Battle of Athens

This is what should have happened on November 3rd, 2020 when it became obvious a certain political party in some misfit states were screwing with our ballot boxes. This is a true story, and may have to be repeated again in this shithole in which we live. We are fast becoming a lawless country ruled by criminals who may never be brought to justice. Keep your powder dry and your canteens full. Perhaps  Mr. Mattis may even get to pull a trigger for the first time in his long military career except at the range. You can bet he won’t be on the side of justice.. Geez, I wish he’d respond to all the truisms I’ve posted about him. 

Copy, paste, sit back, and watch what happens when true Americans get pissed.





Originally posted 2020-12-05 10:31:13.

4 thoughts on “Battle of Athens”

  1. I sincerely hope that the current political situation doesn’t evolve into anything like The Battle of Athens. Yet it appears that given how many are arming up, and the rhetoric being used, that there is a strong possibility. God help our Nation.

  2. This event was relatively small in stature was magnified by what happens when common folk united by common cause created the change necessary by using the means at their disposal to obtain the desired result unheard at the time by force. Americans need to wake up! The time is upon us to ensure our elections are by the people and for the people; not by fraud, coercion, force, or illegal in any form or by any political party. This is America, the land of the free and the brave. For those who think otherwise, this is for you. I would rather be dead, than to see this Country be destroyed by within. I will defend my freedom at all costs…I have but one life to give for my Country, so be it until America is restored as the land of the free and brave.

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