Tag Archives: harris

Obama Begs Americans to ‘Give Joe a Chance’

Sorry for the lack of posts of late; been trying to stay away from the computer and such for a while to allow my blood pressure to get back to norm. It didn’t work! Therefore, I looked at a variety of sources today and picked up on a few things I thought were actually funny, so here is a potpourri of “stuff” you may enjoy (or not).

Former President Barack Obama openly congratulated Joe Biden for being the “president-elect” on Saturday, and asked Americans to “give him a chance.” Yeah right, you scum sucking, arrogant, Muslim loving, anti-American dipshit, why weren’t you asking the country to give your successor a chance. He never had a day’s honeymoon, while you had eight years by the MSM. You and your band of thugs were after him even before he was elected just in case he did win. Then when he shocked the hell out of you by beating the bitch, you really went after him full force. Now you ask us to give Trader Joe and Ho and chance? You are nothing but a hypocritical piece of human waste.

“I know he’ll do the job with the best interests of every American at heart, whether or not he had their vote,” Obama said. “So I encourage every American to give him a chance and lend him your support.” Ditto , see my comments above you pitiful scum sucker.

The former president warned that Biden faced tough challenges after taking office, citing “a raging pandemic, an unequal economy and justice system, a democracy at risk, and a climate in peril.” OMG, where did this come from, you been living under a rock fool.

He encouraged all supporters of the campaign to stay involved with the fight as active citizens of the country. They better stay involved, because we certainly are!!!!

“We’re fortunate that Joe’s got what it takes to be President and already carries himself that way,” Obama declared, “Enjoy this moment. Then stay engaged. I know it can be exhausting.” Yep, you can bet it will be dude!

Gag me with a spoon.

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More from Keely Sharp

Wow! New York Governor Andrew Cuomo must have forgotten that he is part of the party of love, acceptance and tolerance. He showed great hostility towards President Donald Trump during his appearance on The Howard Stern Show on Monday.

Cuomo confessed that he would have “decked” Trump if he was not the governor of New York.

“I bit my tongue so many times I have tongue scars,” Cuomo said. “Here’s the trick, Howard. I want to speak to the better angels. I want to lift people up and I want to show Trump for what he is by opposition.” Ha, I doubt those tongue scars are from biting it. LOL

“I also had the practical situation: I needed him to help New York,” he continued. “That was my job. If I wasn’t Governor of New York, I would’ve decked him. Period. He was attacking me. He was attacking my family. He was anti-Italian. He was every nasty thing.”

He also got upset that Trump nicknamed his brother, CNN’s Chris Cuomo, as “Fredo” after he continued to attack the president.

“It’s not funny. First, the mafia stereotype has been such a stain for Italians for so long —and that’s where they go when they want to get cheap and nasty,” he said. “I said to him, ‘You want to attack me? Attack me. I don’t have a problem with that, but why are you bringing my brother into it? He’s just doing his job.'”

I let some of his followers comment on his statements. Here are a couple.

  • If you weren’t the governor, NY State would be very much better off. YOU are the reason NY is the most escaped-from state in the Union. You want to “deck” someone? Deck the guy who looks back at you from your bathroom mirror while you’re shaving, and deck HIM. You have some nerve hawking a book you wrote praising your own leadership (haha) during the pandemic. You caused the deaths of over 6,000 people who died in those nursing homes. If you call that leadership, then I’m the tooth fairy.
  • If Cuomo wasn’t the governor someone would have already beat the crap out of this thug! He caused those people to die in the old folks home and is trying to blame it on anyone but himself. No way. That turkey did it all by himself and he deserves the blame and the shame!

* * * * *

Breitbart reports:

Obama said that the results of the election proved that the country was still “deeply and bitterly divided” and that Biden and Harris would have to lead the effort to bring the country together.

Obama said he could not be prouder for Biden and his wife Jill as well as the “groundbreaking” achievement for Sen. Kamala Harris as the first woman and the first black woman to serve as vice president. First woman? Maybe. Black? Nah. Ho? Yes.

Let’s all give a gum buy ya for Trader Joe and the Ho

Have a great week folks and remember what tomorrow is. I told my young Marines once that while I had lots of military heroes, I only had one or two civilian heroes. And Martin Luther King Jr. was at the very top of that list. I feel certain he has roiled over many times in his grave during the BS coming from BLM thugs summer.


