Tag Archives: gays

Worth the Read!

This is a correction as to the author of this fine article. It is Craig Pirrong, Professor of Finance & Energy Markets and Director of the Global Energy Management Institute, Bauer College of Business, University of Houston.

August 2, 2017

Tell It to the Marines: SJWs are Inimical to Real Warfighting

— The Professor @ 11:43 am

Everything in the military should be directed to its purpose: winning wars while being sparing of American lives. As Patton said, making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. The focus should be on lethality, and strategic, operational, and tactical prowess. All other considerations are beyond secondary, because it is a matter of life and death, not to mention national security.

This is why I read with satisfaction that SecDef Mattis wants to focus training on warfighting, not Mickey Mouse:

Notably, Mattis has ordered a review of the “requirements for mandatory force training that does not directly support core tasks” – the many hours soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines spend prior to deployment meeting the Pentagon-required tasks that sometimes have little to do with the role they will actually fulfill when deployed.

“I want to verify that our military policies also support and enhance warfighting readiness and force lethality,” Mattis said.

Damn right. And about time.  To do otherwise puts lives at risk, and jeopardizes the national interest by compromising the ability of the military to fight and win wars.

But real warriors have long been the target of Social Justice Warriors who want to use the military to advance their agendas, even when doing so is inimical to combat effectiveness, either because it diverts resources from primary missions, or because it actually undermines order, discipline, and effectiveness.

The recent kerfuffle over transgenders in the military is a case in point. The whole purpose of making transgenders in the military a cause celebre had nothing at all to do with fighting shooting wars: it was all about fighting the culture war. Some of the attacks on Trump for his bolt-from-the-blue statement that he was overturning the late-in-the-day Obama policy regarding transgenders in the military were rather astounding. One was the commonly repeated statement that there were as many as 15,000 transgendered individuals in the US military. That would be 1 percent of the force: bull. (How many transgenders do you know?) Even the Rand study that was commissioned to advise Obama administration policy put the number at less than half of that–at most–and admits that there is no empirical or epidemiological basis for the number. It is a wild ass guess. Nothing more.

Then there were statements like how terrible it was to exclude transgenders from the military because the suicide attempt rate among them is almost 10 times that of the population at large. Methinks that argument cuts quite the other way: why would you want to put in a high stress environment people who are disproportionately suffering from severe emotional problems? This is not conducive to military effectiveness, and even putting that aside, how is it helping these people? Suicide rates are already above average for military personnel, especially those who have been in combat: tell me how it is compassionate to encourage such emotionally vulnerable individuals to go into a profession that can test every fiber of the far stronger? Indeed, it is sick that transgenders are being used as pawns in the SJW war on convention and majority culture.

My policy recommendation is pretty simple: don’t ask, don’t snip. Apply the same standards of conduct and performance. Those that hack it, fine. Those that can’t–adios. That’s a truly non-discriminatory policy that is consistent with the overriding goal of the military: combat effectiveness.

The recent flap over transgenders sparked by a (go figure) Trump tweet is only the most recent example of the SJW campaign against traditional military norms. One that I’ve been keeping my eye on is efforts to change the Marine Corps, always a bête noire to the left because of its unapologetic, uncompromising stance on traditional standards of the service, and its resistance to PC tripe that the other branches have capitulated to. The anti-USMC vanguard sees an opening due to the recent scandal involving Marines sharing online naked photos of female Marines, often accompanied by unflattering commentary.

Is it gross? Yes. Would I be upset if my daughters were the subject of such indignities? Probably–although I am sure I would tell them that this is a problem easily avoided: don’t pose for (or take yourself) nude photos.

But even granting, for the sake of argument, that the Marine Corps is a socially retrograde institution, out of step with progressive values, and beset with misogyny: I don’t care! I look at the effects of its culture and traditions at achieving the purpose of the organization: on those terms, its record is unparalleled. Do not interfere with any military organization that has achieved a record unblemished by defeat. Do not interfere with any military organization that within the last 100 years has been able to get its men to fight and win horrific battles. There is no other body of troops of similar size that can match its record. Just look at the names: Belleau Wood, some bloody small wars in Central America and Haiti, Wake Island, Guadalcanal, Cape Gloucester, Bougainville, Tarawa, Peleliu, Saipan, Guam, Tinian, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Inchon, Seoul, the Chosin Reservoir, Hue, Kuwait, Fallujah I and II. Grinding, bloody battles all. Despite often fighting on a shoestring (always being last in line for equipment) and facing grave disadvantages in terrain, protection, and position, and taking grievous casualties, the Marines always prevailed. (Yes, Wake is an exception. But that was a forlorn hope in which the Marines covered themselves in glory.)

