Tag Archives: media


It is absolutely incomprehensible to me as to how much crime has been going on for so many years and nothing has been done about  it. Have we not become a crime invested third world shit-hole?

The letter below was just recently, like yesterday, sent to the Republican National Committee. It was written by a retired Marine Major General whom I know well having served under him for a short period of time. An exceptional leader of Marines who should have gone further but retirement was his choice,  General Jarvis is no Mattis, Allen, or Kelly, but they were all four star Kool Aid drinkers rapidly promoted up the star ranks by Obama, and by the way, never pulled a trigger except at the range, not so with this author.   

In the General’s own words in his email:

“Attached you will find a paper having the subject above as its title. It was sent to the Republican National Committee a few minutes ago. I am not under the illusion that it will have any real impact; however, I strongly believe in what it says and should be said in the off chance that it will be read and maybe heeded and acted upon.

Please give it wide distribution and encourage others to voice their thoughts to officialdom. It seems quite obvious that what the nation is facing is organized criminal activity, not “there is no evidence of voter fraud.”





Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump.  That was a larger number than his 2016 win. The down ballot voting brought a Red Tidal Wave, sure sign of a win. Not so fast. The corrupt media and equally corrupt political class said that he had lost the election to an aging career politician who has serious ethical problems; shows signs of dementia; had hardly campaigned and when he did, drew crowds numbered in the 20’s as the corrupt media threw softball questions.  Other than his claims, later proven false, that he had a plan to combat the virus, there was no real talk about his policies. Instead, he denied or altered previously stated policies like getting rid of fracking.  Surprisingly, that sold Pennsylvanians. They voted for him. Or did they?

We have the fascinating situation of a Republican candidate losing despite long coat tails and a Democrat candidate who had no coat tails garnering more votes than any presidential candidates in history.

The corrupt media, corrupt Democrats, including corrupt or brain-dead judges, tried to sell the lie that “all is well” and moderate Joe Biden won.

The thinking 70 million plus Americans smell the stench of a stolen election.  They supported and still support President Trump’s efforts to fight the charade. They are either angry or irate at what has followed.

Trump’s lawyers revealed that the Democrat efforts to change mail in voting laws proved quite fruitful in terms of garnering, in some areas, votes totaling 200% or 300% of the registered voters. Then there’s the practice of legally required Republican vote counting observers being prohibited from manning their posts.  There are the usual dead vote and other shenanigans. But most important of all are the vote counting machines run in the dead of night, with no observers, switching votes from Trump to Biden. There are affidavits, sworn under oath and penalty of prison for lying, reporting these misdeeds. Affidavits are real evidence. More are on the way.

The 70 million plus have put up with much these past 5 or so years. For example, no reaction to the sale of 20% of the nation’s uranium.  Then there were the Benghazi parade of lies; the unwarranted FBI investigation of the Trump campaign; the unpunished lies to the FISA Court; the false accusations of Trump collusion with the Russians; and Tony Bobulinski (remember him?), he gave plenty of information concerning the activities of young Biden … no further action.  More corruption came with the, liar – sponsored impeachment of President Trump. And for sheer dereliction of duty we have the great unasked question … what does China expect to get for the $1.5 billion given to Hunter Biden during his illegal Air Force 2 visit to China with his father, a father who denies knowing anything about the family getting that kind of money?

Instead, the 70 million plus are treated to the pleas of Republican senators for President Trump to forget the probable stolen election and concede. Ignored is the fact that the election is not politicians playing politics. We are currently dealing with quite probable, well organized criminal behavior. Not politics. Crime.  Unchallenged, the probable criminal activity will reappear in future elections… better organized, more efficient.  A few election cycles like this and it’s goodbye to the Great American Republic.

It is more than time for the Republican Party to honor the opinions of its long-suffering supporters.  We know that saying “there is no evidence of election fraud” is, to be kind, wrong.  To look at what has happened and consider it business as usual is insane. It makes one wonder, “what are they trying to hide?” Finally, it is more than time for the Republican Party to assist the president by speaking out against lies, fraud and illegalities. Republicans must fight for a thorough criminal investigation conducted by trustworthy professionals who have no political ties. If that does not happen, Republicans will get run over by “Progressives” using any means available, legal or not, to change America into another socialist sewer featuring big government trampling on the rights once given to American citizens by God and the Constitution.

