Michael on America

I know not when this video was made, but from some of the dates he uses, I suspect it may a be a year or two old, HOWEVER, it applies even more so today then it did when he made it. What is amazing is that he even made it! I am sure he is not held in high esteem by his fellow Hollywood elites. Anyway, sit back, watch, listen, and learn. Oh, and also enjoy one of my favorite actors.

Anybody figured out what he “thinks” the answer might be? I don’t know but by the way he ends it, he may be thinking third party. Personally, I am of the same belief. I know it would be a tough row to hoe, but it could be done. I believe it with all my heart and soul with God’s help. Have faith brothers and sisters! Have faith

Originally posted 2021-02-26 10:24:27.

8 thoughts on “Michael on America”

  1. Do not be fooled, this man is a leftist, gun grabbing, elite liberal. The only ideas he would have to fix any of the problems he cites would be to restrict your freedom. Do not trust this man at all.

  2. Just imagine if 74 million people went to a third party and each donated ten bucks. And those that could afford more gave more. That would be more then enough for a good campaign on television and on the stump. I would be just what we need to dump the Rino’s and swamp creatures as you said Jim. Sadly I fear that half the people would be afraid to make the move and make waves. But it would be the answer.

  3. This was an excellent video, Jim. I have a few thoughts — maybe around two cents worth — but certainly no more than that. I grew up in the Marine Corps that taught me that if I didn’t have a solution to a problem, then I was part of the problem. I think Douglas is right in what he was saying, but then — as you pointed out — he has no solution.

    National politics is too large for most of us to get our heads around. The national parties have no interest in me, or you, or toward our nation’s best interests. Their only interest is in their self-preservation. Let me ask you … what kind of nimrod will spend $25 million getting elected to do a job that only pays $174,000/annually? What is wrong with this picture? I sure as heck wouldn’t hire that politician as my financial advisor — and yet we have no problem electing/re-electing them to serve in Congress.

    My worry about a third party is that its effect will be to make it easier for the goombah’s to remain in place — the last thing we need.

    I do think there is a solution to the problem — and it has nothing whatever to do with the mess inside the beltway. The people can take back their country, but in only one peculiar way. Forget about Pelosi or Schumer, McCarthy or McConnell. None of us ever elected those dopes to their lofty positions. No, what we have to do is focus our attention locally. We have to choose wisely from the people who we know, or should, who live where we live.

    Who are our candidates? Do they represent our interests, or their own? Why are they running for office? How long do they intend to stay in office? What do they intend to do, specifically, about x, y, or z? Do they ever talk with their constituents, or do they relegate that to a snuffy?

    Now in truth, no matter how well WE choose our representatives, neither WE or THEY have control over how the congress works. I don’t object to members of the House electing a complete moron as Speaker; I object to them electing the same moron three times. Only the House can fix that problem, and your Representative (or mine) is only one person out of 435 other members. I mention this for two reasons: (1) we have to have realistic expectations, and (2) there is always the possibility that we can’t fix the House … because stupid can’t be fixed.

    The ONLY chance we have for fixing our broken political system is to renew our efforts within our own communities. If we can’t do that — or won’t — then Douglas is right. America is broken — and it’s going to stay that way.

    I apologize for the length of this comment.

  4. Excellent video Col.!

    Michael Douglas is one of my favorite actors as well… Although I agree with EVERYTHING he stated in the video, with all due respect sir, I would be a Hypocrite if I didn’t say the same thing to him as I have said to other elite, “Pro athletes, singers & entertainers.”
    … Although I can appreciate your opinions, but your an entertainer. You are paid to entertain me… after that, your job is done. That is, unless you got into politics and ran for office with some real meaningful platform… other than that, you are no different to me than a child’s toy… when I am done playing or watching you, I can simply turn you off or put you away in my toy box…

    It is harsh, but I hear all these elite assholes from the left that come out and decide to speak their minds… and it really is too bad… Robert dinero was one of my favorite actors too… until he started to spout out his horseshit… now, I can’t stand to even hear his voice, let alone watch a movie with him in it! I guess this is all a part of the division problem we have. I can listen to others political beliefs, and debate with them all day and still have respect for that individual- even if I couldn’t change their mind… hell, it happens all the time, and I still drink beer with them.

    But when a celebrity uses their status and their platform to push a political message out (left or right) I have to draw the line. They should just keep their traps shut – so they don’t go pissing off half of the country and losing half of their fan base.

    I’m regards to a 3rd political party, I could certainly see and support that, but as is said, it would wreak havoc on the RNC and the republican base – possibly siphoning votes away from candidates who agree with them on some things but not everything.

    I would love to see a 3rd political party come in and break up the establishment as a whole… that would definitely help to drain the swamp!

    Thank you very much Colonel!

    Semper Fidelis,

    Lee Waananen

    1. Lee, I certainly agree with you reference the “so-called elite,” at least in their eyes. IMHO the RNC is in shambles. You don’t know who you can trust to support anything anymore. Seven of those ^%$*&^% voted to impeach Trump. SEVEN of them!!!!! Unbelievable to say the least. We need a third party. I may be wrong, but I do believe it would certainly siphon away from the GOP lots of conservatives, and it may even siphon some from the Liberals’ who will soon begin to get their head out of their butts and realize what is going on. The GOP would die as a viable political party; their funding would dry up immediately; the only funds they would get is from the big companies they have supported for many years at the costs to the taxpayer. There were 74 million people who voted for Trump, and I do believe if a third party built around supporting the Constitution and the freedoms it imposes the majority of them would join. I know damn well I would in a heart beat!

      1. Colonel Bathurst,

        I whole heartedly agree with you, and if a legitimate third party such as a, “Patriot Party”, or something along those lines were to come to fruition, I believe it would inevitably become a very strong party.

        As with anything great, it would take hard work and some time to grow it into something that would eventually replace the GOP entirely. I’m sure there were/are a hell of a lot more than the 75 million supporters that the silent majority has! I’m just not sure if ALL of these people will trust such a tactical maneuver as bold as this in the beginning stages.

        My concerns are what will the shitshow be during the time that these left wing, EO slinging maniacs remain as a Majority?

        I’m not sure if we have the time to win all of these people over right now. I think that the best way forward, is to put on a United Front, set differences aside, pull together, win at the Local, State and National levels… gain our control back over the house and Senate…. after we manage to do this, then is the time to discuss a third party – this is the time to expose the deep corruption… we would pretty much need to have a shadow Government in place at this time, at the ready.

        Lol… that’s my 2 cents anyways. As always, love these discussions with you Sir.


        Lee Waananen

      2. I noted that none of those seven turncoats were in attendance at the CPAC going on this week Colonel. If they had attended they would be booed out of town.

        1. What does that tell you about them, they are not conservatives or republican’s. I trust their constituents noted that as well.

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