When people approached Lincoln with tales of Grant’s drinking, he responded: find out what kind of whiskey he drinks and send a barrel of it to all my generals. I have a similar response to those criticizing the retrograde social attitudes of the Marine Corps.

The truth is that we have little understanding of the unique alchemy that creates an exceptional military force like the Marine Corps. It is possible, and indeed even likely, that the attributes of the Marine Corps that most infuriate SJWs are inseparable from those that make it a nonpareil military force. PC won’t prevail on Peleliu. SJWs won’t take Saipan.

The case for letting Marines be Marines is strengthened by the fact that it is, and always has been (with some modest exceptions in WWII and Vietnam) a volunteer organization. Nobody makes you become Marine, and you should know what you are getting into: in fact, it is precisely that knowledge that induces many to join. Self-selection at work.

I have long admired the Marines, but I knew from my days at Navy that I could never be a Marine in million years–another example of self-selection. But that’s definitely a feature, not a bug. By attracting and retaining people that are suited to the institution’s idiosyncrasies, the Corps has created a culture and esprit that has allowed it to achieve great deeds. It ain’t for everybody. And that’s why it’s great at what it does.

During the recent transgender kerfuffle some criticized using the military to carry out social engineering, to which some objected that the military is nothing but a product of social engineering. But this is not true. Most longstanding military organizations are emergent, not designed or engineered. They are the products of a long evolutionary process. Channeling Hayek, organizations like the Marine Corps are the product of human action, not of the execution of any human design. They have an internal logic that is often tacit and really impossible to understand. One attempts to redesign or manipulate them at one’s peril. Or, more accurately, at ours. For doing things that undermine the effectiveness of the USMC, or of other branches of the US military, gets people killed and undermine the security and interests of the country.

Originally posted 2017-08-10 22:00:20.

To Pennsylvania With Love


I cannot get over what has happened to the Keystone State. As a kid growing up in MD with the Bathurst clan still living in the Altoona area, we traveled there often. Dad and I used to fish the trout streams and hunted deer in PA. When he and Mom retired they moved back to PA. Therefore, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the state, always thought it was beautiful and clean, and even considered moving there when I retired. What in hell happened? It has definitely become the Twilight Zone. We are now hearing “rumors” that Fetterman is actually brain dead but still one of their senators. Of course, I always thought he was brain dead to begin with. In case you don’t know it, the town of Elysburg that Greg’s article speaks to is in PA.



Twilight Zone America                                              By: G. Maresca

If you are not convinced a spiritual war for the American soul is smoldering, consider the recent FBI memo leaked from their Richmond, Virginia field office.  The eight-page report is titled: “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Perhaps the FBI should have simply composed it in Latin.

The leak underscores the dystopian state of a divided nation.

The only thing missing is Rod Serling fingering a cigarette saying, “The FBI was clueless about 9/11, ignores Hunter Biden’s laptop charades and overlooks the lethal amounts of fentanyl streaming across our border – daily. Instead, the FBI is coming after traditional Catholics as the nation’s newest domestic threat in a relentless vortex of the Twilight Zone.”

The report stated how “radical traditional Catholics have a frequent adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology” and their worship preference is the Traditional Latin Mass.  Catholics are maligned since they adhere to the biblical belief that marriage only exists between one man and one woman and thus paints them “anti-LGBTQ.”

The Latin Mass may have been a threat when Nero was feeding Christians to the lions at the Roman Colosseum as it evolved into the Mass of the Ages and is still celebrated every Sunday at the monastery in Elysburg.  Moreover, being prolife gets you labeled as being anti-women and a domestic terrorist.  The memo’s lack of evidence is telling as it attempts to connect anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic behavior to dutiful Catholics, too. Note to the obtuse FBI, the Church is certainly a catholic (universal) immigrant church with longstanding diplomatic relations with Israel.

Since the leak, the FBI has recanted saying the memo, “does not meet the exacting standards of the FBI.” Whatever that means. Nevertheless, reversing course because you got caught is just damage control.

Provided the memo was not leaked leaves many unanswered questions.

What is unquestionable are the nearly two dozen acts of vandalism perpetrated against prolife organizations and Catholic churches over the last year with no arrests.  However, Catholics are the domestic threats along with those conservative parents who publicly question school boards. Conservative and religious is a toxic combination making you unmistakably guilty.

