Tag Archives: 1946

Battle of Athens

This is what should have happened on November 3rd, 2020 when it became obvious a certain political party in some misfit states were screwing with our ballot boxes. This is a true story, and may have to be repeated again in this shithole in which we live. We are fast becoming a lawless country ruled by criminals who may never be brought to justice. Keep your powder dry and your canteens full. Perhaps  Mr. Mattis may even get to pull a trigger for the first time in his long military career except at the range. You can bet he won’t be on the side of justice.. Geez, I wish he’d respond to all the truisms I’ve posted about him. 

Copy, paste, sit back, and watch what happens when true Americans get pissed.






Originally posted 2020-12-05 10:31:13.