Tag Archives: dems

Gas or Electric

OMG, What’s next gang? There is not enough going on in this once great Nation, that we now have to hear that coking on a gas stove is bad for our health. This would be so hilarious if it weren’t so true. Keep it Joey, you are outdoing yourself.

Another good one from my friend and Marine Greg Maresca

A cooked-up nanny state crockpot

By: G. Maresca

The left wants you driving an electric car and now cooking on an electric stove as they want to ban gas stoves. Richard Trumka of the Biden administration’s Consumer Product Safety Commission said gas stoves should be banned under the guise of public-health.

This is the same administration claiming the border is secure and inflation under control.  We are $31 trillion in debt with Social Security heading toward insolvency and the left wants to know what you cook on.

After criticism, Trumka backtracked saying President Biden is not in favor of banning gas stoves. Trumka mistakenly said the unspoken bestowing new meaning to the expression: gaslighting. When it comes to the climate alarmist agenda, there is always something simmering on the burner.

Rather than cook on gas stoves, the Biden’s will not only cook but heat the White House by burning all those classified documents stored in their garage at Car-a-Lago. Was this “find” of classified materials the roadmap to route Joe and his Corvette to the exit ramp? Such fodder is a column for another day.

The left had their bedrooms liberated with the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision and have now moved into your garage, bathroom, and kitchen.

Leftists claim gas stoves are a health hazard.

Cooking is chemistry and the noxious gases created are from the ingredients, the digestive tract and sometimes from poor ventilation, but not natural gas. This is not about your health or renewable energy; it is about power and control. People need to realize when government bureaucrats regulate health, safety, and energy, they are nothing but trojan horses for unchecked hegemony.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has taken the appliance truck hostage saying all new gas stoves, hot water heaters and furnaces will not be sold starting in 2025.  By 2035, New York will join their Californian brethren where it will be illegal to purchase a gas vehicle.

Such “bans” are part of the Great Reset that will supplant individual freedom of choice with government diktats. Liberty is taken one small bite at a time all in the hallowed name of the common good. Famed science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein said decades ago that “there is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”

How convenient that the Inflation Reduction Act includes an $840 rebate for electric stoves. Provided subsidies, rebates, and tax credits are ineffective, coercion follows. We will be like Cuba is with cars except with gas stoves that are a half century old. We will be scrounging and fabricating parts to keep our gas appliances serviceable.

mocrats are pro-choice and follow the science loyalists except when it comes to gas. According to Consumer Reports, more gas is used to generate the electricity needed to run an electric stove than a gas one. Likewise, gas stoves are not the preferred stove to cook on and do not stay hot after use. How many restaurants on Martha’s Vineyard cook with electric? Moreover, gas stoves still function when the power goes out.

No matter what the science says, including published peer reviewed analysis of data, you will still be labeled as a “climate denier and a crackpot conspiracy theorist” if you don’t agree. Perhaps the solution lies in having your gas stove identifying as electric along with any other gas appliance.

As the electric grid grows more strained with each passing year, going all electric where a portion is dependent on unreliable and destabilized renewable power has plenty of consequences.

Electric cars, light bulbs, toilets, pronouns, and now gas stoves as it is one absurdity after another. What’s next? The FBI kicking down my door and wrenching away my quarter century chrome shower head from my warm wet hands.

Burger joints and steak houses will go the way of phone booths and VHS tapes. Enter gluten free soy cuts on an electric stove cooked by an LGBTQ+ illegal immigrant.

So, leave the key under the mat when they come for your gas appliances and go out and get your COVID booster and make sure your mask covers your nose.

What’s there not to like?


Originally posted 2023-01-21 17:49:10.

Northerners Feel the Pain.

FL, TX and AZ have had enough of sloppy Joe’s and Harris’ BS about the border being secure This issue is, in my mind, the biggest problem facing this country today, and it’s about time those liberal northern states who have been immune to the realities of the open border feel the pain. Suck it libitards.

There is a lot to read here folks if you click on the links, LOL. Several states having to call out their National Guard to help. Don’t you just love it? Help by donating to FL and TX to send these illegals north!

Read more at Fox

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed through on his promise to drop off illegal immigrants in progressive states, sending two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday.

A video provided to Fox News Digital shows the migrants deboarding the planes at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts.

“Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” the governor’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told Fox News Digital.


“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” she said.

“As you may know, in this past legislative session the Florida legislature appropriated $12 million to implement a program to facilitate the transport of illegal immigrants from this state consistent with federal law,” she said, later adding that the state’s “immigration relocation program targets both human smugglers found in the state, but also preempts others from coming to Florida.”

