Tag Archives: GOP


It is absolutely incomprehensible to me as to how much crime has been going on for so many years and nothing has been done about  it. Have we not become a crime invested third world shit-hole?

The letter below was just recently, like yesterday, sent to the Republican National Committee. It was written by a retired Marine Major General whom I know well having served under him for a short period of time. An exceptional leader of Marines who should have gone further but retirement was his choice,  General Jarvis is no Mattis, Allen, or Kelly, but they were all four star Kool Aid drinkers rapidly promoted up the star ranks by Obama, and by the way, never pulled a trigger except at the range, not so with this author.   

In the General’s own words in his email:

“Attached you will find a paper having the subject above as its title. It was sent to the Republican National Committee a few minutes ago. I am not under the illusion that it will have any real impact; however, I strongly believe in what it says and should be said in the off chance that it will be read and maybe heeded and acted upon.

Please give it wide distribution and encourage others to voice their thoughts to officialdom. It seems quite obvious that what the nation is facing is organized criminal activity, not “there is no evidence of voter fraud.”





Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump.  That was a larger number than his 2016 win. The down ballot voting brought a Red Tidal Wave, sure sign of a win. Not so fast. The corrupt media and equally corrupt political class said that he had lost the election to an aging career politician who has serious ethical problems; shows signs of dementia; had hardly campaigned and when he did, drew crowds numbered in the 20’s as the corrupt media threw softball questions.  Other than his claims, later proven false, that he had a plan to combat the virus, there was no real talk about his policies. Instead, he denied or altered previously stated policies like getting rid of fracking.  Surprisingly, that sold Pennsylvanians. They voted for him. Or did they?

We have the fascinating situation of a Republican candidate losing despite long coat tails and a Democrat candidate who had no coat tails garnering more votes than any presidential candidates in history.

The corrupt media, corrupt Democrats, including corrupt or brain-dead judges, tried to sell the lie that “all is well” and moderate Joe Biden won.

The thinking 70 million plus Americans smell the stench of a stolen election.  They supported and still support President Trump’s efforts to fight the charade. They are either angry or irate at what has followed.

Trump’s lawyers revealed that the Democrat efforts to change mail in voting laws proved quite fruitful in terms of garnering, in some areas, votes totaling 200% or 300% of the registered voters. Then there’s the practice of legally required Republican vote counting observers being prohibited from manning their posts.  There are the usual dead vote and other shenanigans. But most important of all are the vote counting machines run in the dead of night, with no observers, switching votes from Trump to Biden. There are affidavits, sworn under oath and penalty of prison for lying, reporting these misdeeds. Affidavits are real evidence. More are on the way.

The 70 million plus have put up with much these past 5 or so years. For example, no reaction to the sale of 20% of the nation’s uranium.  Then there were the Benghazi parade of lies; the unwarranted FBI investigation of the Trump campaign; the unpunished lies to the FISA Court; the false accusations of Trump collusion with the Russians; and Tony Bobulinski (remember him?), he gave plenty of information concerning the activities of young Biden … no further action.  More corruption came with the, liar – sponsored impeachment of President Trump. And for sheer dereliction of duty we have the great unasked question … what does China expect to get for the $1.5 billion given to Hunter Biden during his illegal Air Force 2 visit to China with his father, a father who denies knowing anything about the family getting that kind of money?

Instead, the 70 million plus are treated to the pleas of Republican senators for President Trump to forget the probable stolen election and concede. Ignored is the fact that the election is not politicians playing politics. We are currently dealing with quite probable, well organized criminal behavior. Not politics. Crime.  Unchallenged, the probable criminal activity will reappear in future elections… better organized, more efficient.  A few election cycles like this and it’s goodbye to the Great American Republic.

It is more than time for the Republican Party to honor the opinions of its long-suffering supporters.  We know that saying “there is no evidence of election fraud” is, to be kind, wrong.  To look at what has happened and consider it business as usual is insane. It makes one wonder, “what are they trying to hide?” Finally, it is more than time for the Republican Party to assist the president by speaking out against lies, fraud and illegalities. Republicans must fight for a thorough criminal investigation conducted by trustworthy professionals who have no political ties. If that does not happen, Republicans will get run over by “Progressives” using any means available, legal or not, to change America into another socialist sewer featuring big government trampling on the rights once given to American citizens by God and the Constitution.

Finally, the election system must be completely overhauled. Now.

J.D. Lynch

Major General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret)

Originally posted 2020-11-28 10:44:51.

Col Andy’s Halloween Treat

I have been a follower of “The Colonel of Truth, Col Anthony “Andy” Weddington, USMC (Ret) for many years. Andy and I never served together, which I consider my loss, but I did meet him at my retirement ceremony in 1993 when he accompanied one of my former lieutenants. 

