Tag Archives: economy


This is a re-post of an earlier, and here’s why. I’m sure you read the one titled “A Must Read for every American.” In fact, it has received more hits than any post I have every made since this blog began back in October 2015. It has thus far reached 1,149 hits and is still being viewed as I write this. I am excited about that, and I hope everyone is forwarding it, which I am sure many are thus the reason for so many views.

I believe this to be the issue right now before elections. Americans NEED to understand what is going on with our elected officials, and I am not just speaking of liberals. Many GOP congressman and senators are beginning to murmur words against Trump, and now we all should understand why. He has all but taken away their Golden Egg and if given four more years he will slaughter their Golden Goose for good. 

So I am re-posting this post, which is the Trumps ad for the upcoming election. Keep in mind what you read in the “Must Read” post as you watch this ad again. He talks about what he is doing and why he can do it. The two posts belong together, they enhance one another.

Trump is the only one who can destroy this sad state of affairs within our government. He is beholding to no one, lobbyist, major corporations, Wall Street, Unions, etc. He owes no favors, receives no kick backs let alone his salary. 

Please re-pass this one on to your friends and explain what I am saying here. Folks, fellow Americans, this is important, you must be involved. As I have repeatedly said, the DNC cannot afford four more years of Trump. Trust me, this will be the worse election in the history of America!

The 2020 Election


If Trump is not re-elected in November, our legislative system and form of government will be gone forever! This is not a conspiracy theory my fellow Americans, it will happen.

Originally posted 2020-05-06 12:45:21.

Pre-Super Bowl Potpourri

Today being pre-Super Bowl Day, thought I’d throw out some things to give everyone some things to chew on.

First an excellent article by Tony Perkins. A Marine friend sent me the article and said,” The Left and its ideology are like termites, constantly eating away at the foundation of our society morals, values, ethics, and culture”.

Our Military Should Be Cultivating Masculinity, Not Denigrating It

January 30, 2020

By Tony Perkins

A recent review of U.S. special operations forces pointed to a leadership crisis in our military, concluding that leadership, discipline and accountability must be strengthened at all levels. West Point, which is supposed to be the Army’s preeminent leader development institution, hasn’t been immune to this breakdown in leadership. Earlier this month, West Point cadets attended “Honorably Living Day,” a mandatory event dedicated to promoting diversity and feminist thought where facilitators discouraged what they called “toxic masculinity.”

The curriculum featured the documentary Miss Representation, which was produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, first lady of California and wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). The documentary included commentary from left-wing commentators such as Katie Couric, Rosie O’Donnell, and Jane Fonda. What does any of this have to do with fighting and winning wars? That was the question Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin asked when he joined Washington Watch yesterday to discuss this new initiative. “In no way does this help enhance the readiness of our military,” he told me. “It is a reflection of what was forced on our military in the Obama administration. The disappointing thing is that it’s still there…”

Instead of developing leaders, West Point is taking time to attack masculinity. The program even questions the phrase “be a man.” Yet, by attacking masculinity, mandatory trainings such as Honorably Living Day undermines the very characteristics our military desperately needs. General Boykin quoted George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish Civil War and observed the hardships of battle first-hand: “Orwell said, ‘We rest well in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence against those who would threaten us.'”

General Boykin argues that the campaign against masculinity inflicts a great deal of damage on society beyond the military. “This whole idea of ‘hyper-masculinity,’ which is one of the phrases that they’ve coined now… is absolute nonsense, has nothing to do with reality. It is about destroying men because they are the foundations of the family… The men are so important, and the men are walking out of their families today all over America. And this is a reflection of exactly what the crisis in masculinity is all about.” Indeed, a lack of male leadership has certainly taken its toll on American families. All the more, this highlights the importance of preserving strong and moral male leadership in the military, despite the Left’s effort to destroy it.

For centuries, men have largely been the ones fighting wars, protecting their countries, and defending their people. Instead of disparaging a perceived “toxic masculinity,” the U.S. military should be building the character of men and fostering their natural instinct to protect and defend. The strength of our military and the security of our nation depends on it.

Tony Perkins Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

Second up. Don’t know how many of you follow the economy? I do very closely; that’s what my degree is in and I’m a hobby investor and have been for many years. Don’t make a lot of money at it, but for me, it’s fun. And I get the kicks hearing folks chat on about this and that within our economy as well as the global, when they haven’t a clue what they are talking about. I especially like the late great ads run by that billionaire for NY who considers himself a viable candidate for the upcoming election this year. Yes, I refer to Dumberg. Anyway, here’s some economic news from this past week that is simple to understand, even for a liberal.

