Tag Archives: MSM

Agenda 2030

THIS IS A MUST SEE VIDEO. . . . .YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS AND PASS IT ON TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. If you don’t watch any other video or report concerning our border crisis you MUST watch this one. I wonder how many of our elected officials have watched it? I’ve sent it to all three of mine including my Governor! I strongly encourage you to do the same. This is serious!!

Sorry, but you will have to copy and paste in your browser – it is safe!


Agenda 2030, which I had not heard anything about, (I do not watch national news, maybe it hs been on there, but I doubt it) is a well planned, well executed, military style operation to destroy America as we know it today. If our politicians don’t get off their asses, we are doomed.  My question to my elected congressmen is how much money are we giving to the organizations mentioned in the video, as well as to Panama? Organizations such as Red Cross, Drs. Without borders, UNICEF, UN General Assembly, OIM, Hias, UNCR, NRC, and many more are hard at work creating a global community, which means the USA will be nonexistent.

Please comment and don’t hold back on your feelings about this.

Originally posted 2023-10-30 16:48:33.

Ron & Don


From Mark Alexander of the Patriotic Post. I am doing something I don’t usually do, that is hold my comments until you’ve read Mark’s comments. Please, no peeking.ESTERO, FL – OCTOBER 31: President Donald Trump greets Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis as his wife, Casey DeSantis, looks on as they are introduced during a campaign rally at the Hertz Arena on October 31, 2018 in Estero, Florida. President Trump continues travelling across America to help get the vote out for Republican candidates running for office. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Ron DeSantis on Liberty and Leadership

Discerning between political substance and clickbait churn in the DeSantis/Morgan interview.

Hours before sunrise each day, our editors are reviewing reliable and trustworthy media sources. That review results in an 0800 editors meeting to determine, as a digest of news and policy, the few topics that deserve further analysis and other “below the fold” topics to be covered in our Executive Summary section. Moreover, we determine what we are not going to cover because it amounts to “clickbait churn.” Some news junkies thrive on that churn, but the fact is, it’s a mainstay of both the commercial Leftmedia talking heads and scribes and, unfortunately, most of their conservative media counterparts because clicks equal advertising revenue.

The reality is that, most mornings, the majority of news we review is advertising churn, and that is a disservice to all Americans.

Case in point this week would be the relentless speculation about whether Donald Trump was going to be indicted by a thuggish partisan New York prosecutor. I covered that issue the day after Trump set the churn machine on fire last week. Under the title “The Relentless Prosecutorial Persecution of Donald Trump,” I came to Trump’s defense against absurd prosecutorial overreach.

Another case in point would be comments by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in an interview this week, every word being spun one way or the other to feed the churn machine.

No, DeSantis did not “Rip Trump’s character and chaotic leadership style,” as interviewer Piers Morgan put it, asserting “Gov. Ron DeSantis has finally taken the gloves off and launched a blistering attack on his former mentor, former President Donald Trump.”

But what DeSantis did say ahead of announcing his candidacy for president in 2024 is important.

There is one thing Trump accomplished that DeSantis would like to accomplish, and that is to serve our nation as president. There are many attributes that DeSantis brings to office, including his extraordinary military and academic background, that Trump would like to claim.

DeSantis has clearly proven himself in one of the nation’s largest and politically most significant states, Florida, as affirmed by his landslide reelection last November. As House Republicans limped across the finish line nationally, barely taking control of the House and losing the Senate, despite exaggerated rumors of a “red wave,” in Florida, DeSantis won 62 of the state’s 67 counties and beat Democrat challenger Charlie Crist by nearly 20 points. On that resounding victory, which included substantial Hispanic and Demo crossover votes, DeSantis declared: “We have embraced freedom. We have maintained law and order. We have protected the rights of parents. We have respected our taxpayers, and we reject woke ideology. We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die!”

And he has sustained that momentum every day since his reelection.

So, here is what he had to say in his interview with Morgan related to Trump.

Acknowledging his record as governor and his national appeal, Morgan asked DeSantis how he differed from Trump. DeSantis responded: “Well, I think there’s a few things. The approach to COVID was different. I would have fired somebody like Fauci. I think he got way too big for his britches, and I think he did a lot of damage.”

I covered this in depth in a 2020 election postmortem under the title, “Trump’s Biggest Blunder — Anthony Fauci,” noting that was the fatal error in Trump’s ChiCom Virus pandemic response, and it cost our nation irreparable damage. It proved a major contributing factor to his loss of a second term because it enabled Fauci to promote the Demos’ bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy.