Finally, the election system must be completely overhauled. Now.

J.D. Lynch

Major General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret)

Originally posted 2020-11-28 10:44:51.

FOX Again

LOL, in case any of you are experiencing withdraw symptoms from trying to dump FOX after their poor handling of the election and their hiring of more lefty’s who seem to be suffering from stupidity , arrogance, and ego manifestations, I found you some help, A friend of mine runs a blog entitled; “Bunkerville | God, Guns, and Comrades!” Yeah I know, neat title, huh? To quote who they are:  Bunkerville is a safe haven for all to join and speak of the trying times of our Republic.  Comrades, we the people can find in these pages a place to voice opinions on today’s most critical challenges.

I have followed him for quite a while, I enjoy the sprinkling of humor now and then. You might want to check the site out. In fact, click on the following and it will take you to great post made today.

Fox News – How to beat the Fox blues and overcome withdrawal

Personally, I refuse to give up on Tucker, he’s my kind of guy. Hannity is okay, but tends to go overboard and is tad strong for my liking. Compare Tucker with near-do-wells like Wallace, Doocy, the Panda, or Vittert is like comparing  an intellect with a box of hammers. You decide whish is which. LOL

Originally posted 2020-11-17 13:50:05.

Congress Read and Ask Yourself WHY?

Good afternoon earthlings, I trust you enjoyed your day off yesterday. If you did not have off, shame on your employer, it’s a National Holiday! And for my Marine brothers I trust you enjoyed the day before. We have often been criticized by our brother service members who say 10 November is not our birthday. The say we picked that day because the next day was a holiday and we would have a day to sober up after our Birthday Ball before having to go to work. Hell, I don’t know, maybe their right, but it sure always worked out for me. LOL

Aside, I was wondering what birthday was my first to celebrate as a Marine. Have you ever asked yourself that?  So, did the math, it was the 177th. Ouch!

Now for the purpose of the post. A fellow Marine brother sent this to me and I had seen it before, but thought it had to some great ideas in it, so I decided to post it. However I first vetted it, as I follow Buffet on some economic issues — he is a good economist –and I knew it didn’t sound like the Buffet I knew.

See my comments in RED.

Warren Buffett is asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise. This is not true. Buffet would NEVER do thsi.


Let’s see what people pressure is all about.

Salary of retired US Presidents .. . . . .. . . . . .. . $180,000 FOR LIFE. Me thinks this one is okay considering all the BS he has to pout up with for four years. Of course some deserve the BS.

,Salary of House/Senate members .. . . . .. . . . $174,000 FOR LIFE. This is stupid. OMG

Salary of Speaker of the House .. . . . .. . . . . $223,500 FOR LIFE. This is really stupid. Another OMG

Salary of Majority / Minority Leaders . . .. . . . .$193,400 FOR LIFE Stupid. A bigger OMG

Average Salary of a teacher . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .$40,065 Well? What are teachers qualifications, I believe that should weigh heavily on salary????

Average Salary of a deployed Soldier . . .. . . .. $38,000. Shut up Jim!

Here’s where the cuts should be made!

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

“I could end the deficit in five minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.” Yes, he said this, BUT he was simply answering a question from the anchor. He did not recommend it, but said it was that easy to fix the deficit.

The 26th Amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only three months and eight days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land – all because of public pressure.

Warren Buffett is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2022

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office.

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. I disagree with the “past” requirement, don;t grandfather it, they made that decision so make them stick with it. With no current and future influx to the fund, it will go broker over time. That’s good.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. No, as I said let them keep their funds and slowly go broke.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose. Yes, absolutely, why should they not particpate in SS? They keep stealing from it, perhaps that will put an end to that!

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. Just like the rest of us in the federal government.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. Of course, give me one erason why not?

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. Come on folks this is a given, why are they exempt from some things?

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 3/1/22. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.

Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three days for most people in the U.S. to receive the message. It’s time!



Now, I shall say it, if you agree, pass it on.

Semper Fi, Jim

PS If you are wondering how I feel reference the election ….. like shit! But I have not given up. Trump should take Hillary the snake’s advice and not concede. I think you can bet he won’t!

Originally posted 2020-11-12 15:45:21.


Disgusting, absolutely disgusting!!!  Americans Favorite sport? Really? I’d rather sit by my pool and watch the grass grow.

