Category Archives: Current Events

Comedic Lives Matter

Another great article filled with truths about the sick society in which we find ourselves today. Thank you Greg.

By: G. Maresca

 With the recent death of Carl Reiner, some perspective is in order.  The longtime actor, writer, director, and straight man for Mel Brooks believed humor fostered his longevity and his curtain call proved it by enduring two years short of a century.

For decades, Reiner’s witticisms and wisecracks were a perennial favorite that crossed generations.  He was the last regular of “Your Show of Shows” and “Caesar’s Hour” that had no hidden agenda other than obtaining laughs.  The comedians, writers and producers of Reiner’s era possessed intelligence, imagination and talent.

 Today’s comedic monologues, quips and routines have been lost to angry, political diatribes that are more lecture than laughter – Fractured Farley Tales, they ain’t.

 Late night television has devolved into ghastly versions of an agonizing Chris Cuomo and Maureen Dowd where self-righteous, condescension is the standard.


It departed with Johnny Carson.

Even David Letterman in his later years succumbed to spreading the butter of the leftist credo.  Proving that comedy, through political correctness, had become another weapon of leftism.

The entertainment industry promotes leftism and maligns anyone who disagrees.  One’s humor is another’s insult and the left has taken this to the extreme.  Leftists are anything but funny because their partisan snark and loathing is dispiriting and adds nothing to the conversation.

Once upon a time in America, we didn’t know the personal politics of Carson, Jack Parr, Bob Hope or Carl Reiner, nor did we really care.  Comics were not intimidated by anyone or anything and every person, place and thing was fair game and everyone was in on the jokes.

Today, any political satire from the conservative or libertarian side of the house that fails to meet leftist orthodoxy is deemed hateful.  You are “racist” if you joke about Barack Obama, a “homophobe” if you poke fun at gays, “transphobic” if you do an impression of PA Secretary of Health Dr. Levine, and “sexist” if you are not on board with the platoon of fuming feminists who populate The View.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, free societies have used political satire as a means for introspection, while at the same time keeping government in check. Autonomous and unconstrained comedic talent has the trifecta capacity to make one laugh, contemplate and think about an issue(s).

The problem with today’s political satire is not that it derides and ridicules. Rather, our politically correct epoch has rendered it archaic and vain.  Lost is our collective sense of humor and the unrestricted resolve to actually be amused and enjoy a good laugh.

When things are difficult and challenging, we find the humor in it not because it will change the situation, but because it can help alleviate how we feel about it. Jokes are rarely singular in meaning as there is always an undefined nuance to every quip.

With the ability to laugh and make fun of ourselves lost, everyone loses.  Few, if any of the old great comedians, would exist today.  Plenty of comics, even those who are non-ideological make it a point to avoid college campuses, with their interrogational and hypercritical environment.

“We have become stupidly politically correct, which is the death of comedy,” Mel Brooks said in 2017.  This lack of humor is a legacy of the leftist orthodoxy that is sweeping the country.

In leftism’s utopia, nothing would be allowed to be funny unless they declared it so.  Think of the comedy talents of Yakov Smirnoff, or the minions leading North Korea.

Is this what we need, or worse, want?

Perhaps the joke is on us on how we used to laugh.

Psychologists tell us that possessing a sense of humor does indeed matter.  Sigmund Freud believed there was no better human interaction than two people laughing at the same joke.

Popular culture was once defined by its willingness to challenge, enlighten and awaken.  Artists, musicians, comedians and writers enriched us by delivering specific slights to the sensibilities of those who were cultural avatars and lawmakers.  Today’s performers mostly fall over each other to demonstrate how much they are “woke” with leftist bona fides.

They may believe to be woke, but in reality, they are on life support.

And we are all poorer because of it.


Originally posted 2020-08-15 10:42:55.

Flight Over Iwo Jima

Every now and then I come across a story that has nothing whatsoever to do with the political swamp, or sick society in which we find ourselves. Some move me and make my chest swell. Well here’s one for you jar heads out there. It’s wonderful story that needs no additional words from me! Enjoy, comment, and share.

Bill Knowles Green Valley News & Sun and The Sahuarita Sun
Off and on during my adult years I have associated with members of the United States Marine Corps and these short interludes have been worthwhile in all respects; most recently I have shared a mutual volunteer chore with a retired member of the Marines, a local guy by the name of Master Gunny Bob Duerden. Another great member of the “Corps.”

For Bob and the rest of our local retired Marines, here is a story about 165 Marines on their way to war!

