Tag Archives: communism

Need Some Help Folks

Okay, as I’m sure you are as well, I am sick over all this election trouble, but knew it was coming. The Dems have had four years to ensure what happened to Clinton would not happen to him. So while we wait for all the legal battles I need some help.

I am a die hard right wing conservative through and through. So, what are we supposed to do now?

I reckon we are supposed to take a clue from that other side and should be rioting,  breaking windows, burning down buildings,  looting the stores in our area, and maybe even shooting at policemen and burning their cars?

Personally, I favor Bass Pro Shops or Home Depots. My wife says she favors Bed, Bath, & Beyond. What about food and beverages? We’ll bring a cheese and cracker tray. I’m wondering about the dress code, are dungarees okay or something a little less formal; maybe western? Actually, since we are in Florida, I favor shorts and an UA T.

We need an organizer and of course, some one to fund the operations and transportation; I seriously doubt if George Soros would finance this one; he’s probably short on funds by now.

We need some lists. I have so many questions since I’ve never done anything like this before. Maybe some of the Dems on here can help us. Oh, I forgot, I don’t think we have any of them on here except this Daniel fellow, but he is so stupid he wouldn’t know how to find his butt with both hands, about as ignorant as a box of hammers.

Perhaps some of you could contact folks in MI, PA, WI, CA, OR, WA, or NV and ask for their suggestions. But then they may be too busy carting in more mail-in ballots.

Anyway, lets try and get some answers from someone. Biden , the puppet, wouldn’t know since he hasn’t figured out where he is, or if they have even let him out of his basement yet.

I have decided I need we new name for what is supposed to be the Democratic Party or DNC as some call it. I wonder what Carter thinks about his party, of JFK, or even LBJ? Me think LNC as in Liberal National Committee, or maybe the Scum Sucking Party, or the American Communist Party? Any suggestion?

I refuse to take my Trump signs down from my yard or stop wearing my red MAGA hat. So in a year or so when everything turns to dodo, I can smile and proudly say, not my fault!

Originally posted 2020-11-07 13:35:51.

My Pack is Heavy

Below is a  video a Marine Brother, Don Wolf, with whom I had the distinction to serve sent to me a while back. It has been in my computer ever since and I cannot tell you how many times I have clicked on it and watched. And each time I have great difficulty keeping my eyes clear enough to watch it.

I finally decided that I would take the time and post it. I have a problem though and that’s while I watch it, I think of all the slimy, gutless, pitiful millennials, spineless Gen Zers, and  wokeness, liberal, pronoun , transgender, and climate purveying bastards who have destroyed this once great nation. All I can find in my heart of hearts to say to those pieces of shit is — until you have worn the boots shut your damn mouth. And if you have worn the boots, yet have become one of those pieces of shit I just spoke of, you have sold your soul and I hope you rot in hell.

I am so sick  of hearing of the crime, broken justice system, abuse of power, stupid laws being passed to satisfied those ignorant shit heads.  Who the hell do those liberals in Colorado think they are that they have the right to decide who is or isn’t on a ballot for a national election.. And for all you sickly Californian’s, all I have to say is, maybe we should have a referendum on this year’s ballot with a  yes or no vote to give that shit state in which you hide back to Mexico. You don’t deserve to be one of the 50, and neither do you CO. I am a firm believer in State’s Rights, but you two abuse that privilege everyday. If you don’t want to be one of the 50, get out!

The biggest POS  of all who lives in our WH and all those pieces of garbage he has assigned to key cabinet positions because they were queer, transgender, lacked morals and principles, or the color of their skin is unbelievable, Your VP screwed her way to where she is and your press secretary is a disgrace to your office. I actually think she just might be dumber than you. We all know who is running this country; he’s into his third term. I wonder who he will find to get him his fourth? But then the libs are so stupid they just might try and elect that imbecile for his second term.

I’m tired of all this, and while I do not want to wish a few months of what life I have left, I cannot wait for November. Enjoy the video, make it full screen, and tell me  how many times you watch it brothers? Come on now be honest.

God, please help us, PLEASE!!!!


Kamala Harris ii

Here she is again in all her glory. This is real, this is her stating her case. She is a devote anarchist. This woman will be the president of the United States of America before next summer if Biden wins the election!.  I watched this twice to make sure I wasn’t seeing something rigged. I think not!

LORD, PLEASE HELP YOUR COUNTRY — PLEASE! If her and Biden win, my fear is You will banished from America!

Originally posted 2020-10-17 14:33:29.