I have posted several from his blog and always received favorable comments from you. Andy is very restrained, polite, courteous, non-vulgar, and has the innate ability to use the right words to talk of someone, even when we all know he completely despises the individual. And that description of his choice of words makes this post so extraordinary. Here is the atypical Col Andy. I believe you will love it as much as I did. He dose give you a warning should you not like reading such a vulgar word as shit. LOL

You may have to copy and paste into your browser. Enjoy!



Originally posted 2020-10-31 13:40:58.

Are you a “Forgotten Man”?

Good question posed by the WSJ; are you one? I know I am, and I am praying the “Forgotten Man” comes alive again in two weeks!

The 2020 Election: The Final Days, or Will It Be Weeks?

After the initial shock of Donald Trump’s 2016 victory wore off, a few thoughtful people across the ideological spectrum attempted to wrap their heads around what happened. How did a brash, sometimes crude political neophyte beat everyone from Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton at their own game on the world’s largest stage? Those more prone to introspection and self-awareness than denial and vindictiveness came to the conclusion that the country’s political and media elites had forgotten about the plight of the “average” American—the so-called Forgotten Man.

The term, first coined by Yale social scientist William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), was used to describe the American who, too poor to have political influence and too rich to be considered worthy of a helping hand, was often taken for granted by the political classes. As Sumner so aptly noted, “he works, he votes, generally he prays—but he always pays.”

There was a post-2016 awakening among those who realized they had ignored a big part of the country—the one that lives far from the corridors of power and the bright lights of cable television studios. Those who hadn’t read J.D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” before the election rushed to buy a copy. For a while, everyone seemed to understand the hidden pain of those in the so-called Rust Belt of the American Midwest who had paid the highest price for 50 years of social engineering at home and abroad.

The costs of trade and immigration policies that favored big business were most often felt by the working class in “flyover country.” These policy changes came at a pace so rapid that people had little chance to adapt. Those same families sent their sons and daughters to fight in far off wars with few obvious connections to the national interest.

Those who complained were either ignored or deemed xenophobic racists and “deplorables.” How dare they question the collective wisdom of highly educated experts? Never mind that those experts bore almost no consequences for the disastrous effects of their policies. To my knowledge, no politician, university professor, news anchor, military officer, or Wall Street titan has ever seen his job outsourced to a foreign land.

From the opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal, critical perspective and analysis on developments from Washington

Originally posted 2020-10-19 11:55:19.

Who Won?

Okay, I gave it a day to think about the debate as I was not in any mood to write anything yesterday. Some of you may not agree with me and if so, please feel free to say so in your comment. I’ve read all the BS coming across the internet for two days, and feel I must say something now.

Winner? Well, if there was any one of the three debaters, I would say it was a draw. Yes, I said three. Wallace was the worse mediator I have witnessed since debating began years ago. Several times it appeared the debate was between the President and Wallace. And I have to say, I expected that when I discovered who would be the moderator. Like the saying about apples falling from the tree, he is his Dad’s son.

Our president showed off his bullying. He appeared pissed when he walked onto the stage, and it got worse as the debate went on. Why did he have to get personal about Biden’s son? Yes, I know he is a dirtbag, but Biden’s reply was surely accepted by the left.

There is much empathy out there for Biden and his mental problems among his side of the aisle, and all Trump did was increased it. Trump needed to shut up and let Biden talk. The more he talked the more his mental condition was coming out. I feared that Biden would be wearing something that would allow him to expose his mental issues. And I saw this on the internet this morning:

Some have said this is fake; I don’t think so. Numerous times when he was quiet it appeared he was listening to someone. And it was then that he looked into the camera instead at the moderator and gave his “Vote” speech. I’m suspect he was signaled to do that.

But is sum, I was mad at Trump and his bullying, and his constant interruptions. But I will say that questions were asked of Trump when it was his two-minute turn, Wallace would ask Trump more questions interrupting him talking time away from his two-minutes which used up his time. I believe that was Wallace’s plan. Also, I thought some of the questions were way off base and dealt primarily with the past. He’d set the stage for the question by bringing up things Trump (and Biden) had said, then ask a question. Of course, this caused Trump to attack the past issues he used to set the stage before he got to the question and that’s when Wallace would interrupt him.

Overall, the whole event sucked big time with no obvious winner! Our president needs to act presidential dammit! A woman said it best on a Facebook page. She said—paraphrased—I don’t like the way Trump acts and his constant bullying, but I do not elect a president based on his personality, I vote for a person because of his agenda and his plan for America; that’s why I will vote for Trump again.

And I too do not cast a vote for a personality; how stupid is that? However, many folks do just that. I may be pissed at Trump, but I will still vote for him!!!!!

Your turn—let me have it!

Originally posted 2020-10-01 12:48:51.

“Texas Reloaded”

Sorry folks, I know I have already posted for the day and said I was going to skip the BS rhetoric coming from the far left. But this just came in and have to post it. There was a rather large amount of verbiage along with the video, but the sender advised me to skip the text and just watch the video, so I have done that here. Great political ad by a bunch of HEROES!. Click and enjoy.


Originally posted 2020-09-26 13:01:50.