would stay in the remaining three years doing whatever shit job they decided to give me, then retire. But that’s his decision. I do hope we are able to follow the case and find out what happens.

On to something new this morning, another great article from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Greg is a historian and does so much research on his comments. This one is loaded with thought provoking knowledge, most of which were new to me. Enjoy and once again, pray for our nation.

By: G. Maresca

The nation’s Founders recognized that a government of the people, by the people and for the people needed a consistent census. That is why every ten years a census is required by the Constitution.

The custodian of the national census are its numbers, but its progeny has always been – politics.

The census boils down to Congressional representation, which in turn, makes the political stakes and the scramble for federal monies paramount.

The nation’s overall population increased only 7% from 2010 – the second slowest ever – aided by a plunging national birth rate. The Hispanic population grew by 12 million to 62 million. Black America grew at two million to 46.9 million. The Asian population was up slightly, while Native American and Alaska Natives stayed about the same.

Most are moving South and West with the majority fleeing the Northeast with the mid-Atlantic states having lost 30.5% of their seats in the House of Representatives since 1950, while Florida has more than tripled.

Such a population shift means seven states lost one seat in the House. Pennsylvania, New York, California, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia will all forgo one seat. Rural America got older while half of the nation’s counties lost population. States that warrant more seats include Texas with two and Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Oregon, and Montana with one additional seat.

Republican state legislatures have been tasked with redrawing 187 Congressional districts to 75 for Democrats. With the 2022 midterm elections a little more than a year away, conditions would be primed for Republicans to win the House as they need just five seats.  However, the ten largest cities grew and remain the epicenter of the progressive left making the 2022 midterm no Republican guaranteed win.

What stood out most about the 2020 Census was that for the first time in its longstanding history, the number of white Americans dropped by nine percent and now comprise less than 60% of the nation. The mainstream media played it up hailing it as a “historic demographic milestone.”

California was one state where whites are now in the minority with 34.7%, while Hispanics were the majority with 39.4% of the population. Hawaii and New Mexico are the other two states where whites are in the minority.

Consequently, the nation is becoming more diverse as people claiming a multi-racial identity grew by over 226% with 33.8 million or 10% of the population. Whereas, in 2010, only nine million claimed to be multi-racial.

Apparently, many who identified as white in the past are now claiming otherwise.

Since 2000, the census permits multiple options regarding race or ethnicity. The ways we define minority status are as diverse as the people defining themselves.

Personal preferences don’t seem to matter as much as perception.

Racial identity politics took center stage following the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin. Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was identified as white, provoking allegations that he racially profiled Martin, who was black. When it was revealed that Zimmerman’s mother is Latino and his father white, he was reclassified as Hispanic and then, white Hispanic.

More Americans are pulling a Sen. Elizabeth Warren who claims she’s 1/32nd Cherokee and thus Native American.

People use their mixed-race background to gain advantage. Many who were half black but passed for white avoided discrimination. Today, some flip the script to claim minority status in order to obtain select college admissions, scholarships, and employment promotions.

The diversifying of America exposes the mythical and fraudulent racist narrative of critical race theorists.

Since America’s white population shrank, so should the number of scapegoats and excuses. It won’t because whites are just too convenient of a piñata for the culture’s ills. Contemporary society thrives on victimhood, so culprits like white, straight, conservative, Christians will remain in demand to populate the lion’s den of leftist angst.

Once upon a time in American immigration policy, both my grandfathers were considered non-white because they were Italian. The same held true for the Irish and the Jews. Perhaps somewhere in the future one’s racial makeup will be an afterthought as Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will become a reality.

Genetics says skin color is all about melanin levels.

When will society finally agree?

Postscript: Back when the census was being conducted, I had two neighbors who were working for the bureau conducting the door to door interviews. Talking to one, I asked who all he was counting, he said, “Everyone.” To which I queried, “You mean everyone in the household regardless of citizenship.?” He said yes. When I asked why, he replied that it means more money for our county. Later I asked the other neighbor and he said that was illegal and he should not be counting everyone in the household, especially of they are illegal immigrants. So, the takeaway is, how much faith can we place on the results of the national census. 

In the interest of full disclosure, the first neighbor was a die hard liberal (he’s since moved), and the second is as far right as me, and brutally honest.

Love our GOV!!!

Joey has to hate our Governor with a passion, but there isn’t a thing he can do about it! You gotta love this guy to do what he plans on doing. Would not be surprised if makes a trip to the southern bolder himself for a “look-see.” But where is our Veep, oh, that’s right she wants to go to Europe since she said she’s never been there. But she did go to our northern border. Still haven’t figured out what that was all about. Maybe she can’t read a map, ya think?

Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey Bashes Biden Administration in Fox News Interview Over Border Crisis in Texas, Arizona


ABOVE VIDEO: I was extremely proud to speak and stand with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other Sheriff’s across the state of Florida yesterday, as Gov. DeSantis announced that Florida Law Enforcement Officers will answer a call for help from Texas Governor Abbott and Arizona Governor Ducey in combating the crisis at the border.

Sheriff told “Fox & Friends First,” it’s ‘outrageous’ that deputies from his state may reach the border before Vice President Kamala Harris does.

“I was extremely proud to speak and stand with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other Sheriff’s across the state of Florida yesterday, as Gov. DeSantis announced that Florida Law Enforcement Officers will answer a call for help from Texas Governor Abbott and Arizona Governor Ducey in combating the crisis at the border.

Earlier in the week, Governors Abbott and Ducey collectively requested that Governors across the country send law enforcement resources to help their respective states in securing the border, as the current administration in Washington DC is doing absolutely zero to stop the massive impact of illegal immigration that is taking place.

