Tag Archives: republicans

Fair and Balanced Redux

There has been much traffic on the net reference FOX News and their handling of the election night results. One example was their refusal to call my state (FL) but called AZ with way less votes counted. Many stated they were leaving FOX for other cable news networks e.g., Newsmax.  I agree there are some real scumbags on FOX, and they do seem to be moving to the left since the Murdoch sons took over. I mean we’ve always known about the little guy with a like complex, Wallace, and of course the scum sucker, Cavuto

There are; however; some bright spots on FOX, specifically Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. I used to watch Tucker’s nightly spot, but for some reason when we moved to FL we changed our nightly schedule and I wasn’t able to fit him in and didn’t even think about taping for later. I do see him once and a while on You Tube, but it’s usually days later. Here is one I just watched this morning.

After watching this one it reminded how me how much I miss him and will set it up to tape him to watch the next morning. This folks is a MUST WATCH episode.  It’s a full show, so get a cup of coffee, sit back, turn on your volume, and watch. I don’t know how long the Murdoch boys will put up with Tucker for he sure lays it all out and if you listen closely, he even slams Cavuto for cutting away from the press secretary’s news conference. Sometimes, it’s tough to decide what side of the aisle he is on, but he is damn sure on the side of America and Democracy!

Originally posted 2020-11-14 10:04:13.

Ballot Bonanza

Another great one from Greg, thank you sir. Folks, fasten your seat belts as this coming election is shaping up to be the biggest scandal America has ever experienced. At least in my lifetime. This one will make the Florida “hanging chads” incident look like child’s play. I voted yesterday and I was very impressed with the way my early voting precinct in Lee County, FL handled everything. from social distancing, not allowing entrance without a mask — who in their right mind would even think of coming to vote without a mask, maybe they needed a new one knowing they would have masks to provide — to the layout, organization, and politeness of the workers. Well done Lee County!!

Yes, I stood in line in the hot sun for about twenty-five minutes, but hey, this my duty, a duty I served to protect. So, get off your ass and go vote in person, wear a mask, social distance, wash you hands when your done, and wear your little “I Voted” sticker on your shirt with pride.

I believe in my heat of hearts that Trump will win this election, I mean he has God on his side. Surely if the other side wins, He may find himself restricted in America like never before.

I’m remined of the story, if I may digress, about the homeless man who showed up in a church wearing rags. The pastor told him he was not welcome in this church dressed like that. He was instructed to go home and pray to God and ask what the proper attire should be to come into this church. The  following Sunday the homeless man showed up, of course in the only clothes he had – rags. The Pastor stopped him and asked if he had done what he was instructed to do last Sunday, The man replied that he had. The Pastor asked, “Well what did God say”? The man politely replied that God said he  didn’t know, He’d never been in this church.

May be a funny story, but with true meaning. This election is about much more than politics, personalities, and policies. It’s about the future of our country as a Nation.

By: G. Maresca

There are some Americans who have received numerous ballots in the mail over the past month that you’d think they were already deceased.  Who among us has not read or heard about mail-in voting shenanigans occurring throughout our fruited plain?

For Democrats there are no wrong addresses, only misplaced and uncounted ballots.  Covering elections years ago, the standard refrain throughout the Pennsylvania Coal Region was the Democrats always had a 500-vote advantage before the polls ever opened their doors

Recently, military members from Pennsylvania had their ballots recovered along the side of a road, while trays of ballots were found trashed along a highway in Wisconsin.  The Newark, N.J. Star-Ledger reported a mail carrier was arrested by the FBI after being caught on camera tossing ninety-nine ballots in the garbage.

Supposedly all those ballots cast were for Republican Richard Nixon. Okay, they weren’t for Nixon, but the point is this election could be another 2000 Florida-election fiasco on steroids.

Project Veritas, a non-profit organization of investigative journalists, reported stolen ballots from senior citizens and public housing in Minnesota were confiscated among supporters of Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar. They also released a video documenting a Hispanic woman in Texas, who claimed she was “bringing at least at least 7,000 votes to the polls.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reports eight states including Pennsylvania have registered voters totaling in excess of 100% of those eligible, which violates the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.  Accordingly, the counties of Chester, Delaware and Bucks have failed to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls.