LOS ANGELES, CA – JULY 23: Los Angeles Dodgers kneel during the National Anthem prior to a MLB baseball game on Opening Day at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Thursday, July 23, 2020. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/MediaNews Group/Pasadena Star-News via Getty Images).
                          How about this one for a reality check?

As a sports fan, it pains me to say this: I watched not one inning of the 2020 World Series. This revelation is not some preening, pin-a-medal-on-me political puffery — “Those sports ball players are annoying, America-hating commies, so I’m not watching” — but rather the embarrassed confession of a discouraged, disillusioned former fanatic who has come to realize that my erstwhile sports obsessions are really not all that important.

Apparently, I’m far from alone. The Tampa Bay Rays’ instant classic walk-off Game 4 win drew 8.95 million viewers, the second-lowest viewership in World Series history — ahead of only Game 3’s 8.2 million. For contrast, remember that only four short years ago, Game 7 between the Cubs and Indians peaked at 49.9 million viewers. Game 7 of the classic 1986 Mets-Red Sox series had an estimated viewership as high as 60 million.

The ratings numbers have attached themselves to an anvil and tossed the anvil off a cliff into a black hole. It’s a shocking decline. MLB is not alone in seeing its appeal become more selective, Spinal Tap-style. The NFL’s once-vaunted viewership juggernaut is shedding passengers at an alarming pace; the league is left celebrating a 33 percent decline year-over-year for the most recent Sunday Night game, because it represented a slight uptick compared to the rest of this season’s dismal numbers.

And the NBA?  Woof.  Game 3 of the 2020 NBA Finals averaged 5.9 million viewers. For comparison, Michael Jordan’s last game as a Bull, the clinching Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals, averaged almost 36 million viewers. Overall, the Lakers-Heat series dropped 51 percent from the 2019 numbers and 67 percent from 2018.

To extend the Spinal Tap metaphor, the NBA is a few BLM woke bombs away from second billing behind Puppet Show. Let’s be fair: There are mitigating circumstances. Nothing about this year is normal. MLB shoehorned a 60-game season into a pandemic-ravaged sports calendar. The NBA played its Finals at a time of year when teams are normally in training camp. The NFL has clung to something resembling a normal schedule, but the mostly empty stadiums and piped-in crowd noise have lent a surreal, off-putting atmosphere to the proceedings.

Personally, I’ve found it hard to care about sports when the very future of the Republic seems to be at stake, and every day’s headlines bring some fresh hell to torment and terrorize my fragile psyche. Sport becomes far less relevant in times like these, even as simple escapism. There’s no escaping a pervading sense of doom. But after the election, will my apathy magically dissipate, much like I expect the pandemic panic to do? Will I re-engage my former passion for pro sports? It’s entirely possible. A return to normalcy in 2021 would likely include a reboot of a casual interest in the exploits of overgrown man-children and a willingness to set aside their silly political posturing. A post-election de-weaponization of the virus will allow us all to relax, breathe and reclaim life’s simple pleasures. I hope so, anyway.

One final piece of advice: Don’t wait for woke-ism to recede from pro sports before re-engaging. Believe it or not, it is possible to set all that aside and simply enjoy the games themselves. If I let politics control my entertainment choices, I’d be left with listening to the Beatles song “Taxman” on an endless loop, and not much else. Life’s too short, and Jon Voight’s not making many movies these days.

Originally posted 2020-10-30 10:52:09.

President Trump and the Media

Copied from Trump Train News (TTN) to which I subscribe. Don’t always agree with some of the wild things they post, and some of their writers need to go back to school and take a grammar course. But sometimes they post something I fully agrees with and consider sharing, such as the one I posted below. I know not the author, but it’s well written. Enjoy.

Donald Trump has a spectacular opportunity right now to put his opponents in the Fake News Media right where he wants them – but he’ll want to strike while the iron is hot.

My son is 3 years old, and he loves dinosaurs – he’s absolutely obsessed with them. Dinosaur books, dinosaur toys, and every dinosaur documentary Disney+ and Amazon Prime have to offer. Inevitably, we end up watching a lot of shows that weren’t really made for kids – full of all the cheap poetic metaphors you expect from the made-for-TV documentary film writers who couldn’t get a writing gig for the next Summer blockbuster. My favorite is at the end of the BBC Walking with Dinosaurs series, where Kenneth Branaugh reminds the viewer that as death rained from the heavens, the dinosaurs could not look to the sky and contemplate their demise.