The Department of Justice is nothing less than the Democrat Party’s thought police.  The FBI was once run by the peculiar J. Edgar Hoover that has devolved into the more convincing Fascist Bureau of Intimidation. NOTE: I like that. With all those dangerous Catholics on their knees in worship at The Latin Mass, there won’t be much time to investigate anything else. The FBI is a greater threat to Americans than any foreign spy agencies.

The Biden administration and the federal bureaucracy are rife with Christ haters. All one has to look at is the concerted effort during the Obama presidency to drive Christians out of positions of influence in government and replace them with wokesters.

And “Catholic” Biden is leading the charge.

Attorneys general of 20 states so far have spoken out but that is not nearly enough. Where is the United States Council of Catholic Bishops?  Practicing Catholics are on their own, like the faithful in China. Perhaps the church can counter by getting the Jesuits after the FBI.

There is a long, documented history of discrimination against American Catholics. The late historian Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. called anti-Catholicism, “the deepest-held bias in the history of the American people.”

This is nothing new.

German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller’s 1946 poem “First they came” put it best: “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Cue Rod Serling: “As Catholics defend the unborn and condemn the LGTBQ+ agenda as immoral, persecution will continue and intensify. Welcome to 21st-century America where ignorance is no defense in the Twilight Zone.”

Otherwise, all’s well in America, that is if you’re living under a rock!

Originally posted 2023-03-03 11:19:03.

Flyers or Faggots?

Another good one from my friend and our fellow Marine brother, Greg who certainly has a way with words. Amazing that it takes a Russian to remind us who were are and what we stand for.  Surely the Philadelphia Flyers of the NHL don’t know who they are or what they are supposed to stand for as role models.  Maybe they should change their name to the  Philadelphia Faggots – the pride of the city of Brotherly Love. I wonder what their attendance record is for home games?

The DIE penalty box
By: G. Maresca

On a recent mild January evening in the City of Brotherly Love, the affection of one home team NHL player was anything but mild. A firestorm of disgruntled wrath erupted upon Ivan Provorov, a Russian native and a defenseman for the Philadelphia Flyers, compliments of the LGTBQ+ agenda and their woke confederates of the diversity, inclusion and equity crowd (DIE).

It reminded me of the old standby: I went to a hockey game and a boxing match broke out.  However, this fight underscores how secular humanism is attacking religiosity for the cultural soul of the American nation.

Provorov, a Russian Orthodox Christian, refused to wear a “Gay Pride Night” jersey with the rainbow flag or use a rainbow-taped hockey stick during warm-ups before the game. “I respect everybody, and I respect everybody’s choices,” Provorov said following the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.” It is the gay lobby and their media allies who couldn’t help themselves in falling over each other making a huge issue over why one player decided not to conform and prostrate himself to the LGTBQ+ agenda.

Provorov is not making a stand saying gay pride night should not be held. He is merely exercising his right to decide and be left alone. Being compelled to support the tenets of a faith other than his own is as un-American as it gets – until now. No one should have to be a billboard for another’s political, social, or religious beliefs.

Symbols of faith, freedom, and courage are rare in contemporary American society and yet it is a Russian, no less, who is the model of strength and conviction in this torrid era of national wokedom.  This is why many supported him on several websites by selling out his jersey.

Provorov takes all the risk as standing tall against the leftist mob takes plenty of puck. Most would rather not jeopardize being maligned and browbeaten. Provorov spoke for others without the courage of their convictions, while expressing one of the basic dogmas of Christianity: “love the sinner, hate the sin.”

Since inclusivity is the goal, perhaps the Flyers will host a “Christian night” where players will wear jerseys saying: “Jesus Saves?”  What about “MAGA hat night,” too?

A truly free society does not mandate that their citizens conform to any agenda that forsakes their own believes and traditions. Such hollow virtue signaling only serves to chip away and rust our liberty. The fact that so many are unable to differentiate between honoring one’s country and applauding who people sleep with says much about how distorted our values have become.

First comes the demand for tolerance, then comes acceptance, followed by celebration, and finally mandated participation.  The perpetually aggrieved and offended are never satisfied, provided they do not get their way they move on to the next outrage and repeat the process over again.

As a nation we are consumed in a protracted episode of the Twilight Zone, where it is heroic to disrespect and protest the American flag, while hoisting and paying homage to the gay pride colors is not only expected but unquestioned.