During the years 1963 to 1971, I had the privilege of managing the flight operation of a 13-plane fleet of Boeing 320C aircraft carrying troops and/or cargo from United State’s shores to SE Asia and the war known as Vietnam. When carrying Marines, our flights progressed from the USMC base at Pendleton, in Southern California, to Honolulu thence to the Marine base in Okinawa and then to Da Nang in Vietnam, where the Marines would board their own helicopters to proceed to their in-country posts.

It was a typical lovely Sunday that we departed Honolulu bound for Okinawa; there were three cockpit crew members , eight cabin flight attendants and 165 members of the USMC in this gold-tailed Boeing 320C Intercontinental jet capable of flying nonstop some 13 hours and more than 6,000 miles.

Over the Pacific Ocean the skies were clear and the ride was smooth … most of our passengers quickly fell asleep. Some seven hours later, a smidgen of light coming up on our tail suggested the arrival of the morning sunrise; I called the first flight attendant to the cockpit and asked about the well-being of the passengers and when she was planning to awaken them for their breakfast.

“We have a small gift for the Marines coming up in 20 minutes but I need them all to be awake.” She answered that she would awaken them now and serve breakfast when I advised her.

During flight planning, before departure from Honolulu, the en route winds and weather suggested a route that took us directly over the islands of Iwo Jima — these islands were deeply etched in the history of the USMC in World War II — and forecast winds would result in a flight faster than the normal for this route.

I called the first flight attendant on the intercom and advised her that I would be making a PA to the passengers in about 10 minutes and that after that please do not serve any beverages until we had passed Iwo Jima. A short time later our weather radar picked up the Iwo Jima Islands on the nose 40 miles ahead; I made the following PA to the passengers: “Gentlemen, I hope that you have been comfortable … we are ahead of schedule and we have a small gift for you this morning … in about 12 minutes we will pass directly over the islands of Iwo Jima where earlier members of your Marines fought so gallantly in World War II. We will circle the islands two ways so that all of you will have a great view of the islands.

The Pacific Ocean six miles below was glassy smooth and deep blue, it was an outstanding morning.
As we started our circle of the islands below, the first flight attendant came into the cockpit saying, “Captain, look back through the cockpit door at the passengers.” She opened wide the cockpit door.

The First Sergeant had every Marine aboard standing up, at attention and these 165 proud warriors were singing the Marines’ Hymn as we passed over these Iwo Jima Islands where so many of their brothers had earlier fallen.

The cabin of the aircraft had taken on all those qualities of a land-based church; I really do not think that, including the cockpit, there was a dry eye aboard this flight, on this morning, so far from home. The hymn from 165 Marine voices reached every nook and cranny of this largest of Boeing aircraft on this peaceful morning … never to be forgotten.

Later arriving at Okinawa , where the Marines would spend a week or so before heading for Da Nang to join their fellow Marines, as our crew descended the steps after the passengers has proceeded us, we heard a great “Thank you, crew” from 165 proud Marines. It was a gratifying moment!

Of 157 flights across the Pacific, that particular trip — with 165 of the nation’s finest – will live forever in the memory of this flight crew member.

Bill Knowles lives in Green Valley.

Thank you Mr. Bill Knowles for such a wonderful story

Originally posted 2020-08-10 12:37:34.

Marines in Flight

Are those Marines in the photo above running to a fight or running away from a fight? Well, Fellow Marines, it appears the current sick societal norms have now finally affected our Corps. Sadly they are running away from a fight — UNBELIEVABLE! I am sickened by the below article, which by the way was sent to me by my bride. 

The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) has a legendary history of bravery and esprit de corps when it comes to defending America’s freedom. From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the Corps hasn’t shrunk back from meeting any foe of the United States. So it may surprise some to learn that recently the Marines surrendered to a single activist who complained that an instructor at an upcoming seminar on strategy and tactics was a Christian.

The USMC scheduled an annual training for military lawyers earlier this month, at which the Battle of Gettysburg would be discussed. The instructor for one portion of that training was supposed to be Jay Lorenzen, an Air Force veteran who taught for 10 years at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Lorenzen’s biography, provided to the military lawyers in advance of the training, included references to Christianity, including his affiliation with Campus Crusade for Christ, now known as Cru, and a couple of religious-themed courses he teaches in his spare time. Several of those lawyers complained to Mikey Weinstein, who heads up a secular, anti-Christian group called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, that Lorenzen was going to teach about religion.

That allegation was false. It didn’t matter.

Weinstein, himself an Air Force veteran, is adamantly opposed to any form of Christian expression within the military, and immediately contacted the USMC to voice his displeasure at Lorenzen’s scheduled appearance at the training, calling Lorenzen a “fundamentalist Christian extremist parachurch official.” Within 64 minutes, according to Weinstein, the USMC informed him that the event had been canceled. It was replaced with an instruction regarding systemic racism within the military.