A federal judge in Wisconsin has allowed for an extra week to count mail-in/absentee ballots.  Another judge did the same for Michigan, but consenting for two weeks — both states in 2016 were won by razor-thin margins by Donald Trump.

According to David Becker, director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, Nongovernmental groups have inundated Pennsylvania voters with mail ballot applications that has contributed to a deluge of duplicates sent to dead folks, prior home owners and stray cats.

Pennsylvania Republicans have filed an emergency request with the U.S. Supreme Court hoping to undo a State Supreme Court ruling mandating that state election officials accept all mailed ballots up to three days after the election. With 20 electoral votes of the 270 needed to win the presidency, Pennsylvania, like Michigan and Wisconsin are among the most hotly contested states with Trump winning Pennsylvania last time by 44,292 votes out of more than 6 million cast.

These ballot tales are as numerous as the votes they supposedly represent.

Properly applied for and submitted, absentee ballots are legitimate, but are often not counted unless in sufficient numbers.  Normally, one percent of mail-in ballots are disqualified.  According to the Wall Street Journal, in April’s Wisconsin Democratic primary, 2.5% of ballots were disallowed – the equivalent of three times Trump’s victory margin in 2016, where 134,000 Wisconsinites voted by mail.  This year, 1.8 million ballots are expected.

By voting in person, your vote is much more likely to count.

The risk of not getting counted is higher for absentee and mail-in ballots that are subject to challenge and disqualification that include questionable signatures and witnesses.  Who marked that mail-in ballot and were you unduly influenced or mentally competent when you did? What about your elderly mother’s ballot at the nursing home?  Did she really make the choice, or was she helped?  When mailing did they offer to help others as well, or perhaps accidentally forgot to deposit them?

If Democrats lose the election, they will blame someone besides themselves.

Will it be a mere coincidence, or a calculated “discovery” of missing ballots in heavily Democrat areas, where the race is just too close to call?  Expect an army of Democrat lawyers to file lawsuits as these “missing ballots” are ripe for harvesting.

Examples of such subterfuge have existed before, and it defies logic to think that unscrupulous players will not be at it again.

Many voters have been influenced to believe that you should skip voting at the polls for fear of contracting COVID-19.

When the sanctity of casting one’s ballot becomes increasingly questionable, voter fraud escalates resulting in a direct threat to any election’s integrity and taints the democratic process.

The most important civic duty one can do is vote – and vote in person if at all possible.


Originally posted 2020-10-31 14:35:50.

The Last Word on Mr. Mattis

OK, I took a few days off to catch up on replying to the many comments in hopes of allowing the number of hits to subside, and it appears it has, albeit the aggregate is now over 250,000. So, I wonder what the dissatisfied earthlings are up to now? I did hear from the “Clan of Colonels” finally — maybe I should refer to them as the “Klan of Kernels.” Oh, you don’t know who they are? Well, stay tuned, maybe they’ll raise their uniformed heads after this one. LOL

The following will “probably” be my last post dealing with Mr. Mattis, I need to get some things done at home instead of spending much of my days trying to reply to everyone who saw fit to respond, even the idiots who chose to make  comments having not vetted them first. Don’t know who coined the phrase, but it sure appeared on here a few times; “You can’t fix stupid.”

Anyway, I digress. This last post was actually a comment made by a retired Marine LtCol, whose name will remain anonymous. Maybe some of you read it before I deleted it so I could post it on here without  revealing his name. Of all your comments I thought this one rose to the top,

Sir, I’m sure you are probably reading this and I certainly hope you do not mind me using it as a post for all to read. You nailed it and raised a very important issue many have not considered — including me. It’s an issue with which I cannot imagine anyone finding fault, but I am sure there will be some, they are out there just waiting to attack like junk yard dogs — bless them as they cannot help it, they were trained that way. 

Read and absorb, think of your own family and what you may have been going through these last several years as our society lost it moral compass. 


