Leader of the Free World?

Okay folks here he is without the teleprompter telling us – – – – – –  I don’t know what he is telling us, other than the fact he is sick. Should we feel sorry for him? I think not.  He chose to run for the job. The DNC needed a puppet, and he was their obvious choice. Any of the others running had a mind of their own, Joe did not and they knew it. Can you see the DNC telling Sanders what to do and say? They hid him in his basement only letting him out periodically for well planned events. I assume some of the “legal” votes he garnered were sympathy votes. I believe those who seriously voted democrat were, in fact, voting for the Ho. Can you imagine him meeting with world leaders and discussing issues like nuclear disarmament, trade agreements, etc.? I still cannot accept the theory the majority of Americans voted for this fellow. .

Originally posted 2020-12-31 08:59:49.

6 thoughts on “Leader of the Free World?”

  1. This video missed the part of his speech where he spoke of president elect Harris–

  2. “We’re supposed to believe that fourteen hundred kajillionty quadrillion people voted for a man who can’t navigate three consecutive sentences without veering off on a tangent about shaving aardvarks. Yeah…no.”

  3. It is a mockery of every sensibility that a man so obviously incapable could be potus. He not only didn’t get the votes but he is a tool. Whatever or whoever is behind him is evil.

    1. James, thank you. You just gave me a new name for the pair, “The Tool and the Ho” or short version “Tool and Ho.”

  4. As you mentioned, Colonel, I have also wondered how in the world is he going to be able to communicate with other leaders. I am sure they will be shaking their heads after meeting with him and then wanting nothing else to do with him. The only thing that has saved him so far is the teleprompter.

    1. They might be shaking their heads Pat, but in the back of their minds they will be asking themselves how can I now take advantage of the U.S.

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