Astoundingly, as one of his last acts as president, Trump awarded a Presidential Commendation to Fauci.

On all the Trump drama, DeSantis said, “The way we run the government, I think, is no daily drama, focus on the big picture and put points on the board, and I think that’s something that’s very important.”

Unfortunately, Trump thrived on the chaos and drama, which I warned about just months after his election — pleading with him to stop undermining the good he was doing by “swapping spit with jackasses.” Notably, a well-placed person within Trump’s inner circle mentioned that Patriot Post articles were frequently included in White House staff briefings. Apparently they missed the one on endless and mindless tweets.

A wise friend and a very astute political observer, Cal Thomas, offered this observation about all the Trump chaos and drama: “Trump was questioned at a White House press briefing about polls showing his popularity was declining. Asked to explain, he responded, ‘Nobody likes me. It can only be my personality. That’s all.’ It was a rare moment of transparency for him.”

As for Trump’s trademark petulance, like calling the governor “DeSanctimonious,” DeSantis responded: “I kinda like it, it’s long, it’s got a lot of vowels. … I mean, you can call me whatever you want, just as long as you also call me a winner because that’s what we’ve been able to do in Florida, is put a lot of points on the board and really take this state to the next level.”

He would not take Morgan’s bait on Trump name-calling: “To me, it’s just background noise. It’s not important for me to be fighting with people on social media. It’s not accomplishing anything for the people I represent. So, we really just focus on knocking out victories, day after day, and if I got involved in all the undertow, I would not be able to be an effective governor.”

Notably, Trump exploded after Morgan asked DeSantis about the bogus Trump prosecution, and he responded humorously, “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair.” Trump ranted that DeSantis is a “wheelchair over the cliff kind of guy,” and called for investigations of his campaign.

Fact is, DeSantis has strenuously and rightly defended Trump, and slammed the Manhattan DA for pursuing an indictment, saying, “The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor and so he, like other Soros-funded prosecutors, they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety.”

Recall that ahead of DeSantis’s first election as governor in 2018, Trump declared: “Ron DeSantis is a brilliant young leader, Yale and then Harvard, who would make a great Governor of Florida. He loves our country. He’s a true fighter.” Indeed he was and is.

DeSantis told Morgan: “We had a good relationship and I think one of the reasons he got to know me [when I was in Congress] is because I saw the Russia collusion thing as a farce from the beginning. Very few people said that. We had a handful of us in Congress that were fighting back against that. So, I would go on TV, and I would defend him when it wasn’t popular and when it was kinda politically risky, but I just thought it was the right thing to do. I thought that he had good ideas for the country. And then when I became governor, his last two years as president, we worked very well together. He had a place in Florida and worked well with us to serve our state.”

In closing, Morgan noted correctly that DeSantis made a fatal mistake with Trump. “What’s that?” asked DeSantis, to which Morgan responded, “You got too popular.”

Indeed, in typical slash-and-burn fashion, Trump assailed DeSantis after the interview: “Now that Ron DeSanctimonious is finally admitting he’s in the Race…let me explain the facts. He is, for a Republican, an average Governor.” He then insisted Morgan was “a ratings-challenged TV host” and then started trashing Florida. Par for the Trump course.

Likewise, Trump recently condemned Fox News and The Wall Street Journal for daring to write anything favorable about anyone but Trump.

Recall that popular Fox host Tucker Carlson privately articulated sentiments many share about Trump, even before the J6 protests: “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait. I hate him passionately. … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.” Given the outrage that generated from his fans, Carlson is trying to make amends with Trump.

Regarding Trump’s destructive fratricidal attacks, DeSantis said, “My view, though, is we should want the country to do well, I want other Republicans to do well.”

That clearly contrasts his approach with fellow Republicans and that of Trump, whose self-aggrandizing fratricidal fire is in stark contradiction to Ronald Reagan and his 11th Commandment on Republican primaries: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

However, Trump didn’t just turn on his Republican opponents. In the end, Trump turned on everyone who had stuck by him through it all, those who gave his administration gravitas and legitimacy, including former VP Mike Pence, former chief of staff Gen. John Kelly, former AG William Barr and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Fact is, Ron DeSantis is a leader and a proven defender of American Liberty, who would crush Joe Biden or his replacement in 2024.

