Tag Archives: California

The On-Deck Circus

Does anyone with a left and right brain – that works – understand just who it is we have leading our country today. Your absent minded, dementia afflicted Joe, drunken or drugged Pelosi  (as shown on my previous post), and of course this insignificant person who is a flaming idiot . I simply cannot comprehend anyone supporting this circus of people who are literally – piece by piece – destroying the United States of America.

I must apologize to some of you who I now are waiting with baited breath for my Open Letter to the Commandant. Trust me, I am working on it, but it’s tough as there is so much to say and I want to keep it short, concise, and to the point. Stand by it is coming soon.

Meanwhile I cannot help myself from commenting about these buffoons’ we have in such powerful positions and telling the secretaries of the various agencies what to do, especially SecDef and Sec of Treasury.. OMG!

Here is another good one from my good friend Greg who is always on top of things.

By Greg Maresca

Prior to joining the Biden 2020 presidential ticket, Kamala Harris was polling around 2 % – among Democrats – never making it to that first primary, so it comes as no surprise that her most recent poll numbers are even lower than President Biden’s.

Given his age and cognitive decline, if there was ever a presidential nominee who needed to select an accomplished vice president, it was Biden. Instead, we get arguably the least qualified one ever who just happens to be coupled with one of the more incompetent president’s in history. As President Barack Obama reportedly said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to foul things up.”

Then again, second raters habitually pick third raters, so they won’t be outshined. It could be argued that Harris was insurance against invoking the 25th Amendment.

Harris was wedded to Biden’s ticket because of her gender and ethnicity. Nothing else. It was no secret Democrats wanted a Black woman. Harris is not only the nation’s first female vice president, but the first Indo-Jamaican to become an African-American.

Nobody gave any thought to her ability to lead, unite the country, or formulate foreign and domestic policy. Having the correct résumé regarding identity politics cancels out capability and competence. When you pick a vice president purely on the expediency of identity politics without regard for merit, Harris is the result. Such rationale only poisons the well for every diversity and affirmative action hire everywhere.

When asked about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, Harris said, “There’s a lot more work to do on criminal justice equity.”

Meaning what, exactly?

Isn’t justice about impartiality and equal application of the law?

Her reply is the antithesis of the American ideal.

Harris was handed a golden opportunity as “Border Czar.” It could have been a defining moment, but Harris disappeared. She finally showed up not at the border, but in Guatemala to a chastening reception. She could have recruited every governor in a bipartisan effort to stem the tide but didn’t.

Harris displayed anti-Catholic bigotry in the confirmation hearings of Judge Brian Buescher by citing his membership in the “all-male society” the Knights of Columbus and their stance against abortion and same-sex marriage as grounds for not supporting him for the federal bench in Nebraska.

While campaigning in Florida she danced onstage in the rain to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” it was brutal to view. Democrats have said, “she’s not being used appropriately.” Perhaps consulting Willie Brown would most likely solve that issue.

As Attorney General of California, she locked up more Blacks than Lincoln freed, and her great-grandfather owned more slaves than South Carolina. This qualifies Harris as the only woman of color to rate a Confederate statue.

Harris epitomizes the nouveau me generation that are an embarrassment to those who sacrificed to defend this nation before them. The scuttlebutt coming from the honchoes at the Democratic National Committee has Harris failing up to the Supreme Court in order to get her out of the way. Susan Rice has been rumored as a possible replacement for Harris. Rice is an Obama disciple with her hands pulling many strings with this caretaker president.

Naturally, the sycophants comprising the Bidenista regime responded saying any criticism of Harris is “sexist and racist.” This nonsense about not being able to criticize a minority woman politico because it’s racist and sexist is beyond parody. If we can’t criticize politicians, then the United States ceases to exist.

Harris sailed with the Titanic and remains an aneurism away from the Oval Office – a chilling prospect. No matter how Biden fouls up no sane individual wants him replaced by Harris, or in her absence – Pelosi – a shiver me timbers reckoning.

Harris is a lifelong political hack who has less appeal than Amy Klobuchar and who studied congeniality under Hillary Clinton.

What accomplishments did Biden and Harris register before the 2020 presidential election?

There is no upside.

The country picked incompetence over mean tweets and sarcasm.

Where are the legions lamenting the folly of their vote and the catastrophic result this administration’s policies and decisions have produced? Instead, there is an orchestrated silence as we collectively circle the drain.

This ensuing train wreck will continue, as our enemies advance.