25th Amendment

Pelosi Is already working to install Kamala Harris as president. Conspiracy theory you may contend, I think not. This plan is much more logical, but then no one ever referred to this woman (loose term) as logical. I, personally,  consider her something unspeakable in the venue. But knowing what is going on with the puppet Joe, this has to be their plan. Folks voting the left ticket are not voting for Sleepy Joe as president, they are voting Harris as president, and ny of them smart enough have already figured that out..

I received this from a brother Marine. Thanks Smitty! 

You may have heard some hype about the 25th amendment recently. The rumor on the street is that Nancy Pelosi wants to use it to get rid of President Trump. That’s a misdirection. Removing Donald Trump is not the goal with this plan; Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are.

By all means, Nancy Pelosi would remove President Trump with the 25th amendment if she could. She already impeached him with no criminal accusations and a bastardized impeachment process. But, using the 25th against President Trump simply isn’t viable.  The reasons lie in how the 25th Amendment works.

There are a few ways the 25th can be invoked to remove a sitting president. The first involves death, in which case the Amendment merely declares that the vice president takes over. The second method is by the president’s own volition. A sitting president can formally declare himself unable to serve the office. At that point, the vice president assumes the role. Obviously, not neither of those scenarios work for Nancy Pelosi.

The third way (and the one that matters in this case) is if the president is declared unfit to serve. In order to do this, the vice president has to agree that the president is unfit. In addition to this, there needs to be a majority agreement in either the president’s cabinet or both houses of Congress. Since the Democrats don’t control the Senate, President Trump’s cabinet or the vice presidency, there is absolutely no way Pelosi can weaponize the 25th against President Trump.

Even if the Democrats took the House and the Senate this November, they would still need Pence’s help, and he clearly won’t sign on to such a plot. Neither would members of his cabinet. So while Speaker Pelosi wants you to think her newly formed committee to study the 25th amendment is about ousting President Trump, that is a misdirect. It can’t happen. The real target is Joe Biden, and Trump even pointed that out on Twitter on Sunday.

Assuming Biden and Harris win in November, the plan is to get rid of Biden and install Harris as president. Why would Pelosi want to do this? Trump pointed out that Biden isn’t extreme enough for the radical, left-wing portion of the Democrat’s base.  They’re just trying to use voters to get him in office so they can install someone they really want.

There are two ways this could play out. The first is that the Democrats plant a bunch of traitors in Joe’s cabinet and Harris is able to ouster him with only their support. She becomes president, and the American people have no say in the matter.

The second is if they retain the House and win the Senate. Then, the Democrats can ouster Biden regardless of who is in his cabinet. All they need is the support of Kamala Harris, and we all know the lengths she’ll go to in order to gain power.

Remember Senator Harris slept with a married man to get her first job in politics and has flipped flopped on issues she said were important to her like the Green New Deal and fracking so Biden would put her on his ticket. She personifies the Democratic willingness to do and say absolutely anything for power.

Why do the Democrats want Harris instead of Biden? There are two reasons. First, even they realize that he is a senile old man who can’t do the job. Second, Harris is willing to do anything for the office. She will bend and give people like Pelosi anything she wants in order to get that power. She’ll suspend freedoms and abuse the presidency in ways we’ve never seen before. Harris being a radical leftist is a bonus.

The Democrats always work like this. They don’t want you to select your leadership. They don’t want to hear your voice on how this country is run. As Harris put it herself, the American people can’t be trusted with their own decisions. That’s what the left has in store for our country.


Originally posted 2020-10-16 09:55:04.

Critical Race Theory II

Before I speak of the YouTube video on this post, I’d like to talk briefly about my post a few days ago entitled “A Man vs A Movement.” That particular post went absolutely viral, all over the world. It had 2,240 views in one day, yes, in one twenty-four hour period and is still getting views daily. It set a record for the most views on one day. So, if you haven’t looked at yet, you owe it to yourself to do so. For those of you who did read it, 1,034  of you passed it on to others to read. THANK YOU!

Now to this particular post. Much has been flying around cyberspace about this thing called Critical Race Theory, but how many of you know what it really means and where did this term “Critical Theory” itself come from? Well, I have done some research and I believe this video by Liz Wheeler explains it better than anything I have seen yet. Personally, I watched it twice and picked up some of her comments I had missed the first time. It’s not that long, but definitely a worthwhile watch. Just left click on the link below then click on the link that shows up. Enjoy and let me hear your comments.



Originally posted 2020-10-15 12:41:05.