Seeing a lot of hoopla over General Mattis criticism of President Trump. While it’s certainly his prerogative to criticize whomever he wishes, as it is mine to criticize whomever I wish. So, I’ll play armchair QB and provide a little criticism for General Mattis. General Mattis enjoyed a long and illustrious career in the Marines, as did I. No doubt General Mattis was a distinguished & superb officer. Funny thing about a long military career, you routinely receive evaluations and awards for doing a superb job. Every year you receive a fitness report telling the world how great a job you’ve done, how incredible you are, how much money you saved, how many men you’ve inspirationally led, that you are the next best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter, etc.. etc… After a while you begin to believe all those things, that you are the peanut butter, the bread and the knife that spreads it. And then the Corps tells you your service is no longer required and you then find out, the hard way in some instances, that while you may have been good, there are lots of “good” folks out in the real world doing magnificent things as well.

General Mattis has never been married, never raised children, never started or ran his own business, and now sits on a nice cushy 4-star retirement for the remainder of his life; not begrudging that, he earned it. A man who will never know the anguish or fear of sending a child off to school and worrying if some creepy pedophile (re-re-re-released into society by an even creeper and perverted politician/bureaucrat) will molest them. Or worrying if his child will be accosted by gangs or get involved in gang activity because “soft-on-crime” weak wristed lib-nut bums won’t enforce law and order. Or being the entrepreneur who’s just invested his life’s savings, real skin in the game, everything he owns riding into that restaurant or hardware store only to watch some distorted perverted anarchist or thug take his property, along with his dreams, and perhaps with little chance of recovery. Or that single mom and sole provider for two hungry mouths being informed that her job is gone because the business where she worked just burnt to the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. All a result of weak wristed corrupted politicians who either can’t or won’t enforce law & order and perform their duties and protect (won’t let the police do their job) the people from lawless chaos.

Our constitution provides that our Government’s responsibility (in reality, practically the gov sole responsibility) is exactly that; to provide that safety so “the people” can enjoy those assurances of life, property and liberty necessary for a healthy and prosperous society. And it also provides that should those imperatives be infringed upon by foreign or “domestic” tyranny that the government will do “whatever necessary” to intervene and prevent the disruption of our hard-earned liberties. No Gen Mattis, President Trump is not dividing us, you are obviously confusing him with the previous president who left the White House after we-the-people elected Trump. And Trump, is doing exactly what we-the-people hired him to do.

For the first time in a very long time someone told Gen Mattis that he wasn’t the peanut butter, sliced bread and the knife, that he didn’t make the grade, and he didn’t like that.

Originally posted 2020-06-10 11:05:27.

Hanging Out

For those of you who know me well, you understand my passion for animals; I love them all. My bride says I would rather wreck the car than run over a  squirrel, and she’s probably right! She also asks why I do not have the same love and affection for people as I do for animals. That’s easy to answer. Just look around you at the world and our society today. Nuff said. BTW, the initial photo is of Nadeah, our first mommy when we started raising Siberian Kittens.

During these very troubled times with the China Virus (Geez, I like that name, thank you Mr. President), the hypocrisy within our judicial system, and the political rivalry that is literally tearing our country apart, I thought it a good idea to post something nice for a change. Maybe the liberals out there, will enjoy it as well, albeit I doubt I have any following this blog. Please, sit back, turn up the sound a tad and enjoy watching what we humans are incapable of doing.  Note the differing species.


Originally posted 2020-05-05 10:46:07.

How the hell did we get here?

Good morning gang. After last night’s Super Tuesday results I imagine everyone is all fired up and ready to go vote for the former Vice President…….NOT!  Some of the Village People have dropped out. We lost the gay guy and the rich guy, but the fake Indian, the befuddled guy, and the communist are still around. I believe the  last two will fight it out to the end. I noted MSNBC (an acquaintance of mine and his bride believe they are the most reliable and non-partisan news show on TV, I know, you can stop laughing now), commented that POTUS is now scared because he may have to debate babbling Joe. Seriously? They’ll have to check Joe for an earphone  as he’ll need someone to keep reminding him where he is and for what job he is running. But, anyway, I digress.

Now to the point of the blog, the document here is long, so I recommend you print it out and read it at your leisure. I guarantee you will learn something. The writer, in my view, has provided a succinct and verifiable history of how our society got to where it is today. Trust me, take the time to read it and absorb what he is saying. Personally, I was so impressed, I had to go back and read it again to make sure I had it all in perspective. He makes a very strong case for when it all started and how it grew to the shithole we are now in. I’d love to hear your comments on the treatise. Right click on his name below and open in new tab or window; it’s a Word Document and it is safe!


Originally posted 2020-03-04 11:30:44.