The office of Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker responded to an after-hours email from Fox News Digital, saying it was aware of the situation and that the arrivals were provided short-term shelter.

“The Baker-Polito Administration is in touch with local officials regarding the arrival of migrants in Martha’s Vineyard,” Terry MacCormack, Baker’s press secretary, wrote. “At this time, short-term shelter services are being provided by local officials, and the Administration will continue to support those efforts.”


Fox News Digital reported in April that Florida’s budget since approved by the state legislature included $12 million for the Florida Department of Transportation to remove illegal immigrants from the state and relocate them.

Martha’s Vineyard is famously known as a playground of rich progressives, including former President Barack Obama, who bought a multimillion-dollar house there in 2019.

DeSantis, a Republican, proposed Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard as a destination for such migrants, but his office explained at the time that they could also be sent “to other ‘progressive’ states whose governors endorse blatant violations of federal immigration law.”

“It is not the responsibility of Floridians to subsidize aliens to reside in our state unlawfully; we did not consent to Biden’s open-borders agenda,” the governor’s office said at the time.

In November, DeSantis said dozens of migrant flights landed in Florida at the behest of the Biden administration, and he threatened at that time to send them to Delaware on buses.

Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, began sending thousands of illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., in April as the migrant crisis overwhelmed border states. In August, buses from Texas started heading to New York City and Chicago. Arizona has also sent buses to Washington.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was put in charge of tackling the border crisis by President Biden shortly after they assumed office in 2021, sparked a firestorm this week after she twice declared the U.S. southern border is “secure” while administration officials estimate an average of 55,000 so-called “gotaways” each month — illegal immigrants who successfully make it into the country without being detained.


God bless Governors Abbott and Desantis!

Originally posted 2022-09-15 11:29:35.

The Schuylkill County “We The People”

Still on the road in Charleston, SC, but had to force myself to post another barn burner and a must read from Greg. We are in great danger folks in case you have not realized it yet. God help us!!

“We the People”

By: G. Maresca

Like 48 years ago, it was a hot August day when another unprecedented historical unintended consequence entered the American chronicle when President Richard Nixon resigned his office. Being a paperboy and a two-sewer stickballer, I took time out of my summer vacation to watch the proceedings on network television.

This time I did not watch as another presidential first went down as a 30-member FBI platoon with weapons drawn burst into the home of a former president, The nine-and-a-half-hour marathon raid’s legacy is another despondent day for the American republic.

The raid was another exemplar of how federal agencies have been weaponized against the Constitution they are sworn to defend and protect. Maybe it was another variant of the Trump Derangement Syndrome and a warning to all MAGA supporters of what awaits them.

Parlay all three.

The raid certainly raises constitutional questions and any prosecution under the Espionage Act would be a reach yet remains to be seen.

After the Clintons removed spoils from the White House, no FBI raid occurred despite clearly underestimating the value of what was taken. Donald Trump’s circumstance should have been handled with the same discretion. Instead of the raid, a legal action in conjunction with the National Archives would have sufficed.

Leave it to the Babylon Bee this generation’s version of Mad Magazine to find levity: “The FBI raid on Melania’s closet was justified,” says Attorney General Merrick Garland while wearing a gorgeous new evening gown and sun hat.”

Where are the federal investigations of Hillary Clinton’s bleached servers, Hunter Biden’s laptop and illicit dealings with foreign governments, and Rep. Eric Swalwell’s intimate relationship with a Chinese spy, or the longstanding parade of Democrats sailing off to Epstein’s Island?

Democrats and the bureaucratic swamp creatures they breed have done everything to Trump short of assassinating him. Trump continues to live rent free in their heads but now as a private citizen.

The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is another ill-advised bill directed at reducing inflation and climate change that will prevent neither. The IRA should be renamed the IRS Enforcement Act as it will supersize the agency by adding 87,000 more agents, arming the IRS with more agents than the Marine Corps has Marines. The bill will not only raise but convolute the tax code even further, stagnating the economy leading to diminished investments in a stock market that is more roller coaster than Ferris wheel.

Democrats and the Washington bureaucratic swamp possess a hearty appetite for self-preservation and understand that the only Republican whom President Biden could defeat in 2024 is Trump. Attacking Trump compels Republicans to rally to his defense making him a likely candidate in 2024.

As the nation continues on its tight rope, Benjamin Franklin’s prophetic words ring louder: “We created a republic, if you can keep it.”

The average life expectancy for an empire is 250 years.

