– get out from under your rock and off you butt and DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BITCHING TO YOUR NEIGHBOR!
When I wrote “The Book,” I was forced to add another chapter after a dinner out with our neighbors at the time. The book was basically done; Dennis and I were in the throes of rereading the chapters over and over editing for errors. I became so upset at that dinner, my bride and I left before desert and came home. I went straight to my office, fired up my computer, opened a new Word doc, and did what Denny always told me to do – just put words on paper. I finished spewing out words around 0300 and emailed the doc to Denny. Of course him being on Pacific time and me on Central, it arrived around 0100 his time.
The next morning Denny called me and jokingly said “Wow, were you pissed or what?” He had been trying to get me to say something about how we were treated upon returning from Vietnam, but I refused. I simply wanted a dead horse to die once and for all. Therefore, needless to say, he was elated by my rant. Instead of it becoming the last chapter, it became #28, which was where it belonged.
Why am I telling you this you ask. Because I still feel the same way today about the so-called “silent majority” as I did when I wrote that chapter. They suck. Their cowards. Traditionally, they are a group self indulged, self absorbed, lazy folks who bitch and complain about everything, then do nothing – – absolutely nothing! There is no organization about them. Many are well educated, but they live in their own world, they only have time to bitch, of which they do a lot. Where am I going with this? Watch both video s in the order I have them listed and your question will be answered. Be sure to read some of the comments afterward. Many, I’m sure are part of the silent majority.
Questions? I do. Are you using a Harry’s Razor? Or what about any Gillette product? I used a Harry’s razor for years, that is till they came out woke over a year ago. I trashed the razor and bought a Gillette, that is till they went woke. Now I use my electric razor more often, except when I want a really close shave, then I use my Schick until my Jeremy’s razor order comes in.
When will the silent majority wake up and realize the power they have when opening their wallet? Who still buys China junk? My bride wanted a new fridge and wanted the new GE style. We had to wait seven months because the one we chose was made in America. We could have gotten a similar model in two weeks, but made in China.
Who still buys Woke Coke products? Who still pays $6-8 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks? Folks the list goes on and on. How about Disney’s latest comments? I guess they’ve lost sight of in which state the world is located. Taking on our Governor is not a smart move. Walt must be screaming from his grave. PLEASE wake up and understand the power you have. Open your eyes and ears, watch the TV commercials and see who is filling their ads with BS. BTW, that will be my next post, watch for it, it’s another real eye opener.
PS, when you discover another woke company, send me the info and I will keep a running list of these companies that hate us, but want us to buy their product.
Gang, I know it’s Sunday and a time for respite, but this came across the wire today and I just have to share it now. It appears Woke Coke hasn’t learned despite their drop in sales, Now they have come out with something utterly ridiculous by demanding the law firms, etc. who represent them to diversify. LOL. And now the shareholders, who by the way OWN the company and for whom the board of directors are supposed to be working are speaking out. I love it. See the power consumers and shareholders wield over corporations. Pass the word, let’s destroy this woke company!
Coca-Cola Shareholders Send Letter Attacking Company’s Woke Policy For Contracted Lawyers, Saying It Requires Them To Violate Anti-Discrimination Law
Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images
A group of “concerned” Coca-Cola shareholders have sent a letter to the beverage corporation, alleging a recent policy aimed at diversity would actually require law firms that represent the company to violate anti-discrimination law.
Paul Mirengoff, a board member of the American Civil Rights Project (ACRP), reported at Powerline that in January 2021, “the general counsel of Coca-Cola sent a letter to the law firms that represent it. The letter demanded, among other things, that these firms ‘commit that at least 30% of each of billed associate and partner time will be from diverse attorneys, and of such amounts at least half will be from Black attorneys.’”
ACRP responded to the policy with an open letter demanding that Coca-Cola either “publicly retract the discriminatory outside-counsel policies it announced in January” or “provide access to the corporate records related to the decision of Coca-Cola’s officers and directors to adopt and retain those illegal policies,” Mirengoff wrote.
The letter notes that Coca-Cola’s policy “of contracting, refusing to contract, and altering the terms of signed contracts on the basis of the race of Coke’s counterparties, the [directors] have exposed Coke and its shareholders to material risk of liability” for potentially violating anti-discrimination laws.
The letter continues:
The Policies additionally expose the company to potential litigation on other theories, including (without waiving the right to later note more):
(a)the Policies order outside counsel to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, and disability status in hiring, promotional decisions, firing, staffing, and internal compensation structures. In doing so, the Policies order outside counsel to violate Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964,Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(b)in requiring the disclosure of individual outside-counsel “team member[’]s” disability status, the Policies separately compel the violation of the confidentiality provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
As Mirengoff noted, the letter adds that Coca-Cola knew or should have known the policy it enacted was illegal. In April, famed attorney Boyden Gray wrote an open letter to the company outlining how the new policy was discriminatory, so by now the company should have no questions as to whether the policy is potentially illegal.
Yet, as Daniel Morenoff, leader of the ACRP wrote in the letter to Coca-Cola, on the same day Gray wrote his letter, the company:
[Coke] executed and filed with the SEC a Form 10Q omitting any reference whatsoever to the [illegal contracting] policies or Coke’s related liabilities. Given the total omission of these material liabilities, that document, by all appearances, did not “contain[ ]” or “fairly present[ ], in all material respects, the financial condition…. of the Company.” Thus, [Coke] executed and submitted to the SEC a false “Certification Pursuant to 18 USC Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Even though Coca-Cola didn’t report this new policy, Morenoff wrote, it has retained the policy. Concluding his letter, Morenoff issued a demand to the company:
The Stockholders therefore demand that you immediately publicly retract the Policies in their entirety. If we do not receive a response to these demands within 30 business days, we will understand. . .Coke. . .to have refused to address these matters themselves. At that point, the Stockholders will be forced to seek judicial relief to protect Coke and the Stockholders’ interests in the company from your continued breaches of your fiduciary duties.
