Tag Archives: Cortez

How Did AOC Get Elected?

Hi Gang, did you tell your mother Happy Mother’s Day yet? I wish I could but she passed several years ago, and I do miss her dearly. I know it’s Mother’s Day, but we have returned from a great Brunch paid for by my bride’s son, Mark, who flies into wherever we are from NE every year to take his Mom to brunch, and of course, he allows me to tag along. LOL.

Anyway, I have a video for you to watch that might shine some light as to what is really going on behind the scenes from the left. This was a real eye opener to me because for the life of me I could not understand how she got elected. I mean how stupid could folks from a certain district in NY be such imbeciles. Here is the answer. It’s a long video, so don’t click on it until you have the time to really watch, listen, and absorb what the person has to say.  Now it all makes sense to me. You must understand I do not watch any news programs at all, except a local one out of Chicago, which I tune to at night after prime time to see what the body count was for the day in nice city.

Anyway, please watch and listen to this amazing video.

Originally posted 2019-05-12 17:33:12.