Over two centuries ago, a Scotsman and a contemporary of Franklin named Alexander Tytler, made the insightful reflection that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government especially when the electorate discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. Democracy then collapses into a dictatorship.

The impetus to respond on a local level to our ailing, late-stage empire was not lost on Jim Eisenhart, a Schuylkill County native, who recently formed a “We The People” non-partisan, grassroots group dedicated to educating and discussing Constitutional government.

There is an Edmund Burke quality to Eisenhart’s efforts whom like Burke, the 18th century Irish statesman who served in the British House of Commons, understands that the hallmark of a healthy society is reconciliation of the present and the future to the past.

The U.S. Constitution is the sovereign law of the land and remains the font from which protections against government overreach springs. For it is the Constitution that bounds the power of the federal government, not enables it. People must realize that it is them, not the government that holds the power.

The first three words of the Constitution sum it up concisely and the Schuylkill County “We The People” group will hold their second meeting at the Fountain Springs Country Inn at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15.

When will we wake up folks and take back our country? I cannot imagine an IRS larger than the United States Marine Corps. Can you? Why?

Originally posted 2022-08-19 17:04:41.

Here’s Greg

In case you haven’t noticed, I have been absent, UA, AWOL, or simply MIA. LOL. Sorry gang, but am still on vacation traveling in the RV visiting relatives. Am currently in MD to celebrate my daughter’s 60th this Saturday. For the first time on the trip, I have a solid Wifi connection so I thought I would peak at what is in my laptop. WOW. For those of you who do not know what minimize means, let me say again. NO EMAIL TRAFFIC. There are a few exceptions and Greg is one of them and he has sent me a good one. With that, here’s Greg.

Clearing the ledger

By: G. Maresca

There is plenty to say about brevity, but that would defeat the purpose.  Neither time nor space affords me the opportunity to opine on the many headlines, stories, and political twists that comprise an average news day – let alone an entire week.  With that in mind, let’s clear the ledger.

The Federal Reserve has yet to learn the hard lessons of the 1970s inflation that when growth of the money supply slows, so does the increase in prices.

Considering the rapid increase in inflation, it should lead to a major reform in the capital gains tax but it won’t considering Congress is home to so many fiscal illiterates.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law that allows all teachers to conceal carry a handgun – with librarians allowed to use silencers.

German leaders of the anti-immigration party called Angela Merkel the worst Chancellor in Germany’s history – now that is saying something.

Why can’t the left comprehend that Title IX was never meant to allow male athletes to compete against female athletes?

How fortunate the nation is that Merrick Garland is not on the Supreme Court.

With unstable financial markets, and increasing crime, Democrats want you to turn in your weapons.

 The tithe at the Church of Green Energy is well over 10% and it is anything but voluntary.

Leftist fanatics find their way to university faculties, journalists, and district attorneys, while those on the right are ostracized, threatened, and fired.

The issue of Nazism was settled in 1945 when the notion of white supremacy was soundly defeated by the forces of white privilege.

Every school board in the country needs to make the U.S. Citizenship Test, administered to naturalizing immigrants, a high-school graduation requirement.

At this point, any abduction by aliens, is not an abduction, but a rescue.

The ability of children to read has become secondary to what they are allowed to read – for fear they may learn to read between the lines.

At the rate U.S. drug laws are being repealed, Hunter Biden could get indicted for not bringing enough drugs for everyone.

Perhaps the U.S. needs to expand the census to South America so that they can register in advance of arriving.

Many Democrat policy proposals are not only radical, but scientifically, economically, and numerically illiterate: Medicare for All and the Green New Deal violate the laws of economics, physics, and mathematics.

Socialism is contrary to human nature, while capitalism is the only proven economic system.

Wise decisions about how to utilize deficits start with understanding the factors that actually play into it and sadly many of our politicians don’t have a clue. Congress does not want the responsibility of governing, just the perks.

Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat no less, has doomed humankind by not supporting Biden’s green agenda.  And here I thought Donald Trump was humanity’s greatest villain. You need a scorecard to keep track of who the Democrats blame as the greatest nemesis of humanity each week.

Arguably, the nation’s two most existential threats are China and our national debt and Republicans need to start selling it that way.

Arizona executed its first prisoner in nearly eight years and for his last meal he requested some Kentucky Fried Chicken before kicking the bucket.

Dr. Seuss’s latest: There is Disorder at the Border by Executive Order.

A cargo plane arrived in Philadelphia from Australia with three million cans of baby formula on board.  Apparently, each can is labeled: Foster’s. Relax, it is a joke albeit a weak one. But any mother reading this can at some level certainly relate.