I hope that after you have reviewed this letter, you will be in touch to inform us of how Coke will comply with these demands.
The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.
Postscript. PLEASE share this with as many friends as you can, we can destroy this company and send the word to other corporations to mind their own business of running the company for its shareholders and stay out of politics.
First of all, I did some search to get a photo of the Minnesota State Flag for this post and WOW! t appears they are in the process of redesigning it. I could not believe some of the submissions, albeit I was expecting to see one honoring George Floyd, maybe it’s coming?
Folks, if you live in MN or know someone who resides there, you may want to share this post with them. I can tell this much, if I lived there, which would be akin to living in the real cesspool of politics, yes you guessed it, ILLINOIS, and I had school aged children, you can bet they would not be attending the public school system. Wait till you read this garbage
Vladimir Lenin said:
“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”
Well, this country is working on that generation right now and before our eyes. And MN is leading the way. Question: Do you know what’s being taught to your children? Do you ask them at the dinner table every night what they learned in school that day? Well, if you don’t, than I happen to think you are part of the problem!!!
Minnesota’s New Social Studies Curriculum Would Racialize First-Graders, Teach High Schoolers About The Evils Of ‘Whiteness, Capitalism, And Christianity’
The Minnesota Department of Education released a draft of its new social studies curriculum standards, which place a new emphasis on diversity, equity, and gender.
The social studies curriculum is up for state-wide review during the 2020-21 school year as part of Minnesota’s 10-year cyclical curriculum review. The Department of Education’s standards committee has dubbed the new framework a “more inclusive approach to social studies education.”
According to a copy of the standards, the committee wants to begin social studies classes with a land acknowledgment. Land acknowledgments tell students that they are learning on land that was conquered by Americans, though once belonged to Native Americans.
“Minnesota is the contemporary and ancestral home of the Anishinaabe and Dakota peoples, and social studies education on this land will acknowledge and honor their contemporary and historical voices,” the draft reads.
Under the new standards, learning about social justice curriculum begins in the first grade. Six and seven-year-olds may be taught about systemic discrimination and how groups have fought against such discrimination.
“[Students will] learn to recognize unfairness, stereotypes, and bias on the individual level (e.g., biased speech) and injustice at the institutional or systemic level (e.g. discrimination),” the curriculum reads. “[Student will] explore how individuals and groups in the past have fought against bias and discrimination through social justice movements.”
The standards insist that fourth-graders investigate how race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and geographic location shape the opinions of people.
In fifth grade, students are asked to “investigate how groups (example: women, religious groups, civil rights groups, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ) have advocated for access to greater rights.” Fifth-graders must also learn about the ongoing debate about renaming buildings following the death of George Floyd and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Elementary students are asked to “analyze how different perspectives influenced past decisions to name places and impact changing place names today.”
Middle schoolers may soon be exposed to learning about racism in relation to the criminal justice system in Minnesota, the evils of capitalism, and social justice activism.
The standards ask sixth-graders to “describe the goals, offenses, penalties, long-term consequences, privacy concerns of Minnesota’s juvenile justice system and evaluate the impact on Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) communities.”
Sixth-graders are also asked to assess the goals of activists in their “quest for their voice to be heard.” The standards specifically address the activism of anti-war, racial minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, LGBTQ, and indigenous people.
In seventh grade, students may be asked to describe how profit can be used as “an incentive for people to exploit others or the environment.”
High school students undergo the most intense social justice indoctrination. At one point in the curriculum, freshmen are taught about the evils of “whiteness, Christianity, and capitalism,” and asked to question the country’s founding documents.
According to the standards, ninth-graders must “describe the tactics used by the United States government to claim indigenous and Mexican land, including but not limited to an analysis of the ideology of Manifest Destiny and its relationship to whiteness, Christianity, and capitalism.”
The same students learn about how Euro-Americans allegedly used “whiteness” and traditional gender norms to keep people enslaved.
“Identify how Europeans and Euro-Americans developed new legal justifications for slavery and settler colonialism in the Americas by creating new racial categories (i.e. Whiteness), and new ideas about gender,” the curriculum reads.
Other lessons include an explanation of how “systemic inequity” created barriers to accessing credit, explain how race is a “social construction” used to “oppress people of color,” and learn to embrace gender ideology.
“[Students will] explain the social construction of race and how it was used to oppress people of color and assess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systematic oppressions for racial/ethnic groups related to accessing social, political, economic, and spatial opportunities,” the curriculum reads. “[Students will] develop a respectful awareness about how ideas and norms about gender have changed over time, and how members of the LGBTQ+ community have responded to persecution or marginalization by building coalitions in order to promote gender equality/equity.”
Instructors are told to teach about the failure and successes of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments during the Reconstruction era. The curriculum asks teachers to “connect this history to persistent discrimination and inequity in the present.”
Ninth-graders must also question why the United States’ founding documents included only the voices of white people.
“[Students will] analyze the founding documents of the United States, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as historical sources, asking who created them, whose voices were absent, and whose interests were articulated,” the standards read.
According to the Department of Education’s webpage, the committee will delay making a second draft until it has paid “full attention to issues of diversity and equity.”
During a virtual committee meeting, the department’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Teaching and Learning Bobbie Burnham said that the standards will be developed with an emphasis on the “lived experiences” of young, marginalized students.
“The committee has articulated the need to make standards and supporting benchmarks more meaningful by attending to the race, ethnicity, identity, and lived experiences of young people in relation to civic life and acknowledging voices and experiences of marginalized youth,” Burnham said.
A second draft is slated to be released in early June.
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