Tag Archives: Gay Prde’

Berger’s Corps

I never thought I would ever write such a letter to my Commandant of the Marine Corps. As I was writing my book, my editor reminded me several times to what President Reagan said: “Republicans (read Marines) should never speak ill of a fellow republican (read Marine). However, I could not help myself because during my nearly 36 years wearing the Marine uniform I learned that while we like to believe that all Marines are honorable, just, and forthright in their decision making processes, I found they were not! Therefore, I had to call a spade a spade; the principles I learned from my mentors would not allow me to lie. Some were nothing more than career-minded cocker spaniel Marines who looked out for no one but themselves. In fact, the Corps seems to attract those of that ilk and we also tend to breed them.

I remember when selected for colonel, a friend for whom I had worked and respected a great deal warned me that I was about to enter into the political side of the Marine Corps. He was right. The cocker spaniels who are discovered early normally do not rise above field grade, but every now and then one kisses enough ass, has the right tickets punched, collects a godfather or two along the way gets a star. Once anointed with that star, it then becomes critical that he sense the political wind and set his sails accordingly. And that Mr. Berger is a description of you.

I served under ten commandants. Most were okay, some I idolized, and one I detested for what he did to us enlisted Marines by taking away our collar emblems. Of the eight who served after my retirement, there are only two for whom I have any respect. I have often wondered why that is, why have we not had a Chapman, Wilson, or Barrow? I suspect that having achieved that “political rank” I became more aware of  the real reason for some of their decisions and actions. Then you appeared on the scene.

When first nominated and I read your Bio, I was impressed thinking we now had one who may steer the right course regardless of the political wind. Was I ever mistaken. You have done nothing but set those sails to follow the liberal agenda regardless of where it takes our Corps. All of your actions since appointment seem destined to change the Corps from an organization respected throughout the world for its nearly 250 years of honorable service to our country to “Berger’s Corps,” whatever the hell that happens to be. We retirees are still trying to figure that out. Your new force structure, organization, and employment concepts have every former commandant and most of the retired generals scratching their heads. But enough has been said about those asinine decisions; therefore, I shall let the generals have their say.

My concern is, as it always was when I wore the uniform, with the Marines themselves and what you are doing to them—the Pvts, PFCs, LCpls, and NCOs. In other words the doers in the Corps, the ones who bleed and die in the politicians’ wars. Have you any idea what goes through the minds of the privates? There is a chapter in my book entitled “The Private’s World,’ you should read it, you might learn something. Did you are any of your minions at HQ think of the average Pvt when you came out with that sick pride month statement or were you simply setting those sails to ride the political wind. I think the latter. What about the average young boy who enlisted in the Corps, the one who was raised by our once normal moral standards. What does he think of you pride month celebration? Or don’t you care?

I have friends, retired peers, albeit younger then me who have children and grandchildren in the Corps. Have you any idea what they are saying? Or do you just not give a damn, this is “Berger’s Corps”?

Of late you MR general came out and tried to attack the retirees’ pride reminding us of the meaning of Semper Fidelis and telling us “our Corps” needed our help in the recruiting arena. HA! Sorry, but it isn’t “our Corps” anymore; it’s Berger’s Corps. And I don’t want anything to do with that Corps as it is unrecognizable to me and many of my peers. I have already talked two young boys out of joining Berger’s Corps. My friends and peers say their hearing from their children and grandchildren that they are now counting the days not for reenlistment as was planned, but discharge. I don’t know how big the recruiting service is today, but you best look at increasing it drastically. But then Rand says that 70% of the 18-25 year old’s are unqualified mentally or physically from joining the military. Maybe the LGBQTs will answer the call and fill Bergers Corps .Won’t that help unit cohesion?

Speaking of  Semper Fidelis. Who is actually being unfaithful? Is it us retirees or you and your minions? What about all those traditions that brought the Corps to where it was before you started destroying it all? Yes, there probably were LGBQTs in the Corps throughout its history. I’ll buy that, so what? Does that mean we need to flaunt their existence. Do you know what else is celebrated this month? How about PTSD Awareness Month, or doesn’t that matter to you since they aren’t serving today? You have done nothing but added more gender confusion to the Corps’s many concerns.

You, Mr. Berger, will go down in the annals of Marine Corps history as the worse commandant ever, even worse that that fool that took my collar emblems away when I was a LCpl.

Your post has nothing to do with Marine readiness and everything to do with undermining unit cohesion — the esprit de corps that is the USMC’s foundational fabric. If mass eye-rolls among the Marine rank and file had a sound, the thunder from outside the Beltway — those not kissing Biden’s ass — would be deafening.

Fact is that this crap impacts readiness because the insult to morale impacts reenlistment decisions. Marines are ashamed to be associated with this degradation. One Marine Sgt spoke for many others: “This shit is one more reason why I am not reenlisting — nobody wants this shit and the result is that our best Marines, enlisted and young officers, are leaving. Lots of them are leaving.”

With all that said, I will leave you to your sick, demented, history destroying ways and pray that someone will come along and shut you up. I’d sign this with the normal closing of Semper Fidelis, but you have no idea what that means and you certainly do not deserve it


Jim Bathurst

Col, USMC (Ret)

Originally posted 2022-06-04 14:21:17.

My Pack is Heavy

Below is a  video a Marine Brother, Don Wolf, with whom I had the distinction to serve sent to me a while back. It has been in my computer ever since and I cannot tell you how many times I have clicked on it and watched. And each time I have great difficulty keeping my eyes clear enough to watch it.

I finally decided that I would take the time and post it. I have a problem though and that’s while I watch it, I think of all the slimy, gutless, pitiful millennials, spineless Gen Zers, and  wokeness, liberal, pronoun , transgender, and climate purveying bastards who have destroyed this once great nation. All I can find in my heart of hearts to say to those pieces of shit is — until you have worn the boots shut your damn mouth. And if you have worn the boots, yet have become one of those pieces of shit I just spoke of, you have sold your soul and I hope you rot in hell.

I am so sick  of hearing of the crime, broken justice system, abuse of power, stupid laws being passed to satisfied those ignorant shit heads.  Who the hell do those liberals in Colorado think they are that they have the right to decide who is or isn’t on a ballot for a national election.. And for all you sickly Californian’s, all I have to say is, maybe we should have a referendum on this year’s ballot with a  yes or no vote to give that shit state in which you hide back to Mexico. You don’t deserve to be one of the 50, and neither do you CO. I am a firm believer in State’s Rights, but you two abuse that privilege everyday. If you don’t want to be one of the 50, get out!

The biggest POS  of all who lives in our WH and all those pieces of garbage he has assigned to key cabinet positions because they were queer, transgender, lacked morals and principles, or the color of their skin is unbelievable, Your VP screwed her way to where she is and your press secretary is a disgrace to your office. I actually think she just might be dumber than you. We all know who is running this country; he’s into his third term. I wonder who he will find to get him his fourth? But then the libs are so stupid they just might try and elect that imbecile for his second term.

I’m tired of all this, and while I do not want to wish a few months of what life I have left, I cannot wait for November. Enjoy the video, make it full screen, and tell me  how many times you watch it brothers? Come on now be honest.

God, please help us, PLEASE!!!!