Originally posted 2021-01-17 14:29:53.

Leader of the Free World?

Okay folks here he is without the teleprompter telling us – – – – – –  I don’t know what he is telling us, other than the fact he is sick. Should we feel sorry for him? I think not.  He chose to run for the job. The DNC needed a puppet, and he was their obvious choice. Any of the others running had a mind of their own, Joe did not and they knew it. Can you see the DNC telling Sanders what to do and say? They hid him in his basement only letting him out periodically for well planned events. I assume some of the “legal” votes he garnered were sympathy votes. I believe those who seriously voted democrat were, in fact, voting for the Ho. Can you imagine him meeting with world leaders and discussing issues like nuclear disarmament, trade agreements, etc.? I still cannot accept the theory the majority of Americans voted for this fellow. .

Originally posted 2020-12-31 08:59:49.

Let’s block out the sun!

Received this today from one of the great blogs I belong to: https://bunkerville.wordpress.com. “God, Guns, and Guts Comrades” Might want to check it out, great coverage of what the crazy earthlings (mostly liberals and globalists) are doing. Here is one that absolutely astonishes me to no end. Bill and his crazy wife, Melinda are really dangerous.

They are hailed for all the money they donate to charities, BUT WAIT, when you have nothing else to do, check out where those charities are located. See if you can find one in the US. All these nut cases are concerned about is the earth, the hell with anyone living on it. What about growing food or all the solar energy fields the world has created? Really dangerous and I find it hard to believe that any one is going to allow them to do this. But then Joe and the Ho are globalists as well.


Bill Gates who apparently is willing to risk life on earth as we know it, and is apparently all set to spend his gazillion buckaroos in an elaborate scheme to change life or otherwise eliminate it all together for the sake of the earth. Anyway, he has been complaining that there are far far too many humans here anyway so what the heck. Who cares if there is a disaster? Here tis:

The plan sounds like science fiction — but could be fact within a decade; every day more than 800 giant aircraft would lift millions of tons of chalk dust to a height of 12 miles above the Earth’s surface and then sprinkle the lot high around the stratosphere.

In theory, the airborne dust would create a gigantic sunshade, reflecting some of the Sun’s rays and heat back into space, dimming those that get through and so protecting Earth from the worsening ravages of climate warming.

This is not the crackpot plan of a garden-shed inventor. The project is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates and pioneered by scientists at Harvard University.

Indeed, the plans are so well advanced that the initial ‘sky-clouding’ experiments were meant to have begun months ago.

SCoPEx is, however, on hold, amid fears that it could trigger a disastrous series of chain reactions, creating climate havoc in the form of serious droughts and hurricanes, and bring death to millions of people around the world.

One of the Harvard team’s directors, Lizzie Burns, admits: ‘Our idea is terrifying… But so is climate change.’ An advisory panel of independent experts is to assess all the possible risks associated with it.

Want to know how he is going to do it?

Read more

Well, fellow earthing’s, what do you think?

Originally posted 2020-12-29 11:48:03.

Curtis & Leroy

A Sunday Reprieve from all the BS


Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in the Herald-Citizen in Cookeville, TN, and bought a mule for $100.

The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.

The next morning the farmer drove up and said, “Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night.”

Curtis & Leroy replied, “Well, then just give us our money back.”

The farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”

They said, “OK then, just bring us the dead mule.”

The farmer asked, “What in the world ya’ll gonna do with a dead mule?”

Curtis said, “We gonna raffle him off.”

The farmer said, “You can’t raffle off a dead mule!”

Leroy said, “We shore can! Heck, we don’t hafta tell nobody he’s dead!”

A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at the IGA grocery store and asked,

“What’d you fellers ever do with that dead mule?”

They said, “We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do.”

Leroy said, “Shucks, we sold 1000 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $1998.00.

The farmer said, “My Lord, didn’t anyone complain?”

Curtis said, “Well, the feller who won got upset, so we gave him his two dollars back.”

Curtis and Leroy will be on Joe and The Ho’s cabinet as Secretaries of Finance and Treasury respectively as soon a they get done counting ballots.


Originally posted 2020-12-27 17:30:13.

