Tag Archives: progressives

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie!

Okay Guys, we are finally at our “Forever Home” in sunny Florida and out of the frigid north!! So, I’m back, but still unpacking boxes. One would have thought after 28 moves in my lifetime, #29 would have been a breeze…..NOT! It was the worst of all of them. Always was a slow learner. LOL.
I have not verified this through Wikipedia; however, I found it quite interesting to say the least. I do know there are several points herein I know to to be factual. It is an interesting read, and if anyone has checked the facts, please reply to the posts and enlighten us all.

In all her years in congress Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills.  2 passed.   Cory Booker  introduced 120 bills.  0 passed.  Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.  He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

If you want to know what kind of leader Bernie is,  go to Wikipedia, it’s a long report.

The following is condensed: Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented  his family with rants about their financial  problems.   He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden. This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic  justice, though he would spend   half of his life as an  able-bodied college graduate living off of  unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd  jobs.

By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at  Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but this enrollment kept him protected from the draft.  He joined  socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories.

This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that  didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own  satisfaction.   He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism.  NOT “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.

Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres.  The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride.   He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.

The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment.  His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott,  even though he STILL wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child.  By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway.

He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks,  and occasionally selling $15 articles,  including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child.  His girlfriend left him. In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.  His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views.  They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations,  support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of  opponents.  Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists.

They  traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.  Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of  Burlington at the age of 40.   After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of  three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices. He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working honorable Democrats.

His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be.  But he has no plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas.   His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.”

His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination.   His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press.

Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. (It worked for B Hussein.)

Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and  belligerent.  All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government endorsed Hillary Clinton.

The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him.  His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president.

Originally posted 2019-09-27 12:09:31.

VFW Windbag

I apologize for my absence, been too darn busy, but don’t ask doing what; I haven’t the slightest. I have no idea where my daytime hours go but they certainly speed by. One thing that has garnered my attention is trying to sell this damn RV. Can you imagine a guy with two motorhomes? Well, that be me. Should not have bought the second until I sold the first, but it’s not the first time I have done something stupid like that. Bought houses without selling the one we just moved from several times. DUMB!, and for someone with a degree in  Economics you’d think he’d know better. Still trying to sell the Navion 24D, what an absolute steal for some young couple with children.

Anyway, I digress.I am a life member of the VFW thanks to my parents who moved to PA when Dad retired and to a dry county. Mom asked if I was a member and wasn’t so she asked if I’d join so they could go as associate members . This was immediate post RVN war when we were not welcome in those places. So, I joined and finally did the life membership things vice renewing every year. Great story in the “The Book” about my first visit to their VFW in 1974.

Anyway I get their trashy magazine that’s filled with nothing but advertises which I never read. And I even sometimes get emails from them when the higher ups think they have something important to say which is always a joke. Anyway, I got one today that really pissed me off so I am posting here.  Please read what the Commander of the entire VFW worldwide has to say. And even look at the date he chose to write this POS.

VFW National Commander Reacts to Resolution on Military Promotions

‘Let’s remember, veterans vote’

WASHINGTON — “The VFW is relieved the nearly year-long obstruction of hundreds of general and flag officer promotions has ended thanks in large part to Senators and fellow VFW members Dan Sullivan and Joni Ernst. The hold on military promotions was endangering our national security and that of our allies, further jeopardizing the sustainability of our all-volunteer force, and negatively impacting the lives of countless service members and families. Going forward, we urge Congress to work together to resolve political disputes within the halls of Congress and permanently abandon the dangerous practice of casting partisan politics on to those wearing the cloth of our nation. Let’s remember, veterans vote.”  — VFW National Commander Duane Sarmiento

Yes sir Mr Heavy, let us please remember Veterans Vote! I certainly hope like hell they vote! This fellow hasn’t a clue. I can’t believe that even the VFW has gone woke.  Congressman Tuberville’s “hold on the the flag promotions is jeopardizing the sustainability of our all-volunteer force.” WHAT? And “negatively impacting the lives of countless service members and families.” Give me break. He hasn’t a clue what the hold on the promotions was all about, but then maybe some of you are in agreement with this windbag. I shall not embarrass my readers by outlining why the astute congressman did what he did and continues with the four stars. Do you know how much a three star makes? A 3-star over 24 (that’s his max) makes $212,101.20 a year, and that’s only his base pay. So this poor fellow won’t get his 4th star until the congressman says so. And guys, he is punishing the right people, although I wish he would not have eased off lower Gen/Adm promotions. They are the problem! They are carrying out the orders of that idiot in the WH instead of standing up for what’s right.

Did you know that an officers oath of office is not the same as the oath of enlistment? The officer’s oath does require him to follow the orders of the president of the US and those officers appointed over me. The officer’s oath acts as a safeguard against power corruption by not swearing obedience to the president or other officials, but rather to the Constitution.  Many people do know there is a difference. If you want to read more about why there is a difference copy and paste the link below for a very good explanation from the Marine Corps. You just may learn something. So, these generals and admirals should be sounding an alarm vice rubber stamping everything DOD says.

I simply find it so sad that this VFW fellow is one of “them” The libitards have invaded the VFW.


Guilty Till Proven Innocent

Hi Folks, it’s Col Jim’s weekly Story Time. Enjoy!

The wedding ceremony came to the point where the minister asked if anyone had anything to say concerning the union of this bride and groom.

The moment of utter silence was broken when a beautiful young woman carrying a small baby stood up.  She started walking slowly towards the minister.

The congregation was aghast – the gasps from the ladies nearly sucked all the air out of the church. You could almost hear a mouse scurrying across the carpeted floor.

The groom’s jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief at the approaching young woman and baby.

Chaos ensued, men grew angry, women sobbed in disbelief

The bride angrily threw  her bouquet into the groom’s face and burst out crying.

The groom’s mother fainted. The Bride’s mother was screaming expletives, while her husband was reaching for his concealed carry.

The groomsmen started giving each other looks of disbelief wondering how they were going to save the situation.

The minister shockingly asked the woman, “Can you tell us why you came forward? What do you have to say?”

There was absolute silence throughout the church, even the mice were listening. Every member of the congregation stopped breathing and listened intently to what could possibly be her answer.

The woman calmly replied, “We can’t hear you in the back.”

This surely needs no explanation unless, of course you are an offspring of  Maxine Waters, or just grew up as an idiot with no help from Mom and Dad. Of course, if you are one of the progressives who do not believe in the Constitution,  or a member of the media, or an avid news junkie, then I feel certain you see nothing wrong with this story.  Here she is folks, the 2018 Nobel prize winning idiot looking up pondering her next shocking statement. Don’t you just feel sorry for those who are as stupid as her and keep reelecting her?

Originally posted 2018-10-30 10:55:28.