Tag Archives: communism

Just What is “Progressivism?”

What a great question. And while I could attempt to answer that question, my good friend, Mustang, at Bunkerville| God, Guns, and Guts Comrades does a superb job of explaining it in terms this ole Grunt Marine understands. His posts are always great, you might want to join his blog; he is an Historian, what I consider a History SME! So, I shall not copy his excellent article, please click on his link below and it will take you to his website. Be sure to read some of the comments.  Thank you Mustang for an excellent post!!

Just what is “Progressivism?”

Semper Fi  Brother!

                                                                Karl Marx                                                             Frederick Engels






Immanuel Kant






Originally posted 2021-05-24 17:16:56.

Lovin it!

Hey gang, thanks for all the comments to that scum sucking ne’er-do-well who sent me the email claiming to be one of us. LOL. Got so many comments I can’t answer them all.  They are all great, but some are REALLY great! Not surprised he didn’t rise up again, the POS! Several of you thought perhaps if he was a marine (no caps) he was a lover of Mr. Mattis and is defending that non-marine turncoat. BTW can you believe I am STILL getting daily hits on that post from 9 June 2020!.  That post has been around the world several times.

New subject. Have you heard about Twitter and the President and all conservatives. Check out this link. Glad I do not own that scum sucking liberal company. Let’s bring em’ down, pass the word.


I had to go ask Google how to deactivate my Twitter account since I didn’t know because I never use it except to report a new blog entry, but I don’t need their BS. If you want to deactivate yours and don’t know how, here are two descriptions, I used the first one; it was easy. Worked great. Color me gone Twitter.

How to deactivate your account
  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon or your profile icon. …
  2. Tap Account, then tap Deactivate your account at the bottom.
  3. Read the account deactivation information, then tap Deactivate.
  4. Enter your password when prompted and tap Deactivate.
  1. Click on the More icon  and then click on Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu.
  2. From the Your account tab, click on Deactivate your account at the bottom of the page.
  3. Read the account deactivation information, then click Deactivate.  
  4. Enter your password when prompted and confirm that you want to proceed by clicking the Deactivate account button.

Originally posted 2021-01-12 17:23:17.

Replies Requested

Received a comment on my post entitled “Let’s Forgive Everyone” from a person who shows a link to his/her blog entitled, https://cafebedouin.org/. I visited the blog and all I can say is OMG, here’s another “one.” While I did reply with a few comments, I thought I’d post his comment so my followers could reply directly to him. Have at it folks, and as all of you do, please don’t hold back.

By Illinois, you must mean Chicago. The rest of the state shares your preferences. The idea that people poor enough to steal, with addiction problems, etc. might benefit from something other than jail time doesn’t sound as wrong-headed as you are desperately trying to paint it here.

Originally posted 2021-01-04 10:22:33.

Soviet Politics, American Style

The above photo is of Young Communists saluting as they pass Lenin’s Tomb in the U.S.S.R., May 1, 1924. Many of you are probably going to consider I have gone off the deep end and finally crashed into insanity. Hell, I don’t know, maybe I have? However, I cannot help but believe my country that I love more than anything. The country that gave a dumb shit Baltimore HS drop out kid of 17 the chance to make something of himself and have a wonderfully, fulfilling, fantastically enjoyable career serving it is doomed due to the likes of the mentally sick, brainwashed, nitwitted young fools  who are convinced our country is sick. Below is a well written, easily interpreted essay of doom. Enjoy if you can. Be sure to read the Postscript.

On Christmas Day 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union, gave his farewell speech and more than seven decades of Russian revolutionary socialism came to an end. A generation later, the spirit of the Soviet Union has re-emerged with mass support in the U.S.

When I arrived in Moscow in 1976 to begin a six-year stint as a correspondent, I was struck by the red flags flying from government buildings and the somber streets devoid of advertising except for garish posters showing workers with clenched fists demanding an end to the arms race.

