Tag Archives: navies

Feminize the U.S. military

Bunkerville God, Guns, and Guts Comrades!

He does it again with a great post involving two pieces. Read about Joe’s new maternity flight suits and the name of that fellow (it’s a she, I think, of course one never knows today) over there in that building (it’s the Pentagon Joe).

And the superb piece he posted on China, it’s a great read, and makes complete sense to me, I think? Hell, there is so much going on today, it’s becoming difficult to keep it all straight, but the maternity flight suits seems to top them all. I mean How many “G’s” can a pregnant woman handle? Maybe we’ll find out soon. Go for it ladies. Oops. is that word a sexist comment? Oh well, so be it. Call me a sexist, I’ve been called worse.


Joe Biden and his China strategy – feminize the U.S. military

Originally posted 2021-03-10 11:10:27.