On Thursday, the Department of Labor reported that initial jobless claims for the week ending January 25 were 216,000, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week’s revised level of 223,000 (revised up from 211,000), however, 1,000 claims below expectations of 215,000. Importantly, the four-week moving average for claims (used as a gauge to offset volatility in the weekly numbers) was 214,500, a 1,750-claim decrease from the previous week’s revised average of 216,250 (revised up from 213,250). The low rate of layoffs reflects a strengthening labor market as claims have remained below 300,000 – the threshold typically used to categorize a healthy jobs market – for an incredible 255 consecutive weeks, the longest streak for weekly records dating back to 1967. The previous longest stretch ended in April 1970 and lasted for 161 weeks.



Thirdly, a touch of humor.







And one more for the road.

Dear Lord:  The last four or five years have been very tough.

You have taken my favorite actor – Paul Newman;

My favorite actress – Elizabeth Taylor;

My favorite singer – Andy Williams;

My favorite author – Tom Clancy;

And now, my favorite comedians – Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.

I just wanted you to know that my favorite politicians are: Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Joe (touchy) Biden and Barry Sanders, and I also have a special place in my heart for George Soros, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel and my favorite shoe salesman Colin Kaepernick.  Amen”

Okay Gang, enjoy your weekend, and hope your team wins tomorrow. I have no dog in fight. I just hope it’s a good close game and not a blow out like some have been I heard on the news here in FL that upper level nosebleed seats are going for $7.000 each. Wow, is this a money game or what.

Originally posted 2020-02-01 11:58:45.

Four Months To Go


27 reasons and counting

By: G. Maresca


As the lead-in to the November midterms gears up, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thought it wise to delay passing legislation that would provide additional security for Supreme Court justices and their families saying, “nobody’s in danger.” This was after a gunman showed up in the middle of the night at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. For the first time a justice on the Supreme Court faced an attempted assassination.

Nor was it enough that the pro-abortion group “Ruth Sent Us” tweeted they are watching Kavanaugh’s wife and children, along with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home and where her children attend school. Leftists support a woman’s right to decide, unless that woman is Amy Coney Barrett.

The Democrat’s version of job creation is selling maps to the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices. Notice how no one has attempted to kill or in the middle of the night yell obscenities at the homes of those justices who identify with the left.

In Pelosi’s America, parents’ confronting local school boards results in domestic terrorism investigations, while harassing and intimidating justices at their homes is applauded. Perhaps Pelosi was too consumed with Gay Pride month as she surfaced at “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” saying, “This is what America is all about.”

Pelosi should do the honorable thing and resign for subjecting these justices to threats of violence and hinting that she would not mind attending a funeral for a justice, so Biden could nominate a new one.

The 82-year-old Pelosi is simply shameless.

The bipartisan legislation finally passed 396-27 and parallels the protections offered for senior members of Congress. Twenty-seven Democrats voted against such an essential security measure. Since they swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and in the hallowed name of equity, these infamous 27 need to relinquish their protection and be removed from their committee assignments because they cannot be impeached.

The bulk of the 27 hail from New Jersey and New York and yet they wonder why their states are losing seats in Congress. The notorious 27 underscore how the demarcation lines are shaping up for the fast-approaching November midterm election. They should be routed out of office but that remains to be seen.

There is simply no rational reason to vote against such a bill other than wishing harm on others. But what did you expect when Democrats failed to censure Sen. Chuck Schumer who blatantly threatened Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the steps of the Supreme Court saying, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Where is the Department of Justice investigation of Schumer? Here is a sitting senator threatening Supreme Court justices, while President Biden is MIA. This is extreme even for Democrats.

Threats to our constitutional system are of no consequence provided it does not coincide with leftist dogma. Whatever happened to civil discourse and common sense? Many need to do some deep soul searching.

From urban anarchy to ignoring death threats, the chasm between extreme and moderate Democrats provided there are any left within the party, are an endangered species. Conservative justices are not the only ones threatened – just rally against leftist dogma and you will incur their wrath. Rioting, protests, and looting will not win over the majority who are worn-out from these narcissistic hypocrites.

Taking a knee in prayer is bad, while taking a knee in protest of the national anthem is good. School choice is unhealthy, and abortion is healthcare. Such noxious behavior underscores how far we have fallen from comprehending what is necessary for a sustainable and free society.

Anything the left perceives as disorder from the right is condemned, prosecuted, pilloried in the media and weaponized against conservatives; whereas any lawlessness from the left is ignored, unprosecuted, whitewashed by the media, and tacitly endorsed by Democrats.

Until the rule of law is stripped of its partisan underpinnings, this is not going to get any better.

As the demarcation lines are being drawn in the religious, cultural, and political arena leading up to the critical November midterms, a thorough empirical examination of the issues will be appraised in this space.

With all the news always going in the direction that the Dims want, let me ask you a question. How are your 401Ks and IRAs doing?  As of the market this a.m., my combined IRAs have lost 19.12% in the last 12 months, and 25.28% YTD. And I have good stocks, which I feel certain will eventually rebound. That is as soon as we get an administration that has a clue what they are doing. What was that saying “It’s the economy stupid.” November looms gang, get ready and be damn sure you vote!!!

