Black History Month

Truer words were never spoken. Parents be aware of of what your child is learning in school; ask questions of them. I remember being stationed at Fort Bragg with the Army. This was in the early 70’s and Fayetteville, NC was still somewhat of a segregated town even then. My son went to a school out in town. We were at the dinner table talking about the kids learned that day in school. My son started talking about the “War of Northern Aggression.” Needless to say, he and I had a talk.  Our children today are fed so much BS by left-wing progressives hell bent on spewing their own demented personal; beliefs. Look at you child’s text books, homework, required papers, etc. parents need to really ask questions and get them talking.  You may be shocked regardless of what grade they are in.

By Larry Elder


When will Black History Month be … history?

Apart from the bizarre notion that educators should set aside one month to salute the historical achievements of one race apart from and above the historical achievements of other races, Black History Month appears to omit a lot of Black history.

About slavery, do our mostly left-wing educators teach that slavery was not unique to America and is as old as humankind? As economist and author Thomas Sowell says: “More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than Blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after Blacks were freed in the United States.”

Are students taught that “race-based preferences,” sometimes called “affirmative action,” were opposed by several civil rights leaders? While National Urban League Executive Director Whitney Young supported a type of “Marshall Plan” for a period of 10 years to make up for historical discrimination, his board of directors refused to endorse the plan. In rejecting it, the president of the Urban League in Pittsburgh said the public would ask, “What in blazes are these guys up to? They tell us for years that we must buy (nondiscrimination) and then they say, ‘It isn’t what we want.’”

Do our left-wing educators, during Black History Month, note that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s celebrated New Deal actually “hurt” Blacks? According to Cato Institute’s Jim Powell, Blacks lost as many as 500,000 jobs as a result of anti-competitive, job-killing regulations of the New Deal. Powell writes: “The minimum wage regulations made it illegal for employers to hire people who weren’t worth the minimum because they lacked skills. As a result, some 500,000 blacks, particularly in the South, were estimated to have lost their jobs.”

Are students taught that gun control began as a means to deny free Blacks the right to own guns? In ruling that Blacks were chattel property in the Dred Scott case, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney warned that ruling otherwise would mean that Blacks could legally own guns. If Blacks were “entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens,” said Taney, “it would give persons of the Negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one state of the union, the right … to keep and carry arms wherever they went … endangering the peace and safety of the state.”

Are students taught that generations of civil rights leaders opposed illegal immigration and raised questions about legal immigration? After the Civil War, Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass implored employers to hire Blacks over new immigrants. Twenty-five years later, Booker T. Washington pleaded with Southern industrialists to hire Blacks over new immigrants: “One third of the population of the South is of the Negro race. … To those of the white race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth and strange tongue and habits for the prosperity of the South: Cast down your bucket where you are. Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know, whose fidelity and love you have tested in days when to have proved treacherous meant the ruin of your fireside.”

About illegal immigration, Coretta Scott King signed a letter urging Congress to retain harsh sanctions against employers who knowingly hire illegal workers. The letter said: “We are concerned … that … the elimination of employer sanctions will cause another problem — the revival of the pre-1986 discrimination against black and brown U.S. and documented workers, in favor of cheap labor — the undocumented workers.”

These are just a few historical and inconvenient notes left on the cutting room floor during Black History Month.

Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host. His latest book, “The New Trump Standard,” is available in paperback from and for Nook, Kindle, iBook’s and GooglePlay. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit Follow Larry on Twitter @LarryElder.

Copyright 2021 LAURENCE A. ELDER

POSTCRIPT: Some of you may have seen the live interview where Morgan Freeman said the following. It is true, I personally saw the interview:

“Black history month needs to go away. How would you like it if we dedicate one month out of the year as white history month?  American history is our history.  So I’ll ask you to stop calling me a black man and I’ll stop calling you a white man.  The issue of race only exists because we talk about it.  Let it go and die in the past so we can build a future where we aren’t black/white.  We are fellow humans.”

Amen. He’s also a great actor. 


Originally posted 2021-02-23 12:15:30.

8 thoughts on “Black History Month”

  1. Ah phooey, who needs history when you have google and cnnn? Fm and feed m fish

  2. I wish the world could see people as I had seen my brothers and sisters in the Corps…

    It didn’t matter what color you came in as, but once in, you were all Green to me… some of you were just different shades of green! I learned very quickly that we all bleed red… white and blue.

    Oh, and as a boot, your all maggots!

    Semper Fi!

    Lee Waananen

    1. LOL, had to chuckle about the maggots’, you are correct there, and a few other choice terms. 🙂 Yes Lee, we are moving further away from a united country. This white vs black shit has got to stop!

  3. Powerful and cogent stuff. Should be required reading for all libtard do-gooders. Let’s start in Hollywood.
    Thanks, Jim.

  4. As a native and current Georgian, I do not understand what was wrong with the reference to the “War of Northern Aggression.”😀

    1. LOL, Sorry Jar Head, but it wasn’t the war of northern aggression, it was the Civil War, but everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, and that’s mine. And as many so-called historians like to claim, it wasn’t about freeing the slaves either. IMHO.

  5. Jim,
    Thanks for posting Larry Elder’s article. It was enlightening as all his points were new to me. I learn something from everyone of your posts.

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