Tag Archives: prices

Grab Your Socks!

Oh well, here we go again. Ask five Economists a question , and it’s a guarantee you will get at a minimum of six answers, possible more. Why? Because it is a “social” science. Give someone a $1,000 stimulus check, what will he do with it? Well, that’s where the “social” comes in. What’s the state of the economy at the time, who is getting this check, married or single, children, how many, where does he live, how much debt does he have, working, retired or unemployed? These and many more questions come into play before any one can predict what he does with it. And even then, it’s merely a prediction! I  cannot believe some of the garbage this former Fed chairman is spewing, but then I looked at her bio and saw where she was educated and who she worked for, and it all came to light. 

For what it is worth I am in the “No Fed Camp,” that is I do not believe in the Federal Reserve. I believe they do more harm than good and sometimes their actions are disastrous e.g., late 70’s when mortgage rates climbed well over 12% So, based on what this lady is saying, I believe we are on the road to disaster. Stupid comments by someone who should know better.

I could reprint the article for Bunkerville, but I’d like you to go see it for yourself and decide where you fit into the inflation world that is heading our way. Just click the link below

Yellen Concedes Inflation Is About To Surge, Says It Will Be A “Plus For Society”

Originally posted 2021-06-07 10:26:51.