First Liberty Institute, a public interest law firm specializing in religious liberty, represents and has represented military personnel, including chaplains, who have seen their religious freedom rights unfairly and unconstitutionally curtailed by the various military branches. The legal firm is calling a foul.

Jeremy Dys is the Special Counsel for Litigation and Communications for First LibertyIn an op-ed this week, he explained why the USMC is making a big mistake in this case.

“Let us be very clear: the Marine Corps bravely cancelled a speaker chosen to lead a discussion on the battlefield tactics and leadership lessons of Gettysburg based upon his expertise as a retired military officer and academy professor because that retired officer, in his speaker’s bio, confessed to be religious and associated with a religious organization,” Dys said.

“Such open discrimination against people of faith is unbecoming of our beloved Marine Corps. From Article VI of the U.S. Constitution to cases like Trinity Lutheran to numerous Department of Defense (DOD) policies, the law is clear: the government cannot require a religious test for office, nor insist that religious people be excluded from benefits—like teaching to a class of Marine Corps reservists—because they are religious.”

In a statement furnished to Fox News, the USMC confirmed only that the event had been cancelled when scheduled attendees “raised concerns” about Lorenzen.

When the Marines go into full retreat mode over the issue of religious freedom, it’s time for an explanation and some new direction from the Department of Defense. The treatment of this instructor should not be allowed to stand.

Bullshit, it’s time for some serious discourse by we Marines with some of the so-called leaders of our active Corps. I would expect the retired Generals to be rising up in protest, but then maybe not. There are a few I know personally who will certainly come up on line. They were going to discuss the Battle of Gettysburg, not the resurrection of Jesus. I am seriously sickened by this action. Commandant, where are you taking my Corps?

Originally posted 2020-08-08 11:11:51.

Fredo Reigns Under BLM

, The Detroit News Published 11:00 p.m. ET Aug. 5, 2020

Saul Alinsky isn’t the one setting the rules for the radicals controlling the streets of some of America’s largest cities. It’s Don Vito Corleone.

Alinski, the late revolutionary whose “Rules for Radicals” inspired a generation of activists, some of who’ve reached the pinnacle of power, advocated a step-by-step erosion of America’s values and institutions.

Corleone, Hollywood’s most famous mob boss, was less patient, sticking the bloody consequences of defying him right in the face of his targets.

The Godfather’s methods are preferred by today’s social justice mobs.

Witness the demands leveled by Black Lives Matter in Louisville, where ongoing and often violent demonstrations have effectively rendered unusable the city’s hip East Market District, or NuLu as it’s popularly known.

In a letter to the NuLu business community, the activists offered peace in exchange for a long list of demands to give African Americans a greater cut of the action in Louisville’s surging downtown.

The list calls for representation of African Americans equal to their piece of the city’s population — 23% — in district jobs, management positions, business ownership, nonprofit boards, etc.

On paper, it’s a worthy goal. I was among those who early on called out the scarcity of Black participation in Detroit’s downtown comeback.

But as hard quotas, with harsh repercussions for not meeting them, they are nothing more than a shakedown. If the 23% target is missed, businesses will be required to make a donation equal to 1.5% of net sales to local Black organizations.

The other demands are straight out of Soviet and Chinese re indoctrination camps.

Business owners must swear the equivalent of a loyalty oath by posting in a prominent place their support of reparations for slavery. They and their staffs must submit to biannual diversity, equity and inclusion training conducted by pre-approved Black female trainers. They then must participate in quarterly community “round tables” where their progress toward compliance will be judged.

The shakedown payment is just the start of the Mob-style coercion.

Businesses that fail to agree to the terms face the outright threat of ruin. BLM promises a campaign of  intense intimidation.

The actions threatened include blasts of the non-compliance on “all social media platforms” and via mail. Public boycotts organized online of “your NuLu establishment AND any other business ventures owned by you.”

Also, “Visible, media-covered demonstration/sit-in outside your establishment.”

And something called “Invasive Reclamation,” which means staffing booths and tables outside a business where competing Black businesses can offer their wares.

The threats seem to meet the legal definition of extortion: “The gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force or threat of violence, property damage, harm to reputation, or unfavorable government action.”

That charge has landed a lot of mob figures in the slammer. But the BLM mobsters fear no such reprisals.

They know they’re free to adopt the tactics of the Godfather because so many American cities are being run by prototypes of his bumbling boy Fredo.

Originally posted 2020-08-06 08:19:11.