Extinction-level events are hard for the creatures living through them to process. We’re in the middle of an extinction-level event right now. No, not COVID-19. What we’re seeing is the death of the major media cartels – especially on the information side. News media has, since Donald Trump’s historic 2016 run, been contracting quickly and thousands of would-be Walter Cronkites are being turned out to prepare iced vanilla lattes for decidedly less interesting people than they think they are. The best they can do is thrash about while it happens, oblivious to why it is happening; frankly, they seem almost dedicated to hastening their own end.

Take the pandemic coverage: COVID-19 has been treated like a godsend for these people – with major sports leagues shutdown and businesses closing, they’re quickly becoming the only entertainment game in town. It also gives them a convenient bludgeon to use against their bogeyman-of-choice, President Trump. They accuse him of being malicious, incompetent, both, neither… whatever allows them to continue justifying their hatred of him. COVID-19 has led to a lot of them piling blame on him for problems that truly stem from problems in healthcare, labor laws, and immigration control – problems that he has as President worked tirelessly to address only to be blocked at every turn.

People aren’t blind to this, though, and eventually, the fallout from the Wuhan Comet is going to settle. The novel coronavirus is a bad disease, but it’s not Smallpox or the Bubonic Plague. Media hysterics have put millions of people on the ropes – and criticism of Trump trying to help the folks on Main Street only hastens the extinction of the dinosaurs here. When the American citizens who have been made to suffer by this panic realize just how exaggerated the threat of COVID-19 is, President Trump is going to have a fantastic opportunity to reach anyone who still thinks CNN or MSNBC is on their side. They tried to get him with lies about Russia, then lies about Ukraine, and now all of their crying wolf has almost tanked the economy.

Ever since the Kennedy-Nixon Debate, every Conservative candidate has had to run against two opponents: the Democrat and the Media Cartels. Trump is the first in a long while to defeat both in his campaigns, and COVID-19 has given him another opportunity to keep the Media Cartels on their back foot. Even if the leading Democrat candidate was someone who could string together a coherent sentence, the Media hysteria has given Trump such an upper hand that he’ll win handily. By running around screaming that the sky is falling, they’re bringing the roof down on their own heads.

I often enjoy the comments as much as the article itself. I especially enjoyed this one:

I am embarrassed to admit it, but when I registered to vote I register as a Democrat. You must remember that in the fifties and the sixties this Party was the Party of Labor. The agenda of both major Parties was clear then. Democrats fought for Labor Rights and the Republican fought for business rights. YES, even then, each Party had their faults;but this was the accepted norm then. What has changed? The Parties started talking about social justice. Social justice that defines the rights listed in our US Constitution. Politicians took these accepted rights and made them political. By doing so this the Republic moved away from our US Constitution , thus giving the nation Political Correctness. This Political Correctness has replaced Rule of Law, putting the nation on a path to it’s own internal demise with Socialism. Those who drafted our US Constitution knew the importance of Rule of Law. They even required a Oath of Office to remind those we elect to follow Rule of Law as our Constitution demands of all US Citizens. Political Correctness severed this link between our Constitution and it’s Rule of Law. We now hear politicians claiming no one needs a “Assault weapon” or a thirty round clip. People tend to forget that to be called a “Assault weapon” it has to be used to assault another human being. We could call a rake or shovel a “Assault weapon” if it is used to assault another human being. We are also hearing that people must respect and accept other faiths, yet this is not what our US Constitution states. People are free to accept who or what religion they choose. Citizens are even allowed to hate another minority as long as they do not infringed on the rights of this minority. In the United States people are given the right to speak their mind and assemble as they choose as long as they do not become a threat to others. Politicians have taken rights that are quite clearly stated in the US Constitution and twisted them so badly that their true meaning is distorted for political gain.

There is only one thing that will save the US from it’s demise. Return to Rule of Law and stop this Political Correct BS. Respect our US Constitution and do not use this constitution for political gain.

My one deep concern with what was said is I hope and pray DJT does not step on his shoe strings and say or do something stupid between now and November 3rd! We all know he his personality and there have been times where he has not served himself well. I’m hoping!


Originally posted 2020-04-11 10:34:05.