When the Soviet Union fell, it seemed the Soviet attempt to impose a deluded version of reality had died with it. Francis Fukuyama, in his 1989 essay “The End of History,” said that Marxism-Leninism was doomed as an alternative to liberal democracy. I argued at the time that the drive to make a religion out of politics had not disappeared.

For the past four years, potted histories have warned about the rise of fascism in the U.S. But the real danger is the transformation of “tolerance” into an ideology with its own courts, informers and punishments, all of them reminiscent of the Soviet Union.

One of the pillars of the Soviet Union was a controlled press in which all coverage was organized to confirm a mendacious ideology.

A friend of mine in Moscow, Vladimir Fyodorov, went to work for the TASS news service, which offered readers not news but a “correct” depiction of events, especially regarding the U.S. and the “ulcers of capitalism”—racism, crime and unemployment.

On his first day at TASS, Vladimir was handed a United Press International story about a U.S. company that was promoting a high-quality tire and offered to replace older tires free of charge. Vladimir wanted to kill the story but his boss rewrote it. The new version read: “In the crafty capitalist market, firms frequently offer low-quality products. This is why a well-known American firm was forced to replace tires that were of inferior quality.” The headline was “Deception of Buyer.”

A few weeks later, Vladimir was given a report that prisons in Fiji were so comfortable that people preferred to stay there than to be at liberty. He produced a report that life in Fiji was so unbearable that people preferred to live in prison. His colleagues congratulated him. He told himself: “I’m going to go out of my mind here.”

Soviet practices would have once been unthinkable in the U.S. media. But in August 2016, Jim Rutenberg, media columnist for the New York Times, wrote that if journalists believed that Mr. Trump was a “demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalist tendencies,” it was necessary to “throw out the textbook of American journalism.” The Times started to characterize Mr. Trump’s statements as “lies” in news stories and suppress news that worked to Mr. Trump’s advantage, such as the Hunter Biden story this fall.

The Times also advanced an ideological account of U.S. history, according to which the American Revolution was undertaken to defend slavery, and promoted it over the objections of historians and the paper’s own fact-checkers.

The Soviet system also relied on the complete liquidation of academic freedom. Marxism-Leninism was treated as a perfect science. But the ideology raised obvious questions: In a “classless society,” why were there special stores for officials? If socialism ended war, why did the Soviet Union and China go to war in 1969 over Damansky Island?

If a student tried to raise these questions, he was expelled from the Komsomol, the communist youth league. That ended any hope of a career. I knew a young man in Moscow who refused to be intimidated and continued to ask questions. He was committed to a mental hospital.

The Soviet style has become a reality in the U.S. Speakers are routinely canceled on ideological grounds: In July the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbour, Maine, canceled a virtual talk with Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society because of “the moment of reckoning our society is going through.” At my alma mater, the University of Chicago, the English department announced that it would “only accept applicants interested in working in and with Black Studies.”

The Soviet Union finally counted on the readiness of people to betray even family and friends. The regime held up Pavel Morozov (1918-32) as a martyr. He lived in a village in the Urals when the regime was collectivizing agriculture. When Pavel learned that his father was helping peasants hide grain, he walked 35 miles to the nearest town to report him to the secret police. His father was arrested and Pavel was stabbed to death by relatives.

I thought of Pavel Morozov when I read a June op-ed in the New York Times by Chad Sanders, a black writer. He told his white friends that he didn’t need their “love texts” and suggested that instead they cut off contact with family members until they sent money to Black Lives Matter or joined their protests.

When Mr. Gorbachev began the reforms that destroyed the Soviet Union, he said, referring to the U.S.: “We’re going to do something terrible to you. We’re going to deprive you of an enemy.” Twenty-nine years later, it’s clear he was right. Without the ideological challenge of the Soviet Union, we have become immersed in internal conflicts and have made an ideology out of them.

