2 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter Helps Blacks — Really?”

  1. Black Lies Matter is a radical militant arm of the new DNC…Not the DNC of JFK or even LBJ… heck even Bill Clinton….This the Marxist congresswomen like Ocasio-Cortez, Talib and Omar (the squad). Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are the old white guys that they cannot wait to dispose of once they gain the reins of power… With offers of free college, free health-care, free housing and the all the trappings of Marxist-socialism.. What does all that look like you might ask?? Easy look at the south side of Chicago or west Baltimore.

    Anyone can look at their website and see what they believe… Their beliefs are the very things that will do two things….
    1. Get them and keep them in power via the new woke voter and intimidation or outright voter fraud..
    2. Trap the communities of color in generational economic dysfunction and despair.

    Their number one belief that will trap people of color in multi-generational is the de-emphasis of the nuclear family…(fatherless homes)… they have learned that the war-on-poverty campaign which rewards single moms to stay single and dependent on public assistance (welfare) works….and now they want to put those failed programs on steroids..

    The American people need to do their own homework and look past the cover that the “main-stream-media” (who are no longer main-stream) are giving to this radical faction..

    Look at the open source bio information on the the two persons who founded what I call BLACK LIES MATTER..

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