As part of the announcement, Governor DeSantis asked me to address the importance of border security, why our nation’s border is currently being overrun, and how failing to secure our borders has a direct impact on communities across the country.

As everyone is well aware, the impacts of illegal immigration don’t stop at the border, they filter into every community in every state. In the past 6 months, our country has not only experienced significant increases of illegal crossings at the border, but we have also seen significant increases in victims of human trafficking and smuggling of fentanyl and meth.

As you will hear during the attached video of yesterday’s press conference our agency and other agencies across the entire state are committed to assisting in any capacity our Governor needs, to assist Texas and Arizona.

“As part of the announcement, Governor DeSantis asked me to address the importance of border security, why our nation’s border is currently being overrun, and how failing to secure our borders has a direct impact on communities across the country.” – Sheriff Wayne Ivey (WPBF 25 News Video image)

This concept is no different than law enforcement agencies from across the country who have sent resources in past years to aid Florida communities in the aftermath of significant storms and hurricanes.

Let there be no doubt, Texas and Arizona are facing a significant storm and our Florida state and local law enforcement agencies stand ready to respond to protect Americans.

I think it’s important to understand that we can either go fight this battle at the border where Washington should be fighting it, or we can fight it right here in our own backyards where it should never have made it. While we shouldn’t have to be fighting this battle, for the sake of our citizens and their safety I’m sure glad that we are.


Political Passports

Another great one from my friend and contributor Greg, and a good one it is. As promised I have given up posting President Joe Sanders’, no that’s not a typo, nation destroying actions. So what, besides Joe’s garbage, is going on in the swamp. even though it is Saturday. They never take a day off, not even Sundays, but I do. The Lord is going to get them for that. at least I sure hope so! 





By: G. Maresca

“Your Paper’s Please.”

It is a phrase with historical Cold War overtones from the East side of the Iron Curtin. Such an introduction may find itself being exercised from sea to shining sea if the armies of government bureaucratic COVID-19 zealots get their way regarding digital vaccine passports.

Communist China that tracks its citizens and uses medical tyranny to enforce compliance was onboard as soon as a vaccine was available.

I have yet to hear a cogent and convincing argument as to why COVID-19 is different from every other virus and every other pandemic. Why was it necessary to violate Constitutional rights and close down an economy, while censoring and ridiculing anyone who questions why?

The average age of COVID death is 78, while the average life expectancy is the same. Why should any healthy person be forced to take a vaccine where the recovery rate is 99.6%? Asking children to get vaccinated when effectively 0% of those under 18 with COVID die and the vast majority are asymptomatic is totally unnecessary.

There are far deadlier diseases than COVID that require nothing by way of vaccination. How about a bar code on the forehead, or is that too much Mark-of-the-Beast?

In a dichotomy of the times, many that are against voter ID covet vaccine passports. Showing an ID to vote supposedly suppresses. A digital vaccine passport would require downloading an app to your pricy phone to prove you received a vaccine for a virus that is no deadlier than influenza where you must be tested to know you contracted it.

While certain vaccines are required for overseas (ask any member of the Armed Forces) where some deadly diseases are more common, Americans have to understand such passports are being touted as a requirement for living within the land of the free.

The Patriot Act and other post-9/11 surveillance legislation by Washington that is arguably unconstitutional have been abused beyond their initial Orwellian reach. Recall how your Social Security number would be forbidden to be used outside of Social Security. Now picture a central vaccination database administered by Uncle Sam – what could possibly go wrong?

Since the length of vaccination efficacy is still unknown, when does your digital approval expire and who decides? What about those who possess natural immunities having recovered already?

This not only violates our Constitution, HIPPA laws, and liberty regarding decisions about one’s health. You must prove you are not the leper that everyone suspects. It is the equivalent of “guilty until proven innocent.” We should respect everyone’s wishes whether they want to get vaccinated or not. America was built on individual liberty and personal responsibility.

Vaccine passports is an anathema to our democratic principles and Constitutional rights. It is an insidious overreach allowing for bureaucrats to leverage fear and control the debate and push unconstitutional policies. This would serve to maintain the culture of shutdowns and restrictions, while violating one’s privacy, and act as a gateway for nefarious players for boundless abuse.

Requiring passports would endorse more political malfeasance in a society already drowning in it. The vaccine passport is not about easing restrictions but a coercive to vaccinate. It has nothing to do with health or the science, but everything to do with power and control.

It would place access in the hands of a bureaucrat akin to a Twitter or Facebook content reviewer. Passports will create another breed of identity politics that is destroying society by pitting brother against brother, friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor.

Noncompliance would give unelected bureaucrats power to discriminate and fashion another political identity class. For those who take the shot a somewhat pre-COVID life, but for those who refuse, repression of goods and services.

Americans are an autonomous people and would recoil at the thought of any restriction on our freedoms. Today, we just shrug and continue to scroll away on our phone masked up like a preteen on Halloween.

We all know what the road to Hell is paved with.

With every vaccine is informed consent. Passports would be coercion, not informed consent.

Texas, Tennessee, Florida and Mississippi have nixed vaccine passports.

The rest of the union needs to follow suit.

I have an idea. Something I learned from my cattle mentors in MT. Ear tags. We should place a certain color ear tag in everyone upon receiving their final vaccine shot. That way, we can see at a distance who is safe and who is not.  Those with the right colored ear tag need not wear a mask. So, if you meet up with someone who does not have the right ear tag and is not wearing a mask, you can shoot him/her. Right? I mean if we are going to force controls on our citizenship n preparation for us becoming a communist nation, no amount of force and coercion is unacceptable., and we need to get on with it. What do you think Joe?