Biden’s New Commercial

This is the voice of the National Democratic party??? I’m sure he did not make this one on his own. It had to have had the scum Pelosi’s and Schummer’s input. And folks, this says it all. Very telling. Be sure to spread it around and by all means send to your liberal friends, that is if you have any — I do not! It seems obvious to me who this commercial is directed towards, but you decide. Needs to go viral!

Originally posted 2020-08-03 14:12:12.

3 thoughts on “Biden’s New Commercial”

  1. When is he going to put together a complete paragraph?? Jill ought to thrown in jail for elder abuse… I see “the squad” in the video waiting in the wings to bump old Joe off…if they can steal this election that is..

    We know some folks who may support Biden, only because no one told them their party left them a very long time ago.. I think they still think JFK would be at home in this new Marxist era of the democrat party…and yes people are that uninformed…the ones that still watch CNN… That is why we need to show up at the polls and make it the largest land slide in history… Walter Mondale will be able to tell Joe, “at least I got 13 electoral votes”

  2. We have no liberal friends; acquaintances yes, but friends no. All my friends have values similar to mine.

    1. I’ve even shit canned the acquaintances. LOL They are destroying my country, want nothing to do with them/

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