OMG, it’s Coming!

I have not been a watcher or listener of Glenn BecK. Along with all the emails I get from friends, I got this one today from several but did not have the time to watch it when I saw how long it was. But then I kept getting more emails with the link so I sat down with a cup of coffee and watched it,  and I could not pause it. I had to sit and watch the whole video. Folks, this is long, real long, but I beg you to watch it and to share it. Get yourself a drink and sit back and be educated. If you are a non believer that the end is coming for America, I think you will be enlightened. He puts it all in perspective. Americans need to wake up and wake up now!!

Seriously, keep your family safe because I truly believe it is going to be BAD.

Originally posted 2020-09-18 07:40:16.

5 thoughts on “OMG, it’s Coming!”

  1. Watch Dan Bongino Show yesterday on YouTube.. Look at the sources he cites….. These are left leaning sources actually conducting shaping operations (in plain sight) for the colour revolution / insurrection.

    You might want to repost on your site Colonel…

  2. Read “Billionaire Backers of the Insurrection” in the American Greatness Publication… Author is Julie Kelly. Will tell you who is paying for the funding of the latest Colour Rev.. And do your own homework as Glenn asks you to do..

    Some of you will have violent encounters with leftist mobs.. prepare yourself for that contingency…

    Everyone of us will be targeted by MSM to accept their false claims of election results post election day…. The never ending stream of mail in ballots that are being manufactured out of thin air today..

    Many of your uninformed friends will fall for this.. Especially older democrats who are incredibly silent and somewhat embarrassed about what has happened to their party… This is why good ole Uncle Joe was placed into the position…Clyburn hauled him across the finish line in SC and that one win was immediately followed by everyone else bailing out in the primary and conceding to good ole Joe…… It was the only way “moderate” dems would be fooled into believing what is about to happen.

    This is not tinfoil hat stuff folks it’s going to get very real in about 45 days.

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