Have you noticed that when any leftist threaten to leave the U.S., they only mention white enclaves like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand?

Heinz Field was renamed by the Pittsburgh Steelers to Acrisure Stadium as the insurance and real-estate company acquired the naming rights for next 15 years. Granted, a good number of Steeler fans may not be able to spell or even pronounce the new name; but they will certainly ketchup sooner than later.

A recession is when your neighbor loses their job, a depression is when you lose your job and a recovery when Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats lose their jobs.

Originally posted 2022-07-28 11:03:51.

Four Months To Go


27 reasons and counting

By: G. Maresca


As the lead-in to the November midterms gears up, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thought it wise to delay passing legislation that would provide additional security for Supreme Court justices and their families saying, “nobody’s in danger.” This was after a gunman showed up in the middle of the night at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. For the first time a justice on the Supreme Court faced an attempted assassination.

Nor was it enough that the pro-abortion group “Ruth Sent Us” tweeted they are watching Kavanaugh’s wife and children, along with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home and where her children attend school. Leftists support a woman’s right to decide, unless that woman is Amy Coney Barrett.

The Democrat’s version of job creation is selling maps to the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices. Notice how no one has attempted to kill or in the middle of the night yell obscenities at the homes of those justices who identify with the left.

In Pelosi’s America, parents’ confronting local school boards results in domestic terrorism investigations, while harassing and intimidating justices at their homes is applauded. Perhaps Pelosi was too consumed with Gay Pride month as she surfaced at “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” saying, “This is what America is all about.”

Pelosi should do the honorable thing and resign for subjecting these justices to threats of violence and hinting that she would not mind attending a funeral for a justice, so Biden could nominate a new one.

The 82-year-old Pelosi is simply shameless.

The bipartisan legislation finally passed 396-27 and parallels the protections offered for senior members of Congress. Twenty-seven Democrats voted against such an essential security measure. Since they swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and in the hallowed name of equity, these infamous 27 need to relinquish their protection and be removed from their committee assignments because they cannot be impeached.

The bulk of the 27 hail from New Jersey and New York and yet they wonder why their states are losing seats in Congress. The notorious 27 underscore how the demarcation lines are shaping up for the fast-approaching November midterm election. They should be routed out of office but that remains to be seen.

There is simply no rational reason to vote against such a bill other than wishing harm on others. But what did you expect when Democrats failed to censure Sen. Chuck Schumer who blatantly threatened Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the steps of the Supreme Court saying, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Where is the Department of Justice investigation of Schumer? Here is a sitting senator threatening Supreme Court justices, while President Biden is MIA. This is extreme even for Democrats.

Threats to our constitutional system are of no consequence provided it does not coincide with leftist dogma. Whatever happened to civil discourse and common sense? Many need to do some deep soul searching.

From urban anarchy to ignoring death threats, the chasm between extreme and moderate Democrats provided there are any left within the party, are an endangered species. Conservative justices are not the only ones threatened – just rally against leftist dogma and you will incur their wrath. Rioting, protests, and looting will not win over the majority who are worn-out from these narcissistic hypocrites.

Taking a knee in prayer is bad, while taking a knee in protest of the national anthem is good. School choice is unhealthy, and abortion is healthcare. Such noxious behavior underscores how far we have fallen from comprehending what is necessary for a sustainable and free society.

Anything the left perceives as disorder from the right is condemned, prosecuted, pilloried in the media and weaponized against conservatives; whereas any lawlessness from the left is ignored, unprosecuted, whitewashed by the media, and tacitly endorsed by Democrats.

Until the rule of law is stripped of its partisan underpinnings, this is not going to get any better.

As the demarcation lines are being drawn in the religious, cultural, and political arena leading up to the critical November midterms, a thorough empirical examination of the issues will be appraised in this space.

With all the news always going in the direction that the Dims want, let me ask you a question. How are your 401Ks and IRAs doing?  As of the market this a.m., my combined IRAs have lost 19.12% in the last 12 months, and 25.28% YTD. And I have good stocks, which I feel certain will eventually rebound. That is as soon as we get an administration that has a clue what they are doing. What was that saying “It’s the economy stupid.” November looms gang, get ready and be damn sure you vote!!!

BTW, do you know where the Strategic Oil Reserves went to and where they are going now, which was stated by Joey to lower our gas prices? Well they went and are still going overseas. Can someone please explain to me how that is supposed to lower our fuel prices? You don’t need to be an Economist to answer that question.

Originally posted 2022-07-07 10:18:41.