Tag Archives: dogs


You probably don’t know this about me, and it may surprise some of you. I am an devote animal lover. My bride says I would wreck the car rather than run over a squirrel, and you know what? She’s probably right. She also asks why I don’t have the same compassion and affection towards the human race as I do for the animal kingdom. That’s an easy one to answer. Humans are stupid, they are in charge of their own destiny, but many are too ignorant to understand that. They are inherently selfish, egotistical, or just plain idiots. I mean, look around you folks.

On the other hand the animal kingdom may be considered selfish, but only to the point of survival. I used to be an avid hunter like my Dad. The last animal I killed was a cow Elk back in my Montana days. I did not need the meat, but I did it, and felt awful about it for days. I will admit the meat was superb unlike venison. For the uniformed, Elk are grazers like cattle, while deer are browsers. That was around 2001, and I have never killed an animal since, and never will.

So, why am I telling you all this about me? Well, that POS and his Sec State lied to us. But then, from what I can gather they worded their comments in such a matter that they weren’t actually lying. “We did not leave any dogs in cages at the airport.”  LOL. Now it appears the key word  was “cages.” They turned them loose before they departed and allowed them to run wild. 

Some of you may be thinking so what, their animals, save the American citizens. Really? Let me pose this to you. If you were an American citizen there and knew the withdrawal date was nearing and having lived with these barbaric scum and seen what they are capable of, would you not have packed up your trash and got the hell, out  of there? If you say no, you are what I am talking about when I said humans have control of their own destiny, animals do not. Those American citizens made choices and remained for whatever reason,  even those who worked for our Govt. I’m not saying we should not go in and get them, but those dogs had no choice so they are as important to me as those citizens — same priority!

Why could we not have loaded the dogs on the aircraft? Because there was no plan for this operation.