BTW, do you know where the Strategic Oil Reserves went to and where they are going now, which was stated by Joey to lower our gas prices? Well they went and are still going overseas. Can someone please explain to me how that is supposed to lower our fuel prices? You don’t need to be an Economist to answer that question.

The On-Deck Circus

Does anyone with a left and right brain – that works – understand just who it is we have leading our country today. Your absent minded, dementia afflicted Joe, drunken or drugged Pelosi  (as shown on my previous post), and of course this insignificant person who is a flaming idiot . I simply cannot comprehend anyone supporting this circus of people who are literally – piece by piece – destroying the United States of America.

I must apologize to some of you who I now are waiting with baited breath for my Open Letter to the Commandant. Trust me, I am working on it, but it’s tough as there is so much to say and I want to keep it short, concise, and to the point. Stand by it is coming soon.

Meanwhile I cannot help myself from commenting about these buffoons’ we have in such powerful positions and telling the secretaries of the various agencies what to do, especially SecDef and Sec of Treasury.. OMG!

Here is another good one from my good friend Greg who is always on top of things.

By Greg Maresca

Prior to joining the Biden 2020 presidential ticket, Kamala Harris was polling around 2 % – among Democrats – never making it to that first primary, so it comes as no surprise that her most recent poll numbers are even lower than President Biden’s.

Given his age and cognitive decline, if there was ever a presidential nominee who needed to select an accomplished vice president, it was Biden. Instead, we get arguably the least qualified one ever who just happens to be coupled with one of the more incompetent president’s in history. As President Barack Obama reportedly said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to foul things up.”

Then again, second raters habitually pick third raters, so they won’t be outshined. It could be argued that Harris was insurance against invoking the 25th Amendment.

Harris was wedded to Biden’s ticket because of her gender and ethnicity. Nothing else. It was no secret Democrats wanted a Black woman. Harris is not only the nation’s first female vice president, but the first Indo-Jamaican to become an African-American.

Nobody gave any thought to her ability to lead, unite the country, or formulate foreign and domestic policy. Having the correct résumé regarding identity politics cancels out capability and competence. When you pick a vice president purely on the expediency of identity politics without regard for merit, Harris is the result. Such rationale only poisons the well for every diversity and affirmative action hire everywhere.

When asked about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, Harris said, “There’s a lot more work to do on criminal justice equity.”

Meaning what, exactly?

Isn’t justice about impartiality and equal application of the law?

Her reply is the antithesis of the American ideal.

Harris was handed a golden opportunity as “Border Czar.” It could have been a defining moment, but Harris disappeared. She finally showed up not at the border, but in Guatemala to a chastening reception. She could have recruited every governor in a bipartisan effort to stem the tide but didn’t.

Harris displayed anti-Catholic bigotry in the confirmation hearings of Judge Brian Buescher by citing his membership in the “all-male society” the Knights of Columbus and their stance against abortion and same-sex marriage as grounds for not supporting him for the federal bench in Nebraska.

While campaigning in Florida she danced onstage in the rain to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” it was brutal to view. Democrats have said, “she’s not being used appropriately.” Perhaps consulting Willie Brown would most likely solve that issue.

As Attorney General of California, she locked up more Blacks than Lincoln freed, and her great-grandfather owned more slaves than South Carolina. This qualifies Harris as the only woman of color to rate a Confederate statue.

Harris epitomizes the nouveau me generation that are an embarrassment to those who sacrificed to defend this nation before them. The scuttlebutt coming from the honchoes at the Democratic National Committee has Harris failing up to the Supreme Court in order to get her out of the way. Susan Rice has been rumored as a possible replacement for Harris. Rice is an Obama disciple with her hands pulling many strings with this caretaker president.

Naturally, the sycophants comprising the Bidenista regime responded saying any criticism of Harris is “sexist and racist.” This nonsense about not being able to criticize a minority woman politico because it’s racist and sexist is beyond parody. If we can’t criticize politicians, then the United States ceases to exist.

Harris sailed with the Titanic and remains an aneurism away from the Oval Office – a chilling prospect. No matter how Biden fouls up no sane individual wants him replaced by Harris, or in her absence – Pelosi – a shiver me timbers reckoning.

Harris is a lifelong political hack who has less appeal than Amy Klobuchar and who studied congeniality under Hillary Clinton.

What accomplishments did Biden and Harris register before the 2020 presidential election?

There is no upside.

The country picked incompetence over mean tweets and sarcasm.

Where are the legions lamenting the folly of their vote and the catastrophic result this administration’s policies and decisions have produced? Instead, there is an orchestrated silence as we collectively circle the drain.

This ensuing train wreck will continue, as our enemies advance.

Came across the following video to add to Greg’s comments as to just how much of an idiot this female is when it comes to anything about our country.  Can anyone phantom this woman becoming the first female president of this once great nation. We must keep Joe alive! Turn your volume and enjoy the laugh.