It is true that Marxism is a more coherent system of thought than “wokeism.” But even an intellectual hodgepodge can engender totalitarian habits if it fulfills an emotional need and becomes a device of interpretation.

The antidote is fidelity to higher values. But that requires a moral seriousness that a world at peace and in thrall to superficialities does not inspire. “The West does not know and does not want to know what shaped it,” writes Cardinal Robert Sarah, a Guinean prelate. “This self-asphyxiation leads to new barbaric civilizations.”

The Soviet Union is dead, but its ghost wanders an unsettled world. Finding a lodestar for society’s moral development is the most important challenge facing the U.S. today.

Mr. Satter is author of “Age of Delirium: the Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union” and a member of the academic advisory board of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

Postscript from anonymous.

Franklin Graham said it right and so have I, this is the last free election if Donald Trump doesn’t win we will ever SEE in America . We are done here. Unfortunately we are too late to be effective with a vote. There will be only two alternatives left to us if Biden is seated as President. We have heard it once in our history loudly at Concord. The British are coming to take our guns. Then a shot was fired. The rest is history.

We may hear again a shot fired when someone is burning our town, or another family arrested for protecting their home standing on their steps. Or another old man or woman is hit to the ground for no reason other than walking on a public street. I ask you to think about that. If licensed to carry, do it. If not licensed, get licensed now! Be prepared to defend others in need. Lawlessness is coming on scale. We must decide to stand aside or to stand up. Not a pleasant decision. Get your head straight and make some decisions on how you will react. Be ready to defend your family and for some of us, the Constitution we have sworn to protect.

President Clinton started the ball of breakdown to socialism. I am proud that American’s stood up for a disrupter like Trump. I thought I was alone. I was SO proud of America . Today, Trump is all that is left holding the line. Give him what you’ve got. Prepare to defend yourself!!!


Originally posted 2020-12-23 10:38:57.

Need Some Help Folks

Okay, as I’m sure you are as well, I am sick over all this election trouble, but knew it was coming. The Dems have had four years to ensure what happened to Clinton would not happen to him. So while we wait for all the legal battles I need some help.

I am a die hard right wing conservative through and through. So, what are we supposed to do now?

I reckon we are supposed to take a clue from that other side and should be rioting,  breaking windows, burning down buildings,  looting the stores in our area, and maybe even shooting at policemen and burning their cars?

Personally, I favor Bass Pro Shops or Home Depots. My wife says she favors Bed, Bath, & Beyond. What about food and beverages? We’ll bring a cheese and cracker tray. I’m wondering about the dress code, are dungarees okay or something a little less formal; maybe western? Actually, since we are in Florida, I favor shorts and an UA T.

We need an organizer and of course, some one to fund the operations and transportation; I seriously doubt if George Soros would finance this one; he’s probably short on funds by now.

We need some lists. I have so many questions since I’ve never done anything like this before. Maybe some of the Dems on here can help us. Oh, I forgot, I don’t think we have any of them on here except this Daniel fellow, but he is so stupid he wouldn’t know how to find his butt with both hands, about as ignorant as a box of hammers.

Perhaps some of you could contact folks in MI, PA, WI, CA, OR, WA, or NV and ask for their suggestions. But then they may be too busy carting in more mail-in ballots.

Anyway, lets try and get some answers from someone. Biden , the puppet, wouldn’t know since he hasn’t figured out where he is, or if they have even let him out of his basement yet.

I have decided I need we new name for what is supposed to be the Democratic Party or DNC as some call it. I wonder what Carter thinks about his party, of JFK, or even LBJ? Me think LNC as in Liberal National Committee, or maybe the Scum Sucking Party, or the American Communist Party? Any suggestion?

I refuse to take my Trump signs down from my yard or stop wearing my red MAGA hat. So in a year or so when everything turns to dodo, I can smile and proudly say, not my fault!

Originally posted 2020-11-07 13:35:51.