A Time to Heel

Another great article from my friend Greg.

By: G. Maresca

Joe Biden’s “time for healing” and “stop treating our opponents as our enemies” speech was anything but Lincolnesque as the most divisive, volatile election since the Civil War has put many in doubt.

One teacher’s union has already demanded that Biden oppose any charter school expansion, while putting an end to school choice for Washington D.C.’s low-income families.  This is the same city that Biden won 93 percent of the vote.  With such gaudy numbers, Democrats must believe that everyone is as easily manipulated.

Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain is a former lobbyist for Silicon Valley titans Google, Facebook and Twitter, so forget about restricting their monopoly of social media censorship.

For at least two generations, Democrats have amplified how politics is not about compromise, but unadulterated power.  Any opposition is accused of being racist, homophobic, and xenophobic bigots, who must be subdued by any means in a nation where once Judeo-Christian principles governed our hearts and minds.

Turning a jaundiced eye toward Biden’s platitudes after tens of millions of Americans remained convinced the election was stolen isn’t difficult.  Biden’s plea is political virtue-signaling in the first-degree. Leftists in government, media, sports, big-tech, and entertainment continue to wage a relentless smear campaign against Trump and those who voted for him.

Democrats arrogantly called themselves the “resistance” saying Trump was an “illegitimate” president before he was even sworn in.  So, after four years of character assassination, anti-Trump hysteria and impeachment, race baiting, rioting, looting, and arson Democrats now want healing.

In Biden, speak healing is code for tax dollars that will subsidize abortions, mask and vaccination mandates, open borders, Green New Deal, reparations, and tax increases.  Such actions will only exacerbate conflict and constitutional disputes.

Healing should include exposing any election fraud, no?

Reconciling will occur when the unbridled slaughter of the unborn ends, and when the Little Sisters of the Poor and every other faith group’s conscience is protected.

With healing comes truth and transparency.

How did Biden retail his influence as vice president to the Chinese, Russians and Ukrainians?  What about the police and business owners who were killed, injured and looted?   Are the blacks who supported Trump still black?  Are the nearly 74,000,000 voters for Trump still “systemic” racists?  What about AOC’s call for persecution of them?   What about Biden’s silence on the Gen. Flynn cabal, the Mueller decapitation, and the Steele dossier, knowing they were all a pack of lies?  The left has not only opposed Trump’s policies; they have opposed his very existence.  And now after such debauchery, they insist on singing a chorus of kumbaya’s?

Provided Biden is serious, he will get plenty of flak from his own party. And don’t forget Kamala Harris beacons a heartbeat away.

The healing Biden desires only happens after amputations.

Healing and unity for Democrats is a one-way street and only applies when they are in control, which is why the runoff senate race in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021 is pivotal.  Provided the GOP is victorious, Biden will have no choice but to govern from the center at least for the first two years of his administration.  That is provided the political mooring of Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, refuse to stand fast.

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” Biden like Obama will soon occupy the same White House as James Madison, the owner of that quote and father of our Constitution.  Obama and Biden never knew him, but Madison clearly knew them and those like them.

Unifying the country by a career politician like Biden is wishful at best.  If Washington D.C. is the swamp, then the 78-year-old Biden is its version of the swamp fox.

Our fundamental divisions concentrate on a demise of traditional, moral values.  They are essentially spiritual schisms which evolve from our relationship, or lack thereof, with God.  However, divided we used to be by political ideology, the nation always historically managed to circle the wagons around our shared Judeo-Christian roots, where its foundational virtues and conventions were passed down from generation to generation.

Authentic healing will only come through the grace of Divine Providence, not ersatz political bipartisanship.

Postscript. News is out about Mr. Mattis’ association with an organization not too friendly to the current US policy towards rogue nations. So what’s new with this fellow who says he is a Marine, but thousands of real Marines have disowned this skunk of a general (small caps for him). I find it astonishing that my post entitled “An Open Letter to Mr. Mattis” was posted on 9 June and to this very day it still gets views, EVERY DAY e.g. four today. That post has literally gone viral all over the world; keep it going. I would be willing to bet money he gets some kind of a posting from biden (small caps again).

Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoying family and friends. Stay well and stay safe. Semper Fi; Jim

Originally posted 2020-11-26 10:52:29.