Came across the following video to add to Greg’s comments as to just how much of an idiot this female is when it comes to anything about our country.  Can anyone phantom this woman becoming the first female president of this once great nation. We must keep Joe alive! Turn your volume and enjoy the laugh.

Booked and Cooked – Not So Fast

Go Morning Folks, here we are on a Monday; took the weekend off to relax and take in some TV. Meanwhile the swamp creatures were hard at work doing what they do best e.g.,  create anger, divisiveness, hate, tell lies,  and BS gullible Americans.  And of course puppet Joey continues to react to his string puller –  Obummer.  Anyway, here is another good one from my friend Greg. If you looked at the “Shopping – California Style” post and then read this one, it becomes obvious that sooner rather than later that style of shopping will be prevalent throughout our Third World shit hole, once referred to as United States of America.  Just walk into a store pick out what you need (or just want) and walkout.  I mean isn’t that the ultimate goal of defunding the police?

In the mid-1980s, it was perhaps the nation’s most anticipated civil service exam. After a series of layoffs, retirements (my Dad being one of them) and a hiring freeze courtesy of the late ‘70s malaise, the NYPD was looking to replenish their diminished ranks.

Despite a sweeping crack cocaine epidemic and a record number of homicides, there were many more applicants than openings. Aspiring candidates hailed from not only the city’s five boroughs, but throughout the country. Having taken the test on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, it was quickly evident that the test site, Seward Park High School, was for those from outside the city. And we were there in droves, classroom upon classroom.

Today, the NYPD is shedding officers like a Siberian Huskey in late June.

Last year, over 5,300 either retired or quit, a 75% increase from the year before – 15% of the total department. Nearly 1,000 officers have left in the first half of 2021.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The Philadelphia Police Department has 268 vacancies, and are expecting plenty more.” The New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association said their state is also facing a recruiting crisis as they usually receive up to 20,000 applications – this year only 2,023 qualified applicants applied.

As the summer policing season heats up nationally, the stories of how police departments are dwindling are legion. Recently, a Portland, Oregon volunteer rapid response police unit resigned en masse. Many city halls are seemingly defunding their police through attrition.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said police officers suffered 295 on-duty deaths in 2020 – the most ever since they started keeping records in 1786. When a city is not supporting their police, the working conditions become nearly impossible. When police stand-down, criminals step-up proving that criminality abhors a vacuum.

When you vilify every police officer for another’s poor decision, who wants the job? The “defunding the police” crusade and the endless negative media coverage of law enforcement has made anti-police sentiment mainstream. Such overt posturing has only fueled a police shortage nationwide. Provided a cop killed Hitler, the national media would mourn the loss of a promising Austrian artist and vegetarian.

This anti-cop virus has become a pandemic in high-crime neighborhoods that are in most need of policing. It remains a deterrent for police to act and most of all, it is a disincentive to remain on the job.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) prefers community watches, preferably Omega, Tag Heuer and Rolexes. Atlanta City Councilman Antonio Brown, a defund the police disciple, had his Mercedes stolen and it took police over an hour to respond. The BLM communities that support defunding deserve a year of no policing.

This universal defund movement is a logical incoherence with French Revolution overtones that underscores how critical the Second Amendment is as a constitutional right.

How far left will the anti-cop pendulum swing and disincentivize good people from pursuing a career in law enforcement and what will be the long-term damage to our communities?

Once upon a time in America, the police were to be respected. You cannot expect law and order when you malign its enforcement, while at the same time failing to hold certain groups responsible for their criminality. We demoralize police by treating criminals like victims and cops like criminals.

Apparently, nothing justifies deadly force. That’s what future victims hear, and it will only encourage more recklessness. The left beatifies as paragons of humanity those who resist arrest. For those who disagree with this woke ideology: fear and intimidation and perhaps loss of their job.

Feckless leadership that ended quality of life “broken-windows” policing, imposed no-bail laws, disbanded street-crime units, while adopting policies to empty prisons. Catch and release may work while fishing, but it is a lousy way to police a community.

The protagonists of the defund movement reside in communities where crime is not much of an issue. To people living in crime-ridden neighborhoods, having an effective police department is a crucial part of daily life.

Make no mistake our freedoms are in jeopardy as the facts are difficult to ignore. We must respect the law and those who work to enforce it because any war on policing puts everyone at risk.

No exceptions!

Okay, what’s say we go shopping this week, California Style? LOL. Of course I jest, but you just watch, so many companies have made rules about non interference, under the guise of protecting their employees. When they do that, the invitation is out, “Come and get what you want or need.  Hell  hire us old farts, arm us, and we will lower your shoplifting stats immediately! What say you guys?