Of the coming contest between DeSantis and Trump, political commentator Ben Shapiro concludes: “So, what can DeSantis do? The answer: It’s not really up to DeSantis. It’s up to Republican voters. It will be DeSantis’ job to remind Republican voters that Trump has won precisely one election in the last seven years; it will be the job of Republican voters to acknowledge that reality. It will be DeSantis’ job to point out that Trump didn’t clean out the executive branch and gave Fauci power; it will be the job of Republican voters to acknowledge that such criticisms aren’t ‘unfair attacks.’ It will be DeSantis’ job to remind voters of his record; it will be the job of Republican voters to look to that record rather than tweetstorms for policy victory. Will Republican voters use their heads…? We’ll find out soon enough.”

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Okay, so what did you think. First of all you do know who Piers Morgan is I assume. Libitard extraordinaire and a full fledged POS IMHO. Alright, I realize the following comments may not be accepted by many of my followers, but I have to do it. I can’t take it anymore, I can no longer support an idiot . I am tired of receiving hundreds of emails weekly from Trump. No matter how many I classify as junk, they continue to come from other addresses. The man has gone off the deep end; he is a an egomaniac whose time has come and passed. He had his chance and he blew it; he simply would not shut the hell up. He pissed everyone including me, but I stayed the course.

However, when he fired his COS, General John Kelly, that  sent an initial strong message to me for I knew John Kelly. I observed him under pressure when he was a fresh caught captain S-3 of an infantry battalion commanded by someone with whom  I had a very long history. We were DI’s together as Cpls, and we served several times together after we both were commissioned. Wayne retired as a two star and swore by John Kelly. Something smelled bad and from that day forth my feelings toward “The Don” began to change. I am sick and tired of his rhetoric, his constant demeaning of everyone even those who put up with his BS and still supported him through thick and thin. He could have done so much for this country had he been a leader and learned from those around him who were leaders.

Now he is attacking my Governor for whom I have the highest respect. While I hate to lose DeSantis to a national election for he has done so much for this state and has more to do. I ear we just might lose him. But for “The Don” to trash Ron and call him names, he has overstepped his bounds. Let it be know far and wide from from this day forth I am among the Trump-Haters. Sorry guys., disown me if you will, but I cannot support a guy like him anymore. Our country needs someone strong enough to overcome Biden’s BS and turn society around and I know in my heart, Trump will divide us even more.

Originally posted 2023-03-27 17:12:04.

The Brainwashing of America

Received this from Marine brother whom I trust who said this in his email:

I’ve noticed this even though I have recorded most tv I watch and fast forward the ads. Who really cares? What concerns me is that those controlling the media have an agenda. 

Just like those loudly opposing Florida’s new law on parental rights – The MSM, the president, Disney, and Hollywood. “They” are calling it the “Don’t Say Gay Law.” They also say that stuff is not being discussed in K-3. So, if not, why all the opposition? 

A small minority is attempting to change our culture. The silent majority needs to wake up.

This post was promised yesterday on the silent majority post. Folks, we NEED to act. Forward this post to all your friends, and yesterday’s post as well. Why should we spend our hard earned dollars on products and services from companies that hate us, but want our money and surmise we are too stupid to get the point of it all. Are we?

The Silent Brainwashing

Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the fabric of your life.  Think about TV Commercials and shows with these facts in mind.


US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other.

About 10% of all existing marriages are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population identifies as LGBT.

You would expect the same ratios in TV commercials if they represented America but here’s what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4-month period, which is quite different.

For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials, they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part.

In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. In other words, less than 10% of the population is driving 90% of the narrative.

There were zero commercials of White fathers and sons. None! So, while 75% of white children live with both their parents, including their fathers, we choose instead not to model that in favor of the 62% of black children that do not live in a two-parent household? Is this the healthy “normal” image we want to model to our population?

Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared, unless they were flagrantly new age gay, as though that represents the “majority” instead of the pitifully small minority. What distorted perception of reality does that serve?

The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a black “brother” even though this represents the smallest percentage of any reality discussed thus far! The MAJORITY of TV commercial couples consist of a white woman with a black man, when in reality these make up about 6% of the 30% of blacks that are married or about 2% of our population. Are you starting to see how pervasive this extraordinary brainwashing is? Exactly what are they trying to program into us with this relentless deluge of non-reality?

Surprisingly, in the month of December there was an uptick (but not a majority) in good looking white male models, but research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use white men in their commercials.

Here, on the other hand, they prefer to portray young white males as so mind-numbingly stupid as being incapable of delivering their lines and couldn’t even say “Liberty Mutual”, the insurance company featured in the commercial.

Over a period of 4 months it concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12% they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads.

