Tag Archives: Drunk

Drunk, Drugs, or What?

Hi Gang, I received the below You Tube video of our new Speaker of the House. Amazing, it needs to go viral. Can anyone believe this lady. The sender asked whether she was on drugs or drunk, my guess is neither, she has simply aged to the point where she is experiencing something we will all experience someday, some more than others. To think this person is the third in line to sit in the Oval Office should something drastic happen to Trump and Pence scares the hell out of me. You watch and you decide.

Originally posted 2019-01-27 15:47:31.

Public Service Announcement

This PSA was brought to you courtesy of Trump Country. Enjoy!

Yeah, I know you are probably asking what the photo of slim bucket Kerry has to do with this post? Well, really, nothing at all. I just love that photo of him. He looks like someone ask him what he did during the big war, Vietnam that is. LOL And he is trying come up with something heroic, but can’t think of anything because he threw his medals over the WH fence. 


Originally posted 2018-10-31 16:33:48.