All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Logic and Logistics

I have not been closely following the caravan(s) coming up through Mexico. Oh, I get a glimpse of their whereabouts now and then, and hear of the MSM following along beside a woman with a small child carrying an Ecuadorean flag sobbing about her needs and what America can do to help her and her small child. Hmm. Interesting?” Yes. Heart wrenching? Absolutely not!

First of all, these folks seem to be well nourished, well-kept, and clean. So I am wondering how can that be? They supposedly have traveled hundreds of miles through terrain which would not be considered highly hospitable, allegedly harangued by police and soldiers in attempts to halt their progress. Yet all has failed or even slightly deterred them from the mission, which is………what? I’m told by the MSM they want help and demand the USA to provide it. Nah, I don’t think that’s the “real” mission. Perhaps it might be to arrive at our border on Election Day to make a statement for one of the political party’s. Hmm, now that makes it even more interesting.

I was not a logistics officer in the Corps, but I did know a lot of them, some were even friends. But as an infantry enlisted and officer, I did, on occasion, have to move large numbers of Marines and sailors over not so hospitable terrain for several days. So I have some questions for the MSM, which I am wondering why they have not already been asked.

Where do they shit?  A human excretes roughly one pound of feces per day. Thus, a caravan of 7,000 would create 3.5 tons of shit. Where is it? Who collected it? What did they do with it?

Where do they eat? Who is feeding them? Where do they sleep? Better yet, who is paying for all this?

Does anyone really believe that one day out of the blue, 7,000 Ecuadorians woke up and said, “Hey, Let’s all march to the American border, and demand they let us in and take care of us.” Really?

Well, I have an idea who is paying for it, but I’ll let you decide for yourself.


Originally posted 2018-11-01 10:27:39.

Which Party is Against Illegal Immigration?

Want to know what happened with illegal immigration and why the democrats always supported strong borders and then suddenly flip-flopped? Please carefully copy and past the below link, and Tucker will explain it all to you in concrete, verifiable, simple terms. If you are old enough you will surely remember the events about which he talks – I certainly do, but the average progressive millennial will not.

Originally posted 2018-11-01 08:24:28.

Public Service Announcement

This PSA was brought to you courtesy of Trump Country. Enjoy!

Yeah, I know you are probably asking what the photo of slim bucket Kerry has to do with this post? Well, really, nothing at all. I just love that photo of him. He looks like someone ask him what he did during the big war, Vietnam that is. LOL And he is trying come up with something heroic, but can’t think of anything because he threw his medals over the WH fence. 


Originally posted 2018-10-31 16:33:48.

The Poor Illegal Immigrant Children

Listen up gang, this video needs to go viral. Once again the left is exposed to their half-truths, innuendos, outright lies and bull shit they feed to their constituents. We have all heard the horrible stories spread by the democratic party about the way immigrant children are being treated, yet have you seen any concrete example? I haven’t, all I have heard are the talking stooges feeding their sheep. Be careful of the video, she is highly pissed.


Originally posted 2018-10-30 15:49:16.

Guilty Till Proven Innocent

Hi Folks, it’s Col Jim’s weekly Story Time. Enjoy!

The wedding ceremony came to the point where the minister asked if anyone had anything to say concerning the union of this bride and groom.

The moment of utter silence was broken when a beautiful young woman carrying a small baby stood up.  She started walking slowly towards the minister.

The congregation was aghast – the gasps from the ladies nearly sucked all the air out of the church. You could almost hear a mouse scurrying across the carpeted floor.

The groom’s jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief at the approaching young woman and baby.

Chaos ensued, men grew angry, women sobbed in disbelief

The bride angrily threw  her bouquet into the groom’s face and burst out crying.

The groom’s mother fainted. The Bride’s mother was screaming expletives, while her husband was reaching for his concealed carry.

The groomsmen started giving each other looks of disbelief wondering how they were going to save the situation.

The minister shockingly asked the woman, “Can you tell us why you came forward? What do you have to say?”

There was absolute silence throughout the church, even the mice were listening. Every member of the congregation stopped breathing and listened intently to what could possibly be her answer.

The woman calmly replied, “We can’t hear you in the back.”

This surely needs no explanation unless, of course you are an offspring of  Maxine Waters, or just grew up as an idiot with no help from Mom and Dad. Of course, if you are one of the progressives who do not believe in the Constitution,  or a member of the media, or an avid news junkie, then I feel certain you see nothing wrong with this story.  Here she is folks, the 2018 Nobel prize winning idiot looking up pondering her next shocking statement. Don’t you just feel sorry for those who are as stupid as her and keep reelecting her?

Originally posted 2018-10-30 10:55:28.