The LGTBQ+ movement is not merely about acceptance of certain sexual proclivities and gender identity with preferred pronouns; rather it is a wholesale secular religion that must be acknowledged over one’s own religious and conscientious beliefs. The great marketing ploy that LGTBQ+ is about “love” is a canard in the first degree. Although they preach tolerance and acceptance, they embody the exact opposite provided you dare to disagree.

The harassment of Provorov violates our Constitutional rights. These are the same rights that leftists shove in your face when convenient for them. Provorov understands America better than the many who thrive on victimization and outrage. With his Russian roots, he knows all too well about Marxism’s groupthink.

Provorov deserves respect, not ridicule.

It has never been about tolerance, diversity, or equity.  Rather, it is about submission and conformity. If it were about inclusion, the left would acclaim Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett and Thomas Sowell.

They don’t.

They disparage them.

Sadly, we have devolved into what we once condemned and fought against, and it has taken a Russian to remind us.

I certainly have not forgotten what I abhor and am against, and I surely do not need a Russian to remind me – do you?

Originally posted 2023-01-28 16:25:43.

Berger’s Corps – Part II

Ok, Mr. Berger, you asked for it, so here it comes.. Was this part of your FD 2030 plan. I’m sure it was, or you are even less of a Marine than I originally thought. You should meritoriously promote her to Major so she can lead the way to your new USMC (United States Misfit Corps). Meanwhile you purge Marines who won’t take the shot and let officers wear their religious head gear. BTW, how’s all that “stuff” helping recruiting? Getting much help from the retired community? I don’t think so from what I hear.

Oh BTW sir, there is a great article in the June issue of the Gazette about these staffers Moe, Larry, and Curly task with coming up with a new name for this organization that some brain child in DOD came up with in the year 2042. You should read it. Or maybe you already have — Nah, you wouldn’t waste your time reading something like that. You’re too busy trying to beat down all those foolish retired generals that have not a clue what they are talking about. Happy Wokeness sir!


Lesbian Marine Corps Pilot Dreams of Waging War on Conservative Americans Over Roe v. Wade Repeal
Capt. Meleah Martin, a pilot with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323, smiles from the cockpit of an F/A-18C Hornet at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif. Marines like Martin keep 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing ready to “Fix, Fly and Fight” as the Corps’ largest aircraft wing. 3rd MAW continues to answer the call of this nation whenever and wherever it is needed.

A lesbian marine corps pilot is fantasizing about going to war with the “domestic” enemies of America, who she describes as the conservative members of the Supreme Court following the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

The pilot was profiled in an NPR article published on July 4 where she stated that conservatives are a worse threat than any foreign terrorist because of a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with.

“We swear an oath, ‘To support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic’ … Well, it’s time to start worrying about the domestic, because clearly we have more of a problem here than we do anywhere else,” Marine Corps Capt. Meleah Martin told NPR.

“It’s really disappointing when something like this happens, because, like, how do I defend that?” she continued.

“We thought The Handmaid’s Tale was, you know, just an entertaining show, but we’re honestly headed back towards that direction, you know what I mean?” Martin said. “It’s just sad to see. It’s crazy,” Martin added.

Big League Politics has reported on the purge in the military of patriotic individuals who love freedom and stand for traditional values:

In what is being hailed as a victory for diversity and progress by Democrats, transgenders are now shockingly overrepresented in the Armed Forces.

A study from the National LGBTQ Task Force has shown that transgenders are two times as likely to join the Armed Forces as their counterparts who do not suffer from gender dysphoria. One reason might be the free genital mutilation surgeries offered by the woke military.

The National LGBTQ Task Force is taking their findings and demanding for more taxpayer-funded giveaways and privileges for transgenders.

“The Defense Department must allow transgender people to serve openly,” said Darlene Nipper, deputy executive director of the organization. 

“It’s wrong that these brave men and women — who sacrifice so much through their service to our nation — should have to fight for their rights both as active military and then as veterans,” Nipper added.

The study showed that transgenders participating in the study blamed discrimination for their inability to hold a job. This is being used by lobbyist groups like the National LGBTQ Task Force to demand more handouts.

“The reality is that after honorably serving their country, transgender veterans often face discrimination in employment, housing, health care, and in other settings,” said Nipper. 

“Transgender people must be able to serve in the military if they choose to and after their service, they must receive all benefits and services free from discrimination,” she added.

This is happening while conservatives and patriots are being expelled from the military for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

This is why the military is being purged. The regime wants demonic LGBT perverts who will not hesitate to shoot on Americans. Some of them even brag about how they would do it at a moment’s notice. This is the New America under the “liberal world order” pushed by the illegitimate Biden coup regime.

Originally posted 2022-07-10 08:48:17.


Most do no know this but this place is not a state, but a Commonwealth. Big deal? No, not really as there are three others that are not “states.” Do you know which ones?  But then who cares, I sure don’t All of my kin came from PA, Altoona area to be exact. I spent a lot time there as a small child with my parents visiting kin. I always thought it was a beautiful place, and even considered possibly retiring there — sure glad that didn’t work out. Now it has become a liberal haven full of folks who are certainly not my kin anymore. I cringe when I see cars here with PA license plates during non-snowbird season. I hope they are here to escape the liberal mindset and not here with a goal of changing the color of our state.

Anyway, here’s one from my Marine brother, Greg.

Doubling down

By: G. Maresca

Given President Biden’s slumping approval numbers, CNN+s sudden termination, increasing crime rates, record inflation, a nonexistent border, transgender education being foisted upon kindergarten children, Democrats are doubling down with their four candidates for the open U.S. senate seat in Pennsylvania’s May 17th primary election.

It is easier to win an open seat than to defeat an incumbent. Retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey’s senate seat is a prime opportunity for Democrats to add to their senate number in a pivotal state that Biden carried in 2020.

 These are the haughty days for the left owning the White House, both houses of Congress, academia, and the mainstream media.  Not to be outdone, their four Democrat senate contenders in the Keystone state are ideologically pure exemplars of this self-aggrandizing age.

 Candidate Malcom Kenyatta’s senate website opens with a video of the 31-year-old state representative from Philadelphia kissing his gay lover. Prior to entering politics, Kenyatta served as the diversity and inclusion engagement coordinator for the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia and is polling in the single digits. The same poll results have been following Alexandria Khalil whose campaign is about “compassion, justice, and prosperity for all.”

Who isn’t for such things?

The frontrunner is the goateed and tatted up Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who prefers gym shorts over a suit, who not only leads in fundraising but the polls, too.  Fetterman is a 6’9” cantankerous and unapologetic version of Bernie Sanders.

The huge fund-raising advantage for Fetterman underscores the blunder of ratifying the 17th Amendment, where candidates are more beholden to out-of-state donors than they are to their own constituents.

Fetterman supports abortion up until birth, allowing transgender males to compete athletically against females, Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage, a moratorium on fracking and “climate justice” whatever that is. Fetterman is also a favorite of the defund-the-police mob never turning down a speaking engagement.

What is little known is how as mayor of Braddock, Fetterman pulled a gun on an unarmed Black man jogging and accused him of committing a felony he did not commit. This is the same Fetterman that wants to seize your guns and a major reason why a majority of Americans value their Second Amendment.

Fetterman never met a tax or government program that he did not love. He is better fit as a stand-in for an Addams Family revival as either Lerch or Uncle Fester than taking a seat in the U.S. Senate.

Trailing Fetterman in Franklin & Marshall College’s latest poll 41% to 17%, is U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb with 26% of Democrats still bewildered. Lamb is pro-abortion, supports Biden’s Build Back Better Act and having the federal government regulate all voting and ending the Senate filibuster.

Lamb was one of three House Democrats who voted to make permanent provisions of the GOP sponsored 2017 tax reform bill. Lamb has also voted on bills with small numbers of Democrats where the Democrat National Committee knew would not pass the House. Those meaningless votes bestowed upon him the much-ballyhooed canonization as a “political moderate” in an evident appeal to voters.

On key leftist issues, however, Lamb marches lockstep with House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Being able to manipulate the electorate into believing they are electing a so-called moderate when in fact, they are every bit as left as the privileged running the party is essential.

They are all the same wolves whether sporting gym shorts or a blue pinstriped suit.

Left-wing groupthinkers and scolds that makeup the current breed of populist progressives, believe their senate candidates will embolden their base to win a battleground state like Pennsylvania. Democrats see no problem in doubling down on issues that fail to resonate with the majority and are proven failures. With each passing day, Democrats fall further under the sway of an outspoken leftist minority whose members care more about imposing an unpopular agenda than winning elections.

Democrats today are what would have been called communists 40 years ago.

This is yet another refined illustration of the dismal state of the Democrats, but never underestimate the dogmatic trifecta of your median Pennsylvanian’s naivety, their dead relatives, and fabricated ballots when it comes to electing a Pelosi puppet or Bernie Bro.

Originally posted 2022-05-06 11:14:45.