Then you have to ask, where are the Asians and Latino’s that make up nearly THREE TIMES the black population? Are they in THREE TIMES the number of ads or is something severely skewed here in the minds of Hollywood and Madison Avenue?

The fact is that while white males make up the largest segment of our population, they were in only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60’s to 80’s and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that virtually every ad campaign for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln.

In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed the cars cruising highways but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. Are they more interested in selling the product while we appear to be more interested in selling the political/racial message?

And it is not just our commercials that offer this skewed media driven unreality. It is also nearly impossible to turn on a show that doesn’t have a gay couple or LGBT component, yet in reality only one in eighteen should, if they want to accurately represent the less than 5.6% of the population that fall in this group.

The results of this brainwashing are dramatic and very successful. Despite the low percentage in real life, when polled, Americans have been brainwashed to believe that 24% of all Americans are LGBT! Based on commercials, they must also believe that the “average” American family is biracial, that white men barely exist, and Latinos/Asians do not exist at all.

That is the magic and the tragedy of the fake, dishonest and unrealistic “woke” TV that we watch and are affected by 24/7, even though it is far afield from our reality.

Ditto for the “woke” minority that follow mindlessly in its wake, thinking that this bizarre narrative is in fact real or justified, when it is merely an illusion and fabrication. They truly do control our entire thought process and will distort our perception of reality, if we allow them to.

While it is one thing to erase the stigma of single parenthood, bi-racialism, or unusual sexual preferences, it is another thing completely to portray them as the “Role Model” or “Norm”, as representative of our entire society, especially at the expense of true normality or realism.

In this case, it looks like White, Latino, Asian and straight lives don’t matter according to them, and Black privilege with a side of LGBT has taken us over.

The brainwashing will continue and can only be stopped by educating those around you.

Pass this on folks and wake up America!

Originally posted 2022-04-04 13:33:22.


While the news of the day seems to be the 22 generals who have come out from under their rocks and spoke out against King Berger’s changes to my Corps. I’m sick of it. Yeah, I know they had to try diplomacy first and when Berger continued to march, they finally had to say something. Only three spoke out in favor of my “Open Letter to CMC Berger”; which to date has garnered >6,ooo hits and still going strong. The plea now is to write your elected criminals, as most are, and mirror their comments Hmm, I did that several months ago. Now even the liberal; Jim Webb spoke out; I was waiting for that one. It was a good, concise, on the mark article. Maybe some of his liberal friends in Congress will now pay attention since one of their own has spoke out. But I digress as that’s not what this post is about.

Once again, my friend and Marine brother hits the mark concerning this scumbag we all love to hate – Hunter Biden, and of course his beloved father. Both of whom are criminals and deserve to be in jail serving life. I fear once again that nothing, absolutely nothing will come about from the newest and greatest investigation. It’s a laugh. Our justice system is a system catered to the guilty, not you and me.

How about the latest nomination for the Supreme Court who was unable to define a woman when questioned by a Congresswoman.

I’m amazed that the infamous NYT is still publishing a newspaper. Who the hell buys it, do you? I love Greg’s comment about “All the news that fits.” LOL And how about Twitter and  Facebook? Does anyone still have accounts with those communist, socialist social medias? I do have a FB page where I only go to in order to add my posts; I’m amazed they have yet to censor me. And I sure as hell do not have a Twitter account, albeit they “think” I do as I get emails from them, which I reply to telling them where to go. In sum we are feed nothing but BS from the media, including the social media. I love Greg’s closing comment about the comparisons between Russia’s and our medias. Read and enjoy if you can.

Hunter’s Pandora’s Laptop

By: G. Maresca

The New York Times’ time-honored maxim: “All the news that is fit to print” finally conceded that Hunter Biden’s laptop’s emails are newsworthy as first reported by the New York Post in October 2020 – 16 months after the presidential election.

The conservative New York Post founded by Alexander Hamilton deserved a Pulitzer but will never see it.

The Times has relished their bloated reputation for decades while perfecting the art of falsehood and being left-wing. Some 90 years ago, their Moscow correspondent was Walter Duranty. While Stalin was executing his political opponents and starving millions of Ukrainians, Duranty’s dispatches rendered Stalin’s homeland a worker’s paradise. Duranty was double-dipping collecting from the Times and Stalin, who bribed him with money, booze, drugs, and prostitutes while being awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1932.

Sounds like Duranty was Hunter Biden’s prototype.

When it was finally revealed that Duranty had lied, the Times refused to surrender the Pulitzer.

In Laurel Leff’s 2005 book: “Buried by The Times,” during World War II “the paper of record” suppressed news of Nazi atrocities against Jews because publisher Arthur Sulzberger was a Jewish assimilationist. The paper referred to the Jews as “refugees” to assuage how the Nazis were targeting a pogrom of European Jewry.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is nearly a year and a half provided you consider the Times an arbiter of truth. The Times must believe Biden is toast giving the paper nearly three years to bolster the next Democrat nominee.

If that wasn’t enough and despite no evidence, 50 government sleuths claimed that Hunter’s laptop was part of a Russian disinformation plot published in a Times op-ed piece. What remains unanswered is do these fabulous 50 maintain their employment and security clearances? You bet your bippy nothing will happen to these scum.

All the Times offered was an unconvincing admission buried deep inside their broadsheet. The Times did not just conceal the facts about Hunter Biden’s illicit dealings and his father’s 10% kickback, they bungled, beat, and buried the story with Jimmy Hoffa.

Hunter’s emails underscored how he was profiting from his father’s connections including being a board member of a Ukrainian gas company. According to the Wall Street Journal, Biden’s former business partner admitted the laptop’s contents had Biden profiting from a Shanghai company directly tied to the Chinese communists.

The Times was living their true creed: “All the news that fits – their agenda.” Twitter jumped on the suppression train by censoring their New York Post account, while Facebook algorithmically did their leftist duty in killing the story as Hunter’s laptop conveniently met the journalistic abyss on the cusp of Election Day. Censorship and abject lying are the core tenets of the left’s strategy, as there is no substance to their socialist agenda.

Rather than investigate, the mainstream media dismissed it or claimed Hunter Biden’s debauched escapades were fake news – case closed – until now.

A post-election survey of Biden voters said 10% would not have voted for him provided they aware of the illicit dealings of his son. Imagine what the Times would publish provided one of Donald Trump’s sons had impregnated a stripper like Hunter? How many articles about Joe’s grand baby in Arkansas have you read?

The news’ profession is infiltrated with plenty of bias editors who have no issue about using deliberate omission as suppression. News and its ensuing opinion pieces are affected as much by what is omitted as by what is covered. This column is just one example. And provided it disappears for a week or two, you know the deal.

When will the IRS investigate the Biden’s dealings? Indictments would open a Pandora’s box exposing Biden as the corrupt, incompetent lifetime politico he is. Biden is compromised, while his son possesses no shame after being captured on video snorting cocaine naked with a prostitute.

The complicit media was promoting false narratives to take down a sitting president, in Donald Trump, is the biggest story.

Corrupt politicians and their mainstream media cohorts are the rust corroding our liberties. The difference between the state media in Russia and what passes for news in the U.S. is the eight-hour time difference between the two nations.

If these stories don’t grow legs, the nation’s fourth estate is failing everyone.

I just have to post the following pictures about how far our military has gone in order to “positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.” –  both from our combat ready Air Farce.

Oh, and don’t forget about our Corps’ endeavor to impact the goals as well.

Isn’t this a great country or what? 

Originally posted 2022-03-26 14:50:48.

What Lessons?

Good Day Friends, Brothers and Sisters.

I have been out of comms for nearly a month. Left on 27 July for a trip up the East Coast in the RV to visit friends, brothers, and family and returned this past Monday.  But then you don’t need to hear all about that. What I did do of import was remove myself from eveything newsworthy.  China could have nuked LA and I would have been oblivious. I sent out an email asking to hold all emails; sadly, some of you did not do that. I answered no emails, simply deleted them without reading them. I did not want to know what was going on in this once great nation, nor what that incompetent jerk living in our white house was up to. No emails, no internet, and no TV. What joy that was. Oh I did hear rumblings about things like Afghanistan, but could have cared less. I mean, let’s face it, I knew anything that administration would attempt would be a disaster since no one there has a lick of sense and any one in the military wearing a star and many wearing eagles are incompetent as well. 

So now I am back, but remain aloof of the goings on in the sandbox. At my age and station in life, I really could care less. It has become somewhat fun watching what “they” do.  American’s, in general are stupid, absolutely stupid! I read this a.m. where “his” approval rating is down to 44%. Which tells me 44% of our population are absolute imbeciles.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know Nancy and I have returned and I will try and keep the blog going, but mind you it might be about things other than that idiot in the WH.  I did run across this one and thought I’d share it with you. Just another example of how stupid we are.

Semper Fi; Jim


CIA Chief of Station, Saigon, Thomas Polgar, April 1975



Postscript: Paragraph 5 says it all

